tongowheel · 2 years
tumblr is so exhausting but like. nog muse go brrrr. 
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Excerpts from Everything is Illuminated by Johnathan Safran Foer. I edited the wuotes for context and clarity. I included my thoughts in square brackets.
"What she doesn't get is that I already do things for her that I hate. I listen to her when she talks to me. I resist complaining about my pygmy allowance. And did I mention that I dont stress her nearly as much as I desire to? But I do not do these things because we are a family. I do them because they are common decenies. I do them because i am not a big fucking asshole."
['Being kind always requiring sacrafice but is instinctual and immediate' go brrrr]
"I do not know any women who are taller than me. The women I know who are taller than me are lesbians, for whom 1969 (invention of the 69 sex position) was a very momentous year."
[Lesbians taller than me plz interact]
"He did not have the unappetizing habit of yelling at Little Igor and me before Grandmother died. That is how we are certain that he does not intend it, and that is why we can forgive him."
[Understanding your loved ones' grief and the ways they change in gheri senility and depression]
"I discovered him crying once, in front of the television. (Johnathan, this part about Grandfather must remain amid you and me, yes?) The weather report was exhibiting, so I was certain it was not something melancholy on the television that made him cry. I never mentioned it, because it was a common decency to not mention it."
[Understanding grief once again... commom decenies again...]
"Are we sure he's dead? Someone asked. Quite, Sofiowka assured. Dead as he was before his parents met. Or deader, maybe, for then at least he was a bullet in his father's cock and an emptiness in his mother's belly."
[I really like this idea of thinking of life before birth]
"Or how he was found on the Well-Regarded Rabbi's front lawn, bound in white string, and said he tied one around his index finger to remember something terribly important and fearing he would forget the index finger, he tied a string around his pinky, then one from waist to neck, and fearing he would forget this one, he tied a string from ear to tooth to scrotum to heel and used his body to remember his body, but in the end could only remember the string."
[Losing yourself in panic and failsafes, only to undermine those very things in a self-fulfilled prophecy]
"This, of course, doesn't make any sense. But what does?"
[This quote is about religion. But really, everything is nonsensical. Atoms and particles and quarks and stuff, they're all so bizarre! The fact we live on a physical plane of existence is amazing. The fact we can see is amazing. Its all wonderful and beautiful and so nonsensical. Its so fun to ponder and muse on!]
"The Good Congregation called them names and promised them to and eternity of agony in the next life for their eagerness to be comfortable in this one."
['Religious hierarchy is bad' go brrrr]
"...but understand that I tried bestly, and did the best I could, which was the best that I could do."
[he did so good and did the best he can pls be nice to him...]
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