#and aint got enough snacks to power through it
savetheghost · 8 months
god the mpn trailer costumes are sick as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
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silentmoths · 2 years
All those zhongli & kusanali cute fanarts gave me a prompt idea. zhongli x afab reader accidental pregnancy in which reader experiences no symptoms until the first trimester is almost over. they find out they're expecting a daughter
Oh no this is mad cute tho hhh
Zhongli x AFAB Reader
this is just pure fluff and papa Zhongli headcanons below
It starts when you throw up one morning, totally out of the blue. at first you think nothing of it, perhaps something you'd eaten the day before just hadnt sat right.
But it does not escape zhongli's notice.
However, he's learnt in his many, many years, to not just blurt that kind of question out. So instead he tries a different method. Your favorite dish from Wanmin. his suspicions all but confirmed when he places it before you and your nose scrunches. You claim it doesn't smell right, it smells perfectly fine to him, not a single thing out of place, as he would expect of Xiangling.
So it's immediately off to Dr. Baizhu with you both and thats when you get hit with the news.
You were pregnant.
However neither you nor Zhongli had expected just how far along, He'd suspected perhaps a few weeks, but no, in fact you were well into the second trimester.
You, of course, are shocked and confused and worried.
but you aint got nothing on Zhongli.
Neither of you had been planning it, so naturally theres a talk once you both get home, unplanned, but not unwelcome. you were about to be parents.
While the ex-archon had never outwardly mentioned it, having a child of his own, to love as his own and to raise as his own, was a dream he was unsure would ever become reality. So now to have that very dream thrust into his arms? Needless to say his instincts hit overdrive.
You, of course, are barely allowed to lift a finger. you're his precious treasure, carrying another precious tresure. Man's is in shambles, you were already nearly halfway through gestation and there was nothing ready. First thing's first, pillows, blankets, anything and everything he could find to make you more comfortable. He fills one of the drawers of your bedside table with your favorite snacks, lest you crave. He would travel to mondstadt for a fresh sticky honey roast if that's what you wanted (thankfully it never was)
He would cater to your every whim...unless it was anything to do with seafood. Cooked or Raw, it was off the table, and he would not budge on the matter, he hated refusing you, but he wanted to make sure you were both well.
Second thing on the agenda? A nursery of course. much like everything else in his life, it was lavish, but practical. even when the lights were out, the room still had a faint glow about it thanks to the chunks of cor-lapis places throughout.
Cloud Retainer brings clothes. oh-so many clothes.
And it's thanks to the crane that you both discover your little baby was, in fact, a little girl.
A girl.
He's not sure why, but the concept of having a child was already alot, but to find out that the Geo archon was having a baby girl? That sends him into overdrive. He wanted everything to be perfect for his queen and his little princess. He even had contingency plans at the ready. What if she was born as a half-adeptus? it was highly likely.
He'd spend his days tending dutifully to you, the love of his life, and his nights curled protectively around you, hand resting on your belly. He cries actual, proper tears when she kicks for the first time, he can't get enough of it, he finds it fascinating and entertaining; you find the kicking painful, but the look of wonder on this millenia's old dragon endearing.
It becomes apparent when you're in your third trimester that, yes, the baby is adeptal. Zhongli can feel her pulling the extra energy from you, and at first he's afraid, but you simply smile and remind him that you have him there as well. He shares his power with you, soothes your aching bones and the baby's temper by resting his head on your swelling belly and singing quiet lullabies, hands massaging your joints.
She's so tiny when she finally arrives into the world at some ungodly hour of the morning. He could hold her in one hand.
But to zhongli? she's perfect. she was perfect because she came from you, you made her, inside you. and for all the things he's seen and done in his many long years roaming teyvat, that was one thing he doesn't think he could ever wrap his head around.
but that was a pondering for another day. Right now he had a baby girl to change, and his love to tend to, after all, you did just spend nine whole months making life and then giving birth, you deserved to rest a while longer.
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Hazel lovely! 🥺
I walked out of the exam room and see the notification of you replying and I instantly clicked it.
I am just speechless, thank you so so so so soo much for the motivation!! I teared up (cried a lil ngl) while reading it hehe 😅 it was just so sweet!! It warmed my heart so much ♡ I feel much more confident and ready to kick ass tackle the next exam.
Thank you again lovely! I’m sending lots of hugs your way!!
aaaaaa i’m so glad it could help you!! you will 100% kick the next ones butt I feel it in my bones! and hopefully those snacks Diluc brought gave you enough energy you could power through!! I’m sure he was very eager to hear how your test went :D 
kick all those exams to the curb! they aint got nothing on you!!
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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(Split Ends) RP Log: Rising and Riylli catch Cravs up to her usual shit
(Cravendy Hound) It’s a day like any other, and as usual, there’s a buzz of activity at the market stalls in Old Gridania. Here, gil-strapped locals and wealthy tourists browse the forest’s wares, from Fen-Yll Fineries to freshly picked herbs. Maybe you’re here to pick up groceries, or simply passing through?
(Riylli Aliapoh) "There, was that really so hard?" Riylli chided the Roegadyn as they entered the market stalls, trying hard to ignore the feeling of eyes on her.
(Rising Lotus) Rising seemed more concerned about eating some jerky she had gotten from a Thanalan vender hucking their wears. "I guess, made me get out here an' buy this so it wasn't all bad." she glanced at her snack, then to Riylli, smirking. "I'd offer you some, but after bar night I know you have /such fancy miqo'te tastes/." she snickered as she took another bite.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli glared up at the woman. "Just 'cuz I didn't wanna eat your sugar corrupted cookies doesn't mean I'm a picky eater... And I even gave you jerky on that trip too! You owe me for savin' your life from woodsin, now gimme some!"
(Rising Lotus) "Yeah well you were an arse about it, an' even the crazy lady..err Kaede, liked 'em. And Haila an' she ain't crazy." she took another bite "Plus we're even for that for me draggin' ya along on that trip in the first place!"
(Cravendy Hound) In the middle of your conversation, your eyes catch movement - a brown cloaked traveler, hustling northwards towards the Lancer’s guild. The wind picks up, blowing the traveler’s hood partially off for a second, revealing telltale green locks, twisted and ragged like a certain somebody’s. There aren’t many seawolves in Gridania, and only one with such “style.”
(Riylli Aliapoh) "You wouldn'ta even been able to go in the volcano without my help! 'drag me along' my ass, you should be payin' me for that too!" She whines, before her attention is grabbed elsewhere. "...Cravs? Oy, Cravs!" Riylli called out, grinning as she waved over to the seawolf
(Rising Lotus) "What do you mean? I didn't need your spell at all, I was usin' the gear I had!" she did a double take on the woman passing by, squinting her eyes as she looked before Riylli started shouting to her. She took the opportunity to stash her snack away. "Is that Cravs?" she wanted to get a look at her face before she shouted at perhaps a stranger.
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler tugs the fabric back over their head, shoulders stiffening upon hearing Riylli call out. In response, they pick up the pace, moving in a zigzagging pattern as if to lose any would-be-followers. Upon reaching the Westshore Pier, they would push off from the dock, bound for the East Shroud.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli blinked. "...What? Is she ignorin' us..?" She asked, turning to her Roegadyn companion.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Did you ever manage to talk to her after that whole incident with Baldur?"
(Rising Lotus) "Maybe it wasn't her? Sure some stranger would be put off from jus' yellin' at 'em." she watched their boat go off through the water. "...sort of, not much about the whole thing though... do you think we should follow them..? In case it is her?" she shrugged "It is sorta weird they bolted when you called her name, that does seem like a Cravs thing to do."
(Riylli Aliapoh) "'Course it was her! She had the exact same scent after all, salt and booze. Lets go after her, I still gotta yell at her for ditchin' us!" She insisted, taking off towards the docks before even allowing Rising to try and argue
(Rising Lotus) sighing she hurried after Riylli toward the docks. "..Hey what do I smell like?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) "You smell like that Korporkkur thing. You two sleep together or somethin'?"
(Rising Lotus) "Sometimes, he's my pet afterall. He tends to wander off back to his pool though."
(Cravendy Hound) Tracking the traveler brings you to an odd and dangerous place - The Sylphlands. It’s not somewhere someone would simply wander into, and they’re making a beeline towards the place. Once in Sylph territory, they tread slowly through the brush, careful to avoid any patrols or aggressive wildlife. Finally, at a dim and wet clearing populated by massive Dreamtoads, they stop.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "...The hells is she doin' here..? Doesn't she know how dangerous this place is? I don't care if we've got a truce goin' on, the sylph aint to be trusted..."
(Rising Lotus) "This place smells weird. An' I ain't talked to many, but they seem alright. Talk kinda funny an' all." like she was one to talk. "What the hells is she doin' way out here anyway? Some sort of job she ain't tellin' us about?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Try not to breathe in any weird gasses comin' outta plants... The sylphs here like to play tricks with your mind. They're like little kids with powerful magic and no conscience..."
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler pulls out their gun and stops. Suddenly paranoid, they whip back to check if there's anyone behind them. (You have a moment! Do you hide, or do something else?! :3)
(Rising Lotus) She glanced at Riylli but said nothing, keeping her distance from a strange looking mushroom.
(Rising Lotus) Seeing perhaps Cravs pull out her gun and dart around, she gripped Riylli by the back of her top and dragged her behind a weird purple tree...bush..thing. Such strange plants here. One of her hands quickly planted itself over Riylli's mouth as she used the other to try to steady her and keep her still. On the plus side, Riylli could smell how good her jerky was!
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Ack!-" Riylli was suddenly yanked back into the air like she was some sort of cat. Once they were safely behind the purple thingamajig, she shoved Rising's hand away from her mouth and gave her a furious glare. She did, however, stay silent, allowing the two of them to continue spying on the seawolf in peace
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler carefully scans the area, her gaze resting on the purple treebush for a long time. She takes a few cautious steps towards it.
(Cravendy Hound) (but isn't there yet)
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli slowly moves to place a hand on her staff behind her, pulling in just enough aether to pick up a rock behind Cravs and toss it in the opposite direction
(Rising Lotus) Rising was keeping still, giving Riylli an apologetic look while she stared daggers at Rising. She watched Riylli raise her staff, soon hearing the sound of something off in the distance, letting out a quiet sigh of relief.
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler turns quickly, gun trained on the rock. They stay frozen like this for a moment, then relaxes, grumbles something about Sylphs playing tricks on her mind. Get in, get out. They continue onwards, closing in on a particularly large dreamtoad.
(Riylli Aliapoh) The Miqo'te flashes Rising a thumbs up and an overly-proud grin before turning back to watch whatever it was Cravs had come all the way out here to do
(Rising Lotus) Rising returns the thumbs up, peeking her head around the plant along with Riylli, perfect size to lean over her while she spied!
(Cravendy Hound) Several shots ring out. When the dust settles, you see the Dreamtoad slumped against the ground. The traveler gets in close to...scrape ooze off of the toad? Seems like they’re gonna be at this for a while too, complaining all the while. Goddamn toad, goddamn Sylphs.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "She's... harvesting the ooze off of the dreamtoads..? No... Don't tell me..." Riylli suddenly stands, stepping out from behind the mushroom thing with her hands on her hips and a furious expression on her face. "Do NOT tell me you came ALL THE WAY out to here JUST to make your damn DRINKS stronger!" She roared angrily
(Rising Lotus) "Riylli wai-" she tried to to stop her in a hushed whisper before she screamed to let not only Cravs, but probably every trickster Slyph in the area know they were there. She was hunched over, looking a bit tense as if she should reveal herself or not.
(Cravendy Hound) "Bloody whoreson of a shit smellin', oversized piece of.....WAUH, WHA-WHa?!" The traveler turns to face Riylli, caught redhanded, tool still clenched tightly in both hands. "R-r-riylli?!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) The infuriated Miqo'te marches right up to Cravs, "Of course it's me! I know you heard me call out to ya in Gridania, how many times do I gotta teach you that ya can't escape me in MY territory!" She exclaimed, jabbing a finger into her belly accusingly. "You got any idea how dangerous it is to come out here alone!? Has your drinkin' habit really gotten this bad!?"
(Rising Lotus) Rising finally peeked out from behind her spot, shrugging as she looked at Cravs get told off by the lady nearly half her size. She kept close to the tree thing for now, she'd get some words in after the chewing out from Riylli.
(Cravendy Hound) "I don't see yer name written anywhere. No 'keep out' signs or nothin'!" That's a lie. There are plenty posted by Gridanian forces, just not from Riylli specifically. "And what're YE doin' 'ere, knowin' it's dangerous an' all?! Wait.." She backs up until she's up against the toad, hands feeling for something behind her. Her head snaps to Rising. "...Did ye both follow me?"
(Rising Lotus) "Uhh... sort of I 'spose?" she shrugged again, chuckling nervously. "We jus' thought it was odd you ran off from us...err if it was you..but I guess it was so it was odd!" she rubbed her hand from her forehead to the back of her head.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Of course we followed you! You've been actin' weird lately, blowin' us off when we went to meet that Rot lady, not showin' up at Heartwood for days at a time... But if it was just so you could get drunk like this I feel stupid for worrying!" She huffed, thankfully no longer shouting at least
(Cravendy Hound) The jig is up. Cravs pulls her hood down, and there's a mixture of guilt, shock, and anger. She bites on the lower lip, the look of keeping a snarl back. "I...LOOK. I don't want ye both gettin' involved anymore. It was a mistake. It's my problem, and I'll deal with it my way, so sod off!"
(Rising Lotus) || floating nearby a Sylph drawn towards the sound of Riylli shouting giggled mischievously. With a twirl of they're hands, they sent a swirl of wind to the tree thing Rising was currently under, purple pollen suddenly raining upon her. She was just about to speak when it happened, inhaling a fair amount before sneezing twice. "Ugh, stupid tree..." she rubbed her nose. "Anyway...what's with the change of heart on the matter? You asked us for the help!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli frowns and crosses her arms, though her expression softens after a moment. "I recognize that look... Like the girls that get pulled into poachin' and banditry... You're in trouble aren't you? You dumbass... How many times do I gotta tell ya that were your friends! Just tell us whatever mess you got into and we'll help dammit!"
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs grabs and yanks something out of the downed Dreamtoad and keeps whatever it is tight in her fist. She shakes her head. "I'm bein' yer friend by tellin' ye both better off stopping while ye still can. Know me as a drunkard, hard stop. That'd be better...the best."
(Cravendy Hound) "Stupid of me to open up at all," she grumbles, and then looks at Rising.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli frowned once more, though she began to look a lot more nervous now. She turned to glance behind her towards Rising for a brief moment as though she were considering something, before turning back with a small sigh. "You... Of all people, you should know I can't do something like that..." She mutters quietly, somewhat hoping Rising wouldn't be able to hear her
(Rising Lotus) Started walking toward the too, but things were getting..wiggly. She was a but unsteady in her movements, bringing her hands up to rub her eyes if maybe she had something in them. "We can...figure it out though...whoah..." as she pulled her hand down it left a trail of colors. "Any...anyway..you jus' gotta, trust us."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli turns and finally realizes Rising had been dosed. She grits her teeth angrily, changing her demeanor back to normal. "You... I told you not to breathe that shite in dammit!"
(Cravendy Hound) Crav's hard expression softens, but she turns away before Riylli can see it happen. "Shit. I... Rising??" She approaches and offers her free hand for the other Roegadyn to lean on.
(Rising Lotus) "I didn't... try to.." she held her head as thing started spinning, trying her best to focus on Cravs. "Anyway..." she jolted back as it appeared to her that Cravs appeared before her in a near instant. Luckily she managed to grip her hand before she fell flat on her back. "...Ugh...we're friends right, we can figure it out..." she squinted at what she thought was Crav's face.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli turns to try and help Rising as well, somewhat thankful for something to relieve the tension that had been growing. "It's probably not dangerous... But maybe we should take her back to Little Solace just in case..? They're nicer than the Sylphs out here, they'd probably have an antidote for whatever she got hit with."
(Cravendy Hound) "It's /cause/ we're friends that I did this alone." Cravs grumbles, and then nods at Riylli. With more effort than usual, she strains to heft Rising's body over her back, her passenger's arms linked around her neck.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli grit her teeth but did not respond, attempting to help lift Rising as well only to quickly accept that that was not going to work. That only seemed to anger her more though. "...Were not done talking about this..." She mutters, avoiding the seawolf's eyes
(Rising Lotus) Rising had conceded to keep her eyes closed instead of dealing with the flash of colors and distorting imagines. As Cravs loaded her onto her back she let her guard slip though, eyes opening for a moment and then bolting open. "V-Violet..?" she was staring off into nothing, one of her hands reaching out briefly before weakly returning to Cravs, holding her tight. "...Let's jus' go already..."
(Rising Lotus) closed her eyes tightly after the hallucination, turning quite quiet after the strange incident.
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs winces, buckling sideways for a second, catches her balance and breath. Grits her teeth with effort, or perhaps with something else. There is plenty to be said, but first, it's off to Little Solace.
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onlylovekpop · 7 years
Young, Wild and Free | Min Yoon Gi + Park Ji Min | One-Shot
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suga (bts) + you (reader) + jimin (bts) word count: 4,140 warnings: this is a poly!au threesome and there are obvious dom and sub themes, there is also plenty of language and dirty talk, mainly there is graphic sex not limited to choking and overstimulation, the biggest warning is for some anal so if you aint into that then read at your own risk a/n: yall i swear on my cat this was not supposed to turn out this filthy but shit happens i also didnt mean for it to turn into two parts but it did this is part one and i will link up part two when it is finished lovelies
It started innocently enough.
There has never been a time in your life you have been without them. If three people ever fit together in a seamless bond that went beyond explanation, it was the three of you. But maybe you pushed too hard, too far.
When you were a little girl, you made it your life’s goal to find a way to climb the kitchen counters to the ugly jar on the top shelf. A pitiful daisy was painted on its front and inside, your mother kept her prized double chocolate cookies. You were permitted one a night and that just didn’t cut it for you.
With this in mind, you devised the best way of scaling the counters using a combination of boxes and chairs. Your mother eventually caught you, but by then it was too late.
You soon became educated on the meaning of “too much of a good thing,” as you spent the rest of the night emptying your stomach violently in the bathroom. The human body has its limits and since then, you have always been in better control of your sweet tooth.
Who would have thought love could be the same way?
For the most part, your lives are stereotypical domestic bliss. Your house is quaint. It never feels overcrowded. The bed on the other hand; well, you actually prefer being crushed between two men every night.
You can’t exactly recall who proposed the idea in the first place. Considering as a trio you were already inseparable, the notion of living together was easy. Then physical affection came into play. Your emotional bonds were already solid. Romance followed and has yet to leave.
When most people think of polyamory, the first thought is of sex. Sure, sex is a factor, just as it is for all relationships, but it’s not the only aspect you have. The three of you are perfectly functioning adults, oddly enough.
Each of you works from home and have earned certain levels of success in your respective fields. The condo you own boasts three floors and a five minutes’ walk to the beach, which if that walk is changed to the opposite direction, leads into trails through the woods.
Jimin is active. You jog with him almost every morning, switching up between the beaten path through the trees or the hard sand for added inclination. Either way, you always end up winded with your legs burning from the effort while Jimin flashes that perfect smile and acts as if he hasn’t even broken a sweat.
“You irritate me,” you whine, walking at his side as you head home. The condo is in sight and the morning is underway.
“I have a lot of stamina,” he comments offhandedly.
To which you retort, “I, of all people, know that very well.”
Jimin blushes and hides his sheepish grin. He’s a sucker for compliments, especially of the inappropriate kind.
As you and your partner step inside the foyer, sliding off your shoes, the smell of breakfast wafts through the air and you quickly exclaim, “Hey, good looking, what you got cooking?”
A very tired and cranky voice shouts back, “Not only do I bring home the bacon, I also have to cook it.”
Jimin exchanges giggles with you. Ignoring and/or irritating the oldest member of your perfect trifecta is a favorite pastime of yours. You bound up the stairs and into the kitchen where Yoongi is stirring something on the stove. You immediately approach him from behind and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“You’re sweaty, get off me,” Yoongi groans insincerely, which only serves to entice you to tighten your grip on him.
“I like when she’s sweaty,” Jimin teases in passing, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
Glancing over your shoulder, you stick out your tongue in a taunt. Jimin promptly glides closer and captures your lips in a kiss, wiggling his tongue playfully against yours.
“Excuse me, are you two making out while I slave away?” Yoongi snaps, shifting in your arms as you don’t let go of his waist.
Jimin parts from you after one last tender peck and sashays to the nearby counter, hopping on to it and gulping his water. Meanwhile, you turn back to Yoongi and lift to your tiptoes, tilting your head to plant a loud, wet kiss to the base of his neck.
Suddenly, he’s in a much better mood.
The three of you sit at the small table on the patio, enjoying the gentle autumn breeze to its fullest. For the most part, you eat in silence, but once the plates are cleared, you sip coffee or tea and make small talk. It’s the definition of peaceful.
“I’ll be in a meeting for two hours at headquarters. My phone will be on vibrate in my pocket if you need me,” says Jimin blandly. He hates going into the corporate center, though you’re practically doing cartwheels. Having a big important meeting means Jimin will have to put on his suit and you’re a big fan of those.
“And I have a routine doctor’s appointment. An hour at the most, then I’ll be home,” you told the pair, sipping your coffee.
Yoongi skims over a folded newspaper and asks, “Lady doctor?”
“Mm-hm,” you hum. “Gotta make sure all the womanly parts are functioning properly.”
Yoongi glances up and retorts, “Jimin and I can tell you they are working just fine.”
Snickering, you turn to Jimin and he lifts his eyebrows up and down, before teasing, “Do you need us to write a letter of recommendation?”
Yoongi actually snorts.
“No, thank you.” You roll your eyes and change the subject, “Do I need to pick up anything on my way home?”
Jimin shakes his head, but Yoongi says, “When you get back, you and I can go to the store.”
“Fine by me.”
You didn’t expect your appointment would run late and you were disappointed when Yoongi texted you to say he would be going to the store without you. When you returned home, it was to an empty house and that was depressing.
Distracting yourself with some work, you nibbled on snacks and let the time pass, wondering who would come home first. Not long after, the garage door alerted you to someone arriving.
Jimin stormed inside, slamming the door behind him and proceeding to rip off his suit coat almost violently.
You jogged into the foyer, about to chide him for his rather loud entrance until you saw the frustration on his face. “What happened?” you asked worriedly.
“Those bastards think that just because I inherited this business I’m a complete idiot,” Jimin growled, yanking at his tie harshly.
You tilted your head and approached him coyly, sliding your hands up his dress shirt before helping him remove the tie.
While you began unbuttoning his shirt, Jimin persisted, “I swear, I want to fire all of them. They think they can manipulate me like I’m some child.”
You kissed his throat gently and crooned, “They’re afraid of you, baby. They’re scared of all the power you can take away from them.”
Jimin growled in the back of his throat, hands settling on your hips as you untucked the shirt from his pants.
“Do you want me to make you something to eat?” you asked, donning your sweetest, silkiest tone.
Jimin shook his head and said, “No.”
“Do you wanna go for a run together?”
His eyes were on the floor, rubbing his aching brow when he answered, “No.”
You bit your lip and whispered, “Do you wanna fuck?”
Jimin glanced up, swallowing the sudden lump in his throat. After studying your face, he murmured, “Yoongi isn’t here.”
“I’ll take the blame for you,” you coaxed, kissing his neck and cupping his jaw to keep him from escaping.
Jimin fought a smile, but his teeth flashed in a grin soon enough. “He’ll punish me, too,” he sighed, kneading your waist as you sucked on his flesh.
You nodded and teased, “You like when he punishes us.”
“How did you know?” Jimin smarted, flexing around you and jarring you loose from his neck to crash his lips on yours.
There was a little rule the three of you had somewhat agreed on when entering into this polyamorous relationship and Yoongi was always keen on enforcing it. Twosomes were highly frowned upon.
But at the moment, Jimin was angry and doubting himself. As his lover, you wanted to give him an outlet for his stress. And on an entirely selfish note, you were a very big fan of how rough Jimin tended to be when he was annoyed from work.
You cried out from the sheer force of Jimin slamming you into the wall and the sound was muffled as he slid his tongue into your open mouth. Jimin grabbed your ass with both hands, squeezing incredibly hard as he hauled you into the air. You locked your ankles behind his back and yelled his name as he started dry grinding into you.
“Oh, yeah,” Jimin suddenly began. “How was the doctor?”
“Everything is fine,” you told him impatiently, wanting him to focus on the mood.
Jimin chuckled and pressed you into the wall with his body, the firm muscles of his chest pushing into your bouncing breasts. He kept jerking his hips between yours, rubbing the growing bulge in his pants into your clothed core.
Your lips found the base of his neck while your fingers traced every line of muscle across his bare back and shoulders. You bit and sucked on him until he moaned your name and bruised your thighs with his fingers.
“Ugh, I wanna fuck you so good right now,” Jimin murmured in your ear.
You were about to ask him why he wasn’t, but you knew he was worried Yoongi would catch the two of you. Deep down, you hoped to god Yoongi would walk in on Jimin balls deep inside you. Having an angry Jimin and an annoyed Yoongi pouncing on you simultaneously was one of your favorite combinations.
“Jimin, do it or I’ll just handle it myself,” you threatened, sinking your nails into his lower back.
Jimin groaned.
Your back had barely hit the mattress before Jimin was ripping your panties off. Naked underneath him, you gripped his arms as he hovered into position and you raked your tongue across your teeth to make him shudder with desire.
When he finally slid his cock into your folds, you held your breath, but the moment he sheathed himself to the hilt, you sighed with pure satisfaction. Jimin propped himself lowly over you, allowing himself to feel your perky breasts against his nipples while he flexed his thighs under yours. You let your heels sit on his plump ass while he pounded at a steady pace into you.
“We need to be fast,” Jimin panted, sweat kneading at his brow.
You nodded, mouth agape for breath, and said whatever he wanted to hear, “Yes, fine, baby. Just fuck me.”
Jimin breathed heavily on your neck, groaning when you began smacking his ass with your legs as you clamped your pussy on him. You were trying to push yourself to an orgasm quickly, not wanting him to be the only one to get off from this little tryst.
You wrenched your fists in the sheets and tipped your head back, closing your eyes and moaning at every rut of his hips, because - for fuck’s sake - did Jimin know how to move his cock.
“There, Jimin,” you whimpered, gasping.
Jimin tightened his arms as they hooked under your shoulders, biting his lip at the feel of your wet, scalding heat wrapped around him. “Here?” he asked, mischievous. Angling his hips, he drove hard into you and by the way you cried out his name, he knew he hit the jackpot.
At that, Jimin proceeded to drill into you as hard and as fast as he could. In the back of his mind, he just knew Yoongi would walk in and catch him fucking you. Jimin enjoyed the punishment, but he didn’t particularly care for the adrenaline that came with an offended Yoongi putting him back in his place.
“Come on, baby,” Jimin ordered, fisting a hand in your hair. “I swear to god if hyung catches us…”
“Who – me?”
You and Jimin froze on the bed in perfect sync at the sound of his smooth but icy voice. Every fiber of your being forbid you from moving, but you slowly lifted your head to see Yoongi standing in the doorway.
“Yoongi,” you exhaled, imagining the look that must be on Jimin’s face at the moment.
Yoongi waved a few fingers at you and asked slyly, “I’m sorry. Am I interrupting something?”
“Hyung,” Jimin started, still at a dead-stop while fully seated inside you.
You were quick to interject, “It’s my fault, oppa. I saw Jimin in his suit and you know I can’t control myself when it comes to suits.”
Yoongi smirked with amusement and teased, “Yes, you have very poor self-control, sweetheart. Are you trying to tell me Jimin is the innocent party in this?”
“Yes, I completely seduced him,” you lied, stroking Jimin’s arms soothingly. “He told me over and over that we should wait until you came home, but I couldn’t wait.”
Yoongi chuckled and sighed, “Baby girl, you are oh-so-obvious when you’re trying to manipulate me.”
“I would never,” you began shakily.
Yoongi sternly interjected, “Don’t speak again until spoken to.”
You shut your mouth and gripped Jimin’s arms a little tighter like a safety blanket.
Yoongi stalked toward the two of you, rolling up his sleeves as he did so, and asked, “Jimin, tell me the truth. Was she the instigator?”
“Yes, hyung,” Jimin answered immediately.
Well, it was true, you conceded.
“But if you’re innocent in this, why are you on top?” Yoongi pressed, sporting a devilish smirk.
You opened your mouth to answer, but remembered you were not to utter a word, least of all in your boyfriend’s defense.
“You know she loves to be on the bottom,” Jimin rambled, still avoiding Yoongi’s eyes.
“Well,” Yoongi sang nonchalantly, rifling through the night stand drawer at your side. “Now, I gotta decide which one of you takes it up the ass.”
You swallowed and couldn’t decide which option you would like better. Either would be fantastic, if experience served.
“Jimin, keep going,” Yoongi suddenly ordered calmly, but he quickly added, “Slowly.”
Jimin met eyes with you, full of sympathy, before sliding his length shallowly in your pussy. You pinched your lips together, avoiding any noises to keep the dominant member of your relationship satisfied.
“Neither of you will come until I say,” Yoongi continued, a condom in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other.
Jimin kissed you breathlessly, both of you wondering who was going to get it.
To your surprise, Yoongi settled behind Jimin, observing where your bodies connected and merely watching for a few moments. It turned you on so hard, the way Yoongi licked his lips at the sight of your pussy swallowing Jimin’s thick cock.
Then, you remembered being turned on was not a good thing right now. There was no telling how much time would pass before Yoongi felt benevolent enough to let you have an orgasm. At that reminder, you let your head fall back and closed your eyes, humming lowly in frustration.
You couldn’t see Yoongi bringing out his own hardening cock and pumping it lazily in his fist. A moment later, Jimin sucked in a hard breath and you gathered Yoongi was preparing him.
“Baby girl,” Yoongi called almost obnoxiously. “You’re gonna come last. You hear me?”
You nodded and wanted to argue furiously, but you didn’t dare.
Yoongi pushed Jimin until he was laying squarely on top of you. With the position, Jimin’s thrusts of his cock into you were even slower and you felt it took more effort to breathe, but you hardly noticed. Your eyes were fixated on Yoongi as he gathered behind Jimin.
Your mouth watered as Jimin suddenly lifted his head, eyes pressed closed and face tensing as Yoongi entered him. You coiled your arms around Jimin, anchoring him to you as the most heart-stopping of moans fell out of his mouth. You felt Yoongi’s legs bumping yours and you lifted your thighs into the air, clamping them on Jimin’s hips. Yoongi grabbed your knees, holding them as he began thrusting.
When he pushed into Jimin, Jimin drove deeper into you. From this point on, Yoongi had all of the control - you and Jimin were just along for the ride.
Your arms dropped to the bed and splayed out, your entire focus becoming resisting the urge to orgasm. Your head was spinning. Jimin was inside you and Yoongi was inside Jimin. The three of you were interlocked together, sharing in the same pleasure.
“Yoongi, please,” you begged, tensing with restraint. “Please, I…”
“Hold her down,” Yoongi suddenly ordered.
Jimin quickly grasped your wrists and pushed them into the mattress. His breaths were ragged on your neck, clinging to the moisture of sweat across your skin, and barely distracted you from the way your clit was pulsating.
“I can’t,” you keened. “Let me come, please.”
Yoongi released one of your legs and brought his hand to your lips, forcing three fingers into your mouth. The sound of you choking promptly echoed through the room.
“Hush,” Yoongi hissed, dominant as ever. “You like being on the bottom so much, why don’t you fucking act like it.”
You lurched as he kept pushing his fingers toward your throat, not contented until you gagged around the digits. Jimin held you firmly despite the way your entire body attempted to undulate beneath him.
Yoongi finally withdrew his fingers and pulled your thigh back to position, gripping both with an iron hold. He changed his steady pace on Jimin, resorting to hard thrusts that thumped Jimin against you.
Your eyes rolled back. Yoongi was being rough and you couldn’t breathe. Jimin was crushing you and his cock was deep within your walls, driving hard and fast into your soaked pussy.
Of the three of you, Jimin was the loudest. Every time he breathed, a moan was joined with it. The more he held your arms down, the more you could tell it was less to keep you pinned and more to give him something to cling to for dear life.
Yoongi grunted and bruised your thighs while he fucked Jimin, harshly smacking his hips into Jimin’s ass. You couldn’t take it. It was too much; too arousing to ignore. Adrenaline raced down your spine. Your innermost walls began to pulse as your clit swelled.
You started struggling against Jimin’s hold on your arms. He lifted his head from where he had been hiding his face against your neck and looked at your reddening cheeks.
“Don’t come, baby,” Jimin choked out. “Hold it.”
You shook your head back and forth over the sheets, feeling your hair cling to the droplets on your neck. “I’m gonna come,” you quickly yelled, letting your partners know you couldn’t fight it anymore.
“Do it. I dare you,” Yoongi warned darkly, but he knew there was no stopping you.
You tried; you really did.
You cried out incoherently, your back arching despite Jimin’s weight on your body, and you began shaking as the orgasm took over you. With a dull ringing in your ears, you could barely hear Yoongi’s reprimand but your mind snapped to full attention when he began picking up speed.
Jimin squeezed your wrists and groaned loudly against your throat, saliva from his open mouth dripping on to your skin. Yoongi was drilling into him and he was doing it precisely to overstimulate you.
Beyond sensitive as the orgasm kept clinging to you, taking its time ebbing away, you fought against Jimin’s restraint on you and screamed, “Yoongi, please!”
Yoongi ignored you and kept his brutal pace, filling the room with the sound of skin slapping against skin. You shuddered and begged for a reprieve to catch your breath. Your clit throbbed like an exposed nerve, making you twitch every time Jimin’s hipbone rubbed it.
The room was weighted with the sounds of moaning from each of you. Yoongi was low and quick, mostly grunting and sucking in a hard breath every now and then. Jimin was groaning in the back of his throat, whimpering yours or Yoongi’s name when the pleasure became too much for him. The mattress squeaked from Yoongi’s effort and the frame knocked into the wall incessantly.
Tears pricked your eyes as Yoongi fulfilled his quest to punish you. The added stimulation was growing closer and closer to unbearable. Your body vibrated with pleasure and your pussy kneaded and clamped on Jimin’s cock over and over.
Jimin was a heartbeat away from blowing his load. Every muscle in his body was taut like metal. Sweat dripped over his reddening skin. Veins bulged in his neck with the exertion.
The last of the climax finally faded away and you went limp on the mattress, leaving Jimin and Yoongi to do as they pleased with you.
Yoongi released your legs, letting them fall to the bed, and grabbed Jimin by the hips, moving to finish him off rather quickly.
“Jimin-ie,” Yoongi panted in his ear. “If I catch you in that tight pussy again without me…”
Jimin nodded rapidly, a mewling mess above you. “I… understand, hyung.”
“Good,” said Yoongi, grabbing Jimin’s throat to keep driving him down to meet his cock. “You can come now.”
Jimin clamped his teeth on the bridge of your shoulder, needing something to muffle the way he wanted to chant every swear word he knew endlessly. You winced and endured his cock still ramming into your swollen pussy, feebly cooing his name to help him along.
You howled for Yoongi as he reached past Jimin to grab your shoulders, using you to keep Jimin in place. Jimin was out of his mind and you could feel every spasm of his body as he emptied himself into you. The sounds falling from his mouth were garbled and senseless while you milked every last drop out of him.
Yoongi kept fucking into him, arrogance gathered across every feature of his handsome face. You gasped as Jimin became dead weight on top of you, his cheek resting on your throat. He groaned at the sensitivity when Yoongi bottomed out inside him.
The two of you lay there, sated and overstimulated as Yoongi continued to thrust into Jimin, finally reaching his end and releasing into the condom. You freed your arms from Jimin to grab Yoongi by the collar, realizing for the first time he was still wearing his shirt and pants, though the jeans were down around his knees.
Yoongi glanced at you and let you hold his neck while he draped himself over Jimin. You spurned him on, speaking submissively to your dominant partner to help him through his orgasm. Satisfied, Yoongi slapped Jimin’s hips and ass with appreciation before withdrawing his length. You blinked tiredly as Yoongi stroked your cheek and lips, letting you suck on his thumb momentarily and giving you a proud smile.
“You both did so well,” he commented offhandedly, vanishing into the bathroom.
Neither you or Jimin made any intention of moving from your current positions. You doubted Jimin could move even if he wanted to at the moment.
“Fuck, that was good,” Yoongi groaned, lingering on the curse word a few good seconds. Then, he smacked his lips together and said, “I’m hungry. Should I order food?”
You and Jimin merely lay there, breathing ragged and uncontrollable.
“Black bean noodles?” Yoongi asked, zipping up his pants.
You simply nodded. Jimin made some noise that closely resembled the word, “Okay.”
Yoongi chuckled with a shake of his head, making a comment of how fucked out the two of you were while he sauntered in search of his phone.
Once Yoongi was out of earshot, you whispered, “Jimin.”
“Mmph,” was all he could manage, borderline asleep already.
“We gotta get him on the bottom one day,” you plotted, racking your brain for a way to get revenge on your boyfriend.
Jimin shook his head against your neck and shrieked, “Are you crazy?”
“Yeah, a little bit,” you retorted, shameless and brazen. “But you’re going to help me.”
“I absolutely, most definitely am not.”
Flexing your legs, you clenched on his softened length and Jimin let out a burly whine. Raking your hands into his sweaty hair, you whispered, “Jimin, you and I are gonna fuck Min Yoongi.”
There was a pause, followed by his very quiet reply, “I’m listening…”
For more oneshots, click here for the masterlist.
Author’s Note: This fiction is written and owned by me. I monitor my work diligently and will take measures to protect my writing if it is stolen or plagiarized.
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s3venpounds · 6 years
For real? I mean I don’t mind but I’m starting to feel like no one actually reads these lol
1. You just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
Tumblr usually
2. You just walked into a bookstore. What section do you go to first?
Teen section. Their books are short and sweet and the romance books i find in the general romance section are huge and just have huge bulging men. I just wanna read about dumb teenagers doing dumb things but also accidentally being poetic as all hell sometimes dumb jokes are a plus as well.( plus I don’t have enough patience for long books haha)
3. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing? On my phone. Still part of the conversation just replying out loud with no eye contact unless its a really funny story or topic
4. You just turned your car on. What station is the radio tuned to?Don’t got a car but I’d love to just go for the general top songs in my city. I usually listen to really old songs so listening to whats popular takes me by surprise nowadays
5. You have just woken up for the morning. What is the first things you do? Check my phone if someone messaged me during the night or my calendar app if theres anything I have planned today
6. Complete this phrase: You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy____. BBQ Pulled Pork or Adobong Lechon Kawali
7. What would you do if you woke up as the opposite gender? See if I’m attractive to my standards? Probably go hang out with friends BUT tell them all me and my cousin are coming to chill with BUT i cancel last minute so my cousin is still coming to meet them. Commence pranks
8. Are you more likely to cook for yourself or buy food from a restaurant? Buy food from a restaurant. Although I’d love to try a bunch of recipes from youtube vids
9. If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you rather lose? I would say smell? although given how taste works I’d lose about 70% of taste if i lose smell right? but i still wanna taste food so yeah smell.
10. If you could relive any one year of your life, how old would you be? 17 that or 13 would be neato
11. Would you take a bullet for anyone you know? yes
12. Would you rather be rich and dumb or poor and extremely intelligent? rich and dumb. Ignorance is bliss I say. 
13. What TV character do you most relate to? I don’t know any TV characters that I can relate to but I do know some Disney movie characters I relate to? Jim from Treasure planet is the biggest one
14. You just walked into a supermarket. What section do you first go to? Frozen section or snack aisle ice cream and junk food mmmm
15. Is sex before marriage wrong? nope. I feel like marriage comes after you’ve accepted them for EVERY aspect. then again it depends on how you view sex. If its sacred to you more power to ya, if its just whatever it feels good hey i agree. its wrong if only 1 person agrees to have it. 
16. You just won the lottery. What is the first thing you do with your winnings?keep 25% in a secure place. a portion goes to a bunch of charities and streamers of my choice. a portion goes to whatever i wanna spend it on. a portion goes to pay off whatever friend’s college debts i can. a portion goes to a way i can keep a stable income i can live off of. and a portion goes to my family I guess.
17. If your best friend admitted that they have a crush on you, how would you react? I don’t feel the same.
18. Will the USA ever have a female president? I fuckin’ hope so. Maybe not hilary clinton. maybe. I don’t know enough about politics to make an informed opinion
19. You are carpooling with your friends. Are you more likely to be the driver or a passenger? Passenger, I space out too much
20. How short is too short for skirts and dresses? Nothing is too short i guess. let people wear what they want. its the people looking at fault for objectifying or whatever
21. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, without any consequences, what food would you choose? Potatoes sounds neato. that or sandwiches cuz i can customize it as much as i like. potatoes sounds like a def good idea tho
22. It’s Saturday night. What are you most likely doing? playing overwatch with friends
23. You go on a blind date. Your date is extremely beautiful and physically captivating, but you hate their personality. Would you want a second date? depends on what part of their personality I hate. Are they shallow ? Are they hate filled or closed minded? if they simply just disagree with things like pineapples vs no pineapples on pizza then thats fine, take the good with the bad. if its the closed minded stuff then no I wouldn’t want a second date. Be as pretty as you like, if I can’t stand you then theres no use.
24. How strict should gun laws be? Pretty fucking strict? what, we were in like not even a month of 2018 and we get another school shooting? are you fucking serious? like look at every other country out there, majority of them had 1 school shooting and said “ ok lets maybe be stricter on gun laws” boom. public shootings basically disappeared. WE NEED STRICTER GUN LAWS. THIS IS RIDICULOUS.
25. Would you rather be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team? Worst player on the best team. Because I’m bound to improve and I would never be playing alone. I AM on a team after all.
26. How well do you work with others? Dunno. I would say I’m ok but not a savant by any means. It’s been a while since I’ve had to work with someone back to back
27. You have the ability to cure only one fatal disease and eradicate it forever. What disease do you choose? Cancer most likely Whatever is most common, uncurable, and hardest to research
28. If you could go back to college and choose a different degree to study, would you? I mean maybe? I’ve seen so many of my friends look half dead and be a husk of their former selves just to graduate and thats not a hell i would willingly put myself through. But I suppose if I’m guaranteed a job right off the bat I would.
29. Where do you see yourself ten years from now? Dead? or homeless I guess.
30. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Pro choice. If it aint yours you aint got no say over it. 
31. Would you attend a same sex wedding if invited?  Hell yeah, weddings a wedding. weddings mean new people and food. Especially food. oh and friends
32. So far, what has been the greatest day of your life? K Days with C and friends
33. Has anyone you know ever been arrested? Yes
34. If it could be one season year-round, what season do would you want it to be? Fall. Cold enough to use my other 60% of my wardrobe but still warm enough I can go out with shorts and a shirt and be fine
35. What is your biggest regret in life? thats a loaded question my dood. Letting my social life be such a huge focus at such a critical time
36. If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead, who would it be? Freddie Mercury? That or Elvis
37. What offends you the most? People that try to make my decisions for me thinking they have my best interests at heart.
38. Would you rather have an ugly hairstyle or be bald? ugly hairstyle eugh. I can’t do bald. I’d rather be ugly as fuck.
39. At what age did you have your first alcoholic beverage? 16 i think?
40. What do you think happens to us when we die? We’re trapped in our dead bodies until we fully rot then we wander the world as nothing but whispers and chills down people’s necks.
41. What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? I heard a hot sauna can help get rid of the tobacco in your system that makes you crave
42. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which animal would you choose? a Puma would be neat
43. We’re humans created or did we evolve from earlier species? I wanna say our biological predecessors were created with our evolution in mind but its not the end we may evolve further.
44. What scares you the most? Death or at least the thought of the aftermath
45. What personality trait turns you off the most? People who think theyre right and everyone else is wrong and refuse to consider new perspectives.
46. You got offered a job to do something you hate, but the pay will make you rich. Do you take it? I’d take it. maybe not for the rest of my life but at least for a while
47. If today you only had what you were thankful for yesterday, how much would you have? nothing to be honest.
48. How often do you get mad or upset at yourself? pretty often
49. If you could choose one celebrity to be your parent, who would you choose? Will Smith or Jackie Chan
50. If you could only listen to one musical artist for the rest of you life, who would you be listening to? Jon Bellion or Aj Rafael
51. Have you ever used you cell phone while driving? nope
52. Had anyone you were close to die way too young? Yup 11 KF SSAC
53. Is world peace possible? Yeah its just humanity isn’t ready for it.
54. You go on a blind date. You date is extremely ugly and physically appalling, but you are madly in love with their personality. Would you want a second date? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Most likely a second date but if youre saying this person is absolutely revolting to me then maybe not a date so much as just to hang out.
55. How did you discover that Santa Claus isn’t real? I didn’t I knew off the bat. Every time my parents would say “ its from santa” as I was with them as they bought my present. My parents don’t do subtle.
56. Do you believe in God, or some form of higher deity? I believe in some omnipotent figure HOWEVER I don’t let it dictate my life. I do believe there is something out there.I mean it can’t be coincidence that literally as soon as humanity could think they all believed in some form of god. Greek, Roman, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Native, Hawaiian etc.
57. If you could save someone you deeply cared about, but it meant breaking a law, would you do it? Hell yes. Jail time is temporary, A life is permanent.
58. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done for money? Yknow I never done something like this yet I always wanted to
59. If you were to make a YouTube video about what you know most about, what would the subject be? Injustices or poetry about rain
60. What do you think is your greatest personality flaw? Also a loaded question. Theres a lot haha. I would sayyyyyyyyy how hypocritical I am.
61. If your friends spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, would you still want them as friend? nah
62. Have you ever “woke up like this”? Do you mean the song or something else. If its the song then no. 
63. You got offered a job to do something you love, but the pay is one of the worst out there. Do you take it? Hell yeah man, part time jobs exists, other ways to make money exist. If I love it then money is a small price to pay to be happy for the rest of my life.
64. What do you think is your best physical feature? I’ve been told my hair is nice and my eye brows?
65. What do you think is your worst physical feature. the way my face looks when i smile
66. Do you know anyone who has committed suicide? no.
67. What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone you don’t know? I talked to a stranger who was new to the city about all the places to have fun. Malls, tourists sights, events, small cafes and restaurants and activites.
68. Have you ever had a night’s dream come true? Oh god no. My dreams are all crazy as fuck the MOST TAME one was where i was in a shopping bazaar in Philippines and i got shot 5 times in the bathroom  by someone who went on a rampage. and thats the most tame
69. How would you reject a date offer from someone you didn’t like? I’m gonna pass on that. - is what I would say.
70. Which do you think is worse: Failure, or never trying at all? Never trying at all.
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