#and Im def not trying to brag about the furry vtuber thing either I fully talk about it like I'm a court jester
lastoneout · 1 year
as much as part of me doesn't want to associate my tumblr TOO heavily with my twitch streaming, part of me is entertaining the idea of having a cohesive theme across my platforms and if I was gonna change the current icon/appearance/theme it would just be for all that...
and also in the honor of that anon who said, after sending me a big hunk of anon hate, added "oh wait you're a furry ofc you don't read the news" like maybe I can prevent stupid discourse but simply being way more upfront about the furry vtuber thing lmao
idk @ long time followers and mutuals would you be too heartbroken if I did a mild re-brand? or anyone who has feedback really, I have kinda built my twitch following more or less separate from my tumblr one which is nice, but it does mean I think people here follow me expecting different content than the twitch people(more or less, there is overlap ofc and I am eternally grateful for my tumblr peeps who check out my streams and vice-versa <3) so that's worth considering as well...still the content of my blog wouldn't change AT ALL and I'd still be lastoneout ofc you can pry that username from my cold dead hands, but just my icon and blog theme and stuff?
Yeah, def would appreciate feedback lol
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