#and Sobti as a cop is ☺️
jalebi-likes · 2 years
(and some important clarification)
Alright I just read some super interesting convos about IPK and it’s sequel IPK3 between @herelivesahobbit and @honeybellexox so I thought why don’t I jump in the convo!
And omg I legit had a theory about IPK3 that it was originally called Satya Ki Kiran and then became Mohra and then Star TV overtook it and Barun couldn’t opt out of IPK3 because he signed to work on the show so he was trapped.
And I wanted to share that (and have shared that with so many people) and now I realize I was probably high on something cause THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF THAT.
Was that me, sympathy projecting as to why Sobti would do a character who gives rape threats to the female lead unless he was trapped???
Ugh, apologies to everyone I told this theory to!
Mohra was an action thriller show about a cop named Satya who probably falls for the conwoman widow Kiran (hence the show was called Satya Ki Kiran) and extensive footage was shot before Zee Tv extended the show from biweekly to daily and the production house (BBC) didn’t plan for it and it got scrapped.
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Then comes a show in Star by 4Lions where they cast Sobti and Tomar (who worked previously in the scrapped Mohra) and decide to come up with a revenge drama initially called “Vaidehi”.
Amazing idea. Cause revenge dramas are cool to see and Barun has a good grasp on layered characters and Tomar has good vocal tonality and there was already a LOT of buzz on Mohra with these two people casted as leads.
Except, Star decides to pull out another IPK and capitalize on Sobti’s fandom. And somehow neither the PH nor the Channel anticipated the backlash to the show (lol I wonder why). Irani AND Sobti are synonymous to IPK so cutting one half out to this his popularity is enough turned a good audience off.
And to kind rub salt they used Rabba Ve, IPK, ASR and several bgms to sync in. Even the first bearded look to keep the two ASRs separate was forgotten when they gave him a makeover (twice!) and brought Sobti to look closer to ARNAV by the end of it all cause clearly appearance was the only problem in the show.
And those not turned off by the IPK similarity, were definitely caught off guard by the bizzare costumes (except Sobti he kinda looked hot but Tomar was drowning in extensions makeup jewelry and layers of ruffles?) editing, lighting, camera angles…
And the plot.
They kinda sacrificed the original angsty plot (the full flashback that they had pre-shot) to force a romance and it doesn’t work because:
- Advay sexually harasses Chandni multiple times
And the reason IPK3 truly drowned was that they changed the theme multiple times to raise TRP.
From finding out the truth it’s just an Advay harasses Chandni theme, sudden family members cropping up which kinda chops the fact that it was intense isolation and cultivated anger that made Advay the villain he is.
And he was supposed to be a villain. This show ever truly works out for the initial few episodes and this phase in between when he tries to seduce he into a marriage and she’s all “you’re fun but deceptive so thanks for the desire but I’ll give you a hard pass”
All the information here are from verifiable news sources and my hate love relationships with IPK3 which could’ve been amazing if it was called Vaidehi and stuck to Sobti being a villain - cause he was damn good at that.
Below is a list of what Advay does:
- forcefully initiates physical contact
- forcefully married her and humiliated her in public
- threatens marital rape if she moved from her place
- exposes her to controlled threatening situations (where she believes she’s in danger but only he’s aware that she isn’t because there’s no actual danger)
- isolates her from her family
See, he would’ve been an excellent villain!
Lol, the end.
- Jalebi
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