#and a plaster fireplace. l shaped couch
kittycatfailcat · 2 years
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Living Room - Open
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harrieatthemet · 6 years
Holiday: Ch. 4
A/N: so glad I got this chapter out of the way. The next three are fucking amazing you guys are going to be IN comPLETE AWE. 
“Snow!” Penelope cheered, thrusting herself from the car onto a snow pile.
“P,” I whined, “You’re not dressed for snow, can we just get inside?” 
“Where’s Dad’s car?” Brayden asked, looking to me for an answer.
He was out of luck, because it seemed that we were both wondering the same thing. A part of me was starting to grow impatient and a little testy when I pulled up to the driveway in the rented escalade, seeing that there was no cars waiting for us. Then I remembered about his nightclub endeavors, and was sure he was hungover enough to have missed his flight. 
Brayden pummeled through the door, yelling into the empty house to hear himself echo. Penelope snickered at her older brother, slithering her way between Brayden and the entrance so she could shout as well. Quinn, latched onto my side like always, wiggled out of my embrace and went teetering off into the house. I lagged behind, admiring the beautiful villa.
The outside had initially taken my breath away, being that it was built entirely of grey and beige stone. The pine trees that surrounded the lot were beautiful, covered in fresh snow that gleamed from the outside lights. Walking in made me smile a little, as the place was so warm and cozy. The foyer, much like every other room in the house, was decorated and colored in earth toned themes. A beautiful round glass table sat in the middle of the foyer, where a big bouquet of flowers sat proudly. Above it hung a long, dainty glass chandelier. The stair well was winding, and along the wall hung a few different paintings and pictures of the ski slopes. The kids had made way to the room where the biggest TV sat on the fireplace, which was made out of brown and white rock and ran all the way up to the second floor. The long, L shaped sofa was a cooled pistachio color and a few furry white blankets were draped over the couch arms. Off that room was a deck, which held a stunning view of the little town of Vail and even more breathtaking view of snowy covered mountains and ski slopes. As mad at Harry as I was right now, I had to give him props because he had truly outdone himself. He even went as far as having someone pick out one of the tallest, fullest Christmas tree. It stood proudly near the fireplace, decorated with even a few colorfully wrapped presents sitting underneath. I had to threaten the three eager kids to keep their hands off, and that they were only to be open on Christmas morning. 
They spent most of the day admiring the house. Quinn was in absolute awe of the Christmas tree, and even sat in front of it for nearly an hour while he just looked up and stared. After hours of relentless begging, and incoherent whining, I hastily agreed to let the kids take a peek out at the snow. I sympathized with them, because growing up in LA and not having the opportunity to do snowball fights or make snowmen kind of sucked. Throughout the entirety of the day, I found myself constantly answering ‘where’s daddy?’ questions, or having to run to the door to ‘check if daddy was here’. I didn’t mind, all it really did was make me feel bad. When Harry and I split and he moved out, I went out of my way and bent over backwards to make sure that I could accommodate every one of the kid’s needs. I tried to make everything as normal as possible, regardless of the circumstances. But, there was nothing I could do to fill Harry’s shoes. They adored their Dad, he was a superstar to many but at home he seemed to be the biggest superstar. 
Later on, once the kids were sick of eating just chocolate and goldfish, I had cooked up whatever I could scavenge from the kitchen. The room was silent, forks scraping across the plates the only sound that could be made out. Looking distastefully down at his plate of carrots and chicken, Brayden aimlessly pushed around his meal with his fork. Penelope was shoveling her food into her mouth as fast as her little arms would let her, and Quinn was practically falling asleep in his plate. 
“Not hungry, B?” I chirped, taking a bite of my own food.
“Where’s dad.” He sighed, flicking a piece of chicken.
I shifted uncomfortably, because I knew I couldn’t give him the answer he was looking for. In all honesty, I had no idea where Harry was. I was hoping that he was on a plane here, or better yet even in a car here, but there was no way of knowing for sure. And I didn’t plan on bombarding him with texts and calls, because I was sick of having to beg him to be present. 
“On his way here.” I lied.
“I’m tiiireeeed.” Penelope whined, tears brimming her eyes.
My eyes flickered over to the clock, where it was nearing almost 10 pm. Quinn, who was slumped over in his seat already overcome by sleep, was starting to stir awake and I knew if I didn’t get him up to bed I’d have a colossal meltdown on my hands. So, I urged the older two to head up as I carefully scooped Quinn up. The exhausted toddler gave me a bit of hard time as I tried to tuck him into my bed, squirming and being fussy since he was forced to sleep in a new environment. Once I lulled him back to sleep, I headed down the hall to get Penelope and Brayden tucked in. The two were keen to share a room, especially since they heard about finally getting to sleep in bunk beds. I walked into the room, and the two were sitting at the window that overlooked the driveway. My heart sunk a little, as I know they were both looking forward to spending the week with Harry. 
“Bed time chickies.” I stated in a sing song tone, leaning on the archway of the door.
“Mama,” Penelope yawned, “I want Daddy to sing me to sleep.” 
“He’s too busy with work Penelope, stop being such a baby.” Brayden snapped, pushing himself off the window ledge and sulking towards the top bunk.
“I’m not a baby.” Penelope pouted, eyes glassy with tears as her feelings got hurt.
I pursed my lips at Brayden, having had it with his snippy attitude and short remarks. However, I didn’t want to scold him since I knew he was only lashing out because of Harry. Sometimes, Brayden tended to take Harry’s absence personal. Though old enough to get a better understanding on how divorce works, he was still at a young enough age that he didn’t realize or comprehend just how demanding Harry’s career was. Hell, I’m 30 and sometimes even I didn’t always have a good enough understanding when it came to Harry’s career. 
“Daddy,” I started, tucking Penelope in with her favorite stuffed bunny, “is very very busy, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. And when he gets here, he’ll read you a million bedtime stories and sing you to sleep every night. Promise.”
Penelope nodded her head, snuggling up with her stuffed animal before flailing around to get comfortable. I stood on my tippy toes to get a peek at Brayden, who was lying on his side and staring at the wall. I put my hand on his back, rubbing in circular motions to let him know everything would work out ok. All he did was pull the blankets up higher, tucking them between his neck and shoulder.
Once I made way out of their bedroom and into the hallway, I let out a long tired sigh. All the traveling and attitudes I had dealt with today was enough to push me over the edge, and I wanted to do some unwinding before I headed to bed. So, like I usually did after a day like today, I headed towards the kitchen to hunt down any bottle of wine I could find. The kitchen was bare, probably because I had yet to head into town and go shopping for food for the week, but after rummaging through every cabinet and shelf in sight, I finally came across a bottle of Cabernet and started to get giddy. 
Sinking in to the chocolate leather seat in the open living room, I tilted open my laptop screen before settling in. My glass of wine, which I had filled up much past generously, sat precociously in between my middle and index finger as my eyes glazed over a few of my work emails.
The house was cold, even though the fire roaring only mere inches away from me had been on for the past two hours. The white fur rug felt good beneath my bare feet, and even tickled a little. Though I had been in a bad mood for majority of my first day here, I did appreciate how beautifully decorated it was. My sour mood had taken away my ability to appreciate the scenery, even. The tall, wall length windows gave the perfect exposure to the beautifully frosted mountains off in the distance. Living in LA made me appreciate the way the snow sparkled in the iridescent light of the moon, it was what I loved most about growing up in New York. There was no city skyline or groggy lights off in the distance, just beautiful mountains and hills plastered in snow. 
I downed my first glass of wine, a bit jet lagged and wired from my more than eventful traveling, and decided to treat myself to another before I did a lap around the house. The red wine splashed at the rim of the glass as I wattled into the kitchen, admiring the woodsy feel of the room. I wasn’t an outdoorsy, rural type of person, but the vibe of the place Harry had arranged for us to stay in was extremely cozy and gave off a warming sense of comfort. As I took a polite swig of my alcohol, I heard the door at the front of the house start to fuss as someone fumbled with the door knob. I peered at the clock hanging above the dining room table, and grew a little uneasy at the fact it was almost 2 am and there was someone trying to get in. Tip toeing quietly and cautiously into the hallway so I could peek into the foyer, I waited to see who would walk in from the outside of the house. I caught a glimpse of a familiar pair of Gucci boots step onto the shoe mat, and felt a small twinge of relief as I realized it was only Harry.
But it wasn’t only Harry, it was Harry arriving an entire 12 hours later than he was suppose to. Making sure I was quiet enough to go unheard, I made way back down the hall and into the kitchen to put my wine glass down. Harry would always bitch me out for drinking, probably because I became a little mouthy when I was under the influence and he couldn’t stand it. I did my best to head out of the kitchen and get to the staircase without him catching me, but I hit a creaky floorboard in the sitting room and he overheard. 
I tried my best to make it seem as though I had just woken up, and was heading towards the kitchen for some water or something. However, my half empty bottle of wine that sat beside my open laptop insisted otherwise.
The click of his boots against the floor grew closer and closer before he was standing a few feet away from me, appearing in the archway that connected the foyer and the sitting area. He had on that black coat, as he almost always did when I saw him, matched with a white pullover and black skinny jeans. I snickered for a moment, to myself, because I felt like he only ever wore the same four articles of clothing. His hair was a little messy, and even standing all the way across the room I could see the slight bags under his eyes. I’m sure all the traveling he’s been doing was starting to take a toll on his body. 
“Oh,” Harry breathed, “you’re up.” 
“Mhm.” I purred agitatedly, my lips pursed as I watched him shimmy his coat off.
“S’nice place, huh? Snow’s pretty, and I like how-“
“Why are you just like, slithering in here all hushed and unannounced? You were supposed to be here hours ago.” I was tripping over my words, all the alcohol rushing to my head and making me a little dizzy.
“Had another interview added to my itinerary, so I had t’push my flight back. Didn’t think anyone would be up, s’why I didn’t call.” He murmured, covering his mouth as he yawned.
“Well the kids went to sleep late. They stayed up waiting for you.” I stated dryly, leaning over and shutting my laptop closed.
“Did y’tell them I was working?” 
“Yes,” I hissed, “I did Harry. I told them, like I always do. Think that excuse is starting to get a little tired, don’t you?”
“Here we fuckin go” He whined in annoyance, letting out a cold laugh before throwing his coat at the table.
“Yeah here we fuckin go is right.” I mimicked, “Exacts words I said while I scrolled through every single picture of you with a different bottle girl and every other girl with a pulse in whatever fucking nightclub you were drinking yourself stupid at.” 
“Fucking hell, Ella! Why is it when I tell you I work it becomes such a bloody issue! It’s work. I went out with a few producers for work.” He spat, walking out of the foyer. 
“You know,” I started, “it wouldn’t be an issue for me if you were actually working. You clearly think I’m a hermit or just a fuckin idiot, like I don’t see the pictures on the internet every time I open my phone! Harry with this girl, Harry with that girl, Harry at the club blah blah blah.”
My voice started to rise, and I could feel the temperature of my body start to go up with it. As my blood started to boil, Harry looked over at the coffee table and caught a glimpse of the wine bottle. Rolling his eyes, before running his hands over his face, he took a long deep breath in before shakily letting it back out.
“You’re bloody drunk.” He sighed, walking over closer to where I was standing.
“No.” I lied.
“M’not having this fight with you now. Not when you’re what, three glasses deep? Four even?” He retorted, picking his coat up and placing it on the coat hanger near the door.
“I’m not-“, I was abruptly interrupted by a hiccup, which didn’t play into my favor, “Stop trying to deflect. You’re never here, ever. Do you not wanna be around? That it? ” 
“Ever stop t’think maybe this is hard for me?” He scoffed, voice raising, “Think it’s easy coming around and feeling like I don’t belong? Have no idea what it’s like f’me feeling like I have to get to know my own kids, and missing the big things. Y’think I enjoy missing everything, being alone in one place while my family is in another? ”
“You’ve got all those groupies to keep you company.” I hiccuped.
“Go to bed, Ella. Drunken fuckin mess.” He mumbled, turning to walk out of the room.
“Don’t-” I took a sharp inhale, pondering if I should say what I was thinking, “be mad at me because you care about your career more than your ki-”
“GO TO BED.” He bellowed, his voice carrying throughout the house.
I took a step back, my hands crawling into the sleeves of my sweater as I curled away from him. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip before gnawing down at it, closing his eyes for a minute to collect himself. He truly didn’t care to raise his voice, and he often felt guilty when he did. It was my fault, I provoked him in a way that wasn’t fair. Knowing him for so long, and having been in love with him for most of my life, I knew which buttons to press to get him going. It was unfair of me, especially since he was clearly exhausted. But I wasn’t going to apologize for it, at least not now. It was something I had been wanting to confront him about for some time, but never had the balls to do it. I guess the alcohol gave me a little courage.
Penelope, with the worst timing, appeared behind Harry. Her hair was ruffled and messy as she clung to her ratty bunny, her favorite stuffed animal she carried around with her everywhere. With flushed cheeks and wet eyes, I could tell she had been woken up by our argument and gotten scared. Standing quietly behind Harry as he settled himself down, in her yellow nightdress, she let out a small sniffle to make her presence known. Harry twisted his back, looking down and frowning as he saw Penelope stand there with her shoulders hung low.
“I had a bad dream.” She whimpered quietly, bowing her head down and staring at the floor. 
“I’ll put her back-“
“No,” Harry dismissed, gently whisking P off the floor and swinging her onto his hip, “just go to bed, alright?” He mumbled.
I stood there, in the middle of the sitting room, and watched as Penelope rested her head on his shoulder before sticking her thumb back in her mouth. She began to doze back off as Harry scuffled towards the stairs, walking at a pace slow enough to not wake her but quick enough to get away from me. 
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UNUSUAL High end Interior Design Ideas
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