#and a drunk mouse could have done better with the first 2 volumes of it
jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
hi, ive only read SVSSS because i was waiting for 7Seas to release the rest of MDZS and TGCF and i’m now looking to read MDZS as the last volume will be released next month but i read that the translation for MDZS isn’t accurate or good or whatever idk? where would i find a better translation for MDZS? or is the 7Seas one decent?
Good evening anon!
The Sevenseas is passable, and I use that with little generosity as it does take a lot of needed nuance away if you are very very green with lore of cultivation and theology for intersection Buddhism, Doaism and Confucianism when it was translated to English. Personally I don't find it a good to pay for the price it asks for which is probably about 115-120 USD depending on vendors for all five volumes. If you don't mind more than the general lore that MDZS has, it reads fine. However there are many issues with lines messed up or omitted strangely that have not all been fixed as volume one has only gotten a second physical reprint I believe. As far as I'm aware, the digital copies have yet to be fixed (no I'm not biting at the bit at all over any of this and trying to remain neutrally polite).
Bluntly put, for my opinion, I found it to be a mediocre translation and the stepchild of the MXTX products Sevensea took on, and it is no more or less than the previous completed fan translation (mind you this one is liable and forgiven for mistakes given it was hobby and freely translated, edited by fans as well, and a 17 year old main translator, from a site that was used to japanese BL novels at the time, but I digress 🥴).
In terms of readability? Dialogue and imagery in Sevenseas is a lot cleaner and less awkward than the ExR one to me. The results are on par with each other with the end product and if you kind of... smoosh them together it probably would have been just fine, ironically.
I can't speak for Tian Guan Ci Fu, as I read it a whole once in standard mandarin, never finished the online Suika translation, and am still at a standstill with the beginning of volume 2 for Sevenseas lol. It may be best to speak with @mxtxfanatic for this one and opinion on how it reads in English.
There are no other complete translations, but I quite liked Taming Wangxian's when they used to post it. Personally, read that one to get a "cleaner" idea of what the start of MDZS should be and I guess continue from their stop point with Sevenseas.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 6 years
gruvia drabble
author’s note: imma keep it real w/ yall... im a lil drunk rn!!! hope this fic is still good tho lmao! this is pertaining to the plot of the anime rn like how gray and juvia reunited after six months... well we never did get to hear gray’s explanation or apology..... so here it is! enjoy! side note: after actually writing this 1. im not rly drunk anymore, a shame. and 2. all my fics as of recently literally have the same exact format lol!!! cool! great!! we love a boring queen! ok hopefully i can stray from this format in the future but for now! here is ~this~.<3
“Oi, Juvia,” Natsu turned and called out to Juvia. They were finally beginning their long awaited journey back to Magnolia, to reform their guild, after just defeating Avatar. “Did you and Gray wanna’ go back to your cabin and get some of your stuff before you go back?”
“G-g-go back?! Just the two of us?! After all this time?!” Juvia’s face turned a blistering red as she cupped her fiery cheeks in her hands. It had been so long since they were both alone in that house together. What would it be like? How would they act? Would things be different?
“Oh yeah.” Gray calmly chimed in. “There are some things I wanna’ get.” He then turned to Juvia. “We should probably go.”
“O-of course! If Gray-sama insists!” She perked up, suddenly eager to go.
They caught a train back to the village they stayed in and made it there in a fairly short amount of time. Gray looked around their old home with suspicion.There wasn’t a soul to be seen. The town was once so full of life, and bright with spirit. Now the grey clouds above seemed to reflect the dreary village.
“Did something happen?” Gray asked Juvia as they casually walked through the town. “There’s nobody here.” He continued looking, looking for any sign of life.
“Oh.” Juvia remembered, and slouched slightly, partially ashamed. “Everyone kind of, well, left.” She said simply.
“What?” Gray was surprised. “Why?”
“Well...” She paused and took a moment to breathe. “Juvia’s rain sort of... came back, and it was, well, constant.” Her voice was sheepish. “It sort of drove everyone out of the village Juvia supposes.” She forced a smile and a fake lighthearted laugh.
That got Gray’s attention. He stopped looking through the village and snapped his focus onto Juvia. “What do you mean it came back?” He seemed annoyed.
“After Gray-sama left, Juvia’s rain came back.” She shrugged. Once she saw Gray’s look of what seemed like agitation, she began to panic. “It’s not a big deal or anything! Juvia was just being over-dramatic!” She gave another plastic smile, attempting to ease Gray.
“Tch.” Gray looked away from Juvia and turned back to the path to the way to their house, dropping the conversation.
Eventually, they approached their cabin. The wood that the house was built out of was seemingly becoming moldy, or at least dingy. All of the drapes to the windows were now closed, although Gray remembered Juvia always insisted they leave them open. The plants that Juvia adored that were littered around the porch were dead from drowning in her storm.
“Juvia is sorry the house is so out of shape, Gray-sama!” Juvia was embarrassed. She only ever had Gray on her mind, so she never took the time to worry about the appearance of their home once he was gone. Even though that place meant everything to her, she seemed to completely disregard it.
“Stop it.” Gray said, harshly. He didn’t need Juvia to explain herself. It was ridiculous of her. “It doesn’t matter anyway. We’re just here to get our stuff.”
“Right.” Juvia nodded.
Inside, the rooms were dark, and dusty. It was hard for Gray to believe they even lived their at one point, that this was the same home they shared. He remembered Juvia always making a fuss about keeping the place clean, and decorative, and so full of life: some things that this foreign lot was lacking.
Gray was finished packing up first. He had all of his belongings in a duffel bag with a couple other things held in his hand. The door to Juvia’s room was open, so he walked in and leaned on the frame of the doorway.
“Yo.” Juvia flinched to Gray’s low voice, it had been so long since she heard it. She paused her packing and turned around. “I’m all packed up. If you need any help just let me-” Gray paused. As he looked around, Juvia’s room seemed to follow the same format as the rest of the rooms. Dull, gloomy, muted, but something caught his eye.
“What’s this?” He set his belongings down. He walked over to her bedside table towards a vile of red liquid, which was now almost empty. 
“Oh, well, nothing really.” Juvia sporadically said with a forced chuckle and quickly was at Gray’s side, hoping to take the bottle before he could get a good look at it.
“Medicine?” He read the label of the bottle. “And it looks like Wendy’s handwriting.” He turned to Juvia.
“Y-yes.” Juvia took a step back and nervously held her hands together. “Wendy-san made that potion for Juvia.” She looked away.
“Juvia was, uh, well, sort of sick.” She remained avoiding eye contact.
“Sick?” Gray’s voice and tone raised. “You were sick? And Wendy couldn’t cure it with just her magic? She had to make a potion?” All of these little things were building up to one big slap in Gray’s face.
“Juvia had a very bad fever. I was sitting outside most of the time, so it was caused by my rain...” She said to the volume of that of a mouse, fidgeting her hands.
“Oh my god.” Gray sunk. He put the bottle back on the table and collapsed onto the bed, holding his head in his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. Just what had he done?
“B-but none of this is Gray-sama’s fault!” She was quick to perk up and defend Gray.
“All of this is my fucking fault!” Gray lifted his head and snapped his gaze to Juvia with sharp, blunt eyes, glistening with a sheen of tears. Juvia dropped her defense, and looked back beneath her.
“If it weren’t for me, this place wouldn’t look like shit, your rain wouldn’t have come back, and you wouldn’t have gotten sick!” He was angry. Juvia said nothing. “Am I wrong?!”
Juvia’s shoulders began to bog, jaggedly, up and down. She had finally broken. She was out of false excuses.
“Why did you leave me, Gray-sama?” She looked back up to him, tears overflowing in her piercing, yet helpless gaze. 
Gray’s eyes widened, the sight before him caused his breath to catch itself in his throat.
“I-it was a secret mission.” He looked away, bringing the blank look back to his face. “It was to get more info on Zeref. I had to go, and Erza told me I couldn’t tell or bring anyone.”
Juvia’s tears fell onto her face, and then onto the floor.
“Juvia knows.” Her head was down, once again. She gathered her composure, slightly, for a mere moment. “Juvia understands. Putting and end to Zeref and E.N.D is very important to Gray-sama. This was all for the best.” She sniffled. “So, why..?” She brought her hands up to her eyes, and lost the weak grip she had on herself for that second, and began sobbing into her palms.
“So why is Juvia so hurt?”
Gray said nothing for a brief instant. He looked at her, although she did not return the contact, with shock and sorrow in his eyes. He didn’t know what to think, and he couldn’t place Juvia’s emotions, but he knew what he was feeling.
Remorse, guilt, responsibility, sadness, Gray’s heart was a melting pot of these horrible things. He couldn’t bare to see her in so much pain before, and all because of him. He would not be the reason she shed tears. He refused, especially after all she’d done for him. She was by his side, supporting him through everything. Even after he abandoned her for six months, she still did nothing but be there for him. 
He quickly arose from the bed and wrapped his arms around her, with her hands still covering her eyes, causing her breath to stop in surprise for a second.
“It’s alright. I’m sorry.” His words were soft though his face was flinty. He stared at the wall as he brought his hand up to the back of Juvia’s head, firmly bringing her face to his chest, as he rested his chin atop her.
“G-Gray-sama should not have to apologize.” She shook her head as she sobbed into his chest, her voice muffled.
“Like hell I shouldn’t” His voice was even lower. “So cut the crap. You’re allowed to be sad. From some aspects, what I did,” He paused. “What I did to you was a shity thing. Really shitty.” Her cries were much softer as he spoke. He remembered all the scolding Natsu gave him, and manifested it into his words.“So let me say I’m sorry.” He grumbled through his pouted lips as his cheeks were colored pink.
Juvia finally removed her hands from her face and wrapped her arms around Gray, being encased by his warmth. The warmth that she had missed, so very much.
“It’s ok.” She hummed; her mood was already much better just by appreciating being in Gray’s hold. “Juvia is glad Gray-sama is ok.”
She held on even tighter, and in about a minute, her instincts kicked in. Her mind began to soar with thoughts of Gray, and his big, toned arms that were engulfing her. She subconsciously began to sniff him, and exhale with delight.
“Ahh.” She swooned. “Gray-sama still smells just as delicious as he always has.” She snuggled up against him. 
“O-kay” Gray announced. “That’s enough of that.” He said, avoiding Juvia’s odd comment. He pulled her away from him and turned back to his things. “We should probably head out. The guild isn’t gonna’ rebuild itself.”
“Aw!” Juvia said, defeated, and dramatically slouched over.
“Don’t sound so disappointed cause’ I stopped you from smelling me! Don’t you realize that ain’t normal!?” He exclaimed.
“Juvia doesn’t care about what’s normal! Juvia hasn’t smelled your sweet scent in six whole months! You can’t blame me!” She defended, reaching her arms out for Gray.
“Quit bein’ creepy and meet me in the living room when you’re done packing.” Gray asserted with an annoyed, but familiar look on his face as he quickly made his way out of her room and shut the door, as Juvia sulked on her bed.
They soon packed all of their belongings and walked through their front door, back into the village where a ray of sun peaked through the dispersing clouds.
“Juvia is so sad to say goodbye to she and Gray-sama’s home.” She frowned with exaggerated sniffles.
“I wouldn’t call this a goodbye.” He said frankly. “It’s more like a ‘see-ya-later.’“ He turned to Juvia with a smirk on his face. Her eyes began to glow, and she settled onto a content smile.
“Yes, Gray-sama.” She looked to the ground with her fulfilled smile.
On their walk to the train, Gray grabbed his arms and gave a small shiver.
“It’s gettin’ kinda’ cold out.” He simply said.
Juvia pondered and looked around a little to see any signs of anyone or anything being cold, which she did not, and felt her own body temperature at a fairly normal level, and for Gray especially, this weather was hardly anything.
“Really? Juvia doesn’t think it’s too co-” She turned back to Gray with confusion and quietly gasped as she saw him wrapping himself with a grey, poorly knitted, homey/cozy looking, seemingly worn in scarf. He did not make eye contact with her, and kept his sharp expression on the road ahead.
She knew that scarf all too well.
“Actually, Juvia is a little chilly.” Attempting to keep her overjoyed reaction in line, she simply wrapped her one arm around Gray’s and with the other she reached out and held his hand, causing him to initially flinch, but he kept his hand intertwined with hers.
They made their way to their true home, Fairy Tail, walking in bliss, putting the bad parts of the past behind them and looking to a hopeful future.
One where Juvia’s rain would never return.
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