#and NINE of them bring up that one photo of titanics bow where its like emerging from the darkness
you know, if you ever want to learn more about boats and ships from history or randomly develop a special interest for them, you probably need a warning that when youre looking up stuff about any ship, theres a 65-70% chance something about the fucking titanic will come up
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depressedmfxn · 6 years
Episode 1
“Hi! I’m [Name] it's so nice to meet everyone! 
“Really? You did it well lovely author, You make me the angel of this story..” Author jumps on his sit thinking what have gotten on [Name]’s sudden behavioural act, “Just get on with it!” He flashes his glasses as [Name] pop her bubblegum then get on with her class... 
“That’s better” Author exhales lovely as he watches [Name] from a part... 
 “2nd-year student [Name] [Last Name] form Class 2-A?” I raised my hand signalling that I’m here, “Great, Now! Boys on to your stations! Girls take precautions!” My teacher warns us then we all headed to where the place in the gym is safe, “Okay, Time to listen to some bois!” I get my phone then plugged my earphones then let the magic begins... 
While I was listening I watch my classmates play on the gym, Whatever. you didn’t get higher grades on this, you are just impressing these immature people over there, By the way... I’m almost very. Very. Far away from those ear breakers... I just wanted some chill, not with those fancy lovely doodling shits. 
“Score!” I heard some screams making the game calm down a little, I even saw Igarashi playing cool with Nanashima, Seriously? Those dudes?  They are gay for each other at shits. I wonder if someone ships gay acts like me, Thou I’m a very picker when it comes to shipping, About those two earlier? I don’t ship them, They aren’t a chemistry... 
I take my left earphone off them listen to them for a while, Cause just maybe. My teacher will notice me being so far away in her class... They are actually kinda you know, Extroverted species thing?  “Oh?” I stand up because of a sudden crowd going around the ends of the gym. “Serinuma!” I heard Nanashima called her, Oh yeah, Serinuma... I completely forgot about her... 
“Come on let’s take her Igarashi!” I looked at Igarashi who seems to disagree on carrying Serinuma due to her statement. “Just take her there!” I scream out loud making them looked suspicious at me. “Then help me instead you!” I jump out then get on with this, I can’t let any of the teacher witness this, I just don’t wanna get lectured! 
“On a count of three” Nanashima checked on me. 
“Hm!” I agreed
We both lifted Serinuma perfectly then head out to the gym, Why does Igarashi didn’t help us? While heading I can’t stop checking at Nanashima’s breaking noises, “Hey? Are you okay? I can take it from here?” I hope he feels shame on himself, “Are you kidding me!? Just because you act so cute you can carry her easily!” He protested, Oh good thing, He’s soft... 
We slowly placed her down in bed, “There you go!” I placed the blanket letting her feel comfortable. As I walk out I suddenly feel super gelly, “Oh shit!” I fall hard letting my body sleep on the floor, I was just outside the door, “I can’t believe she went out first before-” I just looked outside didn’t care that Nanashima and An Unknown student let their shoes meet my blouse. 
“[Name]!” Nanashima bend down sliding his hand to my back then carry me inside, “What happen to you!” Another student checked on me, While I never bother to talk, I can’t talk because My damn legs were so numb! Letting me cry mentally... “Okay, just let her rest next to Serinuma,” I can sense Nanashima worriedness on me, Oh... Fuck your eyes Nanashima... 
“Hey Miss, if you don’t start talking then I can’t help you with something!” I rolled my eyes on a wonderful introduction with this midget, I slid my hands to my legs, signalling that it was fucking numb! I looked at him when he starts to blush. WHAT THE FUCK! 
“I-it’s numb, Y-you d-deep-shit...” I calm myself down... 
“Ow! I’m very sorry! I will take the ointment on the cabinet!” He runs away letting me shared on Serinuma’s pillow, You sure thank me later you know... “This will be cold at first interaction with your legs but the numbness will be gone after it...” I nodded then he starts putting on his hand. I closed my eyes then wait for it... 
At first, it was so slimy, then after it started to cold making me moan, “Shit!” I want to cover my feet but levitating it making it hurts, Damn this is so traumatizing, Letting a man touch my legs then hearing my moans, “There...” He finished, I’m thinking that he has a bleeding nose. I just trying to find my sleep instead. Good thing its pe... cause Mygad! He’s just gonna fold my jogging pants... 
After 1 hour... 
I rolled over and feel like I’m hugging a hugged teddy bear, But then I feel something moving on the teddy bear making me sit up, “Oh! [Name] Your awake!” I looked seeing “Hi, Nanako...” I feel my hair has gone bad. I quickly ruffled it away, then stand up... 
“Oh! [Name]! Thank you!” I irritated then looked at Serinuma, “What’s wrong?” She asked, “Oh nothing, It just made my legs so numbed so bad...” A-chan laughed nervously then talk about numbers, “I’m outta here..” I find my shoes then head outside, I closed the door seeing that guy again. bringing another student...
“You okay?” He asked but not looking at me... 
“Yeah, Thanks...” I moved away then headed away from them.
Damn! this is an embarrassing day!~ T^T  
I angry about that guy doing that to me, He’s such a pervert, He should have just told me to apply it myself, “Shut up!” I open the door at my class as my head is boiling. “[Name]!” I looked madly as Igarashi comes closer to me, “Why are you mad...” I madly closed the door back letting me walk over him, “Hey! Are you feeling better now?” Nanashima walks closer to Igarashi... 
“First! My legs get numb all of sudden but now I feel better...” I zip their mouths then headed to my sit, “WHAT’S THE PERVERTS NAME ANYWAY! I WANNA KILL HIM NOW!”
I sleep on my table for a while, I sure hope that Serinuma is feeling better... 
“[Name]-chan!” I heard A-chan’s voice making me cleared out my vision, “Yeah?” I yawn then stretched out, “You’re a heavy sleeper [Name]-chan!” A-chan pinched my ears making me slap her away, “Come on, I just got a “Sudden Tiredness” “ I elaborated on her, “I am really sorry [Name]-chan!” Serinuma bowed to me, “Oh it was nothing!” I moved my hands away then we headed out to school... 
“Damn, those boys making my life a suffering hell!” I open my shoe locker to placed back the shoes from school to my own, “Serinuma-san!” I called her then locked the locker. “Yes?” She called, “Do you know an anime store to drop by?” Her mood glitters around making me turned back what I said... 
As we walk around, Serinuma gladly explains the direction to went a close anime store from here, “Thank you for that! Well, I have to go!” I waved at A-chan and Serinuma, Well... Later time to buy some another set of Manga... 
Following Days... 
“Go for it, Levi! Kick Eren more!!!” I droll over my cellphone screen as I was on Episode nine on Attack on Titan, “[Name]-chan!” A-chan waved at my face, I growled at her then closed the episode letting her talk, “Serinuma has been absent in a week!” She falls her face on my table, I turned on my data checking on her update on Twitter. 
“I know the reason why” I keep on scrolling as she updates an anime that involves a Shion character. “I guess that Shion died in one episode she’s watching making her depressed,” A-chan groaned on my table, “She will go to school soon...” I bring back the episode I was watching, I think I should really go back to my anime store for an update on SNK... 
“I ship Ereri so much!!~” I keep my face normal but scrolling to find another wallpaper on my phone and those photos I’m finding we’re Ereri making me pee on my sit, “I should go outside to have my lunch,” I stand up leaving sleeping A-chan in class, “Wah! I’ll be drawing my ereri on my notebook as my cover!” I danced around the hallway due to the wonderful photos that surrounding my brain. 
“I’ll have Eren sandwich with Levi dressing on it,” I laugh around the cafeteria to pick my repeated food, “Here you go,” The lady gave the plate and walk around to find a decent table. 
I keep giggling silently on my phone, “Hey” Fuck... I immediately bring myself back to where people looked normal on me, “Yes!? Oh...” This shit, I finally meet you again... 
“Can I sit here? They are already full,” I gestured that he should, I shoved the bread into my mouth aggressively like a lion eating a human sick so eagerly...
“If you were thinking differently about what happened in the past then I’m sorry,” I chugged my milk carton then drop draggers at him... 
“You” I clenched my fist in front of him. 
“It’s okay really, you didn’t wonder about it, I was about to thank you but due to my moody emotions, you thought I was angry but to be real? I was just happy...” I smiled at him, I let this slide but if this is done I will kill you...
“Really?! Well, I’m glad!” I didn’t look at him anymore as I keep thinking about what happened to my ships or scenarios if the anime store that I gonna visit ran of things that I needed the most...
“I’m Shinomiya Anyway...” My eyes scanned him, He’s not my classmates which brings me to kids, “First year?” I placed my head on my hand seeing that I’m bored with him... 
“I’m [Name]” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you S-senpai...” 
“Yeah, Shinomiya-kun...” I stand up then prepare my leave. “It was a pleasure but I have a class to attend to...” I bowed politely then headed out, “I don’t know what I said that word but I hope it doesn’t change anything... 
I silently walk into the class then I saw Serinuma, But I didn’t talk to her she seems to be busy... Not that the class has been so shocked that she lost weight, “Haayyy...” I placed my feet on to my desk then listen to my music, Since there is no teacher for a while. 
“[Name]-chan!!” Someone jumped into my body as I fall to the ground Dammit!  now my butt hurts thanks to these nostalgic breakers. “A-a-chan!?!? What’s wrong with you!” I pulled her away as tears keep falling in her eyes, “[Name]-chan...” I didn’t know what I supposed to do, “Y-yeah?” I tell her...
She just hugged me... 
“Kae-chan just change!” She screams grabbing my earphones away, “So?” I cleared her, “WAH! You the only person who’s cool at her!” Like? Seriously? She doesn’t change, she just lost weight. The change is when her attitude change, and that’s when I will get shocked... 
“Yahoo!!” End of class! That’s the best gift you can receive almost every day, “Bye Bye!” I waved at A-chan and Serinuma then date with myself like yeepyyy!~ 
“Miss [Last name]!” I stoned on my running motion, Why!?!? I didn’t do something today, but...but still! I deserve to go home! I have a war to battle for! Just please, I wanna go home... “Y-yes?” I shakily turned around seeing the handsome professor that I don’t familiar with... 
“I have to do something can you help me out?” Damn! He sparks! Makes me droll, I looked at the class and mostly everyone is suddenly gone out like a ghost town... “H-hai!” Damn you [Name]
“Thanks for helping me out,” Really? You’re the teacher you should do those things not me, All I do is to check every assignment, think if they answer right on the essay and memorizing those ABCD’s to check their exams, Even a slightly wrong grammar at quiz making me so gelly at everything!~ 
“It’s a pleasure sir,” I smiled at him. “Hmm, Do you need anything? That’s all I can help you with?” Yes! That’s it! All of the stress has done has come to an end with MONEY!!! 
“There is something but...” I think about it...
“Wait!” He screams holding both of my shoulders then lean me against the wall. 
“What is it? You don’t have to be shy” Eh?? I must be crazy, I think I don’t fuel myself with some anime. 
“I have this anime manga sale past by the mall! Could you at least help me to buy those series...” I’m doomed, My aura has been reached to level: Failure, But he gonna help me right? 
He then steps backwards, Act like he’s gonna decline I’m preposition on this, But it’s okay, There’s no way he’s gonna accept this kind offer. 
“Sure! Why not, Besides your the only person I know from cause has the same likes as me...” 
“Thank you sensei.” I bowed as he leads the way out on the building. 
“So? Where is this you called, Anime store?” I laugh silently then pointed the direction where about to head. 
“What are those you gonna buy anyway?” I danced around as we headed on our way, “Stop [Name]” I calm down a little bit, the good thing people didn’t witness anything that he’s my teacher. Due to his young age. 
“Let’s go,” I get his hand then we both enter the store. 
Attack on Titan Series
Phone Cases
Ereri Photos and Levi’s Only
“Okay, Wow...” He was astonished at what the cart has been filed up, “What did you buy?” I checked him as he brings up a full set of jumpsuit of Rillakuma for two, “Who’s for another one?” He checks the plastic then.
“This medium one is for you... I wonder a gift of appreciation to what you did earlier... You see, I’m not the kind of teacher that didn’t repay back what student did to me. Unfortunately, I’m a shy teacher, I didn’t ask help so easily unless It was really needed, then there’s you... So...” He places the jumpsuit then grab the cart to the cashier. “And also this too...” I didn’t pay attention cause I was so madly in love with the scenery in the store like, I wanna buy them all. 
“Come on now,” I grab the plastic bags that I can carry, “[Name] sure will love this when she ripped those off,” I laugh and about to his him but once the sliding door opens up reaveling the people I don’t wanted to see...
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