#and an artifacer doing their thing. lol.
sufficientlaughter · 4 months
I love it when you have a DND session so cool your DM and you decide to make a song (we wrote ethe lyrics) to show how cool it was.
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stargate365 · 6 years
[SG-1] 9.04: The Ties That Bind
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Lol. Daniel amuses me. Insisting Vala be searched before going through the gate.
“I hate long goodbyes.” “Okay, goodbye.”
Hehe. He knows her too well by now.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying.” “No, I can.”
And now, Daniel is unconscious. Again.
“Good morning sunshine.” “Gah.”
Yay! More Vala!! I like her!
Poor Walter. Landry is as bad as Jack.
“Walter, don’t make me promote you.”
Lol. So he might have to marry her after all.
Poor Bill.
“Okay, maybe we know a Vala.”
Lol. Daniel looks extremely disturbed by this dude’s recollection.
Vala is really laying it on thick. Lol.
This is the most hilarious breakup I have ever seen and I love every moment of it.
Ohmygod, this is going to be an ep of every bad deal Vala ever made, isn’t it.
Cam has hilarious ideas. :D
“If I have to weave one more prayer basket, I’m gonna kill someone.”
Oh, so now we’re flashing back to the dudes from Prometheus Unbound…
“Actually, it was Daniel who messed up the deal.” “You tried to sell them a stolen ship.” “You’re the one who told them they couldn’t have it.”
Ohmygod, Vala in Washington DC. :D
“Daniel, do you happen to have one of these credit cards?” “Yes I do, and no you can’t.”
Lol. Did she just spank him? That’s more evidence for her being a Dom.
Oh dear… Vala… did you just sit on the artifac… oh, no, thankfully just his glasses.
Did she just push something off the table… yep, definitely part cat.
What the ever living hell..?
How did she get into his room? Ohmygod, Daniel just failed at proper grammar when faced with her in nightclothes.
And now he feels bad for her… she might be telling the truth? But she might also be using it to take advantage of him…
“Are you messing with me?” “Is it working?”
OHMYGOD Teal’c in a suit!!
Vala looks a bit fed up with Earth politics, and is quite happy to laugh at this chap. :D
I’m really digging the new uniforms for SG1. :D
Vala and her partner? Lol, they remember Daniel, or should we say, Hans Olo. :D
“Go to the panel by the rear exit.” “Okay, now what?” “Stay there, shut up and let me finish.”
Well now, that’s interesting. :D
EMP?? Nice.
Daniel looks ready to commit murder.
I don’t want Teal’c to go… it’s bad enough that Sam is off doing her thing without us.
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