#and a new chaebol au
muniimyg · 28 days
take care, love! don't even think of the updates, hope everything gets better! rest easy 🤍
thank u bebe 🥹 i actually have so much new content to post but will wait it out until i finish aao lol
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back2bluesidex · 5 months
Closer To You - JJK (18+)
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Pairing: Rich, spoilt brat!Jeongguk X Doctor! Reader
Theme: Angst, smut, kinda yandere if you squint, toxic relationship au.
Wordcount: 1k+
Summary: You know that you and Jeongguk are completely different individuals from every possible aspect, and there is no future of this relationship but you can’t push him away, not when he only wants to come closer to you.
Warnings: Angst, heavy language, swearing, not super explicit sex, jeongguk is kinda mean, he refuses to wear a condom (don't do the same), obsessive behavior, hints of class difference, kinda dirty talk, reader is trying hard to push him away but he won't budge. NSFW!!
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
Listened to Closer To You by Jungkook.
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It feels weird to enter your own apartment. 
Your skin crawls underneath the heavy trench coat, as if your sixth sense is telling you that there’s something or someone waiting patiently for you inside. 
Your suspicion is confirmed when you see his silhouette prominent against the bright backdrop of your otherwise dark apartment window. 
He sits still, patiently. His eyes are focused on something you can’t tell due to the darkness. 
“What are you doing here?” you finally let your breath go and you didn’t even know you were holding it on for so long. 
You turn on the lights, slip out of your shoes and coat and walk towards the couch where he is sitting currently. He turns his head to look at you. 
“Why? Expected someone else?” Jeongguk stands up on his toes and takes a few steps towards where you are standing. 
His dark jeans, dark shirt and dark expression, everything complements the dark aura he is oozing right now. But he looks beautiful regardless. 
You scoff, “Is it not justified for me to expect anyone but you? Especially when you are the one who has been ignoring me for two weeks and three days to be precise?” 
“You fucking ditched me during the party, Y/N! You made me a look like fool before my friends just because you got called at work! How would you treat me if you were in my shoes?” Jeongguk screams at your face. His height looms over your small figure. The weight of his gaze intimidates you but you know how to shake that off. 
He is angry, you know. But you also know that his anger is not justified. 
“I would have understood, Jeongguk.” you pause, taking a few steps away from him, “you need to understand that I lead a completely different life. I don’t have time to waste sipping champagne wearing over-expensive silk dresses. I am a doctor! And I need to sacrifice my personal time for the sake of my patients! If you can’t get that in your head, if you can’t respect what I do then just fuck off! Let’s break the fuck up!” 
Your voice feels hoarse instantly. You have hardly ever screamed so much. This is so unlike you, you can’t recognize yourself. Jeongguk really pulls out the worst of you. 
Jeongguk scoffs, then he is grinning and then he is laughing at the loudest possible volume, “What? What did you say? You are going to what- break up with me?” 
You hate this side of your boyfriend. 
When you first met him at the hospital, he had minor scratches and a set of big puppy eyes. When he cutely told you how he fell down while snowboarding, you couldn’t help smiling. 
Only if you knew he is just like other rich brats sporting a “I want it, I get it” attitude, you would have resisted his bunny smile and big doe eyes, you would have stayed professional when he asked for your number, you would have turned him down when he asked you out. But now you are here, 8 months into this relationship with Chaebol Jeon Jeongguk, standing on the verge of the end because you just can’t stand being with him anymore. 
“Jeongguk please… Please just stop treating me like a possession. I am not your shiny new car. I am a human being! If you don’t love me, just- just let me go.” your voice comes out weaker than it should. Even though it has only been 8 months, even though Jeongguk is not the most ideal boyfriend, even though you two have hell and heaven difference between you, you still fell for him regardless. And you know it’s a mistake because there is no way you are more than just a fancy doctor girlfriend for him. It hurts but you know rationality is more important than your feelings right now. 
You are so busy gathering your own wits that you don’t notice the heartbroken expression that takes over Jeongguk’s beautiful face. 
“I- I don’t love you? I don’t treat you like a human?” his voice weavers. The tremble in his words makes you look up at him. 
“No you don’t.” you say briefly. 
“Oh?” his eyes start glistening with moisture and he diverts those away from yours. Running a hand through his hair out of frustration he groans, “then why do you think I am with you?” 
That’s a million dollar question, you don’t know the answer properly. So, you reply with what you think is the most appropriate answer, “it makes you look cool. A normal working class girlfriend to a millionaire chaebol… What a good match!” 
As soon as your answer ends, you see Jeongguk taking fast steps towards you. He grabs you by your neck and pulls your face closer to his. You stumble, being unable to keep up with his actions. 
“I love you, Y/N. You better get that inside your head. I am not letting you go, not now, not ever.” he breathes on your face, pinning you down with a sharp, piercing look in his eyes. 
You don’t know what to feel, not when you see a weird determination in his eyes, not when his mouth is crashing on yours, not when Jeongguk is devouring your lips fervently. 
Minutes pass and you find yourself naked in your bed, with Jeongguk in between your thighs, kissing your mound, licking your clit and saying “I love you” in every interval. 
You don’t know what to feel when he pushes his girthy length inside you but refuses to wear a condom claiming to “shoot his babies inside you”. 
You don’t know if your stomach is filled with butterflies or fear or is it just Jeongguk’s bulge, when he fucks you relentlessly murmuring how much he worships your body, how he wants to fuck you every day after marriage. 
You don’t know whether to kick him out of your apartment or keep him with you forever when he cleans you up, places a kiss on your forehead, tells you that he loves you again and again and gradually falls asleep beside you. 
You only know that you and Jeongguk are completely different individuals from every possible aspect and there is no future of this relationship but you can’t push him away, not when he only wants to come closer to you. 
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hamsterclaw · 5 months
Black Ice
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Bangtan Christmas drabble 7 - read the rest here.
Min Yoongi only cares about three things. The thrill of drifting, his friends, and cars, in that order. Somehow, you've got under his skin. Part of the Drift Kings AU.
Pairing: Yoongi x f! reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Street racer/mechanic! Yoongi, smut
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Min Yoongi knows loneliness. He knows the unrelenting ache of it, the way it permeates every aspect of one’s psyche.
He knows what it feels like to look for a connection that isn’t there.
When he was ten his father took him into work for the first time, and it was then, amongst the smells of engine oil and new paint and pinewood air freshener, that Yoongi discovered his first true love.
He pored over engine diagrams, admired the easy simplicity of every tool falling into its destined purpose, got used to his clothes being stained from tuning up cars all day long.
He’d loved every minute of it, and the truth is, he still does.
Then his cousin Yijin had given him a lift down Mount Samo one day, and 14 year old Yoongi had learned that there was more than one way to soar.
He learned to drive navigating the hairpin bends of Mount Samo, and although he’s perfected the art of drifting up and down it, could do it blindfolded a hundred times over, the thrill of it has never really faded.
He’s picked up a collection of friends over the years, all of whom love the adrenaline of street racing – not knowing what’s round the corner, trusting your own reflexes and instincts to save you when you can barely see for the blood rushing in your veins. 
Kim Seokjin, his oldest and closest friend, the chaebol prince who can put together a Supra’s turbo-2JZ engine almost as quickly as Yoongi himself. His sister, a corporate princess who makes Yoongi’s heart soften and the opposite happen to his cock. They’re the two people Yoongi would do anything for, not that he’d ever tell them that. 
Jung Hoseok, the gifted mechanic with a heart of gold and the sunniest demeanour Yoongi’s ever been able to tolerate, creature of the night that he is. 
Jeon Jungkook, the baby fuckboi of the group, a man with the looks of a god and the persona of a baby deer. Yoongi finds it hard to be anything but endeared by his earnest good nature and anything but amused by his swaggering. Maybe one day the kid will grow into the bad man he so badly wants to be, but Yoongi hopes not. He’s great the way he is. 
It’s been a while since Yoongi felt lonely, in fact his life’s pretty good right about now. 
And at this exact moment? It’s perfect. 
Yoongi’s senses are on overdrive as he swings into a hairpin bend on Mount Samo, tires gripping tarmac sideways. His foot taps the throttle, his hand on the handbrake just in case but he doesn’t need it, he knows the terrain so well his body’s reacting on instinct. 
Sideways on he can see Seokjin to his right, composed, barely breaking a sweat as his rear wheels scrape the very edge of the path, inches from the steep drop. 
Yoongi catches sight of himself in his own rearview mirror, teeth bared in a feral grin as he shoots out onto the final stretch, so fast there’s nothing to see but black. 
He’d normally stop, celebrate his win with a cigarette, but he’s got somewhere to be tonight. 
Behind him now, Seokjin’s headlamps flicker in lieu of a goodbye. 
Yoongi depresses the horn, a sharp short blast, and then he’s gone. 
Kang Yubin’s been supplying Yoongi’s father’s garage for years, and Yoongi’s been going to him for car parts since before he knew a spark plug from a catalytic converter. 
The Kang warehouse has an unassuming front in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Seoul. Yoongi parks outside the familiar glass door, can see the dim lighting filtering through the tinted glass as he approaches. 
He pushes open the door, stops, nonplussed. 
Instead of Kang Yubin’s steel-rimmed glasses and grey hair, he’s greeted by you. 
Half your face is obscured by a black face mask, your hair up under a baseball cap, but you’re definitely not who he expected to see. 
He blinks. 
Your eyebrows rise. 
‘Are you lost?’ you inquire, an edge to your voice that pulls him out of his surprised reaction and reminds him why he’s here. 
‘I was expecting Mr Kang,’ Yoongi replies. 
Coming closer to the counter he picks up on a guardedness to your posture, a weariness that you don’t bother to hide. 
‘I’m his granddaughter,’ you say, brief. ‘I’m guessing you didn’t just come here to stare at me, what do you want?’ 
‘Spark plugs – I have a —’ Yoongi breaks off as you get up. 
‘I know who you are, and I know what car you drive. Stay here and I’ll get you your stuff.’
You disappear behind a door, return in minutes with a cardboard box. 
You pull a box-cutter out of a desk drawer, slit the masking tape, pull the flaps up. 
‘Feel free to take a look,’ you say, looking at him. 
It doesn’t take long for Yoongi to verify that they’re what he needs. 
‘How do you know who I am?’ he asks, as he pays. 
There’s a faint spark in your eyes, a flicker so quick he wonders if he’s mis-read it. 
‘My grandfather said you were due around this time.’ 
You nudge your shoulder vaguely in the direction of the screen to your left, a view from the camera overlooking the front of the warehouse. ‘Not many people drive a car like that.’ 
You take his money, nudge the box in his direction. 
‘Pleasure doing business, Min Yoongi. I’ll give my grandfather your regards.’ 
You’re already looking back down at your phone like you’ve dismissed him. 
Yoongi picks up the box, casts another glance at you, and leaves. 
He’s still thinking about you when he reaches home. 
Yoongi’s concentrating so hard on the engine in front of him that he barely hears Seokjin approach. 
‘Dinner?’ asks Seokjin, eyes flicking over the V configuration of the 8 chrome cylinders in the custom Nissan with interest. 
Yoongi leans back, massages the crick in his neck from leaning over. 
‘Yeah. Quick though, the client wants a rush on this.’ 
They exchange a look. 
‘More money than sense,’ Seokjin says, critical. 
‘Pays the bills,’ Yoongi counters. 
They have similar opinions about rich clients who want their supercars tuned up. It’s rare that a client’s got the ability to do justice to the horsepower under the bonnet of the flashy exteriors. 
Yoongi shrugs, goes to wash his hands. 
‘Is your sister coming?’ he asks. 
Seokjin’s still admiring the engine. ‘Not tonight. Jimin’s in town,’ he says. ‘There’s a race later, if you change your mind. I’m meeting Jungkook after dinner.’ 
‘Is he still sulking over Mijin?’ Yoongi asks, falling into step beside Seokjin. 
There’s no need to confirm where they’re going, they always stop at a tiny restaurant run by an elderly woman who seems utterly unimpressed by their good manners but makes the best broth in town. 
Seokjin rolls his eyes, but his tone is sympathetic. ‘You know how it is. People never expect him to be as soft as he really is.’ 
Yoongi nods. ‘Tell him if she can’t appreciate him she’s the one missing out.’ 
Seokjin snorts. ‘Tell him yourself, he’ll love it. Are you coming to Seulgi’s party?’ 
It’s rare that Yoongi goes out at night, he’s busy and he does his best work at night time, both in the workshop and on the streets, but he’d promised Seokjin he’d go. 
‘Next week?’ he asks. 
Seokjin nods, pushes open the door to the restaurant. 
‘Yeah, don’t forget.’ 
Seulgi is a friend of Seokjin’s, they’d dated briefly, years back, but it hadn’t worked out. 
She greets Seokjin enthusiastically at the door, the pink flush on her cheeks deepening as Seokjin gives her an affectionate hug. 
She beams at Yoongi, and he smiles back because he’s not proof against her cheerful nature. 
It’s how he became friends with Hoseok, after all. 
‘Drinks, let me get you drinks,’ Seulgi cheers, leading them into her kitchen. 
Seokjin’s swept away by Seulgi and her friends, he’s always been a popular guy. He shoots Yoongi a look as he’s pulled into the lounge, which Yoongi pretends not to see. 
He lifts his cup to his lips, decides to go outside for a bit. 
The deck outside has a few scattered people, mostly couples, some groups. 
Yoongi leans against the wall, looks around idly. The throbbing bass of the music feels like a heartbeat. The night is cold and crisp, the skies clear, but there aren’t any stars visible in Seulgi’s backyard. 
He lets his mind wander to his next project, restoring a classic Toyota for a friend from the circuit. He’ll need parts. 
He wonders if you’ll be behind the counter when he next goes to the Kang warehouse. Then he’s straightening up, unsure if he’s manifested you into reality. 
He’s never seen your full face, but he’d know your eyes anywhere. 
You’re standing across the deck, looking straight at him, coat open over a dress that shows a hell of a lot more than the hoodie and sweats you had on the last time he saw you. 
For the first time tonight, Yoongi feels a prickle of interest. 
He’d known you’d be beautiful, there’d been something about the way you carried yourself.
You’re still looking at him. 
Yoongi walks over. 
‘Who’s manning the warehouse?’ he asks, when he gets close enough. 
You tilt your head. ‘Are you really so concerned about my family business, Min Yoongi?’ 
There’s a mocking note in your voice, Yoongi finds he likes it. 
‘You have the best quality parts,’ he says. 
Your smile blooms over your face, making your eyes bright. ‘I knew there was a reason my grandfather liked you.’ 
Yoongi nods to your dress. ‘You look pretty.’ 
‘Thank you,’ you say. ‘You look pretty too.’
Yoongi can feel his lips curving. Are you flirting with him? Seems like you are.
He’s all for it.
You’re raising your cup now, taking a sip.
In the night time lighting, your lips glisten with moisture and whatever lipstick you’ve got on, making him wonder what they’d look like around his cock.
You eye him like you know exactly what he’s thinking.
Yoongi says, ‘Do you like cars? Want to see mine?’
You’ve got your legs either side of his torso, your ass bouncing in his lap, and Yoongi’s front seat’s reclined all the way to make room for you to ride him.
The lines of your beautiful body are reminiscent of a triumph of masters of Italian design. Long smooth thighs, tightening around him with every rhythmic thrust. 
The curves of your breasts, bouncing right in his face.
The long line of your neck, head thrown back, the pulse in your throat fluttering as he holds your hips so he can fuck you back, fuck up into your sweet warmth.
His cock fits inside you like he was made for you, and god fucking damn, you feel so good around him he’s on a hair trigger.
Yoongi cups the back of your head, tugs you down so you’re close. Goosebumps prickle your flesh as he tells you how good you are.
Your eyes close as he kisses your bare neck, flicks his tongue against your skin.
You had been whimpering steadily as your arousal dripped down onto him, soaking his balls, pooling at the base of his cock, and as Yoongi picks up the pace he’s gratified by the hitch in your breathing.
Yoongi’s always been damn good at helping his partners find their pleasure, and he’s sure as hell not going to stop now.
Your breasts are still in his face, half out the low neck of your dress, chest heaving.
Yoongi rubs his thumb over the outline of your hardened nipple, and you cry out, muffled with your mouth against his skin but still loud enough to make his ears ring.
His balls tighten up even more as your walls flutter around him, and Yoongi would know you were coming even if you hadn’t gasped it.
God, you’re so sweet and sexy he’s lost.
He can feel your panting breaths against his neck, the weight of your warm body as it goes lax after your peak, the sweet grip of your cunt taking in everything he has to give you as he releases, a pulse of pleasure so intense it sends shockwaves through his skin.
Yoongi’s floating, and like reaching the summit of Mount Samo, he immediately wants to do it again.
You’re looking at him, lips still so swollen and pretty his spent cock gives a residual throb inside you.
‘Like my car?’ Yoongi asks. It’s stupid, but it makes you laugh and he’ll be as stupid as you like if it makes you sound like that.
Your chin lifts, and you say, ‘It’s all right.’
The flash of merriment in your eyes gives you away.
Yoongi laughs. ‘Maybe next time we can get the car started and I can actually take you somewhere.’
‘I don’t know,’ you tease. ‘Are you a good driver?’
Yoongi reaches out, tucks the lock of hair that’s fallen over your eye behind your ear.
‘Let’s find out,’ he says. ‘Where do you want to go?’
Yoongi’s thinking about you the next morning when he wakes up. He’d ended up taking you back to your place, where you’d kissed him sweetly at the door and bid him goodbye like a promise to see him again. 
His phone rings and he’s still got you on his mind, so it takes a second for him to regroup. 
‘The maknae needs help,’ Seokjin says, no preamble. ‘I’m going to swing by yours, be there in ten.’ 
Yoongi hangs up, wonders what the hell Jungkook’s got himself into this time. 
By the time Seokjin arrives, Yoongi’s had time to bolt coffee and change, but Seokjin still raises a brow as he swings into the passenger seat. 
As always, Seokjin’s impeccably dressed, dark hair swept back from his forehead like he’s going to his own fucking wedding instead of about to deal with some shit that’s going down. 
Yoongi suppresses a yawn, tugs his beanie down over his brow. 
‘What’s going down with JK?’ he asks. 
Seokjin cuts off another car so smoothly they’re halfway down the intersection before the irritated horn blares. 
‘Remember that race the other day? Jungkook beat Seungho fair and square, I was there.’ 
Yoongi groans. ‘The fuck. I thought we weren’t going to race that fragile asshole anymore.’ 
Seokjin glances in the rearview. ‘The maknae was still hurting over Mijin, I thought an easy win might make him feel better.’ 
‘So what’s Seungho done?’ 
‘Brought in the big guns,’ Seokjin says grimly. ‘Called in some guys from Hongkong. JK’s with them now.’ 
Now Yoongi’s fully awake. ‘Should’ve taken my car instead of this piece of shit,’ he says. 
Seokjin just laughs. ‘Don’t worry about my car, Yoongi. Maybe think of a way to hide that big–ass hickey on your neck.’ 
‘Suck my dick,’ Yoongi says, like they’re 16 again. 
‘Looks like someone already did,’ Seokjin returns. 
Yoongi parks up outside the Kang warehouse, pushes open the door. 
You look up from your phone. Your face mask is off, so Yoongi has the privilege of seeing the way your lips curve in a smile. 
‘There’s been a shipment of fuel injectors,’ you say. ‘Want to take a look?’ 
Yoongi stops just in front of the wooden half-panel that separates you from him. 
He tilts his head. 
‘Yeah,’ he says. ‘Also, I took my friend’s Honda for a spin today, I’ve got a list.’ 
He smooths out the piece of paper he’s got folded in his pocket, places it on the counter. 
You pick it up, get up. ‘I’ve got you.’ 
Yoongi runs a hand over the hickey over his neck. ‘I’ve been taking shit all day, about this,’ he adds. 
‘Yeah?’ you ask, but you don’t seem the least bit contrite. ‘You did your share of marking, Min Yoongi.’ 
Yoongi asks, ‘What time do you get off?’ 
You’re about to answer when the door opens. 
Yoongi turns and tenses immediately. 
Fucking Shin Seungho. 
‘You following me?’ he asks mildly. 
Seungho scoffs, doesn’t deign to reply. 
‘I’m collecting an order,’ he says to you. 
Your face mask is back on, your face carefully blank. ‘Sure, what’s the name?’ 
When you go into the back to collect it Seungho turns to Yoongi. 
Yoongi concentrates on the silkscreen of a cat on the wall behind the counter. 
He can feel Seungho’s eyes on his face. 
Just try it, fucker. 
The fact was, he’d pushed Seokjin’s Honda to its limits beating Seungho’s friends today, and although the adrenaline’s ebbed, there’s a thin streak still running through his bloodstream, and he’s a spark away from igniting. 
Seungho takes a step closer, and Yoongi turns to face him like he’s got all the time in the world. 
You return just as Seungho opens his filthy mouth. 
‘Looks like you’ve paid,’ you say, passing the box across the counter to Seungho. 
You pull out the box cutter, slit the package, open it up for him to check, but don’t put it down. 
‘Am I going to have trouble here, boys?’ you ask. 
Seungho barely looks your way, Yoongi’s always known the man lacks vision. 
‘Nah,’ Seungho says finally. He picks up the box, sneers at Yoongi. 
Yoongi blanks his expression. There’s no way he’s going to start shit with Seungho in front of you. 
The asshole’s not worth it. 
As soon as the door closes behind Seungho you put down the box cutter. 
The next words out of your mouth surprise him. 
‘Shit, you’re hot when you’re mad, Yoongi.’ 
Yoongi stares at you, flummoxed, then he laughs. 
‘Just when I’m mad?’ he asks. 
You shrug. ‘Take me out on a date and I’ll tell you more.’ 
‘How about right now?’ Yoongi asks. 
‘Yeah,’ you say. ‘Let’s go.’ 
As your grip on his hair loosens, Yoongi lifts his mouth from your cunt, swipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Helps you tug your panties back up, smooths your skirt back down over your thighs. 
He notices you’ve still got his cum in the corner of your lips. As he watches, you flick your tongue out, lick delicately. 
His cock stirs with interest, and you act like you know it. 
‘More later?’ you ask. 
‘Yeah. After I win.’ 
Yoongi reaches over to help you with your seatbelt, arranging it across your chest, between your breasts, securing it. 
You lean forward and kiss him as the belt clicks into place. 
Yoongi starts the engine, turns the heating back on because he’s noticed your hands get cold easily. 
‘I can drop you off at home before the race,’ he offers. ‘Come see you after.’ 
‘I want to see you drive,’ you say.
Yoongi wouldn’t say it, but he’s pleased. He knows he’ll keep you safe, it’s a circuit through the city outskirts he’s done a million times, and he’s looking forward to you meeting Seokjin and Hoseok and Jungkook. 
He flicks on the lights, rolls into oncoming traffic. Heads North. 
By the time he pulls up to the starting line there’s the usual crowd gathered. He parks up next to Seokjin and Hoseok.  
In his rearview he can see JK surrounded by people. He’s lost the sad puppy air he had for a few weeks whilst he was pining after Mijin. The kid’s going to be all right, not that Yoongi’s ever had any doubt about that. 
Engines all around him are starting up, a deafening series of rumbles. 
Beside him, Seokjin waves, and Hoseok smiles so brightly it’s blinding. 
The flag waves, and Yoongi accelerates. 
Checks on you in the rearview, and you’re as pretty as he remembers. 
Min Yoongi’s spent a lot of his life looking for connection, and by his reckoning, he’s doing pretty well right about now. 
Lights flash by in a blur. 
Yoongi drives. 
Author note: And that's a wrap! Thank you for reading, hope you've enjoyed, here's to a brighter 2024. This time last year we were saying goodbye to Kim Seokjin, I can't wait to start welcoming the boys back again. Happy holidays to you all!
©hamsterclaw 2023
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khrystalsnow · 5 months
2023 Recent Jungkook Fanfics✨
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Hello! It's been two years since I've posted a recommendation list for my recently read or favourite reads of the year sooo I decided to do that for the end of the year! I only have a list of Jungkook's fics because he's my bias (plus yoongi and joonie) and just love his fics🫶🏼 I will be posting a separate list for the rest of the members soon🤞🏼 (hopefully). But I hope you guys enjoy and find some really good fics to read during the holidays and all the love for the authors🤭
The majority of fics are 18+ so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Legend: 🧸-fluff ❤️‍🩹-angst 💋-smut 🙊-crack/funny ❤️‍🔥-personal favourite ✒️-ongoing
jungkook & y/n are too shy to admit they like each other and it's cute but also infuriatingly frustrating by @jungshookz 🙊🧸
-quarterback jungkook and librarian y/n
the right choice by @honeytae 🧸
-friends to lovers and mutual pining, soo cute
million dollar darling by @kooktrash 💋🧸❤️‍🔥
-jungkook and model reader. Personally, one of my new favourite because I loveee old money/rich/chaebol fics🤩
close to you by @muniimyg 🧸💋🙊❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥✒️
-y/n and jungkook slept together and jungkook can't get over it, goofy jungkook and uptight oc. This is soo funny and I look forward to the updates all the time
bonus by @aquagustd 🙊🧸💋
-coworker au where you thought that no one noticed your flustered state whenever he's in close proximity
love on ice by @btsbrat 🧸💋
-cocky hockey player jungkook and figure skater reader
cutie in the kitchen by @borathae 🧸
-married life when jungkook cooks breakfast for oc and flirts the entire morning😭
the witch sisters by @rkivepetals 🧸🙊
-heartthrob witch jungkook meeting witch reader's sisters/family
why not and how so by @bonny-kookoo 🧸(little bit of ❤️‍🩹)💋❤️‍🔥
-jungkook figuring out that oc's dirty humour, mean and bratty actions is just a front and you're just a cutie pie inside
mugs & kisses by @minisugakoobies 🧸❤️‍🔥
-sooooo cuteeee, JK barista and his way of showing his love: drawings on coffee cups
sweet nothing by @adonis-koo ❤️‍🩹🧸❤️‍🔥✒️
-oc being a pregnant guest at the Jeon Estate because of her brother
kismet by @wnderkoo 🧸💋❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
-bookstore owner jungkook and oc who desperately needed to get a job
angel in the marble by @venusjeon ❤️‍🩹💋🙊❤️‍🔥
-michelangelo jungkook and servant reader
laundry fairy by @borathae 💋
-neighbours au where JK comes over to help with your laundry and more
ungodly hour series by @explicit-tae 💋🙊❤️‍🔥
-college students where you need a hulu account and jungkook is a BIG TIME SIMP
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rubyuji · 1 month
The Chase (Jeon Wonwoo) ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚
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“I won’t get tired of the chase when it comes to you because I know that once I win your heart, I will give you more than the world has to offer” ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
Genre: Angst (Not much), Fluff, Romance
AU: Chaebol!au
Pairing(s): CEO!Wonwoo x Afab Fashion Designer!Reader
Warnings: None except the shitty ex-boyfriend
Synopsis: After going through the most traumatizing relationship ever with your ex, you vowed never to open your heart to just anyone and simply accepted the fact that maybe you truly were just unlucky in love. That was until Jeon Wonwoo made it his life’s mission to prove to you that you weren’t unlucky, you just ended up with the wrong people.
Note: I don’t know why this took me so long finish, I started writing it during new year’s and still ended up finishing it in April ;; This is based off a true story (The shitty ex) and I wrote it to make myself feel better. Remember, never settle for less because you’re always deserving of more. Happy reading! And as always, don’t forget to like + reblog.
WC: 10.4k (and it took me 4 months)
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Sighing for the umpteenth time that day, you had finally had enough. It had been a week since your ‘boyfriend’ decided just to get up and ghost you, and now here he was when you finally thought he’d completely leave your life? Not only that but breaking up with you over text for that matter.
He couldn’t even call you to tell you shit, and he came back just to end things between you both.
“He’s so full of shit like I’m gonna take his fucking excuse of being busy like I always do. I’m tired of waiting for this guy, all talk that’s what he is. He wanted me first and now he’s the one initiating the breakup? The audacity he has to do all this when I put in all the work to make this relationship work.” You run a hand through your hair in exasperation as your friend Jennie eyes you worriedly.
“I told you, you deserve better Y/n. Never trust a guy who has to make up for his face with his ‘personality’, What’s the point? You gave him a chance because you pitied him. This guy should be embarrassed for even breaking up with someone in your league, you can do way better,” Rosé says.
Your ex wasn’t the most favorable person among your girlfriends, or your circle of friends in general, but love truly is blind.
You land on the couch beside Jennie, the movie on the big screen in your theater long forgotten as it was paused momentarily because your ex had decided to return at the worst possible time.
“He’s an ass, end of story. He never deserved you to begin with and I could see it coming ever since we met him, what guy uses him being busy as an excuse? If you truly loved your girlfriend, you’d spend every waking minute with her and spoil her with attention. You don’t even ask for much!” Jisoo shouts.
Lisa slaps your friend’s leg in an attempt to calm her down as you all laugh.
The girls knew that you were well aware of your worth, but this guy was persistent so you gave him a chance, but he ended up hurting you either way.
It was such nonsense for him to break up with you when you were nothing but good to him, hell, you were the whole package and he still couldn’t see where he wasted such an opportunity.
“Y/n, he never deserved you at all. You’re the full package when it comes to a partner. Like, you don’t even ask for that much assurance and give him all his freedom, and not only that, you’re so patient and understanding. You have your way with words, as well as a personality as pretty as your face for fucks sake. He wasted such a creative and unique person, he’ll get his karma soon enough,” Jennie says softly from beside you.
You were fully aware of the treatment you give your friends and can vouch for how much of a good person you are, but this guy broke up with you because one of your friends had decided to call him out on his shit treatment towards you? If he had worries about that he could’ve talked to you about it.
“Your ex is full of shit just saying, so how about we forget about it and get ready to go to Mingyu’s housewarming party tonight? I’m sure there will be guys flocking toward you from every direction, so stop crying over a guy who never deserved you.” Lisa dragged you and the girls into your walk-in to get ready.
Who did your ex think he was, anyway? He was probably some shitty lesson for you to vow to be more picky now with whom you let into your heart.
Since you were the one who was heartbroken in the midst of all this, your friends had taken extra time to help you look your best.
Jennie had grabbed a long black strapless dress that had a slit that ran until your mid-thigh, and Rosé helped with your makeup, opting for a subtle smokey eye and a deep red lip.
You decided to let the girls get ready and offered to do your hair with Jisoo in the bathroom, the two of you breaking into a friendly chat.
“I will never understand what you saw in that guy Y/n, you have so many guys chasing after you and yet you decided to give Junseo a chance. He wasn’t exactly the best-looking and even had a shitty personality. He only seemed good at first when he was pursuing you but he got shittier, anyone could see that only you were putting the effort in for the relationship to work,” Jisoo sighed.
You finished curling your hair and laughed at your friend’s words. Even you, yourself, couldn’t understand why you gave him that chance when he treated you like absolute garbage, he kept leaving you and coming back at his convenience, using the excuse of being busy as always.
He started becoming inconsistent, he couldn’t even give you the bare minimum and broke up with you just because he couldn’t handle communicating with you.
Because he couldn’t admit his mistakes? It wasn’t worth it in your opinion, and you had already detached like it was nothing. The relationship itself was comical.
“Well, he doesn’t count as a boyfriend to be completely honest. I don’t see him as one, like even as a person he isn’t all that, he is a good friend to everyone else but this guy isn’t all that in reality no matter how hard you look. He talks about me as if I’m just a random girl to his friends, Mingyu can vouch for me on that because he overheard him at the bar. Honestly never again,” you grimace at the memory.
Mingyu had called you up at two in the morning, and you wondered why on earth he’d be calling you at that hour.
Sure, your best friend was a bit of a party animal, so you weren’t exactly a stranger to a few drunk speed dials from him, but Mingyu sounded quite frustrated over the phone.
“Your asshole of a boyfriend, if you can even call him that, is at the bar we’re at right now. This dude talked about you as if you were some random chick. Honestly, if Hao hadn’t held me back, I would’ve punched the shithead square in the fucking face. Y/n, you should break up with him, you don’t deserve this disrespect at all.” You could hear Dokyeom telling Mingyu to let it go because they’d just go and find another bar.
Frankly, your boyfriend was pissing them off at that exact moment because they had all overheard his conversation from the table beside theirs.
“Gyu, I can’t believe he left after an argument we had, and this is what I come back to? You know what, never mind, I’ll deal with it myself. Don’t worry ok? You guys enjoy your night, I’ll talk to him as soon as possible” You reply quietly.
Mingyu starts to worry and asks if you need him to come over, but you assure him that you’ll be fine and that you’ll call Jeonghan to come over instead.
“I’m sure Jeonghan hyung will understand, so you rest up there. I’m sorry he’s a shitty person Y/n, you need someone who will take care of you just as well as we do, someone who’s just as good as you even. I’ll come over tomorrow to check up on you, ok? I’ll try not to drink as much knowing you’ll be worried about me driving with a hangover,” Mingyu tells you.
You tell him to take care and enjoy his night once again, and not to worry about you before you hang up. You debated texting Jeonghan, who was probably on his way to your penthouse already, so you decided to leave it to Mingyu.
You needed more time to do something about the current situation. It was all so confusing and you didn’t know how to feel, but thankfully you had friends who were practically angels on this godforsaken planet.
What you couldn’t fathom was that you gave this guy all the freedom he needed, hell, you stretched your patience and your ability to understand to its limit because of him, and yet he throws your name around as if you’re just some random girl he decided to hook up with? You don’t deserve that kind of disrespect, especially when you were a woman of class, and the person supporting him and his family without asking for anything in return.
When Jeonghan arrived at your place, you were ready to bawl and cry over how rocky your relationship had been since the beginning. The man had entered your home with a tub of ice cream and a bottle of your favorite aged wine that he always kept for you in case of emergencies.
Mingyu had described your dilemma enough for you, saving Jeonghan the explanation and the confusion as to why you needed him in the dead of night, but you knew well enough that if they also needed you, you’d be there in a heartbeat.
Jeonghan had sat you down in your living room, the lights in the penthouse out completely as you both bask in the darkness and the dim city lights that seep through the window. He takes a sip from his glass and eyes you with worry, before pulling you closer to his side.
“Your boyfriend is an asshole and you deserve better, and I know you’re tired of people telling you that, but this guy has completely proved time and time again that he is undeserving of your love. I know it will be easier said than done but you need to break up with this guy, he’s been hurting you Y/n and he’s acting like it’s completely ok just because you make excuses for him? God, I hate seeing you in this position as one of your best friends” Jeonghan mutters from beside you.
You take a sip of your wine and nod. This guy wasn’t the most well-liked individual in your circle, and you were starting to see the reality of things.
He’s been neglecting your needs and you as a whole, only using his having a girlfriend as something to brag about. Not only that, but he also had the privilege to date you, and he’s suddenly acting as if you’re some lowly girl chasing after his tail.
A highly respected chaebol and someone whose family and community as a whole consist of only the most elite, Yoon Jeonghan, son of Yoon Holdings. and Kim Mingyu, son of Kim Legal Group are some important names to note.
Your inner circle was full of powerful people, and they would hire a hitman on your behalf if you weren’t so patient, so this guy should be afraid to hurt you.
“Look, he doesn’t know the full extent of how much he hurt you and he’s acting like everything is ok just because you’re understanding and kind. He lost a very special and unique individual, hell, he lost the heir to one of the biggest fashion companies in the world. You shouldn’t have settled for someone who’s not even close to your league, like, you have models pining after you for fucks sake Y/n. I have a whole line of friends ready to treat you right,” your friend laughs.
“He’s not the most ideal guy, and I get it now. I guess I only liked how he treated me and made me feel special in a way, especially when he’s known me for so long, but you’re right Han. I need to gather the courage to break up with him because I can’t wallow in self-pity any longer, I own one of the biggest fashion companies in the world and I let this guy deter me from my goals. I need to start focusing on myself now,” you say with newfound confidence before laying your head on Jeonghan’s shoulder.
You were worth so much more, and you deserved to be valued as much as your friends valued you.
A week of healing and detachment led you to your current position now, a freshly single woman who was ready to start focusing on herself and herself only.
If a man wanted a place in your life, he was going to have to earn it and he should prove himself worthy of your attention. You are no longer going to settle when your ex practically gave you less than the bare minimum.
“You know what, you have the right to find someone else who’s in your league. I know you’re not in the mind to be in a relationship right now, but I hope at least one of the guys you meet tonight will try to pursue you with genuine intentions. You deserve someone willing to show you how much you mean to them, someone who’s not afraid to show and express their love for you.” Jisoo fixes your hair and you nod in agreement.
You were in no rush to find something new after being in such a draining position, but you also wouldn’t mind entertaining more notable suitors that had actual potential in your future because your boyfriend had always been in a questionable position, to begin with.
You didn’t mean to judge him, but you were a notable figure and he was quite unsure of his career path, which isn’t a bad thing, but your ex was careless and didn’t seem to care which way he was heading.
On your end, you had started to learn the ropes of fashion at a young age, and now you were ready to take over your family legacy. You should at least give him something as a reminder of the kind of woman he lost.
“Are you guys ready? Because it’s our turn to do our hair,” Jennie peeks into the bathroom. You and Jisoo chuckle in unison and nod as you head to your shoes and bags closet.
Jisoo picks a small all-black YSL clutch and a pair of classic black Louboutin heels before handing the items in your direction. You take the shoes and give your friend a knowing look as she winks at you.
“I think a pair of Vivienne Westwood earrings would look gorgeous with the outfit, pair that with the matching necklace and you’re all set. God Y/n, you’re such a stunner and your ex wanted to break up? That’s his biggest loss ever,” your friend helps you put the necklace on as you finish up your earrings.
You were much more excited about Mingyu’s housewarming party, especially because it was at the house that you had helped him pick while he was house hunting.
Being a fashion designer and someone who works in such a creative industry, your friends always ask for your input knowing you have an eye for things that they would like.
It was a no-brainer decision for one of your best friends to take you house hunting with him because whatever you liked, Mingyu also had a knack for. Your ex didn’t count though, but when it came to everything else, your best friend was your other half.
“I’m just excited to see Mingyu and everyone else, it’s been way too long since we all had a proper hangout. Everyone’s been so busy ever since we started uni, and some of the others graduating ahead even, so thank God for him moving homes, because we probably wouldn’t have any other chance to reunite” you laugh softly.
The girls had already finished dolling themselves up and you all headed to the parking garage. You had a hard time picking between which cars to choose from, but you decided on your black Ferrari convertible as a reward for yourself.
Slipping into the driver’s seat, you motioned for them to get in, Jennie immediately calling shotgun and causing the other three to groan in unison.
Driving to Mingyu’s place was a breeze because he lived right in Hannam-Dong, your favorite area, and one of the reasons why you convinced your best friend to get his current home.
There was no way Mingyu was gonna say no to you anyway, you both always just looked out for each other like that because he was like a brother to you and you were like a sister to him.
You even contributed to at least half of Mingyu’s choices when he was choosing and decorating his current living space. Yes, your friend had taken you to every furniture shopping trip and had even called you over during renovations he was making.
Pulling into the gate, security stops you and asks who you’re there for and what house number. “House nine, Kim Mingyu,” you smile softly. The guard lets you in and tells you and the girls to have a good night as you drive toward Mingyu’s place.
“You’re already so familiar with the area, Mingyu did bring you around the whole time so it makes sense. God, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you two were dating,” Lisa joked.
You roll your eyes and let out a snort. Never in a million years would you ever think of dating Mingyu, he was your best friend and that’s all you two ever will be.
Besides, you found his other friends more appealing, but you were also too shy to approach them knowing Mingyu would never let you live it down. It was just the dynamic you both settled on because you both had gone through more than enough together.
“I would never date Mingyu, we’re too close to date and we grew up together. If you were to ask me, I’d have my bets on any of his other friends,” you parked in Mingyu’s designated parking spot that he had put especially for you (he had insisted since you would be coming over quite often anyway).
“Should’ve gone for them instead of your ex then,” Lisa laughed and you all got out of the car, ready to head inside.
Jisoo’s mouth had dropped as she stared in awe at Mingyu’s estate. “Mingyu chose the right person for advice, Y/n this place is beautiful. You do have an eye for amazing things,” your friend says. You shook your head and thanked her with a bashful smile.
The estate was beautiful, it was modern with wide windows and a black and white exterior. The gate was wide open and you could see people inside the house mingling as you all made your way in.
You then see the homeowner himself at the door, seemingly waiting for your arrival. Mingyu had a goofy smile on his face as Jungkook waved at you from beside him, he was practically Mingyu’s twin because he was around Mingyu just as much as you were.
“You’re finally here, he wouldn’t stop whining about you and honestly thank God. Mingyu finally shut up and insisted we come down to greet you once he saw your car pull up into the driveway,” Jungkook hugs you as he says that and you turn to Mingyu himself who looks just as happy to see you.
“He’s joking, now you guys come in. You’re looking quite better Y/n, did something happen?” Mingyu quips. You shrug your shoulders and casually mention that your ex had broken up with you through text after ghosting you for a week.
Jungkook turns to you as if you had dropped a bomb on them and Mingyu’s jaw falls slack at your revelation. You laughed awkwardly and tried to slip away after seeing Jeonghan out of the corner of your eye, but you were immediately stopped by the two of them.
“OK first, I’m proud of you that you finally broke up with his ass, he’s honestly one of the worst creatures to ever walk this earth, but second, how are you coping? You came all the way here, I’m worried about you. Aren’t you supposed to be crying and sobbing?” Mingyu mutters.
He was genuinely so concerned at how you were able to get to his party as if nothing was completely wrong.
“Not worth crying and moping over, and besides, I’m completely ok, I promise. Still open to love and finding someone eventually though,” You held Mingyu’s hand and squeezed it as a sign of assurance, but your tall friend still looked concerned.
“Gyu, don’t worry. I had the girls with me and I have you guys, you still have guests to entertain, now go. I’ll let you know if I need anything, I promise” You ushered him to the entrance of his house as he threw you one last worried glance, before tending to his other guests that had arrived.
As you and the girls head towards the living room, where most of the guests mingled, you are completely unaware of the man who had been eyeing you ever since you had stepped foot into the home.
He stares at you full of wonder, in awe at how you glowed around your friends. Was it the lighting or were you just an angel in disguise?
“Hey Won, if you’re that into her, you should just go talk to her you know? Take the opportunity while it lasts, seeing as almost every guy here has their eye on her” Soonyoung, more known as Hoshi by his friends, chuckled from beside him, as he nudged his shoulder.
“Yeah no, I’ll stick to just admiring Y/n from afar. She has a boyfriend after all” Wonwoo says, but his face forms into a soft smile after seeing you interact with Dokyeom from across the room.
He wasn’t looking for anyone to be with before he met you, truthfully speaking, given how busy he is now that he runs his family’s business but you were just naturally radiant, it was hard not to notice your beauty and overwhelming presence whenever you were around. Wonwoo did want to approach you, but he didn’t know how when so many people would be around you at once.
The two of you had met on several different occasions, but you were always around Mingyu when it came to these things.
Wonwoo only really knew you as Mingyu’s childhood best friend, but seeing how you both interacted and based on how the media portrayed you, you seemed like quite the catch and Wonwoo couldn’t deny the small crush he had started to develop towards you, but you also had a boyfriend.
“You’re going to regret that you know, he just broke up with her today so you’re free to pursue her as you like. Just take your time with her, because I know she’ll open her heart eventually…” Mingyu appeared behind them and Wonwoo raised an eyebrow at him. Your boyfriend? How could he ever break up with someone like you?
“He had a shitty ass reason from what Jennie told me, basically he broke up with her because he said he was too busy or something. I think we’re all aware that this guy is just full of shit, after all, Y/n was the serious one and she put her utmost effort into the relationship, it’s unfair on her when there are way better people out there. People like you,” Mingyu continued while nudging Wonwoo’s shoulder.
“Yikes? Won, you should pursue her and treat her the way she deserves. Take your time with Y/n, we all know she’ll open up either way when you show her that she’s truly deserving of only the best.” Jihoon grins widely.
Wonwoo was starting to deliberate within himself, he had a huge opportunity right in front of him to pursue you, and either way, it was a way to get to know you better and to see if you would give him the chance.
Jeon Wonwoo wasn’t the type to chase someone but for you? You had him wrapped around your pretty little fingers and he wouldn’t mind following you through the ends of the earth if he had to. If you gave him a chance, he’d prove to you that you only deserve to be treated with only the best and nothing less.
“Y/n was such a trooper for settling for the barest of the minimum, she’s the biggest green flag through and through, and this guy chose to abuse it. I think you’re the person for her Won, you’re willing to go after her, aren’t you? Now go and ask her out, Dokyeom’s telling her to walk over.” Mingyu looked like a madman because his smile was so wide, but he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to set the two of his closest friends up with each other.
You both deserved only the best, and Mingyu must admit that you were a perfect match. He’d always wanted Wonwoo for you, but your ex had to ruin it all by stealing you away.
Wonwoo turned to the side and sure enough, you were making your way toward Mingyu and the others. Wonwoo’s breath was caught in his throat as he saw you coming closer. God, you looked so beautiful, it was hard not to stare.
Once you were in front of them, you greeted them kindly, your tone soft and sweet, but still with a hint of elegance. The guys only shared knowing glances and they urged Wonwoo to talk to you teasingly.
“Y/n, is it ok if we have a moment alone? I need to ask you something and I’d feel like it would be too much pressure to put you on the spot in front of everyone,” You looked at Wonwoo and nodded, surprised at his demeanor.
You were so used to the serious side of the man that seeing him all shy and flustered only made you smile at him.
Wonwoo led you to the second floor, and you immediately knew where he was taking you. You know Mingyu’s house like the back of your hand, so it was no surprise when Wonwoo opened up the garden on the second floor.
It was perfectly private since the second floor was off-limits for other guests, and everyone was led straight to the rooftop or was on the ground floor.
“Now that we have a bit more privacy, I heard from Mingyu and his big mouth that your ex had broken up with you. How are you coping?” Wonwoo motioned for you to sit next to him on the bench.
You took a seat next to him and let out a soft chuckle, this was the first time you were ever alone with Wonwoo, outside of a formal setting and without the company of others.
“Doing fine, I mean, I detached from the whole situation emotionally so it’s nothing. Left me quite drained, but I won’t let a hiccup like this stop me from finding someone else, I’m just not in the state to be in another relationship right now…” You reply and stare at the city from below.
The view was gorgeous, but you couldn’t deny that the man next to you was just as good-looking.
“I know you’re not in the state to commit to something else as you’re healing right now, but I’d like to ask you if you’re willing to let me court you. I don’t want to pressure you, and it’s completely up to you, but I wanted to open up the possibility because I’ve been admiring you for a while Y/n. I only want to show you that you deserve only the best,” Wonwoo proposes.
Your mouth is slightly agape at his proposal, you are just in complete shock at how someone like Wonwoo had openly confessed that he’d be willing to pursue you because he admired you.
It was a bold move and it was a risk knowing you’d just been broken up with, but he was willing to take it either way.
“Courting huh? You surprise me Jeon Wonwoo. I’ll accept your proposal, but I have to let you know that it won’t be as easy because of the trauma from my last relationship,” you look down and fidget with your hands.
You were okay with being pursued and courted, but you’re still shaken up from the events of your last relationship, so you’re taking it easy.
“I won’t get tired of the chase when it comes to you because I know that once I win your heart, I will give you more than the world has to offer,” Wonwoo chuckles before wrapping his jacket around you.
He was truly a gentleman, and what did you have to lose? The man was trusted by your friends and most especially Mingyu, your friend who was like a brother to you.
“I admire your courage and patience, but going after me won’t be so easy now…” You chuckle lightly.
You thought Wonwoo would laugh along but the man truly was serious about you, which was a surprise. People these days were only up for casual dating, but you were someone who preferred something long-term and serious, especially when work and business took up most of your life.
“Believe me, I know how you feel because I’m equally as busy, but I’m willing to work around that. You’re an amazing woman, seeing how secure you are in yourself only makes you all the more attractive. I want someone who shares my work ethic and dreams. Seeing your character, and hearing all the good things about you. I can truly say you are everything I could ever ask for,” Wonwoo continued.
You never got flustered or embarrassed, but hearing someone acknowledge your hard work, especially from a person like Wonwoo, you couldn’t help but blush at his confession.
The media has always highlighted your endless milestones, but no one ever brought up the grueling hours you’ve spent working towards a goal. Wonwoo truly was one of a kind, which only made you want to give him a chance even more.
The two of you hear a glass door slide and hear a familiar voice let out a hearty laugh. “There you two are, come down because I’m going to say a few words before the house gets trashed,” Mingyu stood by the door and smiled at the two of you.
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Since that night, Jeon Wonwoo proved that he was serious about his word, because the morning after Mingyu’s party, you had received a bouquet arrangement of baby’s breaths and camellias, along with a note.
It read, ‘Just because. Have a good day, I’ll visit your place later since your secretary told me you had a full schedule today. See you later beautiful :)’.
“Is that from Wonwoo? Look at him already treating you better than your shitty ex-boyfriend,” Jennie laughs after walking into the kitchen.
You chuckle and place the flowers in a vase that you filled with water. It was unique, usually, people would send roses since it was romantic, but this was sweet of Wonwoo because he isn’t like everyone else.
“By the way, baby’s breath flowers mean ‘everlasting love’, and camellias mean ‘you’re a flame in my heart’. This man is already gaining my approval because he knows the flower language and put in the effort to arrange that, and have it delivered, between his busy schedule. I can’t wait to see what else he has in mind,” you hand Jennie a mug of coffee you were making and roll your eyes playfully.
It was cheesy, but you had to admit that it was also admirable. This was your first time receiving flowers from someone from a romantic perspective.
You had received flowers from Mingyu, Seungcheol, and even Jihoon, in the past, but they were all friendly gestures or formalities at one of Mingyu’s events. This time, it felt different as you feel a sense of giddiness bloom in your chest.
“He’s coming over tonight, I wonder what else he has planned,” you wonder aloud. Just as you said that sentence, the other girls had walked into the kitchen, and Jisoo immediately asked who you were referring to.
“Wonwoo sent her flowers and said he’d come over to see her, crazy right? This guy just started courting Y/n and is already proving himself worthy,” Jennie replies.
Rosé raises a brow and Lisa’s brows knit. This was a first from any of the guys you’ve ever been with, and Wonwoo hadn’t even taken you out on a proper date yet, but it was a lot coming from someone who was now taking over one of the biggest companies in the country. The man was bound to be busy almost every minute of his entire life right now.
It was a no-brainer that Wonwoo had a lot of responsibilities but given his dating history, or lack thereof, this was a whole new thing for him.
A man who is serious about what he wants is one of the hottest things ever to you, so he was gaining your favor faster than you thought.
“Stop being a bare minimum enjoyer, I can’t wait to see what he’s going to bring to the table for you though. I need this guy to treat you the way you deserve to be treated because you settled for shit men and that isn’t who you are, you need someone serious and emotionally intelligent,” Rosé huffs.
Your friends continue to talk amongst themselves as you get started on your breakfast, your mind still on Wonwoo.
You never paid much mind to Mingyu’s friends, but you slowly warmed up to the twelve men, getting particularly close to Jeonghan, Jihoon, and Seungcheol, specifically, but Wonwoo? You could barely remember your last exchange with the man except for the one from the night before.
They all had their charm and you wouldn’t mind hanging out with any of them at all, but Wonwoo was one of the busier members of the group so you never got the chance to see him as much due to schedules clashing.
You couldn’t lie though, you thought the man was attractive for being so hardworking but still finding the time to go to every dinner or event he was invited to, especially when it came to their friend group in particular.
You had missed a few here and there because you were either too burned out from working, or had too much on your schedule that day, but you always managed to hear that Wonwoo had made it.
“Hey Y/n, we’ll be leaving in an hour or two so you can mentally prepare yourself for your night with Wonwoo. No weird shit ok? I know he’s hot and all but have some self-control and save it for when you’re officially together,” Jennie jokes from behind you as she gives you a back hug.
You let out a giggle and nod softly, immediately catching your friend’s drift.
“Yeah don’t worry, I promise I have it all under control ok Jen? Now let me finish cooking our food so I can at least send you guys off with a thank you for being the best,” you say softly.
The girls smile at you, their expressions teasing in a way. You could only roll your eyes at them. For the first time, your friends supported a guy. It was new and completely unexpected, especially when your close-knit group of friends consisted of maneaters.
After breakfast, your friends had finally left you alone in your penthouse with nothing to do until Wonwoo came over that evening, so you decided to tend to some important emails and other matters.
Hence, you no longer had anything else to think about. You couldn’t help but think though, how could someone like Wonwoo ask you out? Let alone court you. Jeon Wonwoo was someone you least expected to have the time for something like courtship.
It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you both were some of the busiest people in the industry, especially with your family brand making a name overseas and his company taking the whole country by storm.
You both always had packed schedules, but Wonwoo was willing to fit you into his somehow, which you admired. Your friends always say that a man is never too busy for someone he truly loves.
“He’s already so sweet, I’m already getting sick just thinking about him,” you say to yourself.
You couldn’t help but feel all giddy, even after the traumatic experience with your ex, you felt happy to give someone a chance because they promised to make up for what you had gone through.
Despite your giddy feelings, the emotional trauma had started to creep up on you. Jumping into something new almost immediately wasn’t the wisest idea on your part, but Wonwoo was one of Mingyu’s closest friends as well, so Mingyu wouldn’t push the idea if it wasn’t good for you.
“I shouldn’t put too much effort into how I look tonight, after all, we are just having dinner here, but I wonder what he’s got planned,” you get up from the couch and make your way into your room. Even if you were just going to meet at your own home, you still had to look presentable at least.
Walking into your closet, you decide to pull out another one of your favorite black dresses. It wasn’t too out there, but it was pretty enough to wear for dinner at home. The dress ended at the knees and had puffy sleeves, with the waist having a corset-like design.
This dress was your pride and joy because you had designed this when you were still in your first year of high school, with only one piece existing in the entire world.
“You know what, maybe I should call Mingyu. He could calm my nerves and tell me what Wonwoo is like…” you sigh softly.
Whenever you did feel your nerves catching up to you, you always turned to call your puppy of a best friend to help you get over your thoughts, and since the guy was also one of his closest friends, Mingyu could help alleviate any worries you have.
You opted to call him because he would probably take forever to lecture you either way. You grab your phone and dial Mingyu’s number, the man probably had nothing better to do right now because his family was going to be over that night as well and he talked to you yesterday about wanting to cook for them in his new home.
“Hey, you’re calling me. Don’t tell me you’re nervous about your date with Wonwoo tonight?” You can hear the smirk in Mingyu’s tone.
If he was here, you’d already land him a smack on his shoulder and a good eye roll, but you were in your penthouse across the city.
“I’m not stupid, I just need to hear more about what he’s like. Besides, I also maybe do want to get intel on his side because you’re his other best friend you know,” you chuckle playfully. Mingyu wasn’t a snitch obviously, but he could at least tell you what he gathered from the guy.
“Yeah I know, look, Wonwoo’s just as nervous as you are. It’s his first time being with a woman who wasn’t exactly chosen by his parents if you catch my drift. Just relax, he’s harmless and is pretty good at conversations, he’s not that awkward once he opens up a bit,” you hear shuffling on Mingyu’s end.
“Are you seriously preparing meals right now?” You laugh. You hear Mingyu laugh as he switches over to Facetime before he sets his phone somewhere on the counter.
“You already know, it’s their first time here so I want to make it special and meaningful,” Mingyu smiles.
Your best friend was the biggest green flag you have ever met. Ever since you were kids, you could already tell that his parents had raised him to be the gentleman he is today, and if you weren’t best friends, you would be dating him at this point. But you were already beyond that point because he just really felt like the brother you never had.
“Anyways, as I’m preparing meals, I’m also here to yap about how Wonwoo also knows how to treat someone right. I wouldn’t want anyone else for either of you, so this is all part of my plan,” Mingyu starts gathering plates as you set your phone on the vanity.
“You think you’re some kind of mastermind aren’t you?” You giggle. You would never doubt Mingyu, and if he was desperate enough to get you and Wonwoo together, it just means he’s giving you the treatment you truly deserve.
“You only deserve the best, besides, you’re a woman of class Y/n, don’t get it twisted now. Let me remind you that your family owns one of the biggest fashion companies in all of Korea right now, and your circle only consists of some of the most powerful people in the country.” Mingyu points out.
You hum at his words, had you forgotten who you were because of a guy who was never truly worth your time?
“Thanks for the reminder as always Gyu. I think we could call up Cheol to do a background check on him, and we can get Soonyoung to hire a hitman if possible. I’ll also make sure to call you if I need to sue someone,” you close the lid of your eyeliner and hear Mingyu huff as he holds back another laugh.
The guys were overprotective of you, and you couldn’t blame them for their dislike towards your ex, it was justified now that you truly think about it.
Your ex couldn’t even walk into a gathering with your friends without Dino and Seungkwan giving him side eyes and the dirtiest looks known to man.
“Anyways, Wonwoo doesn’t exactly know how to cook, so he asked me to make your favorite. I made your pasta the way you liked it, just so you know,” Mingyu picks up his phone again and you shake your head as he shows you the various food laid out on the counter.
“I wish I was there, tell Auntie and Uncle that I said hi, and tell your sister that I miss her,” Mingyu pouts. “What about me?” You hold back a smile, ever so clingy.
“We saw each other yesterday, you’ll live. I practically see you almost every day you goof,” you reply.
“Kay whatever, anyways, I’m guessing Wonwoo is on his way so I’ll leave you to it. You look great, don’t give him a heart attack,” you laugh as Mingyu hangs up the call. Your best friend always knew what to say, and you were always grateful to him in every way possible.
You spray on a bit of your favorite perfume and head out into the living room, seeing that the sun is already setting and casting a soft glow into the room.
You smile to yourself, you loved the view from your penthouse, but your sorry excuse of an ex was also a reminder that you chose the place while thinking of him and the life you could’ve had together.
“Stop thinking about him, he’s not worth your fucking time anymore. You have to focus on yourself now, and you’re gonna make it right,” you mutter to yourself softly.
After thirty minutes of pacing around your living room, you hear the buzzer of your doorbell and flinch at the sound. ‘Wonwoo’s here,’ you think, as you make your way to the door to greet your guest, or date, for that matter.
You see Wonwoo through the camera and immediately let out a breath, accompanied by a smile, upon seeing his appearance, as you unlock the door to your home. He looked a bit tired when you went to get him at the door but in a split second, he looked like he was hit with adrenaline upon seeing you.
“Hey, gorgeous, sorry if our first date isn’t exactly the most ideal right now. I’ll take you out somewhere better next time,” Wonwoo says softly before throwing you a smile.
God, he was so damn charming and this was only the first date? And he promised to do even better for the next date?
Wonwoo was already exceeding your expectations by planning another date, making it to your house on time for dinner, and even going out of his way to ask Mingyu to cook your favorite food.
You felt like you could finally depend on someone and moments like that aren’t exactly something you had the luxury of enjoying.
“I’m fine with whatever really, but if you insist, I’ll have to take you up on it,” you say and lead Wonwoo over to the kitchen.
You notice how he takes in the interior carefully, studying every detail of your place of residence. You smile at his action, his observant behavior is endearing to you.
“Your penthouse is beautiful by the way,” You turn to Wonwoo as he places the food on the island in the kitchen. “Thank you, I kind of want to make a few renovations though.” You reply in a gentle voice.
Almost every corner had reminded you of your ex, and you hated how your living space didn’t correspond to your taste anymore.
“Seeing Mingyu’s place, I’d like to be around when you do your renovations. I figured the penthouse was lacking in your personality, but still beautiful like the owner,” Wonwoo keeps his gaze trained on you. You burn under it and start helping him plate the food.
The action of plating the food together and chatting about each other’s lives felt so domestic and natural to you. If you were honest, you wish you were dating Wonwoo and never even met your ex.
You hated comparing your ex to Wonwoo, but the treatment was vastly different, even from the first time he had asked you out. Your ex had asked you out quite casually since he was a friend of a friend, whilst Wonwoo had really taken the time to consider your feelings and had given you time to think.
After dinner, you decided to take Wonwoo on a tour around your penthouse, the two of you easily conversing and feeling more comfortable with each other.
“You still manage to game in between your busy schedule? That’s so crazy,” you smile.
Wonwoo shrugs as the two of you make your way back to the living room, he finds your demeanor cute, and his heart continues to beat even harder for you.
“OK then, what do you do in your downtime little Ms. fashion designer?” He jokes. Wonwoo loved hearing about you or anything to do with you, he adored you that much, and he treasured every moment with you.
“I like niche hobbies, you know? I’ve always loved making handmade things, so beaded jewelry, crocheting, painting, and doing art. I also dabble in writing, reading, photography, and I dance,” you list all your hobbies down, not thinking much of it since no one had ever really asked about them besides your friends.
“Your hobbies are just as gorgeous as you are,” Wonwoo looks at you with a lovesick smile. He felt himself fall for you even harder, he was in too deep and he wouldn’t mind waiting years for you if he had to.
You felt your cheeks heat up and reply with a chuckle. It was only the first date and this man had already managed to make you blush, smile, and make you feel taken care of in just a matter of a few hours. You appreciated the way he treated you so carefully, and you were willing to give him a chance to be a part of your life now.
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A few months had gone by in a blur with Wonwoo, and there was never a dull moment with him. From his daily words of affirmation, endless compliments, and a lot more dates he managed to fit into his schedule.
He never forced anything on you, and he was patient with you through and through. You couldn’t have been any more grateful for him for waiting on you for so long.
“Are you attending fashion week next week? I heard from Mingyu that you were offered a spot for your collection debut, that’s amazing Y/n,” Wonwoo smiles from the kitchen island.
You wave your hand dismissively, you felt shy whenever it came to these things, but seeing as Wonwoo was constantly up to date on your endeavors, much like you were with his, you couldn’t avoid it and decided to enjoy the thoughtfulness. He was just perfect, and with each passing day, you admittedly started falling for him just as hard.
“I am, do you want to go with me?” You replied. Wonwoo hums, eyes still on you and with a loving expression on his face.
“I’d be honored to go with you gorgeous, but I wouldn’t want to be crossing any lines with you. You do know that right?” Wonwoo replies.
He had always been so thoughtful, you wondered if the Gods above had finally decided to end your streak of failed relationships.
“Yes, Won. I hope you also know that in no way are you crossing lines by being with me, I mean, you’ve been nothing but amazing to me. Having you by my side is a breath of fresh air, I am always grateful to have you around,” You walk over and give Wonwoo a soft peck on the cheek.
“Great, I’ll ask my secretary to clear my schedule for next week then. Just so I can spend as much time with you as I can, you need all the support you can get since it is your official debut at such a huge event,” Wonwoo circles his arms around your waist and you rest your arms around his neck.
Though you were in a courting stage and weren’t exactly official, you and Wonwoo never shied away from small acts of affection, which slowly uncovered the reciprocated feelings that were starting to bloom on your end.
It was like Wonwoo fit into your life so effortlessly, he was the most supportive, loving, and soft-spoken person in the entire world. He was everything you could’ve ever wanted and he never got mad or raised his voice at you. He truly was perfect, perfect to the point that everyone had been itching for you to finally give him an answer, and you were going to eventually.
Soon enough, a week after that conversation had taken place, you were in Paris with Wonwoo, Mingyu, and a few of your other friends from your close inner circle for fashion week.
You all had arrived in France at around ten in the evening, deciding to go for a small dinner before you all became too swamped with work for the next few days.
“You two have been so cozy lately, it’s so adorable,” Mingyu comments during the dinner. Jennie hums from beside him, and Seungkwan chuckles as he notices you freeze up.
You regain your composure and throw Mingyu a stiff smile, seeing the mischievous glint in your best friend’s eyes.
“I’m just doing my best to treat her the best I can, she deserves the world, and I would give her more if I could. I don’t mind waiting an eternity if I have to, because I know it will be worth the wait to finally have her in my arms and to be able to call her mine,” Wonwoo suddenly spoke up.
You choke on your wine as the rest of your friends either have their jaws dropped or squealed with a newfound giddiness.
You look over at Wonwoo, and the man is staring at you, sincerity sparkling in your eyes. Wonwoo didn’t care about anyone else at that moment, you were the only woman he wanted, and he would do everything in his power to call you his.
He’s been made aware of your continuous strain of failed relationships, and he was determined to break that pattern because you were a woman of value who deserved every good thing the world had to offer.
Back at your hotel, you were suddenly restless after the dinner. A feeling of unease had crept up on you, and you couldn’t tell if it was because of your official debut at fashion week, or the fact that you were going to be facing hundreds of people tomorrow. You were always good at handling crowds, but with an event like Fashion Week, you had no idea what to expect.
“Hey, you’re pacing. What’s going on? Is something on your mind?” Wonwoo had walked out of the bedroom and noticed you pacing around nonstop in the living room. You shake your head at him, brushing off your anxiety, and telling him you were fine when you weren’t.
“You’re not ok, I can tell. Sit down and let’s unpack if you’re up for it, or we can just cuddle. The choice is yours,” Wonwoo brings you into his arms, and you bask in his warmth and comfort.
You felt so vulnerable and wanted to just rest in someone’s arms, so when Wonwoo picked you up and brought you over to the couch, you welcomed the gesture.
“You never fail to make me feel better Won, thank you for always being the best. I feel so bad for being vulnerable right now, but you constantly take care of me so well. I swear it’s just nothing and it’s just my nerves getting the best of me because of tomorrow,” Wonwoo held you tighter, and you never felt so safe in someone’s arms before.
“They’re going to love you out there, you’ve already gotten this far on your own, building your company up higher and higher. You deserve everything Y/n, and we’ll be by your side the entire time to support you. Breathe in and breathe out, the crowds won’t be a bother since we’ll make sure you get there in one piece, ok?” You nod into Wonwoo’s chest and feel his steady breathing.
It felt so nice being so close to him, and you finally decided that it was time to give him an answer and make things official between you both. “Won, could I tell you something?” You look up at him. Wonwoo nods and smiles softly as he runs a hand through your hair.
“Anything you need pretty girl, I’m all ears,” You swore you felt your heart melt. He just looked at you with so much adoration and love in his eyes, you didn’t understand what you did to deserve someone like him.
“I think I’m ready to make things official between us, I had a whole other thing planned out in how I would give you my answer, but that backfired and I couldn’t hold it in any longer,” You were yapping at this point, but Wonwoo let you go on your tangent like usual with a huge grin on his face.
“You don’t understand how happy I am to hear those words coming from you, thank you for giving me the chance to treat you right, gorgeous. Any answer from you would make me happy either way and now I get to officially call you my girlfriend,” Wonwoo plants a chaste kiss on your lips and pulls away to see you looking like a blushing mess.
Loving Wonwoo was so easy, being with him was easy, and you both effortlessly fit into each other’s lives. Maybe you weren’t the problem, but the people you had been with were just the wrong ones.
When the next day rolled around, you were already awake in bed, wrapped in not only the comforter but also in Wonwoo’s arms.
You turned to face him and watched his sleeping form, you couldn’t comprehend that he was finally yours, and suddenly every moment spent with him over the past few months had started coming back to you.
The flowers were always the most memorable. Wonwoo would constantly buy you flowers, whether they meant something or not, he would always have them on hand during a date or when he simply visited you throughout the week.
“You don’t have to get me flowers all the time you know? I love and appreciate the gesture but I hate to see you spend so much,” You giggle. Wonwoo shakes his head dismissively and pretends to shush you, causing you to laugh at his actions.
“I want to, and besides, why make money when I can’t spend it on you? You deserve it. You work so hard every day and it’s my token of appreciation for the most outstanding woman I could ever be with,” Wonwoo replies proudly. Always the charmer, Jeon Wonwoo.
The next most memorable thing was just Wonwoo’s endless effort to take care of you and make you feel loved in every way possible.
Since Wonwoo is the caretaker type, he would meticulously plan out dates, ask your secretary for your schedule ahead of time, and even ask you what you felt like doing that day just so you could be happy. It was something you never thought would ever be possible in your years of dating.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” You hear Wonwoo’s morning voice and it snaps you out of your daze.
Wonwoo was there, arms around your waist, and looking soft as ever. You run a hand through his hair and hold him close to you.
“I was just thinking about how amazing the past few months with you had been, you always do so much for me, and I always appreciate the effort. Thank you Wonwoo,” You kiss him and Wonwoo responds with just as much need. He cups your face and you instantly melt into the touch of his hand.
“I will continue to treat you as such, and I hope you do not expect any less. You’re the reason I keep going these days, and being with you is something I will forever thank the stars for doing. I can’t wait to spend all these years with you, Y/n,” Wonwoo pulls away and takes in your features.
You chuckle and sit up in bed before taking your phone from the nightstand. You check the time and in moments, you realize you still need to get ready.
“Won, I’m gonna go get ready. We leave for the venue in an hour or two for final adjustments, and I still need my hair and wardrobe done before we leave,” You practically jump out of bed and Wonwoo laughs at how frantic you are. Always the perfectionist, but he found you endearing in every way possible.
Wonwoo watches as you get your hair and makeup done, his own not taking as much time, so he decided to watch you get yours done.
“You’re staring, Mr. Jeon,” You notice him from behind you. Wonwoo shakes his head and continues to watch you. You are the most beautiful woman in his eyes without a single doubt.
At the venue, there were already a lot of people lined up and getting ready for the fashion show. The press was there taking pictures of the celebrities, and you noticed Mingyu, Jeonghan, and Minghao eating up the attention.
Crowds were going wild at how gorgeous your friends looked, but you and Wonwoo decided to catch up with them after the show since you still had to go backstage.
“Will you be fine with Yerin, love? I don’t wanna disturb your work so I’ll be heading out to join the others. If you need me, just ask her to call me and I’ll be here for you,” Wonwoo smiles. He knows how much focus you’ll be putting on the show, so he decided not to delay you any longer.
“I’ll be ok, love. Thank you, again. You guys just sit back and enjoy the show, and I’ll be right with you guys,” You smile warmly.
Wonwoo nods and makes his way out to find Mingyu, Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Minghao, and Seungkwan, who are already seated near each other.
“Wonwoo! Over here! Can you believe it? Y/n’s finally officially debuting overseas, she deserves it so much,” Wonwoo slips into the seat beside Mingyu, and takes notice of your friends Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo, and Rosé sitting behind them.
“She’s been working so hard lately, she really does deserve it,” Wonwoo replies proudly. Soonyoung and Vernon joined them shortly after, along with Joshua and Seokmin, and the show was finally about to begin.
The models walked down, all in pieces Wonwoo had seen in your sketchbook, and now they were finally coming to life. From the shoes to the bags, all the way down to the accessories, he could recognize your designs from anywhere because it was just so you. He took videos because he proudly wanted to show you that he is always going to be your number one supporter.
The show had gone by in a breeze, and you came out from behind the models, looking like one of them even, before bowing as the audience clapped for you. Wonwoo could see the sparkle in your eyes, and the way you were glowing with happiness. You look like an angel.
All your close circle of friends had then gathered, and you walked towards them. They showered you with words of congratulations, how proud they were of you, and you thanked your friends for their endless support. Out of nowhere though, as Lisa was hugging you to congratulate you, your eyes fell on Wonwoo, who was holding a beautiful bouquet of roses.
Mingyu laughed as he pushed the man toward you, and you felt shy upon seeing his appearance. Wonwoo looked so dashing while wearing a full collection of your clothes, and he was handing you your favorite flowers like a prince. You wish you were dreaming because everything felt so surreal at that moment.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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piedpiperslists · 3 months
Seokjin One Shots (XXXIV)
* s - contains smut
Whipped by @syubits wc~3k / baker!Seokjin, strangers to lovers Summary: The new intern at the bakery down the street is kinda cute.
A Prince, Pauper and Pear by @jinpire wc~3k / prince!Seokjin, fantasy au Summary: You squinted at him dubiously for a moment before dragging your gaze pointedly up the immaculate leather boots with silver trappings, form fitting trousers and delicate embroidery on the lining of the coat. The shiny bar of silver hanging from his left ear. “Uh….were you trying to hide that?”
Sweet, Inedible Things by @jinpire wc~4.6k / ft PJM, bakery au Summary: Two more tense twelve hour shifts in the bakery have passed, in which Seokjin and Jimin have taken turns snapping at each other over innocent desserts and one confused assistant baker—you—to the point that customers are starting to notice.
Glazed & Dazed by @floralseokjin s wc~30.3k / pornstar au Summary: Vanilla, that’s what you do best as one of the industry’s most loved stars. Only you want a change. Taking the plunge to taint your pure image, knowing so many fans would love to see it sullied, even if just for one movie.  There’s only one man for the job in your eyes. One you’ve always admired from afar, and the only one who’s perfect enough to take your innocence in the most fitting way. Seokjin Kim. Even more famous than you; a pro, a veteran, and someone you can’t wait to give your all for. Together you will be unstoppable.
Lovesick by @jimlingss wc~4.7k / ft PJM, angst, unrequited love Summary: In a world where love is a disease…your heart skips one too many beats.
The Devil’s Advocate by @jimlingss wc~11.8k / devil au Summary: The devil is a lazy. selfish. bastard. He never shows up for work and forces you to take his place at the gates of Hell. But when he follows you on your vacation — you have an inkling of his intentions. After all, you are his advocate.
Worshipers of the Sun by @jimlingss s wc~15.5k / god au Summary: After the war, the God of Sun married the Goddess of Love to exemplify that such devastation will never occur again. But you knew his affections were untrue and fled. After a century, Seokjin goes looking for you to bring you back home.
White Sand by @liveyun wc~3.3k / angst, exes au
Down The Rabbit Hole by @oftenderweapons s wc~12.5k / divorced!Seokjin, FWB, PWP Summary: Seokjin has been meeting Fawn at The Rabbit Hole for a while now. A place of debauchery and foregone inhibitions, and yet only one rule would not budge. Will Fawn finally have a taste of the forbidden fruit?
Brat by @hamsterclaw s wc~4.9k / chaebol!Seokjin, boss au Summary: Kim Seokjin is a lot of things to you. The high school heartthrob you never got with, the fuckboi you hooked up with occasionally in college, and now the chaebol boss you didn't sign up to work for. Things he's never been? A man you can rely on.
102 notes · View notes
redsaurrce · 2 years
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Synopsis : In which he took every opportunity to fuck the daylights out of you.
Pairing : YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem!reader
Genre : smut, high school au
Word count : 4.0K
Taglist: @darkuni63
Warnings : 18+, Profanity, kissing, nipple play, YANDERE THEMES, use of stick and blackboard marker at intimate parts, chewing gum used for sexual purposes, non-con, mentions of licking sneakers, cumming
You licked the lollipop around your plump lips as you pulled it out with a pop, your left boot rested on the shoulders of the boy who tried to flirt with your best friend last night in the party.
"Listen you rat! If you are found to make a move on Arin once again," you looked down at him with threat filled in your eyes, "I'll make sure your father gets kicked out of his job and never get a chance in another company." The boy's eyes flickered and he dropped down while rubbing his hands asking for apology, "I'm so sorry Y/N, I'm very very sorry Arin this won't happen again."
You smirked. Afterall you were the richest kid in your school, who comes from a powerful chaebol family, your grandfather was next in nomination to run for the president. No one would dare harm a single hair on your body because they knew your background, your impact.
It was deadly.
Although you were infamous as a rich snob or the bully, you didn't particularly go on bullying people for no reason. A coin has both sides, people picked up whichever side they wanted to see yours themselves. Some admired you for saving them from other assholes while the others either hated you because
1- they were those assholes
2- well yeah you did sometimes lose your temper over petty things and bullied them
3- simply out of jealousy
But did you really care? Nope!
You were chewing your gum as you took your seat, crossed your legs and took out the biology book and flipped the page to where the lesson was left last day.
God who cared about those cilia and flagella, ugh. You were pissed.
After a moment you saw a person step inside the class who was definitely not your teacher, this man was much more handsome.
You heard the girls in front and back of your desk squeal among themselves, you scoffed. Were they already sold before this man even opened his mouth?
You shrugged off, none of your business afterall.
"Hello everyone I need your attention, today onwards I will be taking your biology classes instead of Mr. Leviski." He smiled, all were swooned.
"I am Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you my dear students." And everyone chirped in with enthusiasm, "Nice to meet you too Mr. Jeon."
He started reading the chapter while you listened to him with half lidded eyes only waiting for the period to end already.
You yawned, "You there, what's your name?" He said while you kept looking at those big letters on your book which read 'cytoskeleton' . Arin who was sitting next to you nudged at your elbow and whispered, "Y/N he's asking about you!" You saw her from the corner of your eye then shifted your attention to your new teacher. You raised your forefinger and pointed towards yourself, "me?"
"Yes you, what is your name?" He asked you in all seriousness while you were still unbothered. "Y/N, Han... Y/N." You emphasized slowly on your name for him not to ask you to repeat again. But why, to him the way you said your name sounded so seductive in addition to those uninterested eyes? Was he getting delusional? He sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.
"No student is allowed to chew anything in my class, throw it out, now!" And he firmly pointed his thumb towards the door. You almost groaned, lord it was his first day and he was already beginning to get fucking annoying.
You were walking through the corridor and sighed, what a boring day and Arin walking next to you wasn't really helping anything to cope up with your boredom. "Y/N!" Finally she thankfully opened her mouth, "Don't you think Mr. Jeon is too handsome to be a teacher? " nope, you weren't thankful anymore.
"I don't know. But it's true that I don't really want him as my teacher." You said with pursed lips. "Oh c'mon are you still mad about the morning incident? " She pouted.
"Well obviously, he needs to be reminded of his place soon enough as--" Before you could complete your sentence you spotted your mother and father talking with the principal and Jungkook with broad smiles on their faces- something that they never gave to you. Beside them stood your elder sister, most probably receiving praises given how good of a model student she was, also the topper of her class.
Your parents always treated her as the princess when they outright neglected you, you were not much of an attention seeker but it did hurt, it hurt to see that they were capable of loving but you were not the receiver, even once.
You took Arin's arm and turned her around to leave but WAIT! Why was that Jeon Jungkook talking with your parents so happily? Was he trying to secure something? You contorted your eyebrows at the thought that your parents never heed their attention to any teacher, he being new to this school at that was pretty much unsettling to you.
It was another day in school while you walked in the cafeteria, carrying your plate to your seat.
As you took in your third bite, a large thud was heard and your foot felt something hot.
"Holy fucking shit! My favorite Fendi sneakers!! " You screamed in anguish as you looked at the curry spilled over them.
You glared at the girl sitting on the floor who had tripped and caused this havoc, you stood up in front of her. "Lick them clean bitch." She cried at the venom-filled words you spat but that was only adding to your anger.
Jungkook entered the cafeteria and he witnessed the scene, in anyone's eye it was evident that you were bullying just another student.
His eyes turned dark, he needed to teach you a lesson.
"Y/N!" His voice echoed throughout the silent cafeteria as it was silenced by your scream.
You groaned, which motherfucker had the audacity to interrupt you?! You turned to see that handsome annoying face once again.
"Follow me to my office, now!"
Fuck! You cursed under your breath.
He looked at you with his dark lustful eyes while you stood at a corner near the door, "Open your shirt" He commanded as he flipped through the register kept on his table.
You sighed, "Mr Jeon can you be specific? I didn't get the reference. "
"I never made one, it is what I told you to do- open.. your.. shirt." Your eyes went wide, the fuck?
You blinked and then scoffed, "What will happen to you if this gets out? Have you ever thought of that?" He sighed as he kept the register aside, "Of course! Who do you think the world would believe? A bully or a sweet teacher? It takes a matchstick to start a fire Y/N and that fire will only burn you, not me." He shook his head with a smirk.
You grit your teeth, "I will tell my father! Do you even know who I am?"
He chuckled, "A spoilt brat whose father wouldn't even care even if she died?"
Your expressions changed completely, clueless of how he knew about it and also scared of what advantage he might take of that information.
"You didn't expect me to know that right? Too bad! Now kneel down and open your shirt, don't make me repeat again." He said casually sitting back on top of the desk in his office.
You hesitantly kneeled down, your hands shaking while opening your shirt. A pink bra with white lace, how cute!
He stood up and went to close the door, "Now open that bra." You clenched your fist in anger, what kind of a punishment was this?
He sighed, "if I repeat the sentence once again I'm gonna kick you out of this room without the shirt." Fuck! You'd be embarrassed to death if people saw you like that.
"Alright then let me repeat again, Y/N open-" and before he could finish you hurriedly opened your sports bra with your boobs bouncing off by the speed you opened them.
He grinned. "Keep your hands off them." He took his stick and tapped on your arms which you brought up to cover your breasts.
You gulped as you removed them. What a good girl! And in an instant he opened the camera on his mobile and it went- snap! Your eyes filled up with absolute horror. "Relax, I won't do anything with the photo as long as you obey me." He smirked.
He then traced the outline of your boobs with the end of the stick which then he pressed on the nipple, pressing them inside. Your face was morphed in pain, you were trying your level best to not stand up and run away from him.
He came closer and sat in front of you, the stick pressing deeper.
"Y/N today onwards you must obey my words and if you don't do so then I'll upload the pic on the anonymous bulletin board of the school." He then removed the stick and stood up. "Put on the clothes back on."
Ever since that incident two days ago, you made sure to avoid Jungkook at every cost, even in the classes you tried to remain as inconspicuous as you could.
You were walking down the stairs while chewing another gum as you felt a little stabilized, your breath hitched as you heard your name, "Y/N come to my office." You knew that voice very well, it's engraved in your head like a tattoo since his sentences kept ringing in your head again and again.
Your heart thumped loudly in your chest as you opened the door.
"Everytime you enter this room, you must open your shirt and keep it inside my drawer. That's the protocol you must follow otherwise your photo will be on the anonymous school bulletin the very next second." He said while not looking up from the paper bundle kept beside him on the table.
Your eyes flickered, just why was he doing this to you? You hesitantly opened your shirt and passed by him to keep inside his drawers. "Now stand in front of me." You followed his words.
"Alright, how many chewing gums do you have?" He asked you and you put your hand inside your pocket to count them. "Three, sir." He hummed at your response. "I told you earlier that no student within my eyesight should be caught chewing anything." -- hold on, that's not what he actually said.
"But sir you said--" "sshh no buts!", he continued, "Lets play a game, the rules are that once you will blow the bubble gum and when I hear it burst with loud pop, I'll let you go. Remember one chance per bubble gum." He had his typical half crooked smile.
You fished out one pack of gum.
That should be easy, very easy for you. You nodded and tore the packet of gum, but to your surprise he slid down your sports bra before you could react, your eyes went wide. "S-sir?" He smirked, "Did you think it would be that easy? Now now, go ahead, chew that gum and pop it off if you can." He held your waist to bring you closer and his mouth attacked on your boobs.
The .. hell?
You grabbed his hair as you tried to be stable, you needed your mind to calm down. Meanwhile the man was truly getting more excited at the tight grip on his hair. You thought if that's the condition then you should quickly blow the bubble gum.
You started chewing-- fuck! He started softly chewing on your nipples as well, it took you a moment to realize that he was copying your chewing movements, he chewed on your cherries the same way you chewed on the bubble gum.
Then you quickly extended your tongue to allow the gum to be blown up, he copied the same action with his tongue lapping aroud your nipples in circles. When you tried to blow air in the gum, he sucked very hard on your hardened bud. Shit! You clenched your teeth and thus you failed to properly blow it!
One chance was gone, two remaining. "It's ok I can certainly pull it off this time" You mentally noted.
You went for second chance and saw him shift to your other breast, repeating the same actions- chewing your nipple while opening his shirt and then he opened his pants.
Fuck you needed to be quick! When you were once again sticking out your tongue to blow it up, his hands slid inside your skirt.
Fuck fuck fuck you needed to rush, you quickly blowed air and as soon as you did it, he harshly pinched your clit making you gasp and the bubble gum fell out of your mouth.
Damn it! Second chance was gone too!
He kept smirking as he removed his saliva dripping mouth from your breast, "Last chance or else you will be sucking on my dick till night, understand?" You whimpered, "y-yes sir."
"Good girl!" He smiled as he kissed your bare stomach which churned inside you. "Now onto the last gum." He said and you took it out.
You opened the packet and saw him kneel down, you were confused but his next action threw you in swirls of disgust. He lifted your short skirt and pulled down your shorts and then pulled down your pretty pink panties already soaked from the sensations he made you feel a few seconds ago.
You gulped and then took the last bubble gum inside your mouth, as expected, his mouth was now on your vagina, chewing your pubis like the way he was chewing your boobies moments before.
Your mind went hazy, you were rapidly cumming inside his mouth and he enjoyed every bit of it. For a moment you had even forgotten how to chew because the feeling was overwhelming. You regained your movement and once again stuck out your tongue. Jungkook squeezed your ass as he pushed his own tongue inside your opening. You whimpered but this time you were determined, no matter what, you will blow it with all your might.
And you did! You squeezed your eyes when blew air, the pressure also made twice your cum come out which filled up Jungkook's mouth deliciously. He moaned at the flavour when he heard POP! Ugh he went easy on you!
You pant for air, mind screaming in victory. He was disappointed at himself for not going a bit more hard on you and he hated it.
He stood up, "Well I think from now on whenever you'll chew bubble gum, you will be reminded of today!" He smirked, "And if I catch you again chewing them, I'll make sure you won't be able to get out of this room."
You went to your class all drained out, you sat on your seat and sighed. "You okay Y/N?" Arin asked you with worried eyes as you had missed a period already. "I'm not." You said before putting your head down as the bell rang.
You were peacefully resting when you heard students greet the teacher who just stepped in.
"Good afternoon students!" Your eyes shot open while recognizing the voice, it was him. Even though his voice was cheerful, you felt nothing but nauseous.
No! You sat up straight immediately because anytime you gave him room for to find flaws in you, he made sure to use it like a wild animal.
He smirked when he spotted you quickly sitting up like a good student, a good girl! He smiled as he looked down at the book.
"My goodness his smile looks so gorgeous, I wish he could step on me while smiling like that." A girl whispered who was sitting behind you and you wanted nothing more than to puke on her.
After finishing the portion of male and female genitals he announced, "Alright class I'll take a test on this portion tomorrow so be prepared alright?" He smiled to the students before walking out of the class. Ofcourse after seeing you, you who was deep in thoughts. He smiled to himself.
No matter how much you tried to focus, the things that happened in Jungkook's office kept flashing in front of your eyes, making you lose focus from your chapter again and again. You didn't even know whom to ask help from- hold on, your sister! She can explain.
You went and stood in front of her door to knock but instead you heard your parent's muffled voices. "So you're saying you want to marry his brother instead?" That was your mother's voice.
You scrunched up your nose, marry? You pressed your ear on the door tightly, "He already is working love, he will also become the future CEO! His brother is still in your school, not to mention in your class- don't be absurd Han Yoo-in." And that was your father's voice.
Well enough of eavesdropping, you walked quietly back to your room. You pondered over what you just heard, was she getting married to a potential CEO against her will?
Guess not all princesses get their lovers and also guess you can't really receive any help from your sister today. Sigh! Gotta do it yourself!
Next day you gave the test, honestly you did try your best reading everything clearly and answering them on the paper, yet you knew that you might have made a lot of mistakes.
Jungkook saw that on your paper - a lot of mistakes and he chuckled to himself. But he knew how to teach his little girl well.
A girl tapped on the side of your desk, "Y/N, Mr. Jeon wanted to see you in his office after school."
Fucking shit!
Your face immediately grew pale, was he going to punish you for the test now?
After the bell rang indicating that the school was finally over, everyone was walking out of the door gleefully except you, who needed to be present elsewhere. Honestly you saw this opportunity to run, but that would only come to bite back in your ass.
You slowly creaked his door open while your hands were practically shaking while pushing it. He glanced at you and then he went through the papers, he pulled out an answersheet, your answersheet and he clicked his tongue.
You kept your bag down and followed his protocol, opening the shirt to keep inside his drawer near which he was sitting on his chair. "Y/N open the shoes, come here and sit on the table in front of me." You took small steps and sat on the table facing him.
He kept your feet covered in socks on his thighs and spread your legs apart, you weren't even surprised anymore. "Hmm now the paper you've given in carries a lot of mistakes, we need to fix them, right darling?" Did you see this coming? Yes. Did you see the new nickname coming? No.
Your eyes flickered to your answer sheet which was covered in red all over, but you didn't do that bad if you recalled.
He opened your skirt and then slid down your panties, at this pointed you allowed him whatever the hell he was doing.
But to your surprise, he opened his drawer and brought out a black whiteboard marker and opened the lid with his teeth. He leaned in closer to your vagina and then took the marker to mark on your body part, "this is labia majora. "
You gasped, what in the actual fuck? Then he spread open your opening with his other hand, "this is labia minora. " He said as he looked up at your bewildered expression.
Then he kept the marker aside and tickled your another part with his middle finger, making your thighs trying to get close. "That's hymen."
Then he leaned in and ran his tongue all across another part, you clenched the edges of the table, "That's clitoris."
He then stood up and opened his shirt, unbuckled his pants and opened his underwear as well. "Come sit here Y/N", he gestured at the spot in front of him where he was standing, you gulped as you stood up with your wavy legs and went to sit down where he told you to, "Now look up!"
Fuck! He adjusted closer and now you were sitting right beneath his dick, which was already erected.
He began, "This is penis, now I will tell you the parts then when I ask you the questions, make sure you answer right because if you get the question wrong even once, you know the consequences better." His gaze darkened.
He took the marker and opened its cap once again, "this is the glans penis, this goes urethra, now the parts inside are epididymis which is...." He went on and on, rather quickly for your hazy brain to catch up.
"Alright we are good, now one right answer earns one kiss on my penis but the moment you can't give the right answer, you will face your punishment." His lustful gaze hovered over you as you were sitting there like a beautiful fairy you were, the floor already getting wet with your pre-cum, oh he couldn't wait for you to give a wrong answer.
To his surprise, rather to your own surprise as well, you were actually giving correct answers, not like he would complain when he saw you give him kisses on his dick, he seriously loved it infact, your soft plump lips, no he needed to kiss them himself.. right.. Now!
So on purpose he asked you a difficult question, your eyes went wide, "sir you never explained that?" His lips threatening to form a smirk, "no sweetheart, if you paid enough attention in your class you would have certainly gotten the answer correct. Now... prepare for your punishment."
You felt your brain switch off itself, you were terrified at what was coming, "Alright stand up!" As soon as you stood up, he pressed you to the nearest wall as he harshly kissed your lips while both of his hands working to open your bra.
When they fell down he used the opportunity to grab your boobs and thrust his penis inside your vagina. He kept playing with your nipples like turning a switch on and off.
You felt hot in your stomach and your spine getting those electric shocks running down. He detached his lips after biting at one corner of your lower lip then he moved on to the neck. "Soon we will be doing this on our bed baby" He said and once again got back to biting your neck.
Our bed? "O-our bed sir?" You were losing it, literally. "Yes baby, we will marry each other. Also call me Jungkook from now on my love, we will be husband and wife soon!"
The fawk he was saying?
Your nails dig on his hair as he pulled you up against the wall, he sucked on your pussy, "Yeah I will become the CEO of Jeon Pharmaceuticals two months later and your father had agreed to marry his daughter to me." He smiled wide, "No one can separate us Y/N baby."
"W-wait! CEO? Then w-why are you tea-teaching?" You managed to ask him between your moans and whimpers.
He chuckled, "I came here to experience a tough and challenging environment, what place would be better than a high school for that, oh and also to see my future wife as well." What the hell? Why did you never knew about your marriage- wait a damn minute, was he the one your father was talking about marrying to your sister?
Bad enough, because Jungkook thought that daughter would be you.
And you both thought that you were alone in the school so he didn't even bother to close the door. You were wrong, someone did witness both of your activity the entire time- Jungkook's stepbrother Taehyung.
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Hmm.. thinking to make a part 2 perhaps? Do give me motivation for that if u want, which is by giving *cough* feedback *cough* (pls) 🥺💖
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dollyyun · 2 months
𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 | chap 17
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with.
PAIRING: enhypen members x fem oc.
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college & racing, eventual adulthood, non-idol au, eventual enha being f1 drivers, multiple pov (this fic is written in first pov).
WARNINGS: expletives, heavy suggestive themes, smuts, threesome with heejake.
FEATURING: stray kids jeongin
TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun
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As soon as I enter the establishment of a bar, my eyes search for certain individuals before they finally land on two familiar figures from afar. My heart warms at the sight of two people I care greatly about before I start to make my way to them.
After years of knowing Aera, I have long since noticed how similar she is to Sunoo. For starters, they're both extroverts and total socialites. Whereas Aera and I are the complete opposite, we get along great the longer we stick around, just as Sunoo and I did. Whenever I see her, I am reminded of Sunoo, as they are uncannily similar in some ways, and I'm not talking about appearance-wise.
The sound of my footsteps probably captures their attention as they stop conversing before turning their heads to look at me in sync, and instantaneously, their faces are beaming with the same exact smile.
"You made it!" Aera abruptly stands and squeezes me into a hug. "It's like I haven't seen you in forever!"
I chuckle as I reciprocate the hug before we pull away. "Did you start drinking without me?"
"Yeah." Aera answers sheepishly. "But I can handle more drinks, though."
"You really can't, babe, and I'm not going to bring your ass home if you decide to get drunk." Sunoo's voice draws my attention to him.
Once my gaze settles on him, my heart skips a beat. His stark raven hair, which is usually straightened, has been curled impeccably, allowing his forehead to be half-visible. Baby blue is definitely his colour, donning a down-button blouse with the sleeves rolled up until his elbows. His ears are adorned with the usual metal studs, but I spot a new one, a metal cuff on his helix.
His striking yet mystifying beauty appears to have stolen my breath, and I swear that he is the most handsome yet, at the same time, gorgeous man in this very place. Sensing my stare at him, he turns his face and locks eyes with me.
Mischievousness glimmers in his eye while his lips adorn a knowing yet charming smirk. Seeing this Sunoo reminds me of when we were in Seoul. "Hey, darling." He greets. His eyes rake over my figure, and I notice appreciation in his gaze. "You look absolutely darling tonight."
My heart flutters while I manage a small smile. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself."
"Why, I ought to dress impeccably since you'll be coming tonight." He shoots me a wink, prompting me to bite the inner flesh of my cheek in order to repress myself from smiling too widely.
"I can't believe I'm witnessing my best friends flirting in real time." Aera's remark prompts me to break eye contact with Sunoo. I look at her, who is feigning disgust, but mischief shines through her smirk. "I didn't ask both of you to hang out with me just so you two could flirt, ya know?"
"We're not flirting." I assert, inviting myself to sit across Sunoo, whose eyes are attentive to me, but my gaze remains on Aera instead. "You should've invited Jen as well. I'm sure she would get along with Sunoo well."
"I did, but she was feeling under the weather." Aera tells me as she returns to her seat, sitting in between Sunoo and me.
"Ah, that Jen. You've mentioned her to me before." Sunoo says to Aera as recognition sparks in his eye. "So, what is she like?"
"I guess she's a combo of Aera and I." I answer his question instead, drawing his attention. As I think about Jen, a small smile makes its way to my lips. "She attended the same private school as I did, and I introduced her to Aera shortly after we got close."
"Yup! Now the three of us are a package!" Aera grins, slinging her arm around my shoulder.
"Oh, so finally you've found someone to replace me as soon as you moved abroad?" Sunoo cocks an eyebrow at her, but I can sense that he is merely jesting. "I thought we were the iconic duo, babe."
My eye twitches as soon as the word itself comes out of his mouth for the second time. I don't know why I feel slightly jealous when I already know that Sunoo has always called Aera 'babe'. Even Aera told me many times that Sunoo and her relationship are simply platonic.
I watch as they continue to chat, engaging in banter even. I hate this feeling bubbling within me, like a poison spreading throughout my body. Biting my lower lip harshly, I lean forward to grab a bottle of Bourbon and pour it into my glass. I accidentally put down the bottle a little hard, drawing their attention to me while I resume drinking down the content.
"You've started drinking without me!" Aera exclaims.
I wipe my lips with the back of my hand, ignoring Sunoo's intense gaze on my face. "I was thirsty." I tell her curtly as I pour myself a Bourbon again. "Besides, this is just preparation. You said that you wanted to have shots, right?"
"Oh, right!" Aera stands from her seat before looking back at Sunoo. "We'll continue later. There's still some details you need to know."
I become even more riled up when Sunoo shoots her a wink with a stupid, charming grin on his lips. "Of course, babe."
I down the last of the Bourbon more quickly than I liked before putting down the glass. "I need to head to the ladies." I tell him tersely without looking back at him, and I proceed to walk away.
First things first, I really need to sort and get my shit together, or I'll regret acting like a bitter bitch who is jealous over the man she loves, calling his best friend 'babe'.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It doesn't get better. Even as I take more shots, it doesn't expunge the jealousy that has grown into a poison ivy, especially when I have had to watch Aera and Sunoo being awfully clingy as they chatter away in their own little bubble. Aera did try to include me in their conversation, and I even kept up with them, but they would always get sidetracked and engage in another topic to which only they could relate.
Hearing Aera's giggles and Sunoo's annoyingly charming chuckles irk me once more, prompting me to pour down my ninth shot. I throw my head to the back as I down the liquor. The tequila trickles down my throat, temporarily alleviating the bitterness.
"Woah, it looks like someone is getting really into it." Aera's remark is directed at me while I continue to pour myself another shot with a face devoid of emotion. "Take it easy, Stel."
I scoff out a smirk as I raise the glass midway. "I'm fine, Aera. I have a high alcohol tolerance, remember?"
"Yeah, but─" Aera gasps and snatches the bottle from the table. "You've drunk almost half of it! How and when did you even─"
"If you hadn't been so occupied with Sunoo, then you would've noticed." My tone sounds more bitter than intended. Alas, silence falls on our table, as does the guilt that gnaws at me on the inside.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Aera, kind as always, scoots closer to me and holds my shoulder firmly. "Did I do something wrong that made you annoyed?"
"No." I heave a sigh as I rub my face, feeling my head throb. "It's nothing."
Maybe because all the tequila shots I downed are starting to get to me, but I forgot for a moment that Aera knows me too well.
"It's not nothing." Aera counters firmly. "Talk to me, Stel."
"I just need to go to the ladies." I try my best to gently shrug off her touch on my shoulder before rising from my seat. "Be right back."
I don't bother to look at her or him, weaving my way through the crowd until I finally reach the hallway where the restrooms are situated, with the music sounding faint in the background. I heave a sigh, looking down and holding my throbbing head in my hand while I lean my back against the wall.
What was I even thinking? Aera is my best friend, whom I regard like my sister. She had been with me through my very worst. I shouldn't have harboured such ill-feelings towards her just because I'm being a petty bitch that Sunoo wouldn't even pay full attention to me earlier.
I'm a grown adult with an actual career. I shouldn't be acting like a college girl who is jealous over the fact that her situationship has other girls when they're not even together.
My heart lurches in my chest at the sound of his voice. I lift my head up and meet his sharp gaze. Just like that, I am reminded of how he didn't glance at me almost throughout the times I tried keeping up with them. It was as if he had purposely ignored me, and I don't know why.
My eyes harden. "What are you doing here?" I ask rather brusquely.
He cocks an eyebrow at me. "What do you mean by that? I came to check on you because you were clearly not yourself."
I try my best to quell my bitterness, which feels like acid on my tongue, but I guess the liquor has completely polluted my mind, resulting in me acting against my better judgement. A scoff leaves my lips as I roll my eyes before I can even stop myself.
"I'm surprised that you even bothered to check on me, even if it meant that you'd be leaving your precious babe alone at the table." My snide remark appears to have shifted the mood in the air, as does a peculiar shadow across his face.
"What's with the attitude?" The way he speaks and his mood changes swiftly remind me of Sunghoon.
"I'm not giving you any attitude." I roll my eyes and lean away from the wall. "You should go back to your babe."
Just as I take a step away from him, he latches his hand around my arm firmly, preventing me from moving. "Let go of me, Sunoo!" I struggle in his strong grip as he doesn't relent, backing me up until my back hits the wall.
"Stop being so confusing and difficult, darling."
Triggered by the endearment, I glare into his steely eyes. "Oh, I'm being confusing and difficult? What about you? You acted all so lovingly and were awfully close with Aera! It's like she's your girlfriend!" I raise my voice, and thankfully, we are further from the main bar. "Yet, you're here checking up on me and had the audacity to call me 'darling'?"
"So this is what it's about." Amidst the palpable tension, Sunoo unfurls a soft smirk that has my heart skipping a beat. "My darling girl is jealous."
With his hand still gripping my wrist, I attempt to shove him away, but my movements and reaction seem to be slower than usual—the effect of the tequila shots. "I'm not your darling girl!" I grit my teeth, my eyes glaring into his amused yet dangerous ones. "Just stop being so─"
He catches me off guard by stepping impossibly close to me, knocking the breath out of me while his dark gaze has me locked in place, unable to look away. "Stop being so what, hm?" He tilts his head slightly to one side, and his eyes seem to be sending a message to challenge him if I dare.
Suddenly, I am unable to speak, and my mind feels a tad hazy. "S-Stop being so─" I stutter, stopping midway as no vocabulary comes to mind.
"Cat got your tongue?" Sunoo asks mockingly, and his current disposition reminds me of the Sunoo I first met years ago. "Where is the fire you've shown me earlier, pretty girl?"
"I─" I am totally at a loss for words, becoming overwhelmed by the palpable tension in the air, his cologne, and the close proximity between us.
"Things would've been simpler if you had just admitted that you're jealous." His chuckles sound soft yet lethal.
"I wasn't just feeling jealous." I manage to utter, though weakly. "You didn't even pay attention to me or look at me whenever I included myself in your conversation."
"I'm sorry." Sincerity shines through him, but the light instantly diminishes as something dark shadows his countenance. "But you should've already known that I see Aera as nothing more than a best friend."
I swallow harshly. "But the way you acted with her contradicts your statement─" A gasp flies out of my mouth at the moment he presses his hardened bulge against my thigh.
"Feel this?" His low voice speaks harshly beside my ear while his grip on my wrist tightens. "It's all because of you. I don't get hard like this around Aera the way I do around you."
"Sunoo." I utter his name nervously while my mind goes into a state of frenzy.
"I ignored you because I couldn't stand the way you looked so fucking gorgeous, especially when I wanted to gauge the eyes of those men who were checking you out." He presses a soft kiss on my earlobe, still remaining unmoving.
"Excuses." It appears that my remark seems to piss him off as he pulls away, the intensity in his gaze alone is enough for me to discern that I might be in trouble.
"Let's go." He drags me with him all the way until we reach our table, but to my surprise, there is an unfamiliar man seated beside Aera. They look cosy and comfortable.
"Leaving so soon?" Aera pouts her lips. "I was just about to introduce you two to my boyfriend."
My jaw goes slack at the revelation, but Sunoo remains indifferent as he grabs my sling purse from the table.
"Something came up." Sunoo tells her tersely but gives her a smile before dragging me away for the second time. A part of me is nervous, but another part of me anticipates what is to come.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The remnants of alcohol still persist in my system, but at the same time, I am sober enough to comprehend the current situation and wrap it around my frenzied mind. Having been settled on top of him with my legs straddling his thighs, my lips move around lazily against his while we are situated in the living room of his apartment.
"Mmmhmm, Sunoo." I moan weakly as soon as his hands, which he places on my hips, force my body to move, causing my heat to hit his still-hardened bulge. He does it again and again until I begin to feel a wet patch start to form on my underwear.
"Shit. Just like that, darling." He throws his head to the back, to which I quickly latch my lips just beside his Adam's apple, sucking it gently and kissing it while my grips on his shoulders tighten.
I continue to roll against his clothed crotch, the friction between his crotch and my clit is delirious, eliciting soft moans from me. I don't even care that the essence leaking from my cunt is seeping through the thin material of my underwear, which also affects his pants.
"You're so good to me." He pulls me by the nape roughly, and our lips meet instantly. "Don't fucking stop, darling." He speaks harshly against my lips.
"Sunoo." I whimper, pulling away from his lips, feeling the climax approaching rather quickly than I like.
As if he senses it, his eyes darken while he clenches his jaw. "Hold it."
Tears prickle in my eyes, feeling utterly delirious from the insane pleasure as he continues to move me back and forth relentlessly. "But─"
"I said hold it, pretty girl."
The dominance he asserts elicits another whimper from me, but I comply, despite the fact that my abdominal stomach is trembling from prolonging the climax that is threatening to come down at any second.
At his command, the climax comes crashing down on me like violent waves while a moan tears from my throat. Exhausted, I slump against him with my head on his shoulder. His chests heave up and down with ragged breaths leaving his lips.
Butterflies in my tummy swarm around upon feeling his hand on my back, rubbing it up and down in an attempt to soothe me, even more when he plants a kiss at the side of my head. "You did so well, pretty girl." He coos. "I need you to look at me, darling."
I do as he told me, and when my eyes meet his, I feel warmth weave across my cheeks before I lower my gaze. "I'm sorry for doubting you." I utter meekly, my hands on his shoulders lower.
Sunoo cradles the side of my face as he forces me to look at him again. "Now do you believe me when I say that you're the only one who can get me like this?"
"Yes." I answer quickly, but as my gaze falls to his crotch, which is now dampened by my wetness, I blush madly. "Your pants...."
"It's not just from you. I came hard as well." He chuckles, leaning towards me to press his lips on mine. "You're truly exquisite, darling."
We kiss for a hot minute before he pulls away and looks at me with a soft gaze. "I mean it when I say that you're the only woman I want and desire." He caresses my cheek gently. "Honestly, I didn't know what I wanted four years ago, but when you left, I knew that I wanted you to stay by my side, always."
"What about now?"
His lips unfurl a soft smile. "I guess now is also the right time to ask you the long-awaited question." He grabs my hand to place a kiss on my knuckles. "Hwang Stella, will you be my lover?"
Instead of answering his question, I lean in to seal him into a kiss, smiling against his lips. But he chuckles, pulling away from me. "I need a yes or no answer, pretty girl."
I smile and peck his cheek. "It's a yes, my handsome boy."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
JAY: Meet me at Nora's for lunch?
I tear my gaze off the message on the screen and tuck my phone in the pocket of my coat while I quicken my pace. I forgot to reply to his text earlier, resulting in him calling me instead. Truth be told, I'm still a tad exhausted from yesterday, but I can't deny how eager I am to see him again.
Finally arriving, I enter the establishment where there are not too many people dining and search for Jay. The smile on my face falters when my gaze lands on him. He's not alone. I saunter to the table, watching the articulation on his face as he speaks to a certain someone I know too well, even with her back facing me. He appears serious, almost intimidating enough for anyone to avoid looking in his way.
"─you're not good enough for her. Neither of you do." I stop dead in my tracks at the moment those words came from her mouth, her voice is resounding and oddly cold.
I see Jay opening his mouth, but at the moment his eyes accidentally meet mine, he looks a tad alarmed before abruptly rising from his seat. "Stella." He greets me with a tight smile.
Despite how confused and uneasy I feel, I manage to smile. "Hey." I reciprocate before shifting my eyes to the red-haired beauty, who is standing with her eyes on mine. "Jen." I can't seem to read the expression on her face. My eyes dart between them, noticing the palpable tension. "How did you two know each other?"
"We're distant cousins." Jay answers smoothly. "Our mothers are close cousins."
"What he said." Jen nods her head in agreement before giving me a smile that looks half-genuine. "We were just catching up since it's been so long."
"Oh, wow." I chuckle. "I had no idea you two were related. What a small world."
"Indeed." Jen grabs her sling purse and steps forward to embrace me in a hug. "I'll leave you to him. Promise me that you'll text?"
"Of course." I say with a smile, to which she looks rather pleased. I catch the way her eyes turn cold as she stares at Jay for one last time before sauntering away from us.
As I shift my gaze to Jay, I manage to catch a glimpse of frustration on his face, bringing a frown to my lips. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask softly as I step forward to grab his hand.
Jay squeezes my hand in return before a sigh leaves his lips. "I don't know if I should tell you this."
"Tell me." I say firmly.
Jay shakes his head. "It's fine. I don't want to make it into a big matter."
"If we're going to be in a relationship, there should be no lies." I assert, holding his hand tenderly. "Please?"
Jay visibly gulps, and his jaw goes clenching. "Jen told me to stay away from you and made me deliver the message to the others."
"What?" To say I'm shocked and disappointed is an understatement. "I know Jen, and she wouldn't do that." Yet, denial persists.
Jay's steely eyes appear to be scanning me. "Are you sure that Jen's only your best friend and nothing more?"
I stare at him, bewildered. "Of course. Why do you ask?"
"Never mind. I trust you." Jay relaxes the tension on his face, his lips forming a smile that sends a flutter to my heart. "Shall we have our lunch?"
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
After we had our lunch, Jay decided to bring me to one of the world-class shopping malls with a variety of luxurious brands and premium, fine-dining restaurants, for which he had booked a reservation at a grillhouse earlier when we were in his car.
"Go on." Jay's voice snaps me out of the trance as I have been admiring the interior of the massive mall. My eyes meet his while I stare at him quizzically, to which he chuckles. "Did you think I brought you here just so you could admire the building?"
"No?" I state unsurely.
Jay heaves a soft sigh, stepping forward to grab my hand. "Baby, don't you get it? I brought you here because I want to spend my money on you."
"What?" My mouth goes agape. "I don't think that's necessary, Jay. Besides, how could I possibly be the reason you're spending money on?" I tell him, guilty. Even if I didn't have an abundance of wealth, which I do now, I would refuse for any of them to even spend money on me. I'd rather work hard and earn money from the efforts of my blood, sweat, and tears.
"My money is yours, just as my heart is." Jay offers me a boxy grin, allowing his dimple to make its appearance on his cheek. "Let's go. I can't wait to spoil you, baby."
Time flies fast, and before I know it, Jay is carrying more than one shopping bag in one hand with ease. We've already been to many stores, including Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent, and even Prada, all of which Jay had chosen.
If it hasn't been obvious, I can confirm that his love language is definitely spoiling me with his wealth.
"Anything that catches your eye, babe?" Jay speaks from behind while my eyes are busily admiring the scintillating jewellery displayed in the transparent boxes of glass. I feel his hand on my lower back and his head peeking over my shoulder. "That looks nice."
My eyes move to where he is pointing at a gorgeous necklace that has a sapphire diamond as a pendant. "I like it."
"Yeah? Do you want it, baby?" He asks me softly, with his hand still on my lower back.
"Can I?"
"Of course, you can." Jay pecks my cheek before speaking to the employee, who has been waiting patiently for us.
It isn't long until Jay finally purchases the necklace with his familiar black card while I occupy myself by ambling in the store, seeing and admiring their displayed jewellery. I hear his footsteps approaching me, prompting me to look at him with a hopeful smile. "Are we done for today?"
"Nah," He smirks, chuckling at my fallen expression. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers before dragging me with him. "We haven't even gone to the store yet."
I have no idea what he meant and just allow him to drag me, until finally, as we approach the store, my eyes go wide as a socket while my jaw goes unhinging. "Park Jongseong, you sly cat!"
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
By the time we reach my apartment, I am wholly exhausted, my legs aching from standing and walking for too long, whereas Jay doesn't look the slightest exhausted. Plus, my tummy is full of food as we ate at the delicious grillhouse.
Stretching my limbs out, I heave a sigh and place my hands on my hips, staring down at the items he had bought for me that are arranged on the floor, consisting of a wallet, bag, clothes, the outstanding Tiffany & Co. box, and, alas, the lingeries he had specifically chosen for me.
My cheeks feel warm as I recall how embarrassed I felt when the employees were stunned to see a male bravely entering the establishment itself without being fazed.
"Hey, baby." He enters my room, making me take action quickly as I frantically attempt to hide the lingerie sets. "Isn't it too late to hide them from me? Plus, I've chosen them for you." He tuts, standing next to me.
"Still!" I shoot him a scowl, ignoring the blushes on my cheeks.
"Come on, babe. I want to see you wearing them."
I gasp as I remain unmoving from kneeling on the ground. "I beg your pardon?"
He cocks an eyebrow at me, smirking down at me. "You heard me. Now go on. I'll be waiting here."
I swallow harshly while my heart pounds harder against my chest. "Fine!" I snap at him before grabbing just any of the lingeries and trudge towards the bathroom.
Once I close the door behind me, I refrain from screaming. I don't even know why I feel embarrassed and shy at the thought of him seeing me in this when he has obviously seen me naked. Maybe it's because we've been apart for too long.
I shake my head at the thought and scowl before reluctantly removing every piece of my clothing and putting on the lingerie set, consisting of an intricate, pretty lace bra and transparent lace underwear.
After I put them on, I grab my oversized shirt and wear it over, totally unprepared for what is next to come. With a shaky breath, I push open the door and walk towards him as he sits on the edge of my bed.
His face contorts into confusion. "Why are you wearing your shirt?"
I bite my lower lip. "Because......"
The confusion on his face is shadowed by something that I discern as authoritative. "Take it off, baby."
With my hands gripping the hems of my shirt, I slowly pull it up while my heart is experiencing palpitations. As I finally remove it, I let it fall from my grasp and return my gaze to his face.
His eyes seem to darken with each second as they rake over my body while his nose flares slightly, and I can discern the palpable tension that shifts in the air around us.
"Um, I think red doesn't suit me." I mumble, looking down while I attempt to break the tension, but it remains.
"Red is definitely one of your colours." His voice sounds deeper than usual. "You look absolutely gorgeous."
I refuse to look at him as he slowly walks towards me. "Thank you." I manage to utter before he grips my chin to tilt my head. My eyes meet his, and I know that I'm in for a ride next.
"Get on the bed, baby."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The atmosphere is warm, and the smell of sex taints the air while moans and grunts are elicited from us. My eyes roll to the back for the ninth time while my lips are partially open with heavy pants. The climax is approaching me as he thrusts his cock into my already abused cunt from having been eaten and fingered by him earlier.
With a grunt, he adjusts my leg as it hangs over his shoulder. Even I'm astounded by my flexibility. "My cheerleader." His lips unfurl a smirk, looking down at my face.
His thrusts are slow yet deep, burying himself to the hilt. He leans down to capture my lips, kissing me with such passion that it has me moaning into his mouth while his tongue invades the cavern of my mouth, and our tongues mesh together.
Sex with Jay has always been like this─slow, gentle, as though to savour the moment in burying himself in me, yet his dominance is discernible even though he speaks to me in a soft tone. It's almost as if we're making love instead.
He thrusts into me again, and this time, the friction is delirious to the point where my walls clamp around him, as though they never want to let go.
"Fuck, baby." He rasps, leaning down to kiss my neck sensually while his fingers tweak and pinch my hardened nipple. "You're squeezing me hard."
"S-So good." I stutter, unable to form coherent words as he forcefully pulls back before delivering a hard, deliberate thrust. "Jay!"
"That's right, baby." He grunts against my neck, his hand reaches out to find mine, and when he does, he interlaces our fingers and holds them firmly as he pins them beside my head. His other hand flies down to rub my aching clit that desires attention, prompting me to arch my back while I continue to moan his name. "Who is fucking you this good?"
"Y-You." I feel the familiar knot in my tummy, and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, bucking my hips as I desire to feel him deeply. The friction between my clit and his abdominal muscles as I rut against him, as well as the way he is delivering harsh, deep thrusts with his hips snapping on mine, elicit one more scream from me. "Jay!"
"I know, baby. Me too." His jaw clenches while his eyes train on mine, holding my face as he forces eye contact. "Come."
And I do, rolling my eyes at the sensation of him painting my walls white as well as coming down from the delirious high. Harsh, heavy pants leave our lips while he remains unmoving.
As I look at him, he adorns a smile on his handsome countenance while I brush away the strands of his hair from sticking to his face. "Be mine, Stella."
"I'm already yours." I whisper, cupping his face and bringing him down to connect our lips. We kiss lazily, with him still buried inside of me, until I feel his cock twitching, eliciting a moan from my lips.
"Again, baby." He slots his lips over my nipple, sucking it good and teething it while he slowly moves his hips, in and out, in and out, until the arousal within me arises once more.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Jennifer hasn't been replying to my text or answering my call since morning. What Jay told me about her had stirred uneasiness within me, and I needed to hear the truth from her. Above all, I wanted to know why she would do that, even though she had been supportive of me whenever I mentioned them and even encouraged me to follow what my heart wanted.
"My love?"
His soft voice gently pulls me away from my troubled thoughts, and as I turn to look at him, the perturbation that clouds my head dissipates when his eyes meet mine briefly before he redirects his focus on the road. Whereas he is steering the wheel smoothly with one hand, the other reaches out for my hand that rests on my thigh and holds it firmly, yet there is a touch of gentleness.
"I've been calling for you the past five minutes, but you were spacing out." Jaeyun says his tone is laced with genuine concern. "Are you still feeling lethargy? Should we cancel our plans for today?"
"I'm fine, Jaeyun." I assure him, giving him a smile that he glances at. "I was just thinking about how I feel happier than I ever was with you guys back in my life."
It isn't exactly a lie. Ever since I decided to put my ego aside and allowed the walls I built to protect my heart to crumble into pieces, I let them back into my heart, and it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes, I still feel apprehensive at the thought of Minhyuk potentially hunting us down and hurting them, but I know that it is just my paranoia that perturbs me greatly.
I'm no longer back in Seoul, and no longer do I need to feel fearful of Minhyuk since he can't possibly find me when New York is massive. Besides, the last time I remembered before leaving Seoul was that Minhyuk was sentenced to life imprisonment. So it is rather pointless for me to relentlessly worry.
"Me too, love." Without tearing his gaze off the road, Jaeyun raises my hand in his grasp before planting a gentle kiss on the back of my hand and keeping it in place while I feel the warmth of his plump lips.
My eyes soften at how endearing his gesture of affection is. "You know, you've never mentioned anything about Char earlier when you were telling me about your parents." I say softly. "I've missed her too."
Jaeyun shifts his eyes to meet mine briefly as he lowers my hand, still keeping it in his possession. "When you left, I wasn't the same and became wrathful, lashing out at anyone." I can discern the guilt in his voice, "including Char. She cried and didn't want to talk to me for weeks, even after I tried to apologise profusely to her. Then, the week before I left for Italy, she let me in back and didn't want me to go, but I knew that I couldn't stay."
As Jaeyun presses down the pedal brake, the vehicle comes to a stop as the traffic light has turned red. He looks at me, allowing me to catch glimpses of pain in his beautiful eyes. "I couldn't stay in Seoul any longer because I was always reminded of the memories of us, including the worst ones."
"I'm sorry." I tell him sincerely, but soon my eyes harden with resolve. "But I promise that this time, I won't leave you."
Jaeyun wears a soft smile on his face. "I don't doubt it."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I never expected Jaeyun to bring me to ice skating for our first destination of the day. Thankfully, I'm wearing an extra layer of clothing, enough to keep me warm from the frigid temperature. Since it is Wednesday noon, there aren't too many people.
With my body hunching over my knee as I sit on the bleachers, I attempt to secure my skates, which I rent. Jaeyun kneels on one knee in front of me and assists me. I watch as he secures my skates with a face full of concentration, as though my safety is more important to him than anything else.
"I don't know how to skate, you know?" I mutter, ignoring the blushes on my cheeks, as he lifts his head up to look at me. "I'll definitely embarrass myself when I fall later."
"I'm here, aren't I?" Jaeyun gives me a smile that has me falling in love with him all over again. He rises from the ground steadily with his skates and extends his hand out to me, which I gladly accept, but as I stand, I wobble slightly before holding his arm for support.
"I'll catch you if you fall." Jaeyun assures me as he caresses my cheek. "Trust me, yeah?"
I don't doubt him. A smile touches my lips. "Okay."
Time passes by like a blur, and I now find myself trying to skate on my own without Jaeyun's help after he taught me the basics. I have no idea where he is after I assured him that I could do this on my own, probably skating leisurely around the massive ice rink, but I am too focused on steadying myself, even though I can already feel how wobbly my legs are.
As I glance at my surroundings briefly, I notice that there are a few couples and a group of friends by the ice rink, having the time of their lives. I redirect my focus on trying to survive, but with one wrong move, I find myself going unsteady, resulting in me falling forward, and I fail to realise that Jaeyun is skating towards me.
"Woah, there!" Jaeyun's voice speaks above me as he holds me steady against him, his hands on my waist. "You alright, love?"
"No." I murmur, refusing to look at him as I bury my head into his chest, embarrassed. "I told you that bringing me to skate was a bad idea."
"And I told you that I would catch you, always." Jaeyun chuckles softly beside my ear before planting a kiss on the side of my head. "Come on. I'll hold your hand this time."
He does, and I don't know how he manages to skate with ease while holding my hand as I still struggle, but eventually, I relax the tension on my muscles and find myself enjoying the activity instead. Jaeyun has been relentlessly teasing me as soon as I insist that I can skate on my own while I shoot him scowls occasionally, but nonetheless, smiles and chuckles elicit from me.
"Jaeyun!" A squeal escapes from my mouth as soon as he stops abruptly in front of me, nearly resulting in me falling backward, but his strong, swift arms latch around my waist, holding me close to him.
I open my mouth with the intention to chastise him, but he silences me with his lips, instantly diminishing the prior annoyance as I melt against him, kissing me so sweetly that it awakens the butterflies in me.
"I love you." He murmurs against my lips while he pulls me impossibly closer to his body. "I love you so, so much."
My heart aches at the palpable rawness in his voice alone. I smile into the kiss before pulling away. "I love y─"
"Can I be your boyfriend again?" He cuts me off, his eyes glimmering with hope as he looks at me.
I can't help but chuckle, my eyes forming the shape of a crescent. "Again?"
"Again." He reiterates, adorning a boyish grin on his plump lips. "Even though I've been your boyfriend before, this time, I want us to last forever. So, will you let me into your heart once more?"
The memories of us in the past flood my mind, and my eyes glisten with nostalgia. Though there were bad moments, ergo, the heartbreaks from him, I'm still thankful. In fact, I'm thankful for everything that has happened in my life.
"Yes." I answer with a chuckle, leaning forward to playfully bump my nose against his. "My heart is yours, Sim Jaeyun."
"And my heart belongs to you, Hwang Stella." With that, he kisses me once more, delicately yet passionately, with emotions pouring into the kiss while the cold breeze by the ice rink gently hits our skin.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Jaeyun and I went all out throughout the whole day. All of which requires physical effort, which rendered me entirely weary. When the time struck eight p.m., Jaeyun decided to call it a day and insisted that we spend whatever time we had left at my apartment, lazing around.
Presently, we are in the living room, cuddling with him on the couch. His arms encase me like a safety blanket while my head rests on his chest and one of my legs drapes over his thigh. Our eyes are fixed on the television. I don't even know what the drama is about, but all I know is that I feel utterly content as I bask in the warmth of his embrace.
"I had fun today." I break the silence, looking up to see his face. When his eyes meet mine, I give him a soft smile. "Thank you for planning our date."
He reciprocates, adorning a smile that has me leaning into his face to peck his lips. His hand lowers to rub my thigh, which drapes over his, with affection. "Actually, the date isn't over yet."
"Hm?" I hum with curiosity, and the next thing I know, he grips my chin firmly as he leans in to seal me into a kiss that fills with such longing.
Like butter, I melt against him while my hands find their way around his neck, and he deepens the kiss. Our lips fit perfectly and move in sync, as does the way my heart beats in a familiar cadence. Butterflies are swarming once more in my tummy, and before I know it, he has me straddled on top of him without breaking the kiss.
No words are needed as we continue to kiss as though we've been deprived for too long. Soon after, our kiss transitions into a make-out session, and our tongues mesh together while I pant lightly into his hot mouth. At the moment I move my hip forward, I can feel how hard he is while a low groan elicits from him.
He pulls away from the kiss, panting harshly while a muscle pulses in his jaw. Lust and love swirl in the abyss of his eyes while his hands on my waists tighten. "Stop moving." He commands lowly, but I bite my lower lip as I continue to slowly yet deliberately grind my core against his. "Fuck, Stella."
In an instant, he has me pinned on the couch with his hands spreading my thighs and hooking them around his waist, pressing his body into mine and resulting in his hardened bulge coming into contact with my core.
"Sore, still." I say softly, and his dark gaze softens just a little.
His lips unfurl a smirk as he chuckles softly. "Jay really did a number on you, huh?"
"I think Sunghoon's worse compared to Jay." I tell him as I recall, blushing. "But I'm still sore, and my pussy needs a break."
"But I need you." His voice sounds breathy, and the expression on his face evokes the familiar heat within me. "How about we just do this?" He slowly yet deliberately grinds against me, allowing me to feel his bulge beneath the material of his pants even more deeply.
A gasp leaves my lips while a moan clogs in the back of my throat, my cunt pulsating with each stroke he administers. "Jake." I moan, my hand on his bicep as its muscle flexes beneath my touch.
"Wrong." He grunts, leaning down to seal me in a searing kiss that has me moaning into his hot mouth. "It's Jaeyun for you, baby." He rasps against my parted lips as he allows me to breathe for a moment before devouring me. The sound of our lips smacking against each other, as well as the whimper and moan that occasionally slip from my mouth, resonate in the living room while he relentlessly grinds into me.
"More." I utter in a trance as soon as he pulls away from my lips.
He cocks an eyebrow at me as he halts his movement. "Didn't you just say that you're sore?"
"Please." I rut my hips against his, attempting to feel the delicious friction again.
Jaeyun scoffs with a smirk. "Alright, since you asked for it." Before I know it, he has my shorts and underwear discarded and tossed aside. His arms go underneath and hook around my thighs, forcing them apart and pulling me towards him.
He doesn't waste any time and dives into my already damp cunt with pre-essence leaking from the prior grinding. The moment his tongue starts to lap between my sore yet wet folds, a moan tears from my throat, and he continues to lap my cunt with no intention to stop.
My chest heaves up and down as I throw my head to the back, arching my back with my eyes closed at the pleasure. My body twitches at the moment the tip of his nose comes into contact with my aching clit, rubbing the bundle with his nose, eliciting a breathy moan from my lips.
"Grip my hair, love." He commands sternly in between licking my cunt. I do so, my hands reaching down to grab his hair and tug at it when he pushes his wet muscle deeper into me.
"Jaeyun!" I whimper, my body goes twitching again, and my thighs are trembling, threatening to close, but his strong grip persists. He simply ignores me, nuzzling his nose against my bundle of nerves to the point where the familiar knot forms in my stomach.
He groans as soon as I grip his hair tightly. "Fuck, that's it." His eyes meet mine briefly before he shoots me a smirk. "I'll make it hurt." At once, a series of helpless moans and whimpers leave my lips as he delves and eats me out like he has been pussy deprived. He tentatively licks and suckles my clit, my orgasm is impending.
"Please." I plead pathetically weakly, grinding my hips as I push his head deeper.
"Do it." He rasps, deliciously laps my sore cunt once more before my body convulses as I come down from the high with a breathy moan escaping from me.
Jaeyun pulls away from my drenched cunt, grinning down deviously at me with the tip of his nose and lips glisten with my cum. "You taste divine, love." He whispers huskily, enveloping my lips with his swollen ones, allowing me to taste myself.
Exhaustion dawns on my body as I kiss him back lazily with my arms draping over his shoulders, but at the moment I hear a zip and some rustling, I know that I am too late to close my thighs as he has them spread open. Whimper leaves my lips as soon as I feel the tip of his cock sliding teasingly along my wet slit.
"Just the tip, love. I promise I won't enter." He rasps against my lips, continuing to slide his thick length along my slit, up and down repeatedly, tantalisingly slowly. "I'll make you feel good again." And he doesn't disappoint.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
When the next day came, Heeseung sent me a text in the morning, saying that he wanted to hang out in his and Jaeyun's shared apartment since he didn't feel like going out, especially when he understood how exhausting it was for me with the events that happened these past few days.
He also informed me that Jaeyun was out with the others since he decided to give us some privacy and for us to spend some quality time together, which makes my heart swell at how thoughtful Jaeyun is.
Presently, we're in the kitchen, in the middle of cooking something that is hopefully edible, while I sit on the high stool by the kitchen island, holding my phone, which displays Aera's face on the screen. "I swear, I didn't do it on purpose!" Aera exclaims through the video call. "I'm really sorry, Stel. But I swear, I would never look at Sunoo more than as just a friend!"
"I'm sorry too." I tell her with an apologetic smile. "Speaking of the other day, who was that guy?"
"Oh, right!" Aera looks at her side with a gleeful grin, and I see a manly shoulder beside her. "Babe! Say hi to Stella!"
Aera's mystery man reveals himself to me, and dare I say, he looks quite charming with his sharp eyes, and the grin on his face reminds me of a cartoonish cat graining deviously. "Hey. I'm Aera's boyfriend. Aera told me all about you."
Before I can speak, a thud brings my attention to Heeseung. I look at him as he trudges towards me, and the look on his face tells me that Aera may or may not be in trouble. Automatically, I allow Heeseung to hold my phone and decide to take leisure sips of my drink.
"Yang Jeongin!" Heeseung exclaims in between growls, making me choke on my drink. As my eyes shift to Heeseung, I am taken aback to see how furious he looks, his jaw clenching and his eyes hardening. Yet he looks oddly attractive, getting all riled up.
"Heeseung." Aera's boyfriend, Jeongin, greets him normally, as though Heeseung's wrath isn't obvious. "Before you get mad, your sister is a grown woman."
"You tell him, babe!" Aera cackles.
"But to date my sister out of all people?!" Heeseung scowls.
"Wait, you know him?" I ask despite feeling nervous to intervene, but I can't contain my curiosity any longer.
"Yup. We all do since we're childhood friends!" Aera chirps through the line, answering my question. "Heeseung Oppa, don't be a hypocrite. You don't see me getting mad at you for dating my best friend."
"Since when did you even get together with him?" Heeseung asks, his anger seeming to simmer as he appears calm. Too calm.
"Um..since like a year ago?" Aera says rather timidly.
I gasp, not thinking twice as I snatch my phone from Heeseung's grasp. "And you didn't even think to tell me that you had a boyfriend all along?!" I accidentally let out a shriek, prompting Aera to wince.
"We decided to keep our relationship low-key!"
Heeseung moves closer to him, his chest hitting my back. "Jeongin, the next time I see you, you're in deep shit." Heeseung states calmly, and in return, the couple on my phone screen look at each other with the smiles on their faces dropping before Heeseung ends the call and returns to cooking.
Awkward silence blankets us, for some reason. Still seated, I swirl around and stop, staring at his broad back. "So," I start off, smiling awkwardly as soon as he turns off the stove and looks at me. "Are you seriously mad at your sister for having a boyfriend?"
His gaze seems intimidating enough to make me draw in a sharp breath, reminding me of the Heeseung I used to perceive back at college. "I'm not mad that she has a boyfriend. I'm mad at the fact that my childhood friend is her boyfriend."
I rise from my seat, walking cautiously towards him. "I'm sure he's not that bad." I muster a small smile despite feeling small under his gaze. "Besides, Aera seems happy with him. As long as your sister's happy, then all is well, right?"
The tension in his muscles relaxes as he heaves a sigh, rubbing his face. "You're right. But that still doesn't change the fact that he'll be receiving a punch from me."
"Hey, no violence." I chastise him, trying to sound as playful as I can. I grab his hand and hold it gently. "Let's try to be civil and talk to him normally without any fists flying, okay?"
Heeseung's dark gaze examines my face before he unfurls a smirk on his pink lips. "Oh, sweetheart, you're so adorable." He lulls, holding my hand and raising it to kiss my knuckles. "As always, the kind and sensible one out of us." He says softly yet lethally, which peculiarly excites me.
I bite my lower lip, looking away from him briefly. "So?"
He cocks an eyebrow at me. "So what?"
"Are you still going to punch your childhood friend?"
"Of course." He replies calmly. "I'm not about to let him off the hook so easily."
In return, I roll my eyes at how protective he is of Aera, but my mind drifts off to Hyunjin, wondering how he will take the news of the fact that I'm in more than just one relationship. Let's hope he won't be as furiously protective as Heeseung.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Turns out, our attempt at making lasagna failed miserably, so Heeseung and I ended up going to a nearby convenience store to buy some goodies instead.
Since it's a little cold and windy outside, Heeseung adamantly insisted that I wear one of his hoodies, which feels big on me yet comfortable, since he didn't want to risk any chances of me falling sick even though I can withstand the cold.
Even when we enter the establishment, Heeseung has never once let go of my hand, holding it securely as if he's afraid that he might lose me, making me feel warm with his oddly sweet gesture.
"Thank you. Have a good day." Heeseung thanks the cashier with a smile, carrying the plastic in his other hand, before he gently pulls me with him as we make our exit.
"Hee." I tug the sleeves of his hoodie, drawing his attention as he stops in his tracks. "Can I have my popsicle?"
He frowns. "Now?"
I nod my head in response, my eyes glimmering with hope. "Please?"
"Only if you share with me."
"But I don't like sharing." I mumble.
"Sharing is caring, sweetheart."
"Ugh, fineeee." I sigh exasperatedly, but my face beams with a smile as soon as he tears the package for me and proceeds to give the blue popsicle to me. As soon as I place it in my mouth and swirl the tip with my tongue, I hum happily, the blueberry popsicle tastes flavorful on my tongue.
I haven't realised that we've been standing in the middle of the pavement with me enjoying my popsicle until I feel Heeseung squeezing my hand tight, prompting me to flutter my eyelashes as I look up at him.
For some reason, his eyes are fixated intently on my lips, and they seem to darken with each passing second. I raise my eyebrow at him before releasing the popsicle from my lips with a loud 'pop', and at the same time, he visibly gulps with his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.
"Here." I tilt the popsicle towards him. "You wanted me to share with you, right?"
His tongue glides across his bottom lip while his eyes remain on my lips. "I change my mind." He mutters before abruptly tugging me with him, his steps are rather in haste.
I shrug my shoulders before inserting the popsicle back into my mouth. More for me, then.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
As soon as we came back to his apartment, he excused himself quickly to the bathroom without even giving me the chance to say anything. So I decided to wait for him in the living room. All the while, I maintain a straight face, but my lips are threatening to break into a smirk.
I'm not oblivious to the fact that he was turned on just by the sight of me licking and sucking a damn popsicle. I glance down at my phone to check the time, feeling greatly amused that he's taking quite some time to jack off.
As if on cue, I hear his footsteps approaching the living room while I feign watching the television as I sprawl on the couch.
"Making yourself at home, I see." Heeseung chuckles, walking towards me.
"You said so yourself to make myself at home." I narrow my eyes at him in a playful manner as I straighten back, sitting up. I pat an empty space beside me. "Come here."
Intrigued, he raises his eyebrow at me, but comply. As soon as he sits next to me, I go in for a hug, snuggling into his chest and inhaling his scent. He reciprocates the hug, and I feel him burying his nose in my hair while his hand strokes my back gently.
"So are we going to cuddle only?" He asks, though I sense an underlying disappointment in his tone, which brings a mischievous grin to my face before I feign a blank face as I look at him.
"Of course, we are." I state bluntly. "What else did you think we were going to do?"
He bites his bottom lip before looking away from me. "Just as you said, cuddles."
I merely hum, finding great amusement in his restraint, even when it's visibly obvious that he's still hard. I don't know what takes over me, but I decide to tease him, straddling him with my legs on each side of his outer thighs.
Heeseung appears taken aback by my action, but I simply act as normally as I can, my fingers treading through his magenta-purple locks. "I forgot to tell you that you look so good with mullets."
I grin lazily, purposefully pressing my body against him, while I notice his breathing sounds heavier with each passing second. My fingers are tangled in his hair, finding his soft, silky locks nice to touch and play with. "So, so handsome too." My voice comes out as a purr as I speak next to his ear, nipping at his earlobe.
He groans lowly, holding my waist firmly. "Sweetheart."
I ignore him as I trail my kisses down his jawline to his neck, nipping and sucking his skin before moving my lips to his attractive Adam's apple, which I've been wanting to feel and kiss. His Adam's apple bobs up and down harshly at my administration before he releases a rough, husky, "Fuck."
The next thing I know, he has my legs locked around his waist and holding my derrière for support while I don't relent from kissing and nipping all over his neck, loving how easily sensitive he is.
Entering his room, he makes his way to the edge of the bed and settles down, still holding me in his grasp. Just as I place one last kiss on his neck, his hand latches on my nape, firm enough to pull me back, and slams his lips on mine, kissing me so harshly and hard that it hurts so good. I moan hotly into his mouth as our tongues dance around one another while slowly grinding my core against his hardened bulge.
"You're such a fucking tease." He speaks harshly into my parted mouth as soon as we slowly pull away. In response, I grin lazily while his eyes seem to darken. "Get on your knees."
Not too long later, our clothes are discarded and thrown elsewhere, with me sitting politely on my knees in between his legs and his cock in my mouth. I bob my head up and down, eagerly trying to take him as deep as my throat can handle.
His hand is holding a fistful of my hair, tugging it and controlling my movement. "Don't think I didn't know that you were purposely sucking and licking that fucking popsicle to taunt me." He speaks harshly above me while I moan in response. Tears prick my eyes at how long he is. He throws his head to the back at the vibration of my throat when I moan. "Just like that, sweetheart."
My chest warms at his approval and how good I'm making him feel, which drives me into taking him deeply until I choke, but just as I attempt to pull away to take a breather, he tightens his grip on my hair. "Did I say you could stop?"
I shake my head with tears in my eyes, and he loosens his grip just a little. "Good. Keep going, and I expect you to swallow every drop of my cum, got it?"
I moan in response and keep going, wanting to please him. I don't know how long I've been sucking him off with my tongue, occasionally licking the tip, but long enough to feel the aches on my knees and my jaw.
He grunts and moans breathily as he finally comes down from his high, bucking his hips and holding me in place, resulting in me swallowing every drop, like he ordered. He releases his grip on my hair while I release his cock from my mouth. Harsh breaths leave his lips before his eyes meet mine. "Come here, sweetheart."
With his assistance, I straddle him, his cock coming into contact with my cunt that leaks with my essence, as I was heavily turned on just by sucking him. He pulls me by the nape, kissing me with such fervour. My fingers graze against his abdominal muscles, tracing and memorising them until I feel something that prompts me to pull away.
Heeseung's face contorts into confusion amidst the lust swirling in his eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks while my eyes remain on his scar.
"Your scar." I mumble numbly as the horrible memories come flooding back. The thought of Rena angers me. I won't ever forgive her for hurting the people I love.
"Oh." Heeseung glances down at my finger, which is still tracing his scar, before he grabs it. "Hey, it's fine. I'm no longer hurt." His prior dominance that exudes from him diminishes and is replaced by his gentle disposition.
"Stella." He grabs my chin firmly yet gently enough to tilt my head, meeting his softened eyes. "Don't feel guilty. I was the one who wanted to save you, remember?"
His assurance doesn't alleviate my guilt. "If you hadn't gotten Rena out of the way of stabbing me, then you wouldn't bear such scars." I murmur sadly.
"And I would do it again, even if it meant that you'd be saved." He unfurls a soft smile before leaning in to kiss me sweetly. "I love you, Stella." He whispers, slowly pulling away from my lips. "Let me be yours, sweetheart."
My heart swells. I muster a faint smile and run my fingers through his hair. "You're already mine, Hee."
"Fuck." He leans his forehead against mine, holding his length in his hand while supporting my body as he attempts to aim into my still-pulsating cunt. "Say it again, sweetheart."
"You.Are.Mine." I punctuate every word, sinking down into his cock with a moan, leaving my lips and my hands holding his shoulder. Though he isn't as thick as Jake's, my walls are still having a hard time accommodating his length.
"Shit! How are you so tight?" He hisses, holding my hips before forcing me to move back and forth, and eventually, my walls adjust to his length, welcoming him wholly. "Keep riding me." He commands huskily, his hand roughly grabbing the flesh of my boob before leaning down to suck on my nipple deliciously while I do as he told me.
Coherency has been thrown away from my mind the moment I ride him. The pleasure of fucking myself on him and his warm lips enveloping my nipples send me into a state of pure bliss. Soon enough, my thighs are quivering from doing all the work while he watches me bounce on his cock with his eyes darkening with primal lust.
"You like that?" He asks huskily as soon as my moans become louder and higher-pitched. The pleasure starts to feel intense when he decides to rub my clit deliriously, causing my walls to clamp around his cock. "Fuck, you do like riding me."
"Hee, I'm tired." I whimper, feeling my thighs about to give up on me.
"Tired? My sweetheart is tired of fucking herself on me?" His dark, mocking chuckles send shivers down my spine. "I'll give you a break, alright."
The next thing I know, his arms are hugging my figure close before he bucks his hips up, fucking into me with such vigour that my jaw goes slacken with high-pitched moans tearing my throat while my head is thrown to the back.
"That's it." The tip of his nose grazes on my neck, nipping my skin occasionally while he doesn't relent from thrusting into me. "This is what you get for teasing me earlier." He speaks harshly against my sweaty skin.
"Hee!" I nearly squeal at the intensity of my impending orgasm, which is about to crash down any second.
"Go ahead." His eyes darken while a smirk appears on his handsome countenance. "Either way, I'm not stopping."
Just like that, my orgasm crashes down violently while my body convulses, making my body almost slip from him if it weren't for his strong hold on my waist. Falling a tad weak, I lean into him with my chin on his shoulder. I feel him painting my walls white, and he holds me down deeply, dumping his cum into me.
"Fuck, that was so hot."
My heart nearly jumps out of my chest upon hearing a familiar voice that is laced heavily with lust as he speaks huskily from behind. As I slowly lean away from his shoulder, I catch the way Heeseung's eyes flicker behind me, his lips forming a smirk.
"Had fun watching us?" Heeseung asks him mockingly while my eyes go wide and my breath catches in my throat. My reaction appears to draw Heeseung's attention as his eyes meet mine. "Oh, sweetheart, apparently he's been watching us." He chuckles lethally softly. "Shamelessly palming and jacking off himself while he was at it."
Just as I am about to turn my head, a pair of warm hands grab my boobs from behind, eliciting a moan from me as he pinches my nipples. "Jaeyun." I lean my back against his bare body.
Jaeyun chuckles above me. "Think you have room for one more, love?"
At once, my walls clamp around Heeseung's cock, which also causes the latter to smirk. "She loves it."
"Yeah?" Jaeyun kisses the side of my neck, awakening butterflies in my tummy. "You love the idea of having two dicks buried in your sweet cunt?"
"She does." Heeseung answers for him, and before I know it, he brings me down with him as he has me lying sideways. He grabs my thigh and lifts it up, assisting Jaeyun, who is now behind me.
"Don't worry, love. I'll make it less painful." Jaeyun coos into my ear as he slowly pushes his thick length into my already-filled cunt.
I gasp, the stretch is painful yet so good. A whimper leaves my lips before I am silenced by Heeseung as he seals me into a kiss in an attempt to soothe me.
"Shit!" Jaeyun hisses, his hand on my waist tightens as he slowly thrusts into me. "I'm sorry, love." He kisses my shoulder blade sweetly while his hand finds its way to my aching clit. He rubs it in an attempt to alleviate the painful stretch.
"Are you okay?" Heeseung asks, brushing the strands of my hair away from sticking to my face.
"Too big." I manage to utter, though in a whimper.
"Shh, it's alright. You're going to feel good soon." Jaeyun peppers his kisses on my neck while Heeseung resumes kissing me.
They don't make any movement, and instead, allow my walls to accommodate their sizes. Soon enough, the pain slowly dissipates and is replaced by arousal. I make the first move, meekly fucking myself on their cocks, to which they groan simultaneously.
"Such a good girl for us, aren't you?" Jaeyun coos, thrusting into me as soon as Heeseung pulls away, and they do it repeatedly, working well together.
"Taking our cocks so well." Heeseung growls against my parted lips, swallowing my moans. "Made so perfect just for us."
My heart swells as they continue to shower me with praise and fuck into my ruined cunt, which has me seeing stars and sending me into a state of pure bliss.
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sscarletvenus · 1 month
girls and dolls should i continue my lookism chaebol au hmmmm... it has some cisswap with milf jinyoung, nepo celeb diva daniel, forbes list ceo jake, fem vin... also crystal kisses girls , johan is happy (mostly), olly has a delabilitating crush on you know who, and big deal trio are in a failmarriage as per usual!!! seongji is the stunt director for dg's new movie and charles actually raises kids for a change...
the premise is nothing pure camp only vibes lmk if you wanna read
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blog-name-idk · 1 year
Untitled (Arranged Marriage!Yoongi) | Teaser
Pairing: Chaebol/CEO!Yoongi x Fem!Reader, Final!???? x Fem!Reader
Genre: Chaebol(ish)!AU, Arranged Marriage!AU, Yoongi is a big ol' butthead for a while, Humor
Summary: Your husband-to-be, Min Yoongi, is a beautiful, gorgeous, cruel asshole. And his friends are no better.
Word Count: 1.4k
Rating: 18+
AN: This has been sitting in my WIPs for a while, and is also 100% @hamsterclaw's fault for driving me insane with her Vows series. It's nowhere near finished and I don't actually have an estimated date to begin posting, but it IS his birthday so....
A special thanks to @madbutgloriouspond and @nabiolive for beta-ing what's been written so far! Love you both always and forever.
Also I HATE coming up with titles so this has none at the moment.
Your first impression of Min Yoongi is that pictures didn't do him justice. There are certainly worse men you could be marrying to get ahead in life, at least from a physical standpoint. If you had met him under other circumstances, you might have been ecstatic.
Unfortunately, your first meeting is to discuss the terms of your engagement and eventual marriage. So that's hiccup number one in terms of establishing some sort of relationship based on mutual affection and attraction.
Hiccup number two is that he is a massive asshole.
You sit wordlessly across from each other in glacial silence as you wait for him to say something, to look at you, to at least fucking acknowledge your presence. But he hasn't so much as glanced your way since your parents and lawyers left the conference room to "allow the new couple a chance to get to know each other," as if this is their idea of a cute first date.
You use the time to study the man you're expected to marry. He's objectively striking with flowing dark hair and smooth, pale skin that has you vaguely wondering about his skincare routine. He almost looks like a doll, and the deathly silence does nothing to dispel the image. Finally, you can't take it anymore.
"So, do you - "
"I'm going to make a few things clear," he cuts you off, and for the first time today he deigns to look you in the eye. His own are dark and beautiful, and the ice in his gaze is matched only by the cold, almost bored quality of his voice. You shut up, too shocked by his rudeness to do anything but stare back.
"I have no interest or desire to be married to you," he says bluntly, stunning you further. "I am doing this out of necessity. Publicly, we'll have to attend events together, but otherwise don't expect me to hold your hand or act like I'm your boyfriend. I have responsibilities that matter, and I don't need you wasting my time with frivolous activities."
It's like the frost radiating from his body is trying to wrap its icy tendrils around your throat, but the flare of irritation at his complete dismissal of you is enough to melt away its bite. Your mind flashes back to the information your investigator had gathered, because you're not stupid enough to agree to marry someone completely blind.
Min Yoongi, 28 years old, only son and heir to Min Hyunsuk, President of Hansol Group. No arrests or convictions on record - at least nothing that couldn't be paid away, probably. He had been speculated to be in a quiet, long-term relationship with his college sweetheart, Kim Yongsun, and his cruel words only add credence to the theory.
You're not an idiot. You weren't expecting some kind of soap opera romance where you and your fiance hit it off and fall madly in love. You would have been satisfied with someone who at least respected you and the partnership, who you could have sex with without wanting to vomit. Those are more than reasonable expectations for a transactional relationship in which both parties are supposed to be benefitting.
Director's boards always seem to think a married man is more reliable than a bachelor, despite half of the assholes having mistresses on the side. You have a niggling feeling that there's some sort of agreement between Yoongi himself and his father, one that stipulates marriage with someone "suitable." Apparently, Yoongi's ex didn't meet his family's standards.
You might have felt bad for the man if he wasn't acting like such a colossal prick before so much as a single hello. Boo-fucking-hoo, he has to marry you instead of the girl he loves. Well, he's the one who made the choice for himself, not you.
You've honed many skills and talents over the years. One of them is being petty to a fault.
So you put the brightest, sweetest smile possible on your face, and for the first time today he wears an expression other than annoyance or bored indifference. He looks surprised.
"As you wish, dear fiance," you reply, saccharine sugar dripping from your voice like poison. "I will put all of my efforts into not inconveniencing you."
His eyes narrow at your tone, but before he can reply, your parents return. You bid a polite farewell, taking great glee in pressing a chaste kiss on Yoongi's cheeks as he gives you a murderous stare, and leave with your father.
"That went very well," he says as you exit the tall glass building, looking satisfied.
"Yes, Yoongi was very charming," you agree pleasantly, resisting the urge to scream when your father nods. He probably wouldn't care if Yoongi hit you behind closed doors as long as it didn't come to light or jeopardize the family name. Or the company's stock prices.
"I'm glad you've finally come around," your father says proudly as your driver pulls up and opens the door for the two of you to get in. "This is the best way you can help our family."
Yeah, I went to business school overseas so I would be a more favorable marriage option to some rich asshole, you think sourly, adjusting the skirt of your dress beneath you so it wouldn't wrinkle. You fucking idiot.
"Of course, father," you reply docilely, folding your hands in your lap as you turn to stare out the window. It galls to swallow down the words you really want to say, but you've long since learned to save your breath.
Besides, it's easier to maneuver when people underestimate you.
One month and one staged set of proposal pictures later, you're having an ostentatious engagement party so Yoongi can show off his new fiancee. Wait fuck that and fuck him, he's attending as your fiance.
Neither of you are particularly interested in the event, but hell hath no fury like a set of parents who want to show everyone how picture perfect their kids' lives are. And by extension, their own.
You idly wonder if he'll be able to pull off even a modicum of boyfriend behavior, considering he's been just as standoffish every other time you've seen him since that horrible first meeting. He'd once rolled his eyes when you had the audacity to ask how his family was doing, because fuck you for trying to make the best of what's rapidly becoming an incredibly painful situation.
So, because you know it infuriates him, you always greet him with a hug and a kiss he has to reciprocate because others are watching. The veiled fury in his eyes is the only thing that gets you through the meetings.
Plus he has quite kissable lips, which you discovered during the obligatory kiss picture during the proposal shoot. It had actually been quite pleasant to be cradled in his arms, his soft rose petal lips pressed against yours. At least, until you remembered who was holding you.
You're inspecting the finishing touches on your hair and makeup when your phone buzzes.
Yoonyoon I'm here. Hurry up.
God he is such a dick. Giving his phone contact a stupid nickname was the best idea you'd ever had.
You Of course, babe <3
He doesn't respond, of course, and you slip on your heels before leaving your apartment and taking the elevator down. Your eyes fall on the sleek, dark gray car in front of the building and you make your way towards it.
Yoongi is on his phone, and he doesn't even bother to look up when you enter the passenger's seat.
"Took you long enough," he says boredly, as if you hadn't left your unit as soon as you got his message. You take a deep breath and count to ten before pasting a smile on your face.
"Sorry babe, I just wanted to look good for you," you coo obnoxiously, relishing in the way his lips purse together in irritation. He turns to face you, face irate.
"I thought I told you not to - " he shuts up abruptly, eyes widening slightly as he takes you in. His gaze flickers down your body before it settles back to your face, and he looks stunned, like he's never seen you before.
Actually, now that you think about it, this might be the first time he's really looked at you. The night of your engagement party. How hilariously sad.
"Something the matter?" you ask, half expecting him to tell you you look like shit. Your voice seems to snap him back to his senses, and he turns forward again, foot hitting the gas so hard your back thumps into the leather back of your seat.
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hamsterclaw · 6 months
Bangtan Christmas 2023
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It's my favourite time of the year again. Welcome to this collection of stories depicting Bangtan struggling to get into the Christmas spirit. Luckily you're there to help them.
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Paediatrician Dr Jung Hoseok is beloved by all his patients and everyone he works with. Unfortunately his cheerful demeanour is only a front, underneath it all, he's a humbug.
Date of posting: 19th December.
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In a post nuclear war world, all you have is your son Jiwon. You'd do anything to keep him safe, including putting your trust in your new neighbour Kim Namjoon. You hope you haven't made the biggest mistake of your life.
Written in response to an ask I got early in the year - a story I've kept chipping away at and now it's finally finished. Anon, I think about you often and I hope you and your kids are doing well. I hope you've had time to heal and no longer think of yourself as a heartbroken single mom, because you are and have always been more than that.
Date of posting: 20th December.
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You find yourself on Earth, navigating life as a fallen angel with the help of Jungkook, who has his own problems.
Date of posting: 21st December.
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A wounded man falls out of the sky and lands in your garden, plunging you into a world of danger and dragons. Part of the Royal Pain AU, featuring Jimin as a dragon rider.
Date of posting: 22nd December.
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You know Kim Taehyung can't be trusted from the moment you set eyes on him, he's a rogue through and through. So why did you agree to work together?
Date of posting: 23rd December.
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Kim Seokjin is a lot of things to you. The high school heartthrob you never got with, the fuckboi you hooked up with occasionally in college, and now the chaebol boss you didn't sign up to work for. Things he's never been? A man you can rely on.
Date of posting: 24th December.
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Min Yoongi only cares about three things. The thrill of drifting, his friends and cars, in that order. Somehow, you've got under his skin.
Date of posting: 25th December.
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sparklepoint · 6 months
hey i saw stuff about ur asau (hermit!yusuke is perfect and kitteh ann is the fluffiest little baby and i love her) and i just wanted to ask if you have the other arcanas planned? is it a direct one to one swap or is it different?
omg. ty for giving us a chance to introduce
 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ card shuffle ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
@floodbender’s and mine roleswap au in which the story roles are remixed based on randomly reassigned arcanas + canon backgrounds
it’s kind of a work in progress so this is not q definitive & some arcs are less developed than others, but we do in fact have something planned for everyone :3c let's meet the cast!!
starting with <3 bitter bitch besties <3
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○ the fool – akechi
he has pretty much the same backstory as canon, but without Metaverse access; therefore his only outlet has been trying to prove himself academically etc. to show them all
it isn’t really working. even with all the effort, he still gets written off automatically most of the time
there is no arrest/probation/anything out of the ordinary that brings him to staying with Sojiro and going to Shujin, just a last minute arrangement by his previous foster placement 
Akechi POV: you’ve been booted from a family who didn’t want you there for the n-th time in your life and are now moving to stay with some rando who doesn’t want you there either. and everyone at the new school immediately labels you a troublemaker with a problematic background
(of course Shujin is going to make up rumors regardless)
personality-wise, it is as you might expect from a no powers AU Akechi - at the start he’s a bitter, cynical bastard masking behind his Pleasant Boy mode
would have eventually snapped in some self-destructive way if he didn’t meet someone who gets it
rest of the story is spent rehabilitating this man with the power of friendship, mutual understanding, and insane romance. and flufy kity
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akechi and makoto: the world is a cruel and unjust place. *minutes later* omg lady ann!!!
i. the magician – ann
flufy kity
backstory inherent to the arcana role
she does not have hang ups about not being human specifically and embraces cathood quite well
instead her issues stem from feelings of comparative inadequacy and not knowing what her role in life and on the team is supposed to be, especially after the PTs get a dedicated navigator
similar to her canon arc, she does mostly handle these feelings by focusing on trying harder & with more purpose rather than growing resentful
when Morgana coined the ‘Lady Ann’ nickname it stuck and now everyone calls her that
still has a widdle crush on Shiho
the only reason Akechi has any side confidants
vii. the chariot – makoto
Makoto handles pressure from Sae far worse in this one
attempted to investigate and expose Kamoshida’s behavior on her own last year and got kicked off the student council for her trouble
grades are suddenly hard to keep up even though she’s putting in the same amount of effort if not more. keeps being left ‘accidentally’ out of the loop about important info. school just kind of making it clear it doesn’t like her anymore
entire social circle crumbled and no support from Sae who at this point is simply mad at her for ‘sabotaging herself for childish reasons’ 
would have eventually snapped in some self-destructive way if she didn’t meet someone who gets it
disillusioned, desperately lonely, and stewing in a lot of suppressed rage
in light of this it’s not surprising that she and Akechi end up bonding pretty much right away in spite of his typically raised hackles
used to be friends with Haru in middle school
vi. the lovers – haru
while Okumura still has a Palace, his behaviour towards Haru is more distant and less outright abusive, and she does not have an engagement hanging over her
instead Kamoshida creeps on her, fixated on adding a demure chaebol princess to his conquests 
Haru’s having trouble rebuffing him as she has issues setting down boundaries with men in general due to her proper upbringing, and is of course scared of his position of authority
in particular, the rooftop garden becomes a hazard for being cornered instead of a sanctuary; 
(fortunately it is also a prime place to be overheard by anyone who's heading up there for definitely not a teen vigilante meeting)
Kamoshida lets out that Haru is the Okumura Foods heiress, which makes her seem like a stuck-up rich princess to the Shujin rumor mill and leaves her ostracized
with regards to Makoto: in Shujin Kamoshida Issues forced them to drift apart, and now, even though both of them want to reignite the middle school friendship, each is reluctant to involve the other in her own respective mess via association
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(pictured: childhood friend matching bwacelets)
after that is sorted, they reconnect and begin a prolonged awkward romance dance
(meanwhile the rumor mill is busy debating which one of them is dating Akechi)
iv. the emperor – joker ren akira
legal name, under which he is mildly famous, is Ren Amamiya, actual name he goes by is Akira
for these claiming your chosen identity reasons, his codename is Daybreak :)
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his parents are both in the entertainment industry, and the second Palace belongs to his father
Dad Amamiya is a formerly acclaimed, currently washed-up movie director. a nightmare to work with who uses his old connections to run people he doesn’t like out of the industry and ruin their careers
his wife is aware of his transgressions but is too attached to the lifestyle to care 
to Akira’s parents, he is more or less a prop in their public performance as a happy picture-perfect celebrity couple; in his father’s Palace, his cognition is played by an actor
he had long since learned that going against his parents achieves nothing, and has been going through the motions keeping his head down until he meets the team
the meeting is a chance encounter prompted by Emperor-typical  overwhelming fascination with Ann, which in his case is because he’s That Much Of A Cat Person 
rest of his arc is about separating himself from his parents’ legacy as somebody who still wishes to pursue a career in entertainment
ii. the high priestess – morgana
he has Ann’s parents and last name since she doesn’t need them anymore
unlike her, he doesn’t handle their constant absence well and is therefore desperate for the Thieves’ companionship (while being just as tsundere about it in human form as he is in canon)
he kickstarts the Kaneshiro plot despite not being on the student council: since he is a very special smart boy, he can absolutely solve Shujin’s mafia crisis all by himself!
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(it is probably rather obvious how well this goes)
his arc is a more mundane version of his canon one about recalibrating the self-worth issues and loneliness until he can be comfortable with himself and his place in the group
his awkward crush here is converted into being an even bigger Ann Stan than the rest of them
still besties with Akira. also perpetual ninth wheel
ix. the hermit – yusuke
Madarame does not have a Palace
without the international recognition from stealing Kitagawa-san’s masterwork he has to subsist on smaller-time forgery and predatory contracts and the like
his main victim is Yusuke’s mom, who lived long enough to start actually raising her son, but her poor health made her the perfect exploitable dependant 
after she succumbs to her illness, Madarame proceeds to take his frustrations over losing the convenient setup out on Yusuke in his typical insidious way
over the subsequent years trapped in an abusive living situation you’re told to be grateful for, the comments about how she would have lived longer and created masterpieces if she didn’t have to take care of you accumulate to create the most depressed teenage boy in the world
as far as Madarame’s concerned, if Yusuke’s too miserable to keep up with his schoolwork, it’s just another instance of him being a drain on everyone in his life. Madarame’s not going to cater to him and pay for his scholarship – he can just stay in and keep house, if that’s all he’s good for
that leaves Yusuke just listlessly haunting the place, convinced that all he can really do with his life is wait to die and go to hell for the sin of being himself: he sees his life with Madarame as perpetual penitence for his mother’s death, his work as almost ritual sacrifices to appease him, and the shack as his purgatory [--beginning navigation]
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his Palace is stylistically themed after the Shinto Yomi with more general underworld theming as well; cognitive Madarame is of course the final boss, although he only drops the benevolent underworld guide pretence once thoroughly provoked
the gang finds out about All This after a series of Mementos requests from Madarame’s latest underpaid helper
post change of heart we’re getting Yusuke the fuuuck out of there
Sojiro ends up taking him in, first temporarily and then permanently
neither of us has the vocabulary to concisely explain the respective holes in their heads this Yusuke and this Akechi have about each other
team navigator. please take a moment to imagine yusukespeak navigator lines
iii. the empress – sumire
the Okumura setup is still happening (sorry Haru), but the PTs recognize it as bait and stay away, instead ending up doing a different palace entirely
the Palace Ruler for this arc is the Yoshizawas’ abusive coach (not the one from Sumire’s confidant)
a classic unethical teen sports situation with disproportionate pressure and a concerning disregard of their physical and mental wellbeing as long as they Get Results tm
neither of the sisters is good at standing up for herself, which in Kasumi’s case spirals into continuous self-denial for the sake of The Sport and in Sumire’s exacerbates her feelings of inadequacy
at the moment Kasumi is being pushed to compete despite an injury which would put her out of commission, which is the deadline/reasoning to deal with this ASAP
the palace theme is Colosseum/gladiatorial arena, with the implication of entertainment of the masses at the expense of the athletes’ lives
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(pictured gladiator!cogsumi)
xi. justice – ryuji
Ryuji is the one to get slapped with the arrest record courtesy of Shido in this one
the consequences for a 14yo on scholarship and with no support system outside of his mom (except he just feels guilty about creating problems for her) are predictably devastating 
he winds up at Shido’s Palace afterwards by accident while loitering around the Diet building, which is where his awakening happens
he’s spotted entering or exiting the Metaverse, which leads to Shido making him the job offer he cannot refuse
initially framed as “help with secret research” in exchange for erasing his record and bankrolling opportunities for a sports career, but it’s not like there are any easy ways out once the requests starts getting seedier
he’s just the Metaverse assassin/errand boy for the conspiracy, no astroturfed public persona
to an extent Ryuji convinces himself this is for the best since many of his targets do very much have it coming and it’s AN outlet for letting out some steam over the bleak as shit view of society he now has, but ultimately this arrangement and all the murder involved make him utterly miserable, and on a level he understands this is not going to end well for him
gives himself away to the Phantom Thieves early and in the dumbest way possible
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for all the above reasons, he’s not at all hard to persuade to switch sides and start double-agenting
did you guess who’s faith no you didn’t
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○ faith – hifumi
we just really like hifumi so she’s included
at first her deal is a toned down version of her canon arc, with her mom pushing her towards an idol-like career based off of shogi. then her father actually dies
mom’s grief response is to lean in further into building her career, thinking that this is what her dad would have wanted; Hifumi’s own grief response is to start crumbling under that pressure until “I wish I could just be the person my mother wants to see” is the prevailing sentiment
this is where Maruki’s unethical therapy comes in and actualizes her into the perfect teenage celebrity personality
thirdsem Hifumi is terrified she will never be enough as herself and it takes the team effort to get her to let go of the idol persona, but conveniently there are SO many people with parent issues here to talk to her about it .
bonus: xvii. the star – futaba
Wakaba survives the assassination attempt, but is left unable to continue her scientific work, igniting Futaba’s interest in researching the topic herself
her confidant’s Mementos quest block is still her uncle, who is not as horrifically abusive, but treats them poorly and demands Futaba reimburses him for taking care of them financially
Sojiro is still a pseudo-parental figure in her life, but his role is limited since he cannot insert himself into the situation without permission and Futaba conceals the extent of it from him
she becomes available as a confidant during Yusuke’s arc, which still overlaps with the Medjed crisis
her fixation with cognitive pscience leads to digging into the Phantom Thieves leads to offering to deal with Medjed for them – but only if they prove themselves to her by sorting out a specific request that hit a little close to home. cue Yusuke arc
from then on she’s their tech guy
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and that's everyone ✧∘* thank you so much for expressing interest and thank you @floodbender for cowriting this post with me ♡
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springfavor · 2 years
bts fic recs: maknae line
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the last three months i have read a lot of bts fics - mainly series. and i kind of got lost in navigating them. therefore, to help me and you maybe (?), i gathered all the fics that i have liked. most of them i did not have the chance to read myself. 
this list includes only series + the maknae line
most of them have angst + fluff
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into it  (smut, grad school au, i2l, s2l)
@xpeachesncream — done 
mission (17+, e2l, f2l, i2l, criminal!jimin)
@still-with-koo — ongoing 
the misadventures (smut, fake dating, playboy!jimin)
@kimvvantae — ongoing 
off the grid (smut, holiday au, post-college)
@xpeachesncream — done 
heartburn (ANGST!!, emotional cheating)
@jiminrings — done
all of you (smut, f2l, arranged marriage, ceo!jimin)
@writtenwhalien — done 
raise the barre (smut, e2l, dance academy au)
@kpopfanfictrash — done 
rumor has it (smut, e2l (?), s2l, fake dating) 
@jananakookie​ — ongoing
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maybe i do (smut, arranged marriage, s2l, ceo!tae)
@chateautae — done 
love: undercover (smut, office au, fake identity)
@lolabangtan — ongoing 
broken bottles (smut, s2l, badboy!tae)
@xpeachesncream — on hold 
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love to hate (smut, ewb, rich!jk)
@kpopfanfictrash — done 
risque (smut, forbidden romance, age gap)
@mercurygguk — ongoing 
until you were mine (smut, f2l, fwb)
@jeonfrvr — ongoing 
long way home (f2l, dilf!jk)
@sparklingchim — ongoing
the dilf instalment (smut, established relationship, dilf!jk)
@mercurygguk — ongoing 
please love me (smut, arranged marriage, cf2l, ceo!kids)
@ahundredtimesover — done
jungkook is over party (smau, fake dating, college au)
@extravaguk — ongoing 
all the times you knocked (established relationship (?))
@taehyung-the-baehyung — discontinued
dilf jk (smut, s2l, fwb, dilf!jk)
@venusiangguk — ongoing
why we broke up (smau with written chapters, chaebol!reader, poor!jk)
@jjeongukkie — ongoing
a business proposal (smau, fake dating, ceo!jk, employee!reader)
@jjeongukkie — ongoing
to build a home (smut, s2l, dilf!jk, nanny!reader)
@soft4gguk — ongoing
four seven eight (ANGST!!, established relationship)
@jiminrings — done
meddle about (smut, brothers best friend, fwb, age gap) 
@amourtae — soon
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more fics will be added or i will make a new list
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hexonthepeach · 1 year
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ao3 + fic info & requests + answered asks + updates
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genre: 1960's-80's spyfiction au
dark & stormy [nct - johnny & jaehyun & fem!reader] - wc: 64k : you’re a housekeeper in a seedy hotel working through the worst hurricane of the season when you’re invited to spend the evening with your two sexy but enigmatic co-workers. when you accidentally uncover their secret identities you're dragged into a darker world—one you may already know too well
vitamin (dark & stormy pt. 2) [nct - johnny & jaehyun & fem!reader] - wc: 31k : over the course of your career your relationship with your super-spy partners has changed dramatically, prompting the age-old polycule/ot3 question: who's your daddy?
[incoming] dark & stormy pt. 3 [nct - johnny & jaehyun & fem!reader]
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genre: modern chaebol ex-bullying F4 au
dive [nct dojaejung - doyoung & jaehyun & jungwoo & fem!reader] - wc: 11k: in which you play a dangerous game with your (ex's) best friends, and find out you're a little more than just another target - an F4-inspired take on NCT Dojaejung
perfume - [nct dojaejung - doyoung & fem!reader] - wc: 20k: "the night we looked into each of our hearts / feels like I’m already blended into you"
[incoming] ordinary - [nct dojaejung - jaehyun] -
[incoming] strawberry sunday - [nct dojaejung - jungwoo] -
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genre: hybrid omegaverse cyberpunk au
a gentle tongue breaketh the bone [nct 127 reverse harem & foxgirl hybrid omega fem!reader] - wc: 150k+ - (serial release)
the year is 2127. decades of eugenics and warfare have led to the rise of designated populations: the ruler Alphas and their rare, prized omegas sequestered from the Beta population. in the aftermath of the War of the Two Tigers, New Goryeo ushers in an Imperial dynasty determined not by birthright but by the alliance of the Syndicate's clancorps to choose the best pack of your generation you are destined to take your place within the Imperial harem as a queen, and–perhaps–Imperatrix herself. but you have a secret, written into your skin and bones–one that could easily kill you, depending on who finds it out. ten years ago you chose your Alpha and their pack in a fateful meeting now, you must make them choose you
[word count, tags, and links subject to change as updates occur]
[dm or reply for taglist, all will be done in comments]
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muniimyg · 2 months
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hi ♡ i'm kimi
gemini & a filipina (yikes) ...
i'm in preschool teaching and specializing in children's special needs ! my favourite colour is pink but lilac is a close second . i love matcha . i have 11 piercings but no tattoos . summer is my favourite season but fall feels more romantic . i love picnics . i have a cat named loki . yoongi is my bias but i write more jungkook fics . sue me !
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what app do you use for your social media fics?
for my smau fics, i use the app social dummy. i've been using the app for almost 3 years now and it comes with formats for twt, insta, lock screen, facetime, imsg, youtube, news, etc. i've made a few one-time payments for the app to unlock specific features like unlimited msging and profiles.
for more recent social media features like insta dm's "replied to your story" formats, i use my own insta accounts and photoshop them into my msg edits. for the most part, i am using picsart, pinterst, or make-shifting the edits on my own.
with all that being said, i have been told that social dummy is no longer available on the app store. there are a few alternatives i've been looking into but ultimately have not been satisfied with the way the edits turn out. i will update this faq if and when i find something new and available for all.
what's your update schedule?
currently, i’m living the kdrama life of the poor full-time student girl with with 2 jobs. as much as i want to commit to updating on a regular schedule,, i can not. my work is usually a tba kind of vibe lol. for the most part, i update when i can and when i want.
what is your content style? what is the kimiverse?
a lot of my fics follow simple storylines imo. i think i end up writing a lot of college/uni au's because that's where my current state in life is so it's a lot easier to relate and gain fic inspo.
kimiverse sums up my fics & characters . it’s more known for the connection between fics like your universe & nonsense ,, casual & sour candy kisses ,, and paraluman & chaebol!jk
my fics are heavily influenced by ariana grande songs and tiktok edits lol
why do you content dump?
i go through impulsive moments of jus wanting to update. it usually happens when i'm avoiding school work.
how do i get added to your permanent taglist? fic taglist?
to be added to my permanent taglist, send in an ASK. the cut off of my 2024 permanent taglist will be may 1, 2024. i will reset sometime next year!
to be added to my fic taglist, send in an ASK with the fic name.
i will not be adding anyone who comments on the posts / series m.list. i feel more organized when the taglist inquires are all in my inbox and i can answer with a tag like #fic taglist: aao jk.
the alternative is to turn on my notifications!
what are your favourite fics?
my all time favourite fics are linked here.
@munirecs is my fic rec page where i reblog my current reads or my reading list.
why is your anon off?
anon is off so i can keep my blog as lighthearted as possible. i had it on for a while now but after a few asks that made me feel meh, i figured this is the best way to set my boundaries. let’s keep the asks kind!
if you want to send in but don’t feel comfortable with me posting my reply, you can send me a msg.
which order am i supposed to read the series if there are extras with the chapter numbers?
read the series parts first. the extras can be read after. i usually put a note in the beginning of the extras to state the time placement for the fic.
why are there so many typos?
it is what it is!
as much as i’d love to edit my work into perfection, i can’t. after i post a texting au, i’d recommend waiting 15 mins because i’m usually doing last minute edits. after i post a written, i’d recommend waiting 1 day because i’m usually re-read it again and again and again and making tweaks. no matter how much i reread or re-edit, i’m always going to be finding little things to change. so, for my own peace of mind.. i give myself the 15 mins or the 1 day before letting it be what it is.
can i critique your work?
no thank you.
i write because i like to write. i write and post content that serves my creative drive and growth as a content creator. i love positive feedback and getting to hear your opinions on characters, but i’d simply like to have my work remain as it is. i worked hard and spent time writing / making the content so jus enjoy it!
i’ll fix my grammar, my wordy sentance, and mis-punctuation when i get paid for writing fanfics… which will be ???
this is art! … and it’s literally fiction.
my main thing has and will always be to write something that makes people feel. if i’ve done that and you’d like to express it kindly, i await your words!
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— minors are denied from all of my content !
— i do not allow reposts, revisions, or translations of my work on any other platform or any other account ! if my work is being posted elsewhere, please let me know ><
— requests are closed ! 
— consider sending an ask / interaction for more updates and consistent activity ! 
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© 2024 muniimyg on tumblr
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dollyyun · 2 months
𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 | chap 18
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with.
PAIRING: enhypen members x fem oc
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college & racing, eventual adulthood, non-idol au. this fic is written in first pov.
WARNINGS: expletives, suggestive themes, stella has a panic attack.
FEATURING: itzy yeji, stray kids hyunjin.
TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody
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"So does this mean that you're officially taken by them, then?" Aera plops down on my mattress, her limbs sprawling across the bed, right after she has packed the necessities, including extra clothes and her dress for the wedding.
Just earlier, she came over to my place unannounced with her boyfriend, Jeongin, whom I got along well with even for a short while, helping her to carry some stuff as she wanted to pack her stuff together with me since we will also be leaving for the hotel.
Yeji and her fiancé have methodically planned everything, even accommodations for close friends and family members, for which they have made reservations at the same hotel where the wedding will take place. According to Yeji, they want to make things more convenient for us, considering the hotel's location is rather far away.
Truth be told, I simply can't wait for tomorrow. Excitement is brimming within me. Not only will I also be seeing my real family, but I will finally witness my older sister on the altar, officially tying the knot after being engaged for years. Tomorrow will indeed be a joyous day.
"Yes." My heart warms at my answer, and a soft smile touches my lips right after. I zip up my luggage before rising from the floor, turning to look at Aera. "Just for confirmation, are you absolutely fine with me dating them? Especially when that includes your best friend and brother." I ask, shuffling my feet awkwardly.
Aera scoffs out a chuckle as she raises her upper body. "Are you kidding me? I've been waiting for ages to witness the day where y'all get your happy ending together!" She exclaims, her eyes glimmering with such sincerity. "If there is anyone who is incredibly happy for you, it's me."
But then comes the uncertainty, as the small smile on my face falters. "But I don't know how to break the news to my family. It would definitely come as a great shock to them that I have seven boyfriends." I sigh, rubbing and burying my face in my palms while I feel disheartened. "I mean, is it even acceptable to anyone that someone has seven lovers?"
"Oh, no, we don't do that shit again." Aera surprises me when she stands in front of me, grabbing my hands away from covering my face. As I look at her, sheer resolution is written across her face. "Who cares what other people might think about your relationship with them? And as for your real family, they love you for who you are, and even I can see that their love for you is unconditional. If anything, they would be happy for you that you've finally found everlasting happiness."
Her words are starting to get to me, but the whispers of doubt continue to taunt me. My lips quiver. "But─"
"You deserve to be happy, Stella." Aera cuts me off firmly, yet there is a tinge of softness in her eyes. "I don't care what you have to say. I'm not about to let you succumb to those doubts you have right now and potentially ruin what you have with them."
Tears prick in my eyes as I'm starting to get emotional. "I really love them."
"I know you do." Aera says softly as she cradles my hands. "I've never doubted your love for them. Those nights you've spent crying in my arms, telling me that you've missed them and that it hurt you to leave─" Her eyes glisten with tears while her voice cracks. "Seeing you at your lowest broke my heart, Stel. There were some days where I was close to revealing to Heeseung that I've been with you since day one, but I knew that wasn't what you wanted."
The memories come flooding into my mind. All the nights I've spent crying and lamenting over the guys and how I hated myself for leaving without saying goodbye to them bring more tears to my eyes.
"You've been through so much. If anyone is deserving of happiness, it is you, Stel." Aera smiles through the tears that stream down her cheeks. "You're free now. You're free to love whoever you want. Don't let anyone ruin that."
Alas, my tears ricochet. Aera pulls me into her warm embrace, hugging me tight. Amidst the sadness of the recollection of my lowest points, happiness overweighs everything else.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
By the time Aera and I arrived at the hotel, which we took an Uber to get to, the time had struck six p.m. Yeji was the one who spotted us by the entrance while she was busy speaking to the receptionist staff. She greeted us with enthusiasm and welcomed us with a hug. Apparently, Aera and I were the last ones to arrive. The immediate family members and close friends of both the bride and the groom have long since settled in their respective assigned rooms.
"We're roomies again!" Aera squeals, holding the key card in her hand, as soon as we step out of the elevator. Without waiting for me, Aera eagerly makes her way to our assigned room while I shake my head at her with a chuckle before moving forward.
By the time I reach Aera, she has already unlocked the door. She enters first, before I do, but the second I take a step forward, my ears perk up at a familiar, distinctive voice four doors away from our assigned room, though it is faint.
"I call dibs on the bed by the window!" Aera's proclamation draws my attention, and with a playful eyeroll at her, I enter our room and close the door. Whatever or whoever's voice I heard a few minutes ago was probably just my imagination.
I scan the interior of the hotel room, admiring and appreciating the interior design of the room. My eyes shift over to the extensive yet massive windows that allow us to see the skylines of NYC. Not long later, Aera and I are busily unpacking our clothes, including ironing our dresses for the wedding.
"I didn't know that unpacking could be this exhausting." Aera complains, plopping down on the couch, which is situated in the centre of the room.
I snort a chuckle as I organise my neatly ironed clothes and dresses in the wardrobe. "Wait till you have to pack everything back into your luggage once we go home."
Aera blows raspberry in return, and at the same time, the doorbell to our room chimes. "Go get it, Stel."
"I'm busy, as you can obviously see."
Aera groans loudly, but nonetheless, she trudges to the door. "Sophia, darling!" Aera greets enthusiastically, prompting me to be sidetracked. Quickly wrapping everything up, I make my way towards the bunch of people whom I call my real family.
"Stella!" Minjun greets me with a warm, fatherly smile as he welcomes me into his embrace. I lean in and close my eyes, relishing the comfort of my real father.
"How are you, honey?" Kelly, Minjun's wife, gives me a gentle, motherly smile after hugging me.
I let out a breather, smiling. "Better than I ever was before."
"Stella Unnie!" Sophia crashes into me, causing me to stagger back, but Hyunjin supports me from behind. "We've missed you so much!"
A week and a half ago, Kelly and Minjun invited me for dinner with the whole family, including Yeji and Hyunjin. I decided to bring Aera and Jen to meet my family. A loving and warm family like them wholeheartedly welcomed my best friends. Even Aera got along great with Sophia within a day.
"Yeji booked reservations for us at the restaurant." Hyunjin tells me as we begin to make our way out of the room. "We'll be having dinner with the groom's family as well."
"Just nice! I've been feeling famished." Aera rubs her tummy, eliciting giggles from Sophia as they walk hand-in-hand. I roll my eyes in response, but nonetheless, a smile touches my lips, making me feel more than delighted that I'm surrounded by my real family.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Hey, honey." Kelly smiles warmly at Yeji as we arrive outside the fine-dining restaurant. She embraces Yeji in a hug before pulling away with an apologetic smile on her face. "Did we keep you waiting?"
"Not at all. You guys just arrived on time." Yeji beams with a smile before we follow her into the restaurant.
With the rest right ahead of me, Hyunjin falls into the steps as I briefly scan the restaurant. It is rather a full house with waiters and waitresses busily serving the customers, but one of the employees guides us to the second floor, where it is rather spacious compared to the first floor.
I guess both Yeji and her fiancé booked the whole floor solely for us, given the fact that I spot Yeji's fiancé seated with a few people at the massive, lengthy table. But I freeze in my spot as soon as I see two familiar faces whom I haven't seen in a long time. Sunghoon's parents.
My ears perk up at a familiar laughter coming from a certain someone, prompting my eyes to shift as they land on him. At once, my heart flutters at how good he looks in his beige down-button blouse, and the sleeves are rolled to his elbow, revealing his black wristwatch.
I stand like a lovesick fool, admiring him as he is conversing with presumably the rest of his family members and how his eyes form the shape of crescents with his fang-like teeth peeking as he smiles. I should've realised sooner that Haneul is Sunghoon's older brother.
"Stella." Hyunjin shakes my shoulder lightly, forcing me to snap out of the trance. A frown touches his lips. "Are you okay?"
I smile faintly and nod my head in response before we catch up with the rest. I watch as Yeji and Haneul embrace each other in a loving hug, with him kissing her forehead while some of the family members are gushing over the bride and groom.
I notice how Sunghoon's parents seem to tense a little when Minjun greets them, but soon enough, they lower their guards and engage in a polite conversation with him. It is obvious why they were wary of Minjun since he's a Hwang too.
"I want to sit in between Aera and Stella Unnie." Sophia tells the rest, not giving us time to say anything as she grabs both Aera and my hand, bringing us to the empty seats.
How lovely that my seat is just situated across from him, facing him directly. As his eyes meet mine, they widen, looking genuinely surprised to see me in the flesh. Trying to be discreet, I give him a small smile as I take my seat.
"Park Sunghoon!" Aera, being loud as always, gasps as she looks at him. "How are you here?!"
I spot the way some of the family members have quizzical looks written across their faces, probably wondering how Aera knows Sunghoon.
"Uh, because Haneul's my older brother?" Sunghoon deadpans, but soon his eyes return to my face while I busily clear my throat as I grab a glass of water before drinking it, in an attempt to avoid looking at him.
It isn't that I have some issues with him. These damn butterflies in my tummy just won't stop fluttering while my heart is beating fast. Part of it has something to do with the fact that we are now in a relationship and I don't know how to act even when we've already slept together, but another part of it is that Sunghoon's parents hate me ever since I'm a Hwang, so they would most likely disapprove of our relationship.
However, they obviously seem to accept that Yeji will soon be their daughter-in-law, so maybe─
"Thank you all for coming to this lovely dinner." Haneul's voice is resonating, drawing our attention to the bride and groom as they stand next to each other with their fingers intertwined. A smile dawns on Haneul's face. "Although tomorrow is the wedding, I would like to deliver a short speech to express my gratitude to my family members who have supported me through and through. To my parents, thank you for giving me your blessings."
As Haneul continues to speak, with Yeji staring at him lovingly, I can sense Sunghoon's gaze fixated on my face the entire time, which makes my cheeks feel warm while I avoid eye contact with him.
In the next fifteen minutes or so, the food has been served, and each dish is delectable. Sophia occasionally converses with me, but most of the time, Aera entertains her. Other than that, I eat my food in silence, still not daring enough to look up.
"Do you want some more?" Hyunjin asks as he is sitting right next to me, showing me the leftovers on the plate.
I shake my head. "I'm full." I say, grabbing my glass of drink and taking sips, but my eyes accidentally lock with his across the table. His well-defined, thick eyebrow is arched at me in an attractive manner, which almost has me choking on the liquid.
I place the glass down and give Hyunjin a tight smile. "I need to go to the ladies." I inform him before rising from my seat and walking away from the table.
As I make my way to the ladies restroom, my palms hit my cheeks as they remain there. I can feel how warm my cheeks are. I can't help it. Seeing Sunghoon makes me feel all fuzzy on the inside. I'm most certain this is the aftereffect of us being in a relationship.
As I'm being completely distraught, I fail to hear a pair of footsteps from behind me in rather haste. Just as I turn around in a corner, a hand latches around my wrist, pulling me back abruptly and causing me to whirl around.
My breath catches in my throat when our eyes meet, and his gaze bears such intensity that it causes the butterflies in my tummy to become tenfold. "Sunghoon─"
A startled gasp leaves my lips as soon as he slams his lips hard on mine, kissing me with such yearning and passion while I flutter my eyes close, melting against him as he holds me delicately in contrast to his kisses.
He pulls away quicker than I like, and as I look at him, he doesn't seem pleased, which confuses me. "Why were you avoiding me?" He asks adamantly.
"I wasn't avoiding you." I deny, looking away from his stern eyes briefly.
"Lying really isn't your strong suit." Sunghoon tugs me closer with his hand still holding my wrist. He grips my chin, tilting my head so he can gaze deeply into my eyes, which has the butterflies within me fluttering wildly. "Tell me the truth, princess." He demands lowly. "Why were you avoiding me?"
"I─" I bite my lower lip, lowering my gaze to his lips for a moment before looking back up. "I was nervous." But my words come out barely as a mumble.
His face contorts into confusion. "What?"
"I said I was nervous." I raise my voice just slightly.
The frown on his lips deepens, and his grasp around my wrist loosens. "Why would you feel nervous?"
I groan lightly and bury my face in my palms, with my head coming into contact with his neck. His strong cologne smells so good that I'm tempted to bury my nose into his chest. "Because you look good." I tell him meekly, which prompts him to grab both my hands and pull them away so he can see my face better.
He cocks an eyebrow at me while his lips curve into a smirk. "What was that again, princess?"
"I said you looked good." I repeat it distraughtly as my eyes flicker at his pretty pink lips.
"Do I, really?" He asks mockingly while his arm slithers around my waist, pulling me close to his body.
I nod my head numbly as I continue to stare at his face, feeling as though I'm in a trance. "So, so handsome." I utter, my hands curling into fists as they rest on his solid chest.
"My princess thinks I'm handsome." His soft chuckles sound melodious. With his arm around my waist, he uses the other to cradle the side of my face, gazing at me with such affection. "Is my handsomeness the only reason you're nervous?"
"I'm not sure." I mumble. "It's just that we're in a relationship now, and I'm having these jitters." I confess. "It's absurd, really, because I'm not the one who will be getting married tomorrow."
"I'm glad to have such an effect on you." He smirks, leaning his face closer to mine. "I've missed you so much, even though we had just seen each other last week."
Just as he is about to kiss me, I press my finger against his lips, stopping him. "There is something else we need to discuss." I say, releasing a shaky breath. "It's about your parents."
His face turns serious. "What about them?"
"Your parents hated my parents, and I'm sure they do now. They hate the Hwangs."
"But they're fine with your sister." He says. "I'm sure they'll be fine with you too."
"I don't know. I mean, I've been the heir for years, and our families were enemies." I tell him, disheartened. "Let's not reveal our relationship to anyone yet, just to be safe. Which also means we have to be discreet."
"I have to admit, princess, that it's hard staying away from you because all I want to do is hold you close like this." He drawls, a mischief glints in his eye. "But there is no denying how fun it is to sneak around behind them and to kiss you like this."
He tilts his head to a perfect angle and slams his lips on mine once more, this time backing me up until my back hits the wall. His hand goes underneath my thigh before hoisting it up to his waist while still kissing me senselessly.
"We can't be kissing all the time." I manage to speak in between the kisses.
He pulls away, breathing heavily and leaning his forehead against mine. His lips turn into a grin as he chuckles. "Which is why I make the most of the limited time we have." A shiver runs down my spine as he caresses my bare thigh. "Haneul invited the guys as well, but we'll only see them tomorrow."
My eyebrows jump in surprise. "Haneul knows them?"
"Yeah. They met him back in college when he paid our family a visit and stayed for two weeks before heading back to New York." He says. "I'm not going to tell the guys that you're here, though. I want to see the look on their faces when they see you tomorrow."
I roll my eyes as he chuckles. "We need to go back, or else we'll be raising suspicions."
"Nah." He presses his body against mine, tilting my head up and smirking down at me. "I'm not even done with you yet."
"Sunghoon." I warn him while my pulse seems to be beating louder in my ears.
"Just a kiss." He whispers, leaning down. "One last kiss." Sunghoon is many things, and one of them is a liar.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
As expected on a wedding day, everyone is occupied with their respective tasks, at least for those who have been appointed to crucial roles. Initially, I had hopes that Yeji would appoint me as her maid-of-honour, but I was a little disappointed that she chose her best friend─whom I had just met earlier today, Shin Ryujin.
Though we met and talked in a short span of time since Ryujin needed to resume her tasks, my interaction with her was more than pleasant. Not only was she charming, but she was also quick-witted. Regrettably, she had to cut our conversation short. Now that I think about it, I'm glad that I was not appointed as a maid of honour. My mind is already occupied with other things, which also involve work, so the least I need for my brain is to work overtime with new additional tasks.
"Hey, sweetie." Minjun greets me with a fatherly smile, his arm is extended, to which I instinctively go in for a side-hug. I feel him kissing my crown affectionately before I pull away and face him. His eyes seem to be scanning me while a smile rises on his lips, but I am taken aback to see his eyes glistening with tears. "My daughter looks beautiful."
My eyes soften at his shaky voice, which is filled with such affection. I give him a smile before tip-toeing to peck his cheek. "Thank you, Dad."
No longer do I find it weird to call him that. I remember when I called him 'Dad' instead of uncle for the first time, Minjun burst into tears and hugged me tight. It was one of the unforgettable moments for me because I could finally call my real father the deserving 'Dad'.
"Indeed, our Stella looks beautiful." Kelly, looking lovely in a baby blue dress, chimes in with a smile as she engulfs me in a side hug as well. "You must've taken your looks from your father." She nudges Minjun in a playful manner, to which he gives her a fond gaze.
I chuckle in response. "You look beautiful as well, Kelly."
"We're here!" Both Aera and Sophia announce their arrival with enthusiasm, drawing some eyes from the other guests to them, but they continue to make their way straight to us. Sophia looks utterly adorable and lovely in a baby pink dress that flows with every step she takes, whereas Aera is dolled up in a beige spaghetti strap dress that looks amazing on her.
"Sophia, don't you feel bad for always clinging to Aera?" Kelly chastises her daughter, who pouts in return. Kelly looks at Aera with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, honey."
"It's totally fine, Kelly! Besides, Sophia is a darling!" Aera reassures Kelly, grinning widely.
"I see that you're closer to Aera than you are to your own sister." Minjun narrows his eyes at Sophia in a playful manner. "It seems that you like Aera more than Stella."
"No, Daddy!" Sophia looks at me frantically before rushing towards me and hugging me. "I swear I like Stella Unnie as well!"
A chuckle leaves my lips as I stroke her braided hair gently. "I don't doubt it, little one."
"Here you guys are." Hyunjin appears, decked out in a suit, while his hair has been styled neatly, allowing his forehead to be visible. With a grin on his lips, he slings an arm around Minjun. "Are we ready to head inside? The ceremony will start in ten minutes."
"Where have you been?" I ask, having long since noticed his presence was nowhere to be found.
"I was just talking with the groom." He shrugs his shoulders, but I know him so well.
"Or maybe you were threatening him." I deadpan.
"You are so right, baby sis." Hyunjin grins deviously at me. "As the oldest brother, I ought to give him some heads-up if he ever dared to break my sister's heart."
"Ugh, protective older brother things." Aera rolls her eyes. "Been there, done that."
We chuckle in unison before deciding to enter the massive grand ballroom. A series of 'woah' elicits from Sophia, Aera, and Hyunjin while my eyes are sparkling with admiration for the interior designs and how impressive the ornaments have been put together to bring such a vibrant yet elegant touch, which were done by the expert designers. The venue soars 65 stories above Midtown Manhattan against a sparkling backdrop of city lights.
Since we have approximately seven minutes left till the ceremony commences, they disperse, with Sophia dragging Aera towards the massive window to probably enjoy the view. Hyunjin is speaking with an unfamiliar man, and Minjun and Kelly are mingling and socialising around, leaving me standing awkwardly alone.
My eyes begin to search for certain faces, but disappointment befalls me when there is no sight of them. Maybe Sunghoon is with Haneul, but are the rest late?
Just as I'm about to make my way to the seats by the front row, my gaze lands on a bunch of figures by the entrance far across the ballroom, striding inside as though they are models. My breath catches in my throat as I freeze in my spot. They look utterly striking and charming, no wait, no amount of words is enough to describe how handsome they look with their distinctive hairstyles and tuxedos.
They even draw attention to themselves, with some ladies blatantly checking them out. I don't even blame those ladies. They look really, really dashing. Heat weaves across my cheeks while my heart flutters, and the longer my gaze stays on them.
"Stella Unnie! Let's go!" Sophia calls for me from behind before I feel her tugging on my hand. I look at her briefly as she pulls me with her before returning my gaze back at them for one last time, and this time, Jungwon's eyes meet mine. It is brief and far, yet I can feel the electricity just from our eye contact.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Yeji and Haneul have finally tied the knot, now standing on the altar as they engage in a sweet, passionate kiss while the crowd applauds and cheers for the newlyweds. Some are shedding tears, which includes Minjun─who walked her down the aisle, Kelly, Aera, and even Hyunjin, who tries his best to suppress himself but fails miserably when I catch a tear drop from his eye.
Despite no tears leaking from my eyes, my heart swells with pride and elation. I am genuinely happy for my older sister, who has now become someone's wife. Without a doubt, I trust Park Haneul to love and cherish Yeji the way she deserves.
We watch as the newlyweds make their way to their designated table, where the food is served. The wedding host speaks into the mic, welcoming us once more and encouraging us to enjoy the rest of the event, prompting us to disperse in different directions.
As I follow my family behind, my eyes search for them, but it is rather impossible, especially when the crowd of people is obscuring my view. Oddly, I feel thankful that I have yet to meet any of them. Lord knows that I might stammer my words or, even worse, be unable to form coherent words when I speak to them.
The damn jitters.
Without informing any of my family members, I change course, heading straight for the champagne fountain. It is rather interesting how they built the fountain, which has some of the nearby guests snapping shots of it. I grab a glass and help myself with the champagne before attempting to take sips from the glass.
Just as I finish my last sips, a firm arm slithers around my waist, pulling me closer to him while his breath hits the shell of my earlobe. "Hey, pretty girl." He greets me in an oddly seductive whisper.
"Sunoo." I utter his name nervously while my eyes dart around my surroundings. There are two things I'm worried about, but the main thing is that I don't want any of my family members to learn about me being in a polygamous relationship. At least not until I'm ready and certain to face the worst outcome of their reactions.
Another thing that I'm nervous about is the fact that Sunoo looks utterly charming in a tuxedo, which I've already seen him in, but there is a certain ambience he exudes. His hair is neatly styled in such a way that the front bangs are curled. His fox-like eyes, which I admire, are staring at me with adoration.
"I admit I was surprised when Jungwon told us that he saw you earlier." Sunoo says. "I don't fancy weddings, but right now, I'm glad that I came."
"Sunoo, we can't." I try to move away from his strong grip, but he simply remains undeterred and cocks his eyebrows at me.
"What do you mean by we can't?" He asks, a look of discontentment masks his fine countenance.
"We can't be seen like this." I tell him in a whisper while my eyes are still busy scanning our surroundings, and fortunately, my family members are further across the ballroom.
"I don't like where this is going, darling." Disapproval laces his tone. "Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"
"It's not that." I sigh, staring at him pleadingly, to which his eyes soften. "Let's go somewhere where no prying eyes can see us, please?"
His pink lips press thinly together while his arm around my waist tightens. "Fine, but you better provide a good explanation, pretty girl."
As Sunoo ushers me elsewhere, my cheeks bear extra involuntary blushes at the nickname he gave me. We are still in the venue, but hidden behind a huge pillar with the lights dim. Sunoo has me pinned against the wall with one hand beside my head. His sharp eyes are staring at me sternly, making me feel intimidated.
Upon his command, I begin to explain. "I think we shouldn't display our affection for each other in public." Even as I speak, my voice sounds shaky due to how small I feel under the intensity of his gaze. "In fact, we should act as friends."
"Friends?" He says the word as though it's poisonous. He scoffs out a smirk, his fingers reaching out to caress my cheek. Each stroke feels delicate yet dangerous. "Darling, you do realise that what you're suggesting is absurd, right?"
"I'm not joking about it either."
"Neither do I." His smirk falls flat. "Why would you want us to act as friends? We've just started out our relationship."
"I don't want any of my family members to learn about my relationship with the seven of you." I state the truth, my eyes crestfallen. "Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that we're finally together for good this time, but I'm not prepared to let my family know. Please understand."
Sunoo doesn't say anything, seeming to be contemplating before he heaves a sigh and relaxes the tension on his shoulders. "Alright, fine. I don't like the idea, but I'll respect your decision."
"Thank you." I latch my arms around his neck, hugging him, to which he instantly reciprocates and nuzzles his head against the side of my neck, kissing my skin with affection.
"You smell good." He murmurs before pulling away from my neck, his arms still locked around my waist. Appreciation resides in his gaze as he examines me. "You look good. Exquisite even."
The jitters return to my stomach. "You look handsome yourself." A soft smile touches my lips, my hands are on the sides of his neck.
A boyish grin spreads across his pink lips. "Hearing the compliment from the goddess herself is an honour."
"Don't exaggerate yourself, Sunoo."
"I'm not, pretty girl." He kisses my cheek, allowing it to linger before a pleasurable sigh leaves his lips. "I really want to sneak you away with me so we can be alone, but I suppose my time is up, at least for now."
As soon as he says that, I am greeted by the sight of Riki approaching from behind Sunoo, his eyes fixated on mine. His once serious, intimidating countenance breaks, and his lips form into a smile. "Hey, Stel."
Sunoo presses one last kiss on my forehead before releasing me from his grasps, but his touch lingers even as he disappears from my sight.
"Riki." I breathe out, my eyes appreciating the sight of his handsome countenance. His hair is middle-parted, with the bangs hovering over his forehead, yet it looks a tad fluffy. I notice a new piercing on his earlobe, which looks good on him. 
"Wow." His deep chuckles send flutters to my heart, as does the smile on his face. "You look beautiful, Stel."
"You look beautiful as well." I accidentally blurt out while my eyes go wide in panic. "Uh, I meant to say you look really handsome."
"Hey, I don't mind getting called beautiful by the woman I love." Riki says with a grin as he steps forward with his arms open wide. "Are you going to hug your boyfriend, or nah?"
I can't contain my giddiness, smiling widely before crashing into him, his arms wholeheartedly hugging me as I sink into the warmth of his familiar embrace. His cologne invades my nostril, sending me to inhale some. But then an important reminder pops into my head, prompting me to look up at him with a frown.
"There's something you need to know."
"What is it?" He asks, stroking the back of my hair with affection.
"We can't be seen in the eyes of others like this. It's not that I'm embarrassed to be seen with you, but rather, I don't want any of my family members to learn about our relationship." I explain in between shaky breaths. "I'm not ready yet. I hope you understand─"
"Of course, Stel." He cuts me off, his eyes softening. "You can count on me. Just remember that I'll be with you every step of the way, even if your family disapproves of our relationship."
"Thank you, my love." I tip-toe to peck his lips, taking him by surprise given how he blinks his eyes at me.
"That's new." Riki mumbles, his cheeks are a faint pink.
I tilt my head to one side, staring at him curiously. "What's new?"
"You called me 'my love'." Riki mumbles again, and this time he avoids eye contact as he buries his head into my shoulder. "They sound nice coming from your mouth."
A soft chuckle leaves my lips. "Then I guess I'll have to call you that now. My love."
Riki sighs deeply before slowly pulling himself away from my shoulder, not before pecking my cheek and nose. "Again."
"My love?" Just as I say it, he slots his lips over mine, kissing me sweetly, which has me smiling against his lips.
"I think I just fell in love with you all over again." He murmurs, pulling away from me. "Oh, Stella, what are you doing to my poor heart?"
"More like, what are you doing to my poor heart?" I deflect the question with a playful scowl.
A smirk touches his lips. "I guess we're even, then, my lady."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
After Riki left, I returned to my family, who thankfully didn't ask for my prior whereabouts. I also decided to avoid being seen by the rest of my boyfriends. I didn't want any of them to sneak me away, or else I'd raise suspicions from my family, especially when Hyunjin seems to be staring at me with indecipherable emotions. It's like he's reading through me.
"So, Stella, any plans for settling down?" Kelly asks as she raises her glass to take sips of her champagne. Her question draws the rest of my family's attention to me.
"Settling down?" Nervous chuckles leave my lips while I tighten the grip around my glass. "I don't actually know if I even want to settle down." I give my half-truth answer.
I used to despise the idea of marriage, mainly because I've seen how Minhyuk and Jihyun's relationship was like─cold towards each other, and there was barely any physical affection between them. But in the eyes of the public, they worked well and feigned being a loving couple. The only times they were a little less cold to each other was for anything that involved Rena.
"Aww, but I want to see Stella Unnie get married!" Sophia expresses her disappointment with a small pout on her lips.
"It isn't that simple." Aera blurts out, prompting me to look at her with wide, panicked eyes, which she mirrors as well.
"What do you mean by that?" Hyunjin asks Aera with his elbows resting on the table and his hands clasped together. His eyes look dead serious.
"What she meant was that part of my uncertainty about settling down has to do with the fact that I grew up witnessing Minhyuk and Jihyun's relationship. They ruined my idea of marriage." I quickly answer for Aera, to which she looks relieved. "You know what it's like, Oppa."
"Make sense." Hyunjin seems to buy my answer as he nods his head in understanding. "I, too, do not wish to get married because of the same reason."
"And here, I thought I would have a son-in-law soon." Minjun jests, feigning disappointment.
"I didn't say you wouldn't get a son-in-law, Dad." I chuckle, though my nervousness is probably perceptible to them, but this time, I decide to test the waters. "It's complicated."
"So you do have someone?" Minjun's eyes glimmer with hope. "Who is he, sweetie?"
Before I can answer, I see a shadow loom over my figure from behind, to which they look up with visible confusion written across their faces except for Aera, who looks oddly animated with a smirk of mischief on her lips. "Jungwon!" Aera greets him while my body gets tense.
I feel the weight of Jungwon's hand on my chair from behind. "Hey, Aera." Though Jungwon sounds affable, I can sense tension in his voice, as though he's suppressing himself from something else.
"This is Yang Jungwon!" I abruptly introduce Jungwon to the rest of them as I tilt my body to catch a glimpse of his face, and when I do, his cat-like eyes stare into mine with a certain intensity before I quickly look away from him and manage a smile at my family. "He's my friend─no wait, my childhood best friend, actually."
"Ah! That Jungwon!" Hyunjin's face lights up with recognition. He proceeds to shake hands with Jungwon. "You've all grown up into a fine lad!" They begin to exchange words while I busily downs the content of my drink in an attempt to ease the trepidation.
Although Jungwon is amiably conversing with the rest of my family, and Minjun even wholeheartedly welcomes him, I know for a fact that he's pissed just by the look of his eyes on mine earlier.
"You should come over to one of our family dinners sometimes!" Minjun says with a jovial laugh, and by the looks of it, he seems to approve of Jungwon, considering that Minjun is an F1 fan.
"It would be an honour." Jungwon tells him with a smile before his eyes flicker to mine, but this time, his smile remains on his countenance while I feel uneasy. "I apologise, but I would like to speak with Stella privately, if that is fine with the rest of you."
"Not at all!" Aera chirps, grinning deviously, while I shoot a glare at her. "She's all yours!"
Jungwon tilts his head to one side, as though motioning for me to follow him. I suppress a sigh and rise from my seat before reluctantly following him.
Jungwon doesn't stop until we are further and further away from the main event, nearly to the other side of the entrance, where there are also huge pillars that, thankfully, can obscure our sight from any eyes.
It seems I'm deep into my thoughts, resulting in me bumping into his back. A frown tugs at the corners of my lips as I lift my head, and by the time I do, Jungwon is already facing me. He doesn't look the slightest pleased.
"What?" I ask rather curtly, which fuels his apparent indignation.
"What?" He repeats, mocking me. "Don't play dumb, doll."
Something stirs within me at the new nickname, but I remain stoic. "I'm not playing dumb, Jungwon."
"Oh, really?" Jungwon sneers, stepping closer to me while I try to remain strong on my ground, but eventually succumbs to the trepidation and slowly backs away from him. "You're really gonna play it this way?"
I swallow harshly, unable to look away from his pinning gaze. "Are you upset that I introduced you as my friend?"
"That's one thing. Why have you been avoiding us?" He asks, undeterred from stepping closer to me until he has me trapped between the pillar and him. "You didn't even avoid Sunoo and Riki earlier. So why─"
"Surely, they must've told you what I told them." I cut him off, ignoring the jitters dancing within me. I take his silence as an answer. "You get the memo, Jungwon."
His eyes harden. "I don't like it."
I sigh. "Sunoo doesn't either, but you don't see him getting all riled up."
"Because I'm not Sunoo, doll." He speaks in a lower tone that sends shivers down my spine, as does the close proximity between our bodies. "Why are you afraid of being discovered to have seven boyfriends?"
I scoff in disbelief. "Are you hearing yourself right now? Why wouldn't I be afraid?" I match my glare with his. "Sure, it won't impact any of you guys if we reveal our relationship, but me? I'd be receiving criticism and labelled with such despicable names!"
"But we can protect you."
"You think it's that easy?" I scoff out a laugh of incredulity. "I don't know if you've been living in your own bubble or you're just plain ignorant, but us women have it harder than you men, especially with the double standards in our society."
A muscle pulses in his jaw. "Why are you even getting mad about this?"
"I'm not mad!"
"There! You just raised your voice at me!"
"Well, maybe because you don't seem to understand and respect my decision with the way you act!"
"You're right! I don't! We've just started out our relationship, and then you decided to make things difficult!"
"Me? The one who is making things difficult is you!"
We breathe heavily while the glaring contest between us persists, and the tension is close to snapping.
"Are you finished?" He asks lowly, and I falter as soon as I realise the lack of distance between our faces, with the tips of our noses almost touching.
That is also when I take the time to admire his looks. The front of his hair looks as though it is damp as it hovers over his forehead, but I know that he uses some type of hair spray to make it look the way it is. Both of his earlobes are adorned with new piercings, which greatly surprises me because I never would have thought to see the day where he would have piercings.
I moisten my lips as the jitters within me intensify. "Yeah." My voice sounds croaked.
"Good." He leans in to kiss me while I flutter my eyes closed as soon as our lips meet. I can't help but melt against him by how gentle he is kissing me, to which he holds my waist firmly.
Whatever heat or argument we were in earlier dissipates. My hands grip on his broadened shoulders as we continue to kiss slowly yet one with passion, making me forget that we are still vulnerable in public.
Jungwon pulls away first, panting lightly with his lips now moist from the aftermath. He gazes deeply into my eyes as he grips my chin to gently brush my bottom lip with his thumb. "You're so hot when you're mad."
"And I'm still mad at you." I utter while my heart flutters at his gesture of affection. "My decision still stands. If Sunoo and Riki can understand and respect it, so should you."
The dissatisfaction returns to his eyes. "You can't be serious, doll."
"Guess what? I am." I attempt to push him away from me, but he tightens his grip. "Yang Jungwon."
"You're acting like a brat now."
I try my best to quell my anger as I remain calm. "Look in the mirror, Jungwon. The true brat here is you."
"I suggest you loosen the attitude, doll." He tuts, his lips forming a smirk, and I know he's up to no good. "Or I'll have you taught a lesson."
"What? You're gonna spank me like a child in need of reprimanding?" I ask mockingly.
"Nah, not from me." His soft chuckles sound lethal. "The rest won't like the fact that you decided to act like we're friends in public, you know?"
"Yeah? Well, tell them to suck it up." I manage to shove him away with a scowl on my face. "I need a breather. Don't you dare follow me."
"Drop the attitude, doll! Or you'll regret it!" Jungwon says from behind as I trudge further away from him, but instead of heading back to my family, I make my way outside of the other entrance.
By the time I arrive, I stop dead in my tracks and finally release the hot breath that I've been holding back. I don't care if any of them disagree with my decision. They'll just have to deal with it until I'm ready.
"You are not even welcomed here!"
Yeji's voice is resonating, prompting me to follow the source of her voice with calculated steps.
"How dare you show your face at my wedding?!"
I flinch at how Yeji sounds genuinely wrathful as soon as I'm approaching before hiding myself behind a pillar. I take a peek to see what the commotion is about, and when I do, it's like I've been struck by lightning. All colours drain from my face while my breaths become erratic.
"I'm your father, aren't I? It is rather disappointing that you chose my older brother to walk down the aisle with you."
"You are not my father!" Yeji screams with such resentment, which prompts Haneul to hug her from the back as he holds her back from lunging towards him. "I don't know how you're here, but I'll have you thrown out by the guards!"
"Is Stella here?" The devil asks, and a smirk is drawn on his face. "Of course she's here. She's your beloved sister, after all."
"Keep her name out of your mouth!" Never have I ever seen Yeji in this outrage. "Don't you dare show your face to Stella, you monster!"
"Guards!" Haneul barks out, and finally, four guards approach them in haste before escorting the devil himself out.
I stagger a step back, feeling as though I've been punched in the gut. My breathing continues to remain erratic while my chest feels tight. It appears that my heels have loudly come into contact with the marbled floor as I hear footsteps approaching.
"Stella?" The rims of Yeji's eyes are red as she stares at me in shock.
"He's back." I manage to utter despite my irregular breathing. Yeji tries to touch me, but I back away, shaking my head as my mind has erupted into chaos. "No, no." A whimper leaves my lips.
"Stella!" Haneul manages to catch me as soon as my knees buckle underneath me. He holds me against him while Yeji attempts to soothe me as she brushes away my hair and cups my cheek.
"Hey, look at me." Yeji demands sternly yet gently enough for me to focus my attention on her. "Breathe, Stel." I comply, but even as my breaths have regulated, my chest still hurts.
"How─?" Any form of coherency is beyond my ability at the moment, as I feel pure numbness.
Yeji and Haneul's exchange looks, uncertain. "We don't know, but we must alert our family about this." Yeji states firmly.
"Let's inform them after the wedding's over." Haneul says. "We don't want to cause panic."
"But Stella was hyperventilating!" Yeji argues. "Forget the wedding. My sister needs to rest and collect her thoughts after seeing that monster!"
"Honey." Though Haneul sounds firm, there is a tinge of softness as he places his hands on Yeji's shoulders. "I'm worried about Stella too, and you know that I care for her, but we must think about the guests. If we stop the wedding, we'll only cause confusion and alarm them."
"He's right." I manage to find my voice, drawing their attention to me, but my strong facade has returned. "Besides, you guys paid hefty for the entire event." I give them a smile of assurance. "I'm fine now, really."
"Are you sure?" Yeji asks, her face contorting into concern. "I think it's better for you to head back to your room and rest."
"It's okay, Unnie. I'm really fine now." I reassure her. "He's not here anymore. Plus, I want to enjoy the rest of the event, which includes the after-party."
After some assurance, Yeji concedes. Haneul gives me a side-hug before walking away with his wife, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Even as I make my way back to the ballroom and return to my family, who are in a jovial element, I can't bring myself to genuinely smile and laugh with them.
The devil's back.
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