#and I'm really not old man yells at cloud i just have to be 29 for a minute and I'll get over it
wesawbears · 6 months
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ifidiedinadream · 2 years
1, 2, 6, 29?
hello dear! thank you for the ask 🥰 i already answered 6 and 29 but i'm gonna choose another passage for 29!
How many words have you written this year?
120,248 🫣
2. How many works did you publish this year?
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
have this super cute and domestic (t)twins moment from love never wanted me 🥰
"Joonas? Joonas! " 
Joel doesn't know what he got himself into. He didn't think it'd be so hard - all he had to do was follow some simple instructions. Yet there's the smell of something burning permeating the entire kitchen and he's starting to panic. He really didn't want to ask for Joonas' help again but he's over anyway, sprawled on Joel's couch as he scrolls TikTok and finishes yet another bag of candies. 
"Porko!" Joel yells, since he can't hear him come and the oven is starting to fume. 
"What the hell, dude -" Joonas says and coughs when he enters the kitchen. "What are you doing?!" 
"The cake, I - this motherfucker wouldn't get fluffy so I kept it in the oven for longer than I should've but now I think I fucking burned it." 
"Wait, move." 
Joonas steps in between Joel and the oven and hastily opens it, freeing a black, huge cloud of smoke that makes Joel's eyes water. 
With an oven glove, Joonas pulls what was supposed to be a cake out of the oven and rests it on the table. Then he quickly opens the window and it's instantly relieving for Joel's lungs. 
"I told you to keep it at 180 degrees. 220 is too much," Joonas says upon inspecting the settings of the oven. 
Joel lowers his gaze, embarrassed, then looks at Joonas through his lashes. 
"I know," he says. "But it wasn't rising so -" 
"Did you put baking powder in it?" 
Joel halts, the gears struggling to rotate in his brain. He lets himself fall into a nearby chair with a loud thud. 
"No," he mutters, looking away. 
"It's okay," Joonas assures him. "Maybe we can save some of it." 
Joel doesn't even want to see what's left of his poor cake, ashamed that he can't do anything right. 
He's supposed to have their friends over today, and he felt like doing something cute for them because he's been a bitch at the studio these days and he feels incredibly sorry for taking his frustration out on them (it's not their fault that he's dissatisfied with his performance at the moment and that his personal life is empty and dry. Not that they would know about it). At first, he wanted to make dinner for them, so he called Joonas but he straight up told him to opt for something easier. We can order take out , he said. Why don't you think of the dessert? And he had facts to back this suggestion up, even. Desserts are easier to make than regular food. All you have to do is follow some instructions and you're done, there's little room for error, really. Whereas when it comes to cooking there are way too many variables you have to take into account and it's a mess. Just trust your bro Joonas on this. 
Well, it didn't go as planned, but at least he didn't waste any meat and fish and vegetables on this. They're expensive these days, with the inflation and everything. 
(When did Joel start to sound like a fucking old man ?!) 
"Actually, I don't know how you managed it, but it's only burned at the top. If we cut that part out, then it's perfectly edible." 
"But it's already super thin like this," Joel whines. "And it probably tastes like shit too." 
Joonas gives him a piece of (unburned) cake. Skeptical, Joel ingests it, and it's actually not half bad. 
"We can put Nutella on top to conceal it's been cut. Everybody loves Nutella," Joonas says and Joel smiles, thinking back to that time they brought one of those 500g Nutella jars to the studio and it disappeared under mysterious circumstances while Joel was focused on a track. There were suspicious brown spots adorning Olli's and Aleksi's mouth areas later but they only laughed when Niko confronted them about it.  
(Joel couldn't complain. Joonas had fed him a couple of spoonfuls while he was sorting out chords earlier, so his sugar craving was satisfied.) 
Joel nods, getting up to find Nutella in the cupboard. Joonas already took the burned part out, and Joel would say he did a master job at it (but when isn't Joonas doing master jobs anyway?). With a knife, he spreads the Nutella all over the cake, and it does indeed look pretty inviting after all. 
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