#and also not relying entirely on hillary winning and being the one to appoint her successor before she croaked
esmeyaleal · 11 months
person in the last reblog does bring up a good point tho: this isnt all bidens fault, its also rbg's fault for not retiring while obama was president.
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askjonfreeman · 7 years
Comey and the News Media
I'm not going to be talking about anything that's particularly obscure today.  It's not like healthcare or anything complex, everything I'm saying here is stuff that you can easily find with a single search.  That's why i'm not gonna post links. The reason I'm posting this, then, is simply to illustrate and ridicule of mainstream news' marriage with the regressive left (by that i mean the numbskulls that played right into Trump's hands during the election). So, here's the punchline and supporting clauses, just so you know where i'm going - The regressive left and the news outlets are showing outrage over the firing of FBI Director Comey because (I suspect) they fear that Trump will go after Hillary for TREASON    - in case you already forgot, Hillary (and generally everyone else who tried to promote her) blamed Comey for the election loss ... i suspect Comey was the patsy    - Trump isn't an idiot, if you look at his actions and "stupid things he says" he actually gets what he wants by making key gullible people angry    - If Hillary does get indicted for Treason (plenty of evidence) it would be ruinous for the regressive left. FLASHBACK Immediately after the election, Trump gave his customary acceptance speech, offered the usual concise polite letter to the defeated opponent, etc.  Hillary's camp barely gave a concession speech (it seemed apparent they didn't even have one ready) then fell silent for a week.  THEN ... Hillary came out and blamed FBI Director Comey for the loss.  As you remember: he launched 2 investigations against Hillary, both of which were basically a farce.  Tons of incriminating evidence with all the leaks and everything then "oops, we won't proceed".  This happened about 2 months out, then roughly a week or two before (the second attempt was just embarrassing because they had obscene thousands of emails to sift through and claimed they did it in under a week. ... So to recap: Hillary was mad at Comey because he launched an incomplete TREASON investigation.  (instead of ... say ... Hillary lost because she was a horrible candidate) Since then, because the news media was in bed with the DNC (see also leaked debate questions via CNN), they kinda hopped on board to paint Comey responsible and a bad person.  When he got put on the congressional panel, the media covered it because Comey is a bad person. So, Trump fires him for these mishandled investigations (along with everything else). ... And now people are angry. The most sad example is the Cobert show.  He tells his liberal audience that Trump fired Comey and the audience cheers.  Then Cobert has to correct and re-educate his audience why it's suddenly a bad thing. THE REAL QUESTION IS WHY Biggest thing I've learned is not to take the news at face value.  Always assume there's a motivation behind why the editors are picking the stories they choose to run. "But, Jon!  The news plays an important part in our society by telling us unbiased information!" - correction, the news has an important RESPONSIBILITY to do so; largely they don't.  Much like everyone has the responsibility not to murder each other (see also Chicago daily murder rate). I'm not one to be content with "because they're idiots."  It's tempting to say it's part of a brainless "anti-trump on everything" mentality.  But that doesn't really get you much of anywhere and relies solely on reinforcing stereotypes.  So for a blatant flipflop of suddenly trying to defend someone that they blamed the election on ... over something that Trump ultimately has every right to do ... there's probably an ulterior unspoken motive. MY GUESS AS TO WHY Trump said pre-election (and actually within the first week of election, once) that he would indict Hillary for Treason.  (Again, this isn't without reason, unless you played blind to all the corruption in the DNC email leaks.)  He retracted the statement shortly after ... but my suspicion is that this was simply a politically savvy move. You have to remember that Trump's team has been expertly manipulating the VERY GULLIBLE media. - Brief example: I believe Spicer was acting the Patsy when he made the holocaust statements.  Trump wanted to get in and take out Assad after he used the gas weapons that Hillary said he didn't have.  But if he just went in, the media would cook this against him as a warmonger.  So ... Spicer makes the dumb comment.  Now ... the news media all lambasts Spicer ... which means they all spread the news that Assad did use gas attacks which puts him on par with Hitler.  ... ultimately that's a Trump win with dealing on Syria, because ALMOST NOBODY has criticized his use of force against Assad. - Other example is releasing his tax returns to the most viewer hungry incompetent reporter on the planet. Being said ... Trump lets his committee build up this massive case against Comey.  He also gives the media a chance to relive their "Hillary didn't lose the election, Comey did" rhetoric (and during this whole time they also kinda destroy any credibility to EVIL RUSSIAN HACKERS).  So now that the media is kinda stuck with pants down, Comey's no longer in there. IF Comey was acting the patsy in botching the investigation (it's been suspected he did so in a weird attempt to paint Hillary as innocent), then that would make him a DNC stooge.  If he was a DNC stooge, working under Trump, he would have botched any further investigations against the DNC.  (given they rigged the primaries against Bernie and all that) - With Comey now OUT of the FBI (now with good reason of incompetence put on public display) this means Trump will appoint a new director. - With Comey gone, you can bet that a lot of other FBI agents will be receiving pink slips as well - With the FBI cleaned, that means Hillary can be indicted and PROSECUTED for TREASON If the regressive left's former champion of Identity Politics falls into the meat grinder of a trial for TREASON ... that kinda destroys the entire movement.  (i.m.o. that's a great thing, the whole movement is nothing but an excuse for bullying fueled by Marxist contempt and neo-puritan witchhunts) - Frankly, it'll also make everyone who voted for Hillary feel embarrassed to.  but we'll burn that bridge when we cross it. To me, this is why I think the left is now suddenly upset over Comey's loss of job.  They fear for the structure of their movement and the trial of Hillary. Sorry for the long post, have a political potato https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/73/af/40/73af40e2926e6ea0f129a15d3bc43195.jpg
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