#and a cart for the rest of my art stuff/big stationary stuff
glazedvsion · 11 months
tomorrow i start redoing my room entirely bc the way it is i will never be able to keep it clean i cant believe its taken 20 years of being alive to realize i can change my immediate environment if it doesnt serve my needs
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radramblog · 3 years
Things on my desk
I have a pretty good memory, which leads to a lot of sentimental value being attached to rand objects. On the upside, this means A Lot of things I have have stories behind them.
My desk is kinda a mess. It’s reflective of my general state of mind. But that means there’s a lot of bullshit to describe, maybe reminisce over a bit. Forgive me if I self-indulge for a bit, I guess.
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(i don’t know why the photo is so yellowed, the lighting in here isn’t like that)
First we’ve got the coaster in the back there, from the Elephant Rock Cider Company near Denmark (the town on the south coast of WA, not the country). Got this the first time I went down there, with my dad in late 2016- he wanted to go on a road trip with me, with the excuse being itd be a great way to get driving hours for the L plates I was on at the time. The second time I went, actually being old enough to try the cider, it proved…mediocre.
Assorted MTG nonsense is scattered around this side of the desk. There’s a pile of tokens, pulled out from my bulk bullshit box (it’s embarrassingly large) when I trawled through it last so I could put them in my tokens box (sure haven’t done that yet). The deckbox actually contains my one sleeved Pokemon TCG deck, organised when I thought part of my friend group might have been getting into the game. The other pile of sleeved cards is mostly from my cube- a stack I pulled out to put into the Haakon deck I built- I ended up proxying the cards rather than constantly shifting them between places. There’s an inner sleeve resting on the monitor base- I tried double-sleeving something for that deck before realising I hated doing that- and a couple toploaders under the deckbox from last time I got cards in the mail.
Next to the tokens we have- surprise, more bullshit. There’s a stick of deodorant, always handy to keep around, considering the bathroom I use is on the other side of the house. Two watches are here- the nice Seiko one I got for my 18th birthday and the fitness tracker I got for Christmas with a wink and a nudge. The Seiko I tend to go through phases, where I’ll go from wearing it all the time to never at all. There’s also the permanent marker, which I use to cross off the days on my calendar whenever I finish writing the blog for the day. Then forget to cross anything off for a week or so, like I have right now. Oops. There’s also two dice, an Ixalan Prerelease spindown d20 and a generic black d6. For the life of my I don’t know how or why these are here and not, yknow, in my dice box (aka the box the Seiko came in, repurposed)
Somewhat hard to see near that stuff is three objects. A cotton bud/q-tip, from when last week I was having big problems with earwax buildup and it was affecting my hearing. Not the first time it’s happened, but I’d like it to be the last. Behind that is a packet of silica gel- I don’t know what this came from, but I keep it around in case I spill water on magic cards again- the fact that it has happened to me twice now is uniquely frustrating, and I want to be prepared. Just in case. The little plaid pattern is actually the mini-lanyard-thing (I dunno the actual name) attached to a USB drive, which has a couple movies on it (What we do in the Shadows and Die Hard, I think)- since I’m the one among my friend group the most knowledgeable about piracy it tends to be me getting films and series to people. It’s no major task.
The last couple things in this section include a couple pieces of Pokemon memorabilia. The Bellsprout plushie actually came from a mystery box from a [local pin artist] I had recommended to me- the pins from that decorate my backpack and solidify my aesthetic, while Udon here has a hard time sitting down properly so I don’t know where to put him. The reverse holo Mareep is just something I randomly picked up at a card shop and don’t have anywhere else to put.
There’s also the sticky notes- my to-do list. I have a bad time remembering to do things, so I tend to just write them down somewhere. I vary between using notes like this or my phone, but the notes tend to work better. The pen I don’t have an answer for- this desk wasn’t originally mine, and there’s so much stationary crammed into the drawer that I couldn’t possibly know where it all came from- I can barely even open the thing.
I guess the monitor is worth noting. This is the monitor from the PC my family got in like, 2009 or something? 2011? It was kind of a piece of shit then, but that was the one I gamed on for a very long time, so I put up with it. It’s now my secondary monitor, but it spent a long time as the primary.
(also my phone was there but I took the picture with it so)
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The other half then. The playmat acting as a mousepad I won in a bid on a facebook MTG auction group- I bid 3 bucks on the thing because why not, utterly shocked that I won it. I don’t know when PORTCONMAINE was, and I kinda don’t want to find out.
There��s also my airpods and the wireless charger for them but I don’t need to flex that come on now.
The keyboard and mouse I have are both from my brother. He both works at a computer shop and is incredibly into working on his own PC, so parts tend to make their way into his room rather frequently, and spares he tends to give away. The mouse is interesting- highly customizable, but I’ve yet to find a configuration that isn’t a little bit awkward. Also, it stops working half the time, so I probably need a new one. Or just to go back to the office mouse I was using, I can’t program this thing anyway.
Between this nonsense is a PMD Red Rescue Team cartridge I actually picked up today. Growing up in Malaysia the cart I had of the game was very much a bootleg and has stopped working- so I’m glad to have a real one after all this time. Remake, what remake?
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The PC itself was also a gift from him for Christmas, a secondhand from his mates but well appreciated considering my computer at the time was a laptop with a broken screen. The stickers on it are my own additions- the top 3 from one [Caramel Coda] who you should definitely check out, he’s a really cool dude who does really cool art. The card kingdom one just came out of an order from that site, and the final one is a VA-11 Hall-A one (it’s the logo for the bartending computer in that game) and that one came with a shirt I bought from the game.
Also, the other half of that fitness tracker is on top of the computer. It comes off so you can charge it.
Anyway, uh, that’s everything? This was a lot more words than I expected, but hey, that’s how it be sometimes. Surely I’ve described everything I keep onhand nearby, right-
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aww fuck.
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