#and I'm happy for them. hapoy they haven't suffered what I have at the hands of doctors
dirtytransmasc · 1 year
having non chronically ill family is so fucking hard. they've never been ignored for years until there health issues have manifested from something manageable to something that will never go away, never stop hurting, never get better. they've never been ignored cause their BMI is above average so losing 10 pounds in the few months isn't a concern, never been told they should actually lose more weight while talking to a doctor about not being able to eat for days on end. they just don't understand and think that just because they're "going slow" at the start, means they'll actually do something in the long-term, when in reality, they either don't care or don't believe you and want to slap an anxiety diagnosis on you and move you on your way. they just don't understand.
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