#and Maps of Shivani Computers
shivanisolutioncom · 2 years
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ijtsrd · 5 years
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An Analysis and Study of Iteration Procedures
by Dr. R. B. Singh | Shivani Tomar "An Analysis and Study of Iteration Procedures" 
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019, 
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23715.pdf
Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/mathemetics/computational-science/23715/an-analysis-and-study-of-iteration-procedures/dr-r-b-singh
call for paper science, international journal of science, science journal
In computational mathematics, an iterative method is a scientific technique that utilizes an underlying speculation to produce a grouping of improving rough answers for a class of issues, where the n th estimate is gotten from the past ones. A particular execution of an iterative method, including the end criteria, is a calculation of the iterative method. An iterative method is called joined if the relating grouping meets for given starting approximations. A scientifically thorough combination investigation of an iterative method is typically performed notwithstanding, heuristic based iterative methods are additionally normal. This Research provides a survey of iteration procedures that have been used to obtain fixed points for maps satisfying a variety of contractive conditions. 
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
11 Things Only People Born Before 2000 Will Truly Understand
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11 Things Only People Born Before 2000 Will Truly Understand
11 Things Only People Born Before 2000 Will Truly Understand Shivani K Hyderabd040-395603080 December 30, 2019
For centuries now, man has constantly been evolving. Every single thing that we do today, be it our thought process or the gadgets we use — they are all the outcome of an evolution of something that existed before us. When we compare the present world of 2000s with the 90s world, they are poles apart, isn’t it? Ask any millennial and they’d admit that growing up in the 90s was a blessing in disguise. It was the time when we living the old school ways and slowly learning and accommodating what technology is and what it can do.
Don’t you remember sharing CDs and VCDs with your friends and family whenever you wanted some entertainment in digital terms? The 90s cartoons still stand out as the best cartoons till date. We used to “burn” new CDs with our favorite music. And that first time learning to use MS Paint, we struggled to draw a simple sun or a tree, isn’t it? People born before 2000s lived in a nostalgic world where they were constantly discovering new things that have now become a norm of our everyday reality now.
We decided to take you down the memory lane of every kid who was born before the 2000s. Let’s walk this lane together.
1. Walkman Was Every Music Lover’s Best Friend
Back then we didn’t have mp3 music players that could fit in our jeans pockets. The only portable personalized music players that were first introduced were the Walkmans. It’s basically a brand of personalized stereo devices manufactured by Sony company. Their Walkmans made our life much better and musical.
2. When Navigation Required Some Serious Geographic Skills
Nobody has a personal virtual assistant that gave voice directions like today. Back in those days, when people had to travel, they always kept the local maps in handy. They’d navigate around searching for the particular street on the map and get to their destination.
3. Time Pass Was Made With The Famous Cootie Catchers
While kids these days watch videos and play video games like building a house or a garden to sharpen their intellectual abilities. In the 1900s, kids learned papercrafts and made these cootie catchers out of paper and played “Color Color which color do you choose?” Raise your hands if you loved this game!
4. Computer Games Were Complex, Really Complex
nfournerat74 / Instagram
When desktops were introduced and found its place in homes in the late 1900s, computer games like minesweeper were a huge hit. But admit it people from the 1900s, you had no idea what minesweeper was all about and you’d still play it and celebrate if the score was a little above 100, isn’t it?
5. This Rigmarole You Had To Deal With To Enjoy Playing Solitaire
Source: Twitter
There were very few computer shortcuts back then. If one had to pick a game and play, they had to do the whole rigmarole of hitting the start button -> programs -> accessories -> games -> Solitaire. And Solitaire was one game everybody loved playing as it was challenging and it wasn’t very tough as well. People could learn, improve, and win while playing this game.
6. When We Had To Search Phone Directory (Yellow Pages) For Lost Phone Numbers
If you wanted the number of a person whose number you’ve lost, the only way to get that phone number again was to pick up the yellow pages phone directory, and search for the name of that person in the book. The directory had phone numbers in the alphabetical order of the names, which made the cumbersome search somewhat easier.
7. Ice cream Was Bought Only From Ice Cream Vans
Very few cities had ice cream parlors back then. In the rest of the countrysides, the only way kids got to enjoy ice creams were when they heard the Ice cream van’s bell ring. Do you still remember which day of the week the ice cream van visited your place?
8. Watching Home Alone Movie Was A Must During Christmas
homealone.fans / Instagram
The first part of this movie that was released in 1991 was a huge hit with the audience. The movie celebrates the Christmas spirit of being with family and how horrible it would feel otherwise. The comic timing of the movie that merges along with thrill and that topping of innocence, well, every kid from the 90s loved watching this.
9. Blocking Someone From Calling Looked Like This
Today, in every phone, and in every single mobile application that we use, we have the option of hiding our personal data from people we don’t fancy. And we also have the option of blocking the calls of people who we don’t want to talk to. But in the 90s, not wanting to answer calls would simply translate to the image above. Lift the receiver and let it down. Whoever calls on your landline, to them, your phone line will sound as engaged!
10. Rewinding Songs Looked Like This
In the 1900s, there was no button to rewind a song while playing it on your music player. The only way to rewind a cassette would be to use a pencil, pen or any such tool, fix it in the hole of the cassette and rewind it manually. Just like picture above.
11. It Was The Golden Age Of CDs
The 90s was also the time when compact disks aka CD defined storage. Any song, picture, video, file, etc. you wanted to store in a portable manner, you had to burn the CD with that information. There was no pen drive, or additional hard disk for storing those.
Now, didn’t this take you down the memory lane? It’s always a good idea to reminisce what you’ve lived through no matter how advanced the world becomes with every passing day. Comment which one from the above list you miss the most.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/things-people-born-before-2000-understand/
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learnmor · 8 years
How To Start A Career In Programming
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Technology is a prime industry and programming languages have a major part in its development. This has created variety of jobs that require a certain skill set but, it is a myth that a computer science degree is a must to become a developer. Programming is not a wizardry, it can be learnt by any person who has the passion and is ready to put in efforts for this cumulative process that builds up with time.
If you wish to hire a tutor to learn programming, then go to our website or download our mobile app. Also, here’s a basic starting point on how to become a programmer.
How to start?
This question lingers through every beginner’s mind. Here are a few skills you need to have before learning a new programming language:
- Logical thinking and thorough knowledge of using a computer
- Basic math knowledge
- Basic programming language (preferably Python/Pascal then move on to Java/C/C++)
Which programming language should I learn?
Depending on your interest and which sort of programmer you want to become, you can choose which programming language you want to learn. Here are a few types of programmers:
- Web programmer
- Desktop application programmer
- Mobile application development programmer
- System programmer
- Programming scientist
Web programmer:
Web programmer or web development has a very broad scope. It may include web engineering, web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server, network security configuration and e-commerce development. The different types of web development specializations are Front-end developer, Back-end developer and Full-stack developer.
Front-end web development is the client side of a webpage. It is the layout of a webpage, everything you see on a webpage (toolbar, colors, buttons). These are developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The different type of programming languages you can learn to become a front-end programmer are:
HTML is Hypertext Markup Language / CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. HTML and CSS are basically used to create static web pages. HTML is used to create functionality for web page whereas CSS is used for styling it. They are the building blocks of a webpage. To create interactivity, JavaScripting language is used.
Time to learn: HTML (1.5 months), CSS (1 month).
JavaScript is a high level scripting language. It is one of the three core technologies of world wide web content production alongside HTML and CSS. It is traditionally used as a interpreted language by client side programmers. It can also be used in video game development, in crafting desktop and mobile applications and in server-side network programming.
Some feature of JavaScript are dynamic and prototype based, vendor based specifications, delegative and functional.
Time to learn: 2 months.
Back end technologies is where all the data is stored. It mainly consists of server, database and an application. Back-end is where the software is developed. It builds and maintains the technology that is developed.
The different technologies that can be used are SQL and PHP.
SQL (structured query language):
It is a domain specific language based on relational algebra and tuple relational calculus. It is used to manage/ manipulate and store huge amount of data, which can be retrieved using syntax. SQL codes are not completely portable among different database systems without adjustments.
Time to learn: 3 months.
PHP (hypertex preprocessor):
PHP is a server side scripting language used to collect data from the user and store it in the database. It can also be used to fetch data from the server or any custom based action relevant to the website or mobile app. 
Time taken to learn the basics: 2.5-3 months.
The term full-stack means developers who are comfortable working with both back-end and front-end technologies.
To be more specific, it means that the developer can work with databases, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and everything in between, also, venturing as far as converting Photoshop designs to front-end code.
A full-stack developer doesn’t need to master all of the areas and technologies he needs to work on, because that just makes it nearly impossible, he just needs to be comfortable working with those technologies, and that’s a lot too.
Desktop application programmer:
To begin with desktop application programming, you need to know the different paradigms of programming like Object oriented programming, Procedural programming and Functional programming. The different programming languages you can use for desktop application programming are:
Java is an object oriented programming language and specifically designed to have few implementation dependencies. The main feature of java is portability, write once read anywhere. Java syntax is highly influenced by C++ but mostly object oriented. Java is mainly used for Applet (embedding program) and servlets. The principle goals of java are simple, object-oriented and familiar, robust and secure, architecture-neutral and portable, interpreted, threaded, and dynamic.
Time to learn: 5-6 months.
C++ language:
The C++ language has two main components: a direct mapping of hardware features provided primarily by the C subset and zero-overhead abstractions based on those mappings. It was designed with a bias towards system programming and embedded, resource-constrained and large systems, with performance, efficiency and flexibility of use as its design highlights. It is mainly used for desktop application servers and performance critical application.
Time to learn: 10 months.
Python is a high level programming language. It is an interpreted language which enhances the readability of the code. It also has fewer lines of code than java and C++. Python interpreters are available for many operating systems, allowing Python code to run on a wide variety of system. The features of python include multi-paradigm, object-oriented and also it is structured.
Time to learn: 8 months.
Mobile Application Development Programmer:
Mobile Application Development is a term used to create an application for mobile phones. You can use relevant programming languages depending on the operating system used in the mobile device. Swift is a language used to create applications for iOS. Similarly Android SDK which uses Java is used to create applications for Android and Windows mobile application uses .NET.
Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm,compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and Linux.  It is built with the LLVM compiler framework included in Xcode 6 and later and on platforms other than Linux, uses the Objective-C run-time library, which allows C, Objective-C, C++ and Swift code to run within one program. Its features mainly contain Protocol Oriented Programming, file handling and chaining.
Time to learn: 5 months.
.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework which provides user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications. It targets mobile computing, embedded devices, alternative operating systems and web browser plug-ins.
Time to learn : 7-8 months.
System programmer:
Systems software is a computer software designed to provide services to other software which include operating systems, computational science software. It allows users to do things like create text documents, play games, listen to music, surf the web are called application software. There are different types of system programmers:
A kernel is the core part of the operating system that defines an API for applications programs (including some system software) and an interface to device drivers.
Device drivers including computer BIOS and device firmware provide basic functionality to operate and control the hardware connected to or built into the computer.
The major languages that can be learnt to become a system programmer is C, C++, Swift, RUST(influenced by C++, ruby),  Go (originated by Google and influenced by C, PASCAL)
Programming Scientist:
Programming scientists are very advanced programmers who, instead of working on developing applications, work on developing computing technologies such as encryption, programming languages and data mining algorithms. Now this is the level in programming which is seldom achieved without academic study and dedication.
Every single programming language you learn opens up a broad range of jobs and opportunities. Programming languages evolve and change over time so as a programmer, one has to keep learning and evolving with them. So, note that one thing which is constant while learning programming is learning constantly.
Author: Shivani Anney
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