#and again—dumb campy shows with bad effects get renewed all the time. why couldn’t the lesbians have this one????
followingrose · 2 years
there are so many not hot takes when it comes to reactions about First Kill being cancelled, but saying something like it’s “okay” that it got cancelled because it “wasn’t very good” and we “need better rep anyways” is just…not it. So many people have pointed out that plenty of “not very good” shows get renewed all the time, and people clearly don’t bat an eye
you did not have to like First Kill. Of course you didn’t. But using that opinion as a basis for why we should “calm down” about it being cancelled just screams tone-deaf. Pls listen to the BIPOC community about why this show matters. Pls listen to the LESBIAN BIPOC community about why this show matters.
saying “I’m sorry you’re upset your show got cancelled but it wasn’t very good anyways” is just another way of saying “no offense, but” and then saying something offensive. And we need to be better than that.
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