#and all the hardcore Starline haters scowling at me for wanting to give him happiness at all
theramblingsofadork · 1 month
⭐️ So, uh, major spoilers for my OC lore here, but I was thinking all of last night why I wanted to do my Starpoint Squad AU in the first place. My ways the story could go have been running all over the place, and I needed to pin down what it’s purpose was to recenter my focus.
I thought I’d share my thoughts with all of you so I can get you all on the same page on what you can expect to see here. (I’m realizing that my lack of explaining and vague lore drops might be giving people an unrealistic expectation as to what to expect here. .w.;)
So, in my OC Rivet’s canon story, she loses everything. Her home, her parents, her brother, and Starline— who does not change his ways— makes things worse by becoming exceedingly twisted until he meets his intended fate.
She gets no real happy ending. Doomed to lose or be betrayed by all she loves.
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On the other end of the spectrum, canonically, Starline fails to gain everything he wanted and worked towards, and loses even more by not being able to let go. He’s made a fool of multiple times throughout the comics, and (imo) goes out with a whimper.
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The more I think about the AU, the less it makes sense regarding the two’s individual stories. But, together.. at the end of the day, I just want them both to be happy. I want there to be a universe where both can thrive and survive and not be completely awful or miserable people.
Where Starline gets the recognition, support and love he desires, and where Rivet is able to save at least one person she cares about. Where the both of them can have a support network through the Starpoint Squad, and where things aren’t completely horrible.
That, in essence, is what this AU is about.
Friendship, redemption, and warm and happier endings. It still has sadness and angst, but it’s not permanent. It’s not as destructive to either of their characters to where they dive past the point of no return.
So yes, Starline might be kind of OOC in this one. Or at the very least, only have his Metal Virus/Bad Guys personality. It’s gonna be heavy on relationship and reconciliation, and even though canon characters will be involved, it’s more of a OC centered story.
I realize this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and it’s okay if people skip out because of it. I have to accept that I can’t make everyone happy, being 100% canon compliant is only going to cause me more exhausting headache, and at the end of the day, I just need to write the story I want to make and have fun.
Hope that clears things up, and thank you for reading. 💖
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