#and I'm confident I can relearn to be that carefree
romantichore · 7 months
a student of mine brought her best friend's sketchbook for me to see today. it was at the bestie's request, because she was my student almost five years ago. back in the day she was an 8-year-old drawing mostly poop and toilet paper rolls, but she enjoyed drawing and after the first time I showed interest on it she started showing me more of what she drew.
she's getting so good at it. she's been clearly studying anatomy though she still tends towards less realistic styles. she draws little comics about her and her best friend's ocs. she's been exploring other mediums too, like watercolors instead of just pencil.
now I'm sitting here and holding back my tears because I am so, so proud. I remember sitting with her after class a handful of times because she had a new drawing to show me. once or twice we stayed late because she missed her mom and she just needed to cry about it, and we chatted about what she'd been drawing while we waited for her grandma to pick her up.
I don't think she remembers any of it, and it's okay. I'm just so glad she didn't quit it. and I'm so thankful that she trusted me not to be a dickish adult about it. she's even been open, they both have, about the fact that they're on that teenage girl into gay ships phase. they had no way of knowing I'm queer, because talking about anything lgbt+ is a no-no, but they trusted me anyway.
I hope it all means I've been doing something right. and I hope I get to see other sketchbooks as she progresses.
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