#and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's WoL's
chibisatou · 2 years
Adventurer Portraits Two: Alts Edition
I have a Highlander, Lalafell, Viera, and a familar looking Miqo’te, with their adventurer plates and quick portraits under the cut! 
I have not updated any of the adventurer plates, leaving my pre-patch portraits as they are great and I don’t have to try to recreate them this way.
Satou Weard: my tall, hot, replay the MSQ alt on the same server as my main.
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I have two gearsets for each of her DoW or DoM jobs.
Please ignore the Dragon being labeled as Lancer. Made sure that job crystal was properly equipped.
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Without the battle stance or victory poses of my main my options were a bit more limited, and I found myself struggling finding images I liked with the Highlander emotes. I ended up deciding that DotL and DotH would be more of a series of standing with icons than it had been for my main, with some extra enthusiasm for culinarian, (bread!) and a little extra flair for weaver, for the beautiful suffering.
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Sweete Popoto: my first ever alt, to play with a friend on the Crystal DC. She’s a cute ray of sunshine.
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It was at this point that I figured out how to import the portrait from one gearset to another, and Sweete Popoto has the same portrait for all of her DotH
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Helenus Vienna: made together with a friend, as black and white viera twins. My friend is the black rabbit and I am the white one. Sort of the tall, hot opposites to our usual lala antics.
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I’m taking advantage of the copying portraits function liberally at this point, with Warrior and White Mage being unique, all DotH being the same, and the DotL having the same image but different backgrounds corresponding to the cities that the jobs start from.
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Last but not least G’rahaute Tia!
That being said, I do not have much for his glamours yet, and he is the least played thus far, so I decided to focus on trying to capture the uncapturable movement of the ear wiggles, and used the same portrait for all jobs, and the same border, changing the background for each job.
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Bewitching Fate/New Self-Insert?
So as y'all know I've been hyperfixated mainly on FF14 and FFSOP as of late. Y'all also know that my royal s/i is my ff14 s/i because I want all my loves together~! (Canon be damned, my worlds now!)
BEWARE: Spoilers for FFSOP and FF14 (mainly Shadowbringers)
So some of you also know that at the end of SOP Jack and his friends become the bringers of darkness Chaos and the Fiends of Chaos in order to create new Warriors of Light for the land they inhabit. Well, in FF14, Guess what your character becomes?
Ding Ding Ding If you guessed a Warrior of Light, you get a cookie and kisses from your f/o (the kisses were gonna happen regardless, but yeah)
Well, the organization that Thancred and all my friends/family are in -- the scions -- work with the Warrior of Light to bring light to Eorzea! And any beings of darkness are considered an enemy...
Well, Jack still has his 'day job' as my s/i's royal guard! So when she ventures off and ends up staying in Eorzea longer than planned, you know he and our friends aren't too far behind. The only problem on top of the internal cruel twist of fate of me being a WoL is that people in Eorzea can see others' aetherial balance...
So let's just say the first meeting between factions was very... tense to put it lightly. If it wasn't for me so excited to see Jack, Jed, Ash, Neon, and Sophia, then vouching for them to the point I said "I'm a princess and the only one who can slay primals! If you wanna fight these guys, I hope you found someone else who won't become a mindless slave to the primals 'cause I'll quit. Not my land so it really shouldn't be my problem BUT IT IS!"
Needless to say, everyone lowered their weapons but kept their eyes peeled for any sort of slip-up from the other side. Especially Thancred when it came to Jack... If anyone asked, he said it was simply because he couldn't risk such darkness corrupting their strongest ally further... But who knows why he'd spy in on softer moments..?
Now fast forward to ShadowBringers where I and the scions find ourselves in a situation to save a world overrun with Light. This place is so off-balance that the light has turned many of its inhabitants into angelic-looking monsters known as sin eaters who only live to consume aether!
So now it's my job to slay the mightiest sin eaters known as Light Wardens in order to bring darkness back to the realm and restore balance.
The only problem is I'm the only one who can take in their light without transforming immediately myself. But even then we don't know how much light I can take...
Fast forward EVEN MORE to the death of the final Light Warden and me taking in their light. That was the straw that broke my frail form's back and instilled the beginning of a transformation.
My daughter Ryne (A girl originally known as another Minfilia since she was bestowed powers to prevent a total flood of light) was powerful enough to halt the corruption but not cleanse it and no way is currently known!
SO with that said what if Jack and our friends were also with the scions. Therefore when they see the transformation and how some of my allies will be so quick to turn against me should I show any signs, they decide to join me in the enduring battles since who better to bring back the darkness then those who embody it?
Also cue a moment where I make Jack promise to kill me if and when I lose myself, much to our mutual dismay
But with that said: a whole sin-eater AU has been in my mind so I even have a design at behest of my bestie @floweringforgetfulness for biblically accurate Becca (I still lose myself to giggles with that) I have a design (THANK YOU BESTIE!!!!!!)
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The only thing is that as a Light Warden/Sin Eater they usually go by names like "Innocence" "Tesleen the Forgiven" "Eros" "Philia" so I kinda wanna keep that name so I was thinking something along the line of Paitence since the others are like greek forms of love/virtues
So any ideas would be appreciated!!
taglist: @jellyfish-ships @canongf !@hadesgoddess @nyandereneko @disneymarina @goldenworldsabound @singingdeepinme @violetsandmilk
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4seasonswithiu · 2 years
[TRANS] 190708 tvN Hotel Del Luna Press Conference - Interview
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Actress Lee Jieun: Hi, i’m IU Lee Jieun who portrays the role Jang Man Wol in HDL. The actual drama is more interesting than the highlight video itself, so please look forward to this sweet drama this summer!
Q. What made you chose this drama and fell deeply for your character?
IU: Truthfully, I wanted to greet the audience with a brighter character image after my role in My Mister but didn't expect it to be this fast. One of my acquaintances asked me whether I've read the synopsis for Hotel Del Luna so I looked it up and fell for the strong and tough heroine. So i'm thankful for this role. I had lots of concerns at first but after meeting with the director and scriptwriters, they gave me lots of reassurance which convinced me to take on this role. I especially remember the scriptwriters told me "Jieun-ssi, if you meet such strong female character, please grab on it!" Their reassurance and certainty made me chose this character.
Director Oh Chong Hwan: Truthfully, the scriptwriters, production team and I thought only actress Lee Jieun would fit Man Wol's role and we said it among ourselves that we wouldn't start this drama until she joins us. To me, Though Man Wol goes all out being fancy and extravagant, she gives off this lonely and pitiful aura. Strangely, I get the same feeling from actress Lee Jieun which convinced me to cast her in this drama. After watching her performance on set, I thought I made the right decision and was proud of myself.
Actress Lee Jieun on Yeo Jin Goo: I was so happy to know that Jin Goo confirmed his role for this drama because I think he's so reliable and fits Chan Sung's role so well. He does a great job and I thought I have to work harder so I wouldn't be a burden to him. Our filming went very smooth thanks to him. Even the director also keeps telling us on set that JinGoo is a blessing to all of us. He always lifts up the set atmosphere and make us feel more energised. I think we have great chemistry too!
Actor Yeo Jin Goo on Lee Jieun: I thought I came well prepared but seeing Jieun-ssi, she was totally immersed in her character Man Wol. I think we didn't have to worry about our chemistry even from the start.
Actress Bae Hae Son on Lee Jieun: I have always been a fan of singer IU, but when I get to know her closely on the set, I felt that she's a truly meticulous and brave person who can fit the role Man Wol better than anyone else. The more I get to know her, the more I think the director did a great job casting her. Though it's no doubt that she would feel stress being the heroine, but she never fails to treat everyone politely and brightly. She always keeps all of us together and maintain our balance through communication. I think she is the best heroine ever.
P.O on actress Lee Jieun: When I first met her, I was like "wow it's IU, she's so pretty"
Kang Mina on actress Lee Jieun: I've always watched her on TV but meeting her in real life was like meeting a celebrity. We didn't have much scenes together so I hope we'll get closer later on.
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Actress Lee Jieun on her role: "When I first met up with Director Oh and the scriptwriters, we all had different interpretation for my role Man Wol. This shows the diversity that this character contains which is very much attractive to me. Whether is it compliments or criticisms, I've received all of it when promoting as a singer. So I tried to consider from various dimensions when improving my role. That was how I got closer to my role because rather than throwing away all my past characters (in dramas), I tried to bring them along and combine their qualities into my current character. I also discussed a lot with the scriptwriters and Director Oh. 
We also discussed a lot about my image in the drama, especially my fancy outfits. Normally you see the heroine changes her outfit every episode, but for me, I have to change it for every SCENE! They also wanted me to put on different hairstyles and outfits that nobody has seen before. As you know, i'm not a very fashion person, so I worked hard on my own to make sure everyone can enjoy Man wol's style and appearance in the show. 
Though i'm so thankful to have met this role because it's such a blessing, but no doubt I feel pressure to live up the expectations of viewers. I'm sure there are still people who love and remember my previous role in My Mister and would probably pick her as my best portrayed role, so I will work hard to make sure everyone can enjoy Man Wol too, and maybe take over Ji-an's place in their hearts. Please make sure to tune into the actual broadcast. We will guarantee you a refreshing and sweet summer!"
Actress Lee Jieun on working with singers-turned-actors: Strangely, we didn't run into each other much when promoting as singers so it felt fascinating meeting them on the set. We had script reading and filmed a few scenes together, and it made me want to cheer on them too as a colleague.
Director Oh Choong Hwan wraps up the interview session: “Please watch our drama, Lee Jieun will make her breathtaking appearance. I knew that she was beautiful, but she's prettier in real life. So please watch it! It's an interesting, exciting, enjoyable yet sentimental drama.”
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
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cinnabun-faerie · 3 years
FFXIV Reactions: WOL telling them they’re from another world
A/N: Woo! First reaction post of the year!! Let's go! I'm so indecisive I wanted to post headcannons for my own wol but I don't know. I have so much I wanna do...ANYWAYS! Enjoy!
Warnings: Spoilers (if you haven't made it past Shadowbringers!) Tread carefully my friends
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You were so peculiar from the beginning, so it wasn't really a surprise when you admitted you were from another world. You were so different than everyone else. But he just couldn't put his finger on it. You were so much more than what he thought he assumed. He thought that it was strange how when he first appeared to you and the Scions, you seemed happy to see him? Why would your eyes light up like that? Why were you smiling and so eager to accept his proposal to work together when your friends were so against it?
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Honestly one of the only ones to believe you completely. You were a little too strange to be from Eorzea. And you seemed to be so in awe of your surroundings, things that were so normal. He remembers when he had met you, you were whispering (rather loudly, may I add) to your friend:
"I don't want to ever go back to (earth country). There exists no Elezen men like Estinien. We were robbed!"
Honestly he could not help but let a chuckle slip past your lips. Luckily he wore his helmet during that time. It would have been quite mortifying for anyone to see his cheeks red from your comment.
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G'raha Tia
Another one who believed you completely. And he wants to hear about all of your adventures in your world! It would be so interesting to him as your experiences were so different. But he would be shocked about so much. And there was no magic? No aether? How did this "earth" function?
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He knew something was different about you when he met you. And the way you seemed to look at him with such adoration and pain. So when you told him you were from another world, he had no doubt you were telling the truth. When you had come to see him at Camp Dragonhead, he would happily ask you to tell him about your world.
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"Are you feeling alright, Y/N?"
Thancred would probably think that you haven't had enough rest. You've been on the go non-stop that maybe you just had a nice dream of being elsewhere. And when you tell him about your "world", he would be even more in disbelief.
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Confused, intrigued, curious. He would ask you lots of questions and do a lot of research. But when he'd find nothing, he'd genuinely be frustrated.
"You're quite sure of this reality?"
"Yes. I tell no word of a lie. There are things I know about the future of this world that others would know not. And the Echo would not dare give me the sight of such things either. And no, it's not anything like a clairvoyant."
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To say he looked forward to only duelling you was an understatement. No, he was awaiting what humorous things would fall from your lips. And when you'd start spouting about this other world, he was most intrigued to hear more. Perhaps he could steal you away for a much more detailed chat...
"I can tell you Zenos, that you won't win. I've played this part before."
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yezielmoore · 2 years
1. Cross
So it's that time of the year again, where we grab a WoL and dust off our writing skills. This year is about Athene Noctua (probably, mostly, we shall see). She's my shard of Athena. Yes, that Athena. But looked at from a different angle (less sociopath, more corruption arc >:3c). But anyway, Athene is herself, even if she's having something of a crisis.
Normally, working alongside Athene was a comfortable and enjoyable affair to Y’shtola, something she enjoyed and looked forward to when the opportunity arose. Circumstances being what they were, it was natural that their flow suffered. Urgency and life and death circumstances rarely made for a truly enjoyable experience, even if they were excellent motivators. This was not that.
“Is something amiss? You’re rarely this quiet.” Y’shtola finally broke the silence and turned her gaze pointedly towards the crystal interface Athene had utterly failed to interact with for lack of even trying. 
If she hadn't already known that something was bothering her friend, then the way her aether coiled up would have given it away immediately.
“Yes… No. Just… a lot on my mind, that is all.” 
Y'shtola pursed her lips at the non-answer, but waited. It'd shock everyone that knew her to see her waiting (im)patiently when the solution was right in front of her. However, pressing Athene for answers when she didn't want to give them had never yielded anything but headaches. Use of forbidden magic notwithstanding, Y'shtola liked to think of herself as too sensible to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. So she waited.
“Have you ever felt that knowledge is a burden?"
“...Not as such,” she answered truthfully despite her surprise. Of all the people she would have expected to ask such a question, Athene didn’t even make the list. “I have felt the weight of it. Knowledge of the kind we came across here, in the First, it has a presence I can hardly put to words…” She paused, tail lashing out as she reorganized her thoughts. “It is a burden, because with it comes a legacy we would be fools to ignore; but, on the same note, it's not a burden, for I am glad to carry it.”
Athene was silent for a long while. Long enough for surprise to morph into alarm again.
"What's the matter?" She asked as she approached slowly. She couldn't read Athene's expression, but her aether had only gotten tenser, if such a feat was possible.
Athene looked at Y'shtola from the corner of her eye, saw the pinched expression the other woman didn't try to hide. She could feel the words bubbling up in her throat, wanting to be let out, to be shared. 
She turned her eyes back to the interface. Its surface was crystal clear and dull, waiting for the push that would activate it and brighten the room. By all rights, she should see nothing but her own reflection on it. And yet… A woman with short brown hair and a white mask reminiscent of those specters under the waves looked back at her, a smug smirk tugging at her lips, like she knew something you didn't and found it hilarious.
"It's nothing," Athene said at last. She sent a fragment of aether to the interface and watched as it brightened, dissipating the vision.
If only she could dispel the knowledge from her mind as easily. However, Y'shtola was right about something. This knowledge was her burden to bear.
"I'll be fine, Y'shtola." She mustered up a smile for the worried black mage when she remained standing by her side. "Too much in my mind, nothing else."
"If you say so," Y'shtola hesitated, as she always did when matters became personal. "You can confide in me, you know."
"I know," she said softly, her smile turning genuine at the soft side her friend liked to pretend she didn't have. "Thank you, Y'shtola, but I'm fine, don't worry." 
"Now that is a lie," Y'shtola retorted, but obligingly went back to her own interface, dropping the matter for now. 
The conversation wasn't over, Athene knew, not by a long shot. Simply postponed. Hopefully, by the time they had the chance to sit down and talk it would be forgotten. 
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miqo-tales · 2 years
Six Point One and done
Someday I'll put up my thoughts on 6.0, but till then, you'll have to settle for the new stuff.
As always, don't read unless you've finished 6.1.
"What are your plans?" Nod and then kill things, I suppose. Same as always.
OK, Tataru, first, why does this mannequin have hair? And second, why didn't you make any pants for this outfit?
Yea, it's a game and all, but sometimes it's a little ridiculous how WoL will need to find/do something, take two steps in one direction, and usually (and sometimes literally) trip over the exact thing they needed to find/do the thing.
Genuinely shocked that Estinien was aware that he might be getting tricked.
Poor little mammet has to clean up Y'shtola's mess.
Geez, that look on Y'shtola's face when the voidgate is revealed. I genuinely thought she was possessed or something and was gonna do something.
Do love that the general consensus after that dungeon is "uh, whoops?"
Vrtra loves his people and would do anything to protect them, but also loaded up the treasure island/vault with deadly guards to kill anyone who went there. Hm.
Oh, ok. I didn't think they'd keep going with FF4 stuff after 6.0. And even if I had, I don't think I would have expected Golbez to show up.
It's funny that every reaction to hearing that Y'shtola wants to take a nice trip to the Void is just "OK, sure" and not "Are you fucking mad?"
I did the final role quest just before the Sharlayan stuff, so was amusing to see Fourchenault being pretty grumpy when he was actually sociable in the role quest.
I don't mind the "this person is following you" bits, but I don't see why they bother doing them if there's nowhere to get extra dialogue during it.
"What? Terrible forbidden knowledge? SIGN ME UP!"
I look forward to seeing that Nixie summoning in JP.
OK, that's Zenos' avatar, isn't it? That certainly stamps a big "YES" on him being dead, huh?
Course, if his avatar is gonna show up in MSQ, begs the question, who is they?
Anyone else get Nyzul Isle flashbacks from this place?
I don't think I have to worry about farming the gear from here. Don't really care for it.
(If the gear didn't have the light blue accents, I'd like it more.)
G'raha just having the best day ever, isn't he? Not one but TWO fantastic adventures with their best buddy.
Deryk is totally one of the Twelve, right?
Or maybe the opo-opo is?
Raid really doesn't mess around. It feels like older content in the sense that there's a lot of things that can very easily wipe the entire raid.
That last song though, damn!
"Oh we pretended to be evil conquering gods so we could have a fight with you." OK, have you not been paying attention to the WoL at all? All you had to do was just ask.
I really only want one thing out of this raid, and that's for it to involve Azem somehow.
It's funny that shortly before this patch hit, there was a some... discussion... on Twitter about how Y'shtola was boring and one-note and just the mascot (mascat?) character and everyone else got good development and she didn't and blah blah blah
And then this patch drops and it's the Y'shtola Power Hour.
I'll be honest, I was kinda expecting for SQEX to sorta retire Y'shtola, Thancred, and Urianger after 6.0? Not permanently, obviously, cause none of us are gonna deny that Y'shtola is pretty much the external face of the game. But I didn't think they'd have any focus or major interaction with any of those three till deeper into 6.x or maybe even till 7.0.
Now? Well, I'm kinda wondering if I've got it backwards and we don't see Alphinaud and Alisaie for a good while. And maybe by the time they show up they've, y'know, gotten taller? Probably not, but hey, who knows.
In any case, I dunno where this is going. How far into FFIV are they going to dig? Is 7.0 going to focus on the Thirteenth or is this a side story that will setup something else?
And most importantly, how badly is someone (possibly us or Y'shtola) gonna fuck something up?
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