#and also sims 3 issssssssssssss the best sims game~ I will die on this hill~ thanking you~
shawoluvs · 1 year
I was tagged by the lovely @fourseascns to do this tag game thing~ I usually try to stick to a kpop theme on this blog but I'm gonna just scratch that 'cause they're not relevant~
☆ three ships ㅡ Three ships I am very much in love with atm are Nikolai/Zoya (the Grisha verse), Chandler/Monica (FRIENDS) & Alina/The Darkling (the Grisha verse)~ Like I've not even watched Shadow & Bone yet but every time I see something about it it takes me right back to the books and the energy that DarkLina have is just so so so so so so good, it's so perfect, little scared the show is gonna fail to capture it as it has failed to capture some other things...
☆ last song ㅡ The last song I listened to was F U Anthem by Leah Kate~ I'm seeing Hayley Kiyoko in literally like two weeks and I'm pretty sure she's the opener for her and I'm very excited about it all because her songs are kinda all edgy heartbreak songs and going to bring such a good energy to the show before Hayley comes on~
☆ last movie ㅡ The last movie I watched in full was Carol but the last movie I caught on TV, that I absolutely adore, was Legally Blonde~
☆ currently reading ㅡ King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
☆ currently watching ㅡ I'm kinda really slow with watching stuff at a moment, partly because I tend to watch random youtube stuff instead and other stuff I save to watch with my sister but the shows I'm currently watching very slowly are Love (it's on Netflix, it's kinda alright, I'm only a few eps in so we'll see) and Twenty Five, Twenty One (I'm liking it but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the main couple yet with their sort of age difference and how this guy kinda only hangs out with high school kids... idk it's a bit of an odd one but it's got great people in it)
☆ currently consuming ㅡ Mentally ejbgjre lots of Sims 4 youtube videos... I have this weird thing where I watch a lot of Sims 4 youtubers but I actually refuse to play the Sims 4 partly because I'm a Sims 3 loyalist and partly because without so many of the ridiculously priced packs it doesn't seem worth it??? So I like to watch youtubers with all the packs play it and live vicariously through them, y'know, like a normal person.
☆ craving ㅡ Something sweet and/or water right now, I just had bacon and cheese pita sandwiches which were very delicious but that's a lot of savoury/salt and I tend to eat in extremes like that????
I'm gonna tag a few of my lovely mutuals as usual, if you fancy taking part then here ya go and if not I hope you're having a lovely day~ Also I'm sorry I always end up tagging the same people ejgberjge I cannot remember urls for the life of me~
@seuiqi, @kseulgiz, @joshriku, @solaarflaree, @eternallys, @ohmuqueen, @justdoityo, @mizugucci, @mykindofkpop
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