#and Mikoto's just casually hugging Fushimi in front of Munakata just bc he likes watching Munakata get annoyed
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Saruhiko finds out he/she (female or omega your choice) is pregnant and tells his/her partner (sarumi or mikosaru or reisaru )what will be they reaction and homora and septer 4 reaction too plz I totally can see in mikosaru ship monakata will try to arrest mikoto for getting his kid pregnant
Mikosaru scenario is definitely the funniest so we’ll go with that one XD Maybe just an omega situation, to follow after that one alpha Mikoto/omega Fushimi ask from a while back. Imagine Fushimi discovering he’s pregnant and just storming over to the bar all you did this, Mikoto’s just like ‘…huh,’ totally chill while Fushimi’s glaring at him. Imagine they’re initially alone at the bar when Fushimi’s complaining about this, like this is why you’re supposed to leave me alone when I don’t have heat suppressants and basically just acting like Mikoto got him pregnant as a way to personally inconvenience him. Mikoto tells him he doesn’t have to give birth to the kid if he doesn’t want to and Fushimi huffs quietly and then mutters that he’ll have the kid, but this is still all Mikoto’s fault. Mikoto grins and comments about Fushimi ‘glowing like a new mother’ and Fushimi shoots him another glare. Just as they’re talking about this the door opens and in walks Kusanagi, Totsuka, Yata and the rest of Homra, just in time to hear that Mikoto’s gotten Fushimi pregnant.
Poor Yata doesn’t know how to feel about this, like if it was anyone else he’d be super proud that Mikoto-san’s going to have a kid but hearing he’s having a kid with Saruhiko is not something he ever expected to hear. Even better if Fushimi’s managed to keep his omega status under wraps until now and no one even knew he and Mikoto have been dating, like wait first you two have been having sex and now Fushimi’s pregnant what the hell. Kusanagi probably needs a drink, like maybe he did know Fushimi and Mikoto were together and he’s told Mikoto to be careful about things and of course Mikoto didn’t listen. Totsuka’s trying to calm everyone down and lighten the mood, patting Fushimi’s stomach (Fushimi twitches noticeably at that one) and suggesting they hold a baby shower. Fushimi’s like ‘you…’, gritting his teeth, and Totsuka just smiles. Anna probably ends up actually breaking the tension though, asking if Saruhiko’s going to have Mikoto’s baby and Fushimi looks away as he mumbles ‘Yeah. Guess so.’
S4 would be even more confused than Homra, they’re probably all thinking that the Red King took advantage of Fushimi-san like a wild beast and they all need to defend his honor. Fushimi knows he should technically explain that he wasn’t taken advantage of but honestly the truth is almost worse, like does he really have to admit that he’s in a relationship with Mikoto. He probably figures that he should avoid telling Munakata as long as possible, so of course Munakata overhears him talking to the squad and immediately cuts in all ‘Is that so?.’ Munakata is simultaneously very solicitous of Fushimi’s welfare — he needs to have a proper visit with a doctor and take all his vitamins and keep his baby as healthy as possible — while being very snide towards Mikoto regarding ‘being irresponsible towards Fushimi-kun.’ Mikoto can’t help rubbing this one in Munakata’s face though, like imagine him stopping into S4 and when Munakata sees him Mikoto just casually grabs Fushimi and pulls him close while grinning widely at Munakata. Fushimi sighs and Munakata makes a comment to Mikoto about how he hopes Mikoto intends to take responsibility for once, Mikoto says yeah looks like he’s gonna have to. Munakata’s pleasantly surprised by that and Mikoto says he’d better behave or Mikoto won’t let him see his grandchild (all while Fushimi’s like ‘he’s not my dad!’ and they both ignore him). 
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