fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
Keith grinned, striding over with his thumbs stretching out the hem of his pants. He didn’t hesitate to sit himself in Ellis’ lap, hands rubbing at his bare chest as he leaned in closer, pressing his lips against Ellis’, and his chest pressed against the other’s.
He groaned, his hips grinding against Ellis’ crotch rather slowly, teasingly, his arms now wrapped around Ellis and fingers trailing his back.
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“Can ya stop puttin’ me on a pedestal? I’m just a regular guy like you are, I ain’t nothin’ special. And I do appreciate your praise and all that, but it’s gettin’ a little too much.”
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“Uh yeah, what’s up, man?”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“..you’d think Ellis would know our daughter is smart enough to know the wrestlin’ euphemism by now.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
Keith nearly jumped in place at the sudden contact against his rear, and promptly, he glared at Ellis teasingly before shoving him gently. “Gonna make ya wish ya didn’t do that.”
Once they’re in the bedroom, Keith closed the door, gesturing for Ellis to sit on the bed as he slowly, nearly agonizingly, removed his shirt. He was well aware of how much Ellis loved watching him take off his clothes ( past experiences with the two living in the same trailer for years ).
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Ellis smiles sheepishly, taking a step closer to his fiance and placing a hand on Keith’s waist. “Mm, yeah, that sounds real nice.”
His heart is beating, and god, he’s never felt like this in years, it’s almost exhilarating! He leans himself in to press his lips against Keith, his heart growing warm and fuzzy upon the touch of Keith’s soft lips against his own. He places his other hand on the other’s cheek, thumb rubbing the other’s stubble. “I love you.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“I appreciate it, El. But can ya do me a favor?”
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“Well hey! Me and Daryl are kinda doin’ the same thing, but I haven’t actually started yet, he’s been…busy. Managed to get him a girl that actually likes him, they’re cute together. Ain’t never seen him so happy.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“Your old man says that a lot too,” Ellis did know him better than anyone else he knew, worrying was in Keith’s DNA. “But I trust ya, so don’t worry about me, worryin’ about you.”
The father is worried about her spending the night with her friend, but he refused to say anything about it. She was an adult, she could be responsible. “I’m alright with that, just stay safe and if anythin’ happens, please call me or your pa. I’m trustin’ ya to keep communication, okay?”
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“You worry too much, dad.” Saying that wouldn’t really solve anything, but it felt like a good choice of words to say to her dad.
“And he did say yes, but he wanted me to ask you too. Just in case you had anything against it. Also, I don’t know- I was just planning on spending the night with one of my friends. Just so you guys have the whole night to yourselves.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“..you’d think Ellis would know our daughter is smart enough to know the wrestlin’ euphemism by now.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
"Hey dad, can I hang out with my friend? Pa said to ask ya, so, here I am."
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Keith has a pretty vague idea why Ellis had made sure Amie would be out tonight, part of him is peeved because well, it should have been planned beforehand, but at least they’d have the house to themselves. Hopefully.
“Uh, yeah sure, but when do ya plan on comin’ home, Amie? Is El okay with ya bein’ out tonight?”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
Keith didn’t hesitate to bring his body closer to Ellis’, arms wrapped themselves around the taller male’s neck and he returned the kiss. “I love ya too,” He murmured before pressing into the embrace more roughly.
Keith’s hand ran through thick, white hair and he made sure to grind his hips into Ellis’ subtly, before stopping himself to allow the other to be more comfortable with their pace. He broke off the kiss, eyeing his partner up and down.
“Think we oughta take this to the bedroom? Amie’ll complain if we mess up the couch.”
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Ellis smiles sheepishly, taking a step closer to his fiance and placing a hand on Keith’s waist. “Mm, yeah, that sounds real nice.”
His heart is beating, and god, he’s never felt like this in years, it’s almost exhilarating! He leans himself in to press his lips against Keith, his heart growing warm and fuzzy upon the touch of Keith’s soft lips against his own. He places his other hand on the other’s cheek, thumb rubbing the other’s stubble. “I love you.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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Keith laughed. “Are ya sure this is the same Daryl as your brother? He was never good with girls! But that’s really good, I’ll have to see him again and meet her.”
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“Well hey! Me and Daryl are kinda doin’ the same thing, but I haven’t actually started yet, he’s been…busy. Managed to get him a girl that actually likes him, they’re cute together. Ain’t never seen him so happy.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“Of course, that’d be nice,” Keith was polite and patient, especially with someone like Ellis who had had a lot of trouble acknowledging his feelings towards men in the past as kids. “I can lead if ya want, I know y’ain’t used to sleepin’ with fellas like I am, I can show ya how.”
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“Keith uh, I know ya just got back and all, so I get it if ya want a few days to yerself but…I’ve been thinkin’. Like, we’re already engaged and all that, but remember when we were younger? We…ya know, and it ain’t like we haven’t had premarital sex before either! But uh, was just wonderin’ if you were in a mood, or..?”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“Well, I don’t actually do the drivin’ myself, ain’t that comfortable yet. Dave takes me out in his car, goes slow when he can. It’s his way of helpin’ me out, I appreciate it, ya know?”
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“Nah I ain’t mad, m’just glad yer safe, Keith. Just worried about ya.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“I’m fine Ellis, honestly. Drivin’ still’s a little weird to me, but I’ll live. If anythin’ was wrong, I don’t doubt you’d be there to help me.”
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“Nah I ain’t mad, m’just glad yer safe, Keith. Just worried about ya.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“El, ya don’t have to walk on eggshells around me, it’s fine. It’s just me, your ol’ buddy Keith.” Of course Ellis was the one to be so careful about asking Keith about a lot of things. He’d figured he’d be honest about asking for sex, although a little prude and embarrassed since that’s how Ellis always was.
Still, ever since Keith had come back from the dead, Ellis had been careful around him, and while Keith did appreciate it, it did get tiring. “If ya wanna have sex with me, you could’ve just said so. We’re gonna be married soon, hope this ain’t the attitude ya get when we’re 5 years down the line.”
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“Keith uh, I know ya just got back and all, so I get it if ya want a few days to yerself but…I’ve been thinkin’. Like, we’re already engaged and all that, but remember when we were younger? We…ya know, and it ain’t like we haven’t had premarital sex before either! But uh, was just wonderin’ if you were in a mood, or..?”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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“Hey, man! Sorry I’ve been gone so long, ain’t nothin’ personal but if you’re mad at me, I understand.”
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
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fortuiitcus-blog · 7 years
Keith went stiff but quickly eased into the kiss. It was immediately that he knew his lover's answer and he couldn't possibly be more happier about it. His smile only grew as he slipped the ring onto Ellis' finger, the other ring in the box going on his own finger. Pushing himself further into the kiss, deepening it, Keith broke it off to gaze into those beautiful blue eyes. "Ya made me the happiest man alive, El."
He can't possibly stop smiling! He laughed, going in for yet another kiss though much more amorous and rough, almost biting his lip before he moved to his neck, planting a kiss and then resting his chin against Ellis' shoulder.
"I love you, Ellis."
He took the box back into his hands with a bead of sweat. Often times, he was a bit annoyed by how easily Ellis was able to see through his subtlety. “I was honestly just expectin’ ya to open it, and that was it.”
Keith laughed, scratched his jaw before he carefully opened up the small box, inside a simple, silver band that Keith knew his lover would enjoy. Ellis wasn’t one for flashy jewelry, for himself anyways. “I thought I’d never been the one to ask this- or if I’d even be able to. How’d you feel about marryin’ me?”
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