#and also he's not cool or smart and he definitely cannot parallel park
parelmoer · 1 year
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Modern!AU Phantom of the Opera Headcanons Part 2: College/University
More modern!AU headcanons for our favorite squad of weirdos. Enjoy!
Major: music performance, Masters program (originally in creative writing but took an elective music class and was so good/loved it so much that she decided to switch)
Meg is her roommate, Madame Giry is one of her professors and is super strict
Met Raoul at a party that Meg dragged her to, she wasn’t really enjoying it and was about to leave when Raoul recognized her and they started talking (they were middle school friends)
Met Erik super late at night in a library when she was feeling really stressed/burnt out for an upcoming test. Erik noticed her struggling and found some books to help her, leaving them in obvious places for her to find. She eventually catches him hiding a book for her and thanks him for his help; it soon becomes a routine for them to meet up and study together in the library.
Has a part-time job at Starbucks to help pay for tuition, has Erik’s order memorized and ready for him by the time he walks in at the same time every day
Joins a bunch of clubs freshman year, had a hard time managing it all and got really burnt out, she learned her lesson and quit most of them the next semester
Major: double major in music theory and history, working on PhD in architecture
Takes most of his classes virtually or watches the online posted lectures so he can stay home and not have anyone see him
Goes to the libraries/lecture halls really late at night to study (this is how he met Christine)
You know the threatening notes he sends to the managers? Those are what his emails to professors are like; he’ll find dirt on them and blackmail them into boosting his grade
For example he found out a science professor was having an affair with a student and threatened to tell administration; now he has his own private lab space in the basement of the science building
Cannot study without music, has the ultimate study playlists
His notes are messy and practically illegible, but he can somehow decipher them enough to study from them; you definitely want his study guides, they are so thorough
He can hack into the school’s records and access all of the test questions from previous years, uses it to help Christine study
Major: originally business (his family wanted him to take over the family business) but he hated it, was undeclared for a while before settling on law
Secretly loves the movie “Legally Blonde”, always talks about how realistically it portrays its court cases
He is 100% in a frat (but like a rich kid frat), has a lot of events involved with the fraternity that take up a lot of his time
Partied a lot in freshman year, scaled it back the next year when he failed a couple classes
Joins the intramural tennis team on campus, tries to get Christine into it too but it is just not right for her
Always wants to be in a group with Christine for group projects, mostly because he likes her but also because she is really smart and responsible; she motivates him to study
Almost started a fire in the dorms when he snuck in a contraband hotplate
Has a car and offers to drive Christine everywhere, but parking on campus is a nightmare and he can’t parallel park to save his life
Definitely ~experimented~ in college before becoming Christine’s boyfriend
His first official date with Christine was at a college football game; they left during halftime because they were bored and their team was losing anyway, got pizza and watched a movie instead.
He is a history professor working on his tenure
One of those “cool” professors who lets his class out early and super easy to talk to
Responds to essay-long emails with “Ok”
Wears suits to lecture; you will never see this man in jeans except at the grocery store
Erik shows up to his office one day to complain about a mistake he thinks Daroga made in class while lecturing, and Daroga brings up the fact that Erik doesn’t even attend class so he has no right to talk. They have a conversation about Erik’s insecurities and eventually make a deal where Erik can watch class online but has to make up his attendance grade for the class by completing an extra project by the end of the year.
From then on, Daroga is like a mentor to a begrudging Erik
Daroga even makes him be a TA for his class; Erik hates the idea at first but actually proves to be a pretty good teacher (but a harsh grader)
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