#and REFUSES to do any of Adrien Agreste for some strange unknowable reason
One of my favorite Adrien hcs is that he is chronically online
Not like during the day (because he’s so busy) but like he totally stays up till 2-3am just on his computer
He plays video games (tetris, stardew valley, papa’s donutarria, ect) and I believe with my whole heart he would have a tumblr. Just like. Imagine. He has a normal blog with like 12 followers who are all very concerned about the abundant lack of parenting he references on occasion, the three or four fandom blogs because he so would, and also of course my favorite his Ladybug fan blog where he goes off on how much he loves her all the time and actively defends her to the death
Also he prolly has like a gimmick blog or two
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