#and a few here and there arent an issue. But if you gotta scroll past 5 pictures of ice cream before finding noodles in the noodle tag
beardedhandstoadshark · 3 months
I am grabbing the lu fandom and shaking it by the shoulders please guys
the "Title - Hero of = name“ thing isn‘t from lu, it precedes y’all by a decade
The comic itself doesn‘t even use them, your fandom just did that because that was the default way to seperate a band of Links, and it still is (or would be if people didn‘t keep inserting lu into everything that has two Links in the same frame, leading others to actively try escape you guys, but that‘s another thing)
Please just. Remember other things than lu have and still exist before and after it orz
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random thoughts about gravity falls fics i wanted to write down before i forgot and since im writing them down i might as well post them too. please enjoy and/or hate my ramble-y brain thoughts
warnings here: theres a bit of talk about self-destruction and issues with eating. both are about characters. well, one character. i put them at the end, so its easier to scroll past or block without seeing them
so ive noticed that all my favorite types of fics are- idk, a bit harder to find then a lot of other types of fics?
so of course youve got fics where they make the characters into creatures, which we love. much easier to find then the other ones here, but still something to get excited about whenever we find one.
'well what about monster falls? theres gotta be plenty of fics for that'
not that many with ford, and most with ford include billdip, so youve only got a few fics that arent. gross. monster falls is overrun with billdip, fun fact. blegh
oftentimes stan is made into a creature, but not ford. which is fine, of course, theyre still very fun to read most of the time. fics about ford getting creature'd are more rare but tend to include different creatures than stan, which is interesting. ive found exactly one fic where both of them get creature'd and its one of my favorites.
anyway. fics where stan meets bord are always fun. the interactions are always fun. love that shit. its much more common to see with mullet stan and paranoid ford, which makes sense. ive come across exactly one fic where post-portal ford gets possessed by bill and uhhhhhh?? hm. hm.
of course its understandable why theres less with post-portal ford. hes got that plate in his head and its not exactly good for his health to remove it. but it does make for some real good angst if bords walking around with a head cracked open and now stan has to figure what the fuck thats all about. good shit, good shit.
and then- well. it makes a lot of sense why you dont see as many of these- fics that deal with ford and his problems with eating. theres a lot of fics that make note of it, but not many where its the focus. the two that i know that do that both deal with him recovering from it, which is really just the best way to end a fic like that. also both favorites theyre really good.
if i can find both the fics again, ill link them here in an edit
the last one- fics that explicitly deal with ford and his self-destructive behaviors. seems to me a lot of people didnt really. notice? that hes self-destructive? a lot of people include stan's mental health issues but dont do anything with ford's. there are of course some fics like this and there are fics that vaguely hint towards it, but. the guy didnt just light his face on fire, he exploded something on it. hes not exactly subtle about it. he probably gets intrusive thoughts about it, too. you never see that in fics
well this really just turned out to be a list of types of fics i want to write at some point but probably never will
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whatthepuck20 · 6 years
Good Coffee. Awkward Conversation.
Who: Noah Puckerman and Abel Hayward When: August 27th noonish Where: Lima Bean, Lima Ohio What: Puck runs into Abel in Lima and they finally meet.
To say Puck was tired would be an understand. He already had issues sleeping due to some shit he saw overseas, but with Saph in town, it was fair to say sleep was the last thing on his mind. The recruitment office was usually slow around lunch time, so Puck decided to dip out and run to the Lima Bean for needed caffeine. His uniform brought about the usual stares, but he was used to it by now. Puck ordered a large coffee, black and stepped to the side to wait for it to be made. He accidentally bumped into the man next to him and muttered an apology before looking up. The man looked familiar, but he couldn’t place an exact name to the face. “Do I know you?”
Abel was thankful for his mom when she told him that she would watch Issy while he slept. Though, he couldnt sleep any longer and didnt want to grab something to drink at home. So he got dressed, grabbed his skateboard and headed to the Lima Bean. He was scrolling through the tag photos he was in when he felt someone bumped into him. He looked up and noticed that the other guy looked familiar. “Maybe? Lima is a small town and everyone knows everyone, right? Or has that changed in the past two weeks.” He pocketed his phone and took off his sunglasses to get better look at the guy.
Puck furrowed his brow slightly as he thought of all of the people he knew from Lima. Once the other man took off his sunglasses, it all clicked in Puck’s head. “You’re….Dani’s roommate, right? The ‘hottest male dork’ she knows,” he said with air quotes. Chuckling, he offered Abel his hand. “Sup, man? I’m Puck.”
“Arent you the guy who called me Captain Ab-merica last week?” Abel asked when he looked at the guy better. “Yeah, Im Dani’s roommate and that is me.” He chuckled as he shook his hand. “Not much, you? And Im Abel, its nice to finally meet you.”
He laughed at the accusation and shrugged a shoulder. “Yep. I mean to be fair, you had just posted a shirtless photo.” Hearing his name being called out, he turned around to grab the coffee and thanked the barista before facing Abel once more. “On a quick lunch break. Needed a pick me up…someone kept me up all night,” he joked before taking a sip of the hot coffee. “You wanna grab a table? I got like 20 minutes before I have to head back to the office.”
Abel raised an eyebrow when he heard Puck and pulled out money for a tip before he took a drink of his coffee. He did a spit take when he heard Puck and coughed. “Saph’s here?” He asked as he used the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe his mouth.  “Yeah, that sounds good to me. I got an hour before I gotta surprise my daughter but let’s grab a table.”
Puck raised an eyebrow at the spit take. “You ok, dude? Yea Saph’s here. Wait…you know Saph?” he asked as he made his way to an empty table and took a seat. “Yea Saphira surprised me at work last week. It’s been amazing even though Lima is boring as hell and there’s nothing to do here,” he added with a chuckle. “You have a daughter? How old is she?”
Abel nodded as he cleared his throat. “Im okay, I didnt know that Saph is here and that, I do. We’re acquaintances, Saph asked me to write that article on Quinn a few weeks back.” He took the seat across from him and placed his drink on the table. “Yeah, but some of the people aren’t bad.” He casually said, took a sip of his coffee and placed it back on the able. “Yeah, um. Well, she’s still currently my goddaughter but Im in the middle of the adoption process and she’s seven, actually. She’s been visiting my parents for a month, that way she’s not in the midst of everything that has been going down in LA and in New York but Dani and I got a house this past weekend and we want to surprise her with it.” He paused for a bit. “I saw that you had a thing at the school, how did that go?”
Leaning back in his seat, he nodded slowly. “Ah I gotcha. Saph is awesome. Best partner in crime I could as for. You’re a journalist? That’s cool. I can’t spell worth shit to do that.” He sipped his coffee slowly as he listened to the other man speak. “Seven? That’s a good age. My daughter is eight. She’s a firecracker. I heard yall were moving. Are yall all unpacked yet? Moving is a bitch,” he commented as he played with the coffee cup in his hand. “It went well. Got a decent amount of interest. Just wanted to let them know there are options out there if college isn’t their thing, you know?”
Abel nodded when he heard the other guy. “Yeah, Saph’s one of a kind for sure. Im a journalist, Im also freelance artist at Cy’s comics in New York, model and Im also a voice actor who’s going to be taking acting lessons when I get back. That way I can get more acting roles since I love it. Thats why they have editors.” He said with a smile and nodded once more. “Yeah, she’s seven and it is, but Im worried since she’s already sassy enough, that she will be more sassier and a firecracker. For the most part, but Dani’s unpacking the rest and getting Issy’s room together. It is, yeah but hopefully we’re done moving for a while.” He listened to him, took a sip of his coffee and placed it back onto the table. “Of course, yeah and I wish I had that kind of information when we were back in high school, but I guess I had my calling.”
Puck couldn’t help but smile. “Definitely one of a kind. I’m a lucky dude,” he responded with a nod. “Shit, dude. That’s awesome. Sounds like you’re living the dream…and it explains the shirtless pic,” he joked. “She’ll probably get a little more sassy. I feel like the sassiness doesn’t stop until like teenage years are done.” He shrugged and took a sip of his coffee before setting it down. “Everyone has their place in life I guess. I didn’t think I’d be doing this when I was in high school. But I ended up loving it. Life is weird like that.”
“Yeah you are.” Abel agreed with a smile and slowly nodded with a chuckle. “And the bunch of magazines of me on the cover in the store.” He let out a sigh as he listened to the other guy, knowing that he’s right. “Yeah and even with that, it won’t stop. Her mother was sassy. Not only that, everyone around her is sassy.” He pointed out and knew what he meant. “Yeah, that’s for sure. One thing is happening and then the next, your life is changed.”
“Sassiness is genetic. You’re screwed man,” he joked with a chuckle. “Agreed. You never know what the hell life is gonna throw at you until you’ve already been hit in the face by it.” Puck took a long sip of his coffee before setting the cup down once more. “So how long have you known Saph? Got any secret insider information for me?”
“I’ve been screwed ever since she learned how to talk.” Abel chuckled as he shook his head at the memories. “Exactly and you’re never prepared for that either.” He leaned in his chair and hummed as he thought. “I’ve known Saph ever since April/May? During that time, things were fuzzy as fuck around those two months. Just, don’t get on Saph’s bad side or anything like that.”
Chuckling, Puck finished off his coffee and pushed the cup to the side. “Kids, man. They’re a handful.” He drummed his fingers on the table top and nodded his head. “Ah so you two have known each other for a little while, nice. It’s nice to meet people who know Saph who aren’t Quinn.” Puck couldn’t help but laugh at the bit of advice Abel gave him. “Yeaaaa I don’t wanna even know what Saph’s bad side is like. I’m gonna treat Saphira as good as I can.”
Abel nodded in agreement. “They are, but Im grateful for her.” He chuckled a bit before he shook his head when he heard Quinn’s name. “Yeah, we have and thank god, no.” He ran a hand over his face and looked at him once he leaned back once more. “You and I both.” He sat up a bit straighter before he gotten comfortable in chair and smirked a bit. “Speaking of that, we both know that Saph can handle anything. However, I started to care about Saph a bit more ever since the car accident.” He picked up his cup, twirled it around his in hand and looked at it for a bit. “Though, if I hear one thing about you upsetting Saph, in any form that’s not from happiness or hurt Saph. I know a bunch of guys who owe me a favor and I know that they’re not afraid to send you swimming with the fishes and I also know that they would make everything like an accidental kinda thing.” He looked back at Puck and continued to move the cup. “These guys, aren’t small, believe me. I wish I can say that they’re small and wouldn’t hurt a fly. However, I’ve known them for at least four years and I can at least name about, fifty guys who disappeared without a trace and the cops never solved their case. A bunch of cold cases.” He stopped the cup and placed the cup onto the table. “So, if you hurt Saph, I’ll make sure to be the journalist on that case and I will make sure Saph will be protected. Capisci?”  
He smirked softly as Abel spoke before reverting to the blank face he was trained to put on in the face of threats. Puck crossed his arms over his broad chest and listened carefully to what the other man was saying. “Heard and understood,” he replied. “But you should know, I care deeply about Saph. And I will never, ever, do anything to hurt Saph. Saph is the best thing that has happened to me in a very, very long time. I may be stupid…but I’m not dumb enough to fuck up what we have.” He leaned forward and offered Abel his hand. “You’re a good man, dude.”
Abel had to keep himself from chuckling after that, he couldnt believe that he went full Italian and he wasnt even Italian. “Good, if you do, I’ll let Saph deal with you then I’ll involve the guys.” He replied before he shook the other’s hand. “Eh, I try to be a good man, but thank you and you’re a good man too.”
“That’s fair,” he replied as he took his hand back. Checking his watch, he cursed softly to himself. “I gotta head back to the office. I’ll hit you up the next time I’m in New York, man” he commented as he stood up from the table. “See you around, Abel.”
“You better, or I would be hurt.” Abel replied as he watched the guy stood up and finished his drink. “See ya man.” He stood up as well and threw his drink away before he checked his own watch, knew that he needed to head back to surprise Issy.
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drmavisandco · 7 years
[teachers au] the new history teacher
“What the fuck are you doing?” Romano asked the moment he stepped into the teacher’s lounge. His brother, Feliciano, was peering from the doorway, watching anyone who came by. he released his grip on the wall and stood up straight, an excited grin on his lips: “the new history teacher is supposed to start today.”
“Oh, that’s amazing: another piece of shit in this cluster of disaster.” he said.
“I saw him earlier, he looked gay.” Natalya said, leaning against the counter as she drank coffee from her mug.
“Isn’t that . . . a bit too much, Nat?” Ivan asked, trying not to spill any coffee on his students essays that he still needed to finish grading. Romano ignored the two, his eyes raising to catch Antonio just as he walked in. He passed Natalya and handed him the mug he just filled without a word. The Spaniard was caught off-guard, despite the fact that Romano often did this, and thanked him. “I met the new teacher.” he said after taking his first sip, Romano stopped what he was doing at the coffee maker and eyed him.
“He looks gay, right?” Natalya asked him.
“Who looks gay?” Elizabeta asked as son as she stepped in, stacks of ungraded essays and quizzes in her arms. They all stared at her as she dumped them onto an empty table and immediately sat down, fixing and shuffling a few of them around before looking back up for information.
“Eliza, you’re gonna scare your apprentice to death with those, what happened?” Natalya asked.
Eliza smiled, embarrassed. “I kind of . . . slacked a bit, but you know me . .” she rolled up her sleeves. “I’ll get it done . . . So, anyway, about the person who looks gay?”
Natalya was about to answer her when someone stepped in. The room grew silent as they eyed his messy, dark hair, his freckles, his thick eyebrows and the small, leather briefcase in his hand. His boyish smile curled on his lips as he scanned the room, wondering why all eyes were on him.
“Good morning,” he said, raising his hand with a wave. “I’m Mavis Cornell, the new 7nth grade History teacher.”
Silence continued, until finally someone spoke up. It was Romano, who was curious to find out what kind of guy this teacher really was. He raised his hand to catch his attention, “Mr. Vargas . . Latin Teacher, 7nth grade also.” Mavis nodded, as if he was impressed, but he was mostly just trying to work past Romano’s accent.
Feliciano piped up next, stepping towards the new History teacher. “Mr. Vargas . . Art teacher,” he said, holding his hand out. “His twin.”
“Oh,” Mavis said, grinning. “Nice.”
Antonio placed a hand on his shoulder, making Romano twitch as he shook his hand. “Mr. Carriedo, the 8th grade Spanish teacher.” he stated, a kind smile appearing on his lips as Mavis blushed.
He thought for a moment, “How many languages do they have here? You’re kind of like rivals, arent you?” he joked, turning to Mr. Vargas.
Romano gave him a fake smile before shooting him a glare as he sipped his coffee.
Mavis’ smile faltered, his face getting red with embarrassment until Antonio patted his back and guided him to a table with Elizabeta and Ivan.
“Knock, knock.” Mavis said, knocking his knuckles against the doorway to Mr. Vargas’ classroom. The Italian was at his desk, focused on grading with his glasses on. Mavis repeated the action, waiting for him to look up.
“Knock, kno-”
“I heard you the first time.” he stated, barely lifting his eyes.
“Can I come in then?” he asked.
“No, you can leave.” he said, as he finished up. Mavis watched him as he capped his red pen and pulled out his phone, scrolling through social media before finally looking up at him. Mavis shifted his weight from leg to another, waiting for him to say something.
He sat up straight in his chair, annoyed, “Jesus fuck, you must’ve been a favourite among your teachers back in middle school, huh?” He turned off his phone and turned towards him, giving him his attention. “Come in.”
Mavis smiled, stepping inside and taking note of how nice the room looked: decorated from head to toe with posters and even lame Latin jokes, there were also portraits of famous Roman Emperors and figures. Romano caught him smiling at them and immediately cleared his throat, slightly embarrassed as he gestured for him to take a seat.
The History teacher sat down at a desk directly in front of his, his knees touching the bottom of his desk. Romano tried to refrain from smiling at the scene as Mavis tried to get comfortable, shifting his legs back and forth until finally standing up, his hands behind his back respectfully. “I have a feeling that you . .  don’t like me.”
Romano stared up at him, “I don’t-”
“It’s been two weeks and every time I try to start a conversation with you, you ignore me. I offer you coffee and you throw it out in the sink, while I’m looking. You glare at me whenever I walk into the lounge and I have a strange feeling you were the one who stole my chair from my classroom last Friday.”
Romano chuckled, placing his hand over his lips. “Yeah, that was funny, but that was Al, not me.” he adjusted himself in his seat, placing his hands on the desk as he eyed him. “But you’re right. I don’t like you.”
“Why?” Mavis asked.
“Does it matter?” Romano asked, checking the time on his phone.
Mavis hesitated, “I want to be able to have a good atmosphere in the workplace.”
“What does that even mean?” he mumbled on his breath before grabbing his phone and jacket. “Look, I got somewhere I gotta be, so . . . “ he gestured for him to leave first.
Mavis’ eyes narrowed, a small pout on his lips that reminded Romano of his students. He shook his head and walked behind the History teacher, ready to pass the doorway when Mavis suddenly began to block the doorway with his body.
“Tell me why you don’t like me!” he exclaimed.
Romano stared at him in disbelief and then realized he was on the first floor. “Well, one, you clearly have some fucking issues, and two-” he never finished. By the time Mavis looked over his shoulder, Mr. Vargas was already climbing out of one of the windows and into a bush. Mr. Cornell stood there, utterly flabbergasted.
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