#and addition Chikao thinks PIF is annoying and will openly say this around the Brotherhood including DBK so :3
"How do they interact with the celestials? Or do they never come into contact? Are they immortal?"
@i-am-a-fan Thank you so much for this GEM of an excuse to talk about something I've been struggling to find a good way to talk about.
Quick note that I am bending/missing bits and pieces because A: I have horrible memory and B: have never read JTTW myself. Please excuse this even if it's in LMK canon, my memory is just awful and revising every single thing (and definitely breaking some of the AU in the process) I forget to fit would honestly just be more energy than it's worth.
So, to provide a bit of context: Chikao has storm powers. She uses them pretty carelessly and freely and isn't a huge fan of being told what to do, so the celestials figured out pretty early on "you can't go throwing around storms without permission" would do exactly nothing to stop her from doing exactly that.
Nezha ended up the designated person to try to stop her every time she did a storm like that (nobody really knows how that happened), and Chikao really didn't take it seriously. At a point she went "hey, you're fun to spar!" and invited him to have lunch after. Her more lighthearted energy + him being a little more laid-back at the time resulted in the fights becoming friendly spars that they'd banter and chat during, sometimes with little games, lunches, snacks, etc. when they were done if Nezha had time. Chikao frequently joked she would kidnap him just to get some proper hangout time.
At some point PIF came down with him and what usually would've been a friendly spar became a legitimate fight, and while Chikao won they all got a little beat up. Chikao was worried that Nezha would be upset and decided to break into the Celestial Realm and find him to get an answer.
When she found Nezha he tried to tell her she couldn't be there, to which she went obviously she could, she was, and Nezha dragged her into the Peach Garden to try to avoid drawing the attention of the other celestials. They had a quick chat, assured each other no hard feelings, and Nezha rushed off to a meeting with a quick warning the Celestial Realm probably wasn't going to be so kind next time.
Predictably, leaving Chikao by herself in the Celestial Realm was not a good idea. She wandered around a little bit until a certain golden monkey popped up, invited her to steal some peaches, and she went 'sure why not' because her impulse control is ah. Not the best.
(When Nezha found out about this turn of events, he was exasperated but unsurprised.)
When Chikao came with Wukong back to FFM he explained what they did and Chikao took a couple back to Tongbi's Library with her to offer them to Tongbi. (I did a drawing for that here). They ate the peaches and became immortal.
Alright, water break, because that was just for the context of the immortality thing.
Alrighty then.
After the fight with PIF and stealing of the peaches, the Celestial Realm was not happy, and went to try to bring her back since. Y'know stealing the peaches wasn't really allowed. To which Chikao obviously did not listen and said they were completely overreacting about.
She stuck to being more playful and teasing until someone went for Tongbi, which, in short resulted in everyone but Nezha returning back needing to spend time with the healers before they went back to work (not to say Nezha was unscathed, just better off).
When it formed, Chikao joined the Brotherhood, while Tongbi did not.
Tongbi barely interacted with celestials all the way until the Samadhi Fire situation with Red Son, buut I'm not gonna go over that yet because it requires other contexts and stuffs. :3
Anyway enjoy this major infodump that's way more detail than you asked for, I hope it was good!! :3
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