#and analyzing their every move to be how they're secretly dating or secretly in love each other is weird to me
kaustic · 2 years
well okay :( i can't blame you for tilting into being toxic and discoursing bc ive been there but if you truly want followers gone and hate people shipping dnf (because it does come across as that and not just being anti-truthing) then i'll see myself out. its a shame since i did like some of your takes and enjoy drunz dynamics too. god speed.
no i don't hate people shipping i actually do like dnf despite what my enraged thoughts may seem. like you can unfollow I'm not gonna stop you, but if you're normal about dnf then idgaf. if you felt called out by my posts tho, i can't help that
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botanicalsword · 5 months
How they approach you ✧ Check their Mars Sign
Mars symbolizes our energy, desires, and pursuit methods. It's associated with our passion, sex drive, and how we chase what we need. In relationships, Mars plays a significant role. It's about how we express our desires, assert ourselves, and handle conflict.
Photo credit @le.sinex
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Mars in Aries
They're similar to determined marathon runners who charge forward with enthusiasm, undeterred by any obstacles. Just don't be surprised if they occasionally bump into a wall or two in their relentless pursuit.
Mars in Taurus They're the patient gardeners of love, carefully tending to their relationships like nurturing plants. They take their time to analyze the soil, wait for the perfect weather, and then make their move with unwavering determination.
Mars in Gemini They're the social chameleons of dating, adapting their approach to match the vibe of the person they're interested in. It's like they have a whole wardrobe of different personalities they can slip into, making them the masters of versatility.
Mars in Cancer They're the masters of dropping hints, leaving a trail of clues like a mischievous detective. They keep you on your toes with their mysterious and unpredictable behavior, making every interaction feel like an episode of a thrilling crime drama.
Mars in Leo They're the extravagant romantics, showering their love interest with grand gestures and lavish gifts. They believe in expressing themselves boldly and fearlessly, even if it means occasionally emptying their wallet in the process.
Mars in Virgo They're the undercover romantics, pretending to be cool and collected on the surface while secretly hoping for the other person to make the first move. It's like they're playing a game of emotional hide-and-seek, waiting for someone to uncover their hidden desires.
Mars in Libra They're the hesitant lovers, constantly second-guessing themselves and fearing rejection. They overanalyze every move and struggle with decision-making, like someone trying to choose the perfect Instagram filter for their relationship.
Mars in Scorpio They're the stealthy strategists, waiting in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike. They believe in the power of patience and calculated action, like a ninja plotting their next move.
Mars in Sagittarius They're the jacks-of-all-trades in the game of love. They have a bag full of tricks to please their partner, from witty banter to spontaneous adventures. They're like a one-person circus, always ready to entertain and surprise.
Mars in Capricorn They're the master manipulators, using their cunning and wit to get what they want. They play the game of love like a seasoned chess player, making calculated moves and occasionally catching their opponents off guard.
Mars in Aquarius They're the enigmatic superheroes, silently observing from the sidelines until they muster up the courage to reveal their feelings in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. It's like they have a secret identity, waiting for the perfect time to save the day.
Mars in Pisces They're the poetic dreamers, expressing their feelings in intricate metaphors and whimsical prose. Trying to understand their emotions is like converting a riddle wrapped in a love letter, but once you unravel the mystery, it's like discovering a hidden treasure.
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
hi! ive been reading your works for a little while now and i was actually wondering if you could do this idea: what about roles swapped au? to clarify; what if we, the readers, turn into anime characters and the one piece charcters (specifically the worst gen trio tho) would do when they're a huge simp for the reader?
I could also see this as them being set in the modern world and us being in the world of one piece ig. reader is a really great scythe wielder as well! maybe even some blood manipulation? your choice really.
btw, this ask is inspired by another ask i saw! i think they said that thsy were inspired by an obey me shall we date swapped au thing? anyway, i really love your works btw! keep going, darlin'!
— eustass kid simp anon ♥️
a/n - YES :0 I love this idea sm I’ve only seen it the other way around :3 awww tysm anon!! I appreciate the support 💜\(//∇//)\💜 I’ll try not to bully kid just for you <3
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, reader’s a badass as usual 🫡, reader has “chi chi no mi” blood blood fruit (inspired by this), modern au/one piece world kinda?
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- he’s kind of a silent simp ya know??
- NO ONE and absolutely NO ONE knows about his fictional crush
- he secretly has his wallpaper set to a picture of you 👀
- But he changes it when he goes to school 💀
- man is such. A . Loyal. Simp.
- like he won’t simp for anyone else but you
- he’s a y/n simp all the way 😭💜
- with other simps he’s like: no?? They’re fictional??
- But we all know he literally worships you 🙄
- whenever he watches one piece, he saves the episodes with you in them and it’ll always brighten his day to see you get the screen time you deserve ✨
- You’re such a badass and you’re literally gorgeous/handsome af so lot of other people simp over you too
- secretly gets jealous 💀
- like he’s the only one allowed to simp over you ok?? 🙄
- he’s such a nerd he knows exactly how your abilities work
- He’s memorized every single move you can make with your devil fruit
- He also goes into like certain phases where he analyzes every single strong point of your abilities 😭
- He’ll make full on graphs and charts of your powers it’s kind of a lot-
- He wishes he could tell someone about it but then that’d ruin his “I’m emo go away” vibe 💀
- I think he’d do anything just to be able to meet you at least once 🥺
- Like yeah- you’re fictional but it doesn’t matter
- You’re still his #1 fav character
- he once gave a person death glares every single time he saw him because he heard that he simps over you as well :0
- Man got sooooo irritated with that guy
- he kinda has a superiority complex when it comes to these things
- his insults are just so fucking mean
- “Dumbass.”
- “He has the mental capacity of a piece of shit.”
- “I bet his socks smell like ass.”
- law that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person 💀
- Man’s your number one fan and you might never know it 😭💜
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- he’s got those like- stickers on his water bottle of you
- not afraid to rant about how fucking amazing you are to non-anime fans
- doesn’t matter, people need to hear how gorgeous/handsome and how powerful you are
- on discord his pfp is u 🥺
- His abt me matches one of your quotes
- If he’s feeling down? He watches one piece episodes with you in them :)
- you literally make him so happy and hyped up
- Whenever you fight someone, he’s literally jumping up and down, mimicking your movements (pls I’m abt to die ok 😭)
- You use one of your moves?? *Tries to do the same move*
- *Breaks the window*
- “Oops- hehe-“ 💀
- He aspires to be as strong as you
- That’s his main motivation for working out!!!
- 😭💜 pls he’s such a fanboy-
- he started one piece because of you
- If he’s feeling down? He’ll just watch some clips of you and instantly go back to his extremely meat motivated hyper self
- he can’t even think of any other character except for you
- He’s always like: when’s y/n gonna come back :(
- then when you come on screen: HI Y/N AAAAAAAAA
- he eats meat as he’s watching op btw lmao 😭
- lowkey he doesn’t mind if someone else simps for you
- He knows that you’re so fucking awesome so other people will simp for u as well 🗿
- still tho. Obviously he’s the best choice out of your whole simp fan club 🙄
- man might drop his meat if he meets you sometime
- he wants to fight you so bad to show you how strong he’s gotten 🥺
- pls fight him
- you’ll make his world 10x better 🥹✨
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- he’s all like: they’re fucking fictional why would I simp for the-
- … *looks at you*
- “fuck.” -kid 2022
- man just got a crush in 2 seconds within seeing you 💀
- you literally manipulate blood and use a badass scythe
- who tf wouldn’t love you 🙄
- bro like, your nickname is literally ‘the crimson reaper’
- … (yes I made that up and yes I know that it’s kinda cheesy just go with it pls 😭)
- man loves you bec you manipulate red blood (hehe color of his hair)
- wow I’m corny today
- whenever you win a fight (you always do 🫡) he gets up and just starts like throwing his fists up (kid you’re not at a sports game 💀)
- prepare for everyone to hear random cussing at his tv or phone
- killer is concerned af
- kid tried to get Killer to simp for you too but it didn’t go that well
- Kid then realized he wanted you all to himself so then he stopped talking bout you in front of killer
- no one at school knows that he has the biggest fucking fictional crush in the history of anime crushes
- like he’ll literally turn red everytime he thinks abt you 😭
- He’s like tryna go to sleep at 2am and then gets hit with a shower thought
- “If y/n was left handed would that change the fighting style?!”
- kid. go to sleep 🗿
- man spent all night thinking about that
- yes it’s made out of real metal ✨
- he made your outfit, scythe, weapons, you name it
- you wear it? He’s made it
- I mean he doesn’t wear it- but he threatens his neighbors with his scythe if they don’t leave him alone
- “Uh is this Eustass Kid’s home? I was just here to inform you about these new solar panel types that are 10x more efficient than the ones you have right now-“
- *holds scythe menacingly* “get the fuck out of here I’m fuckin busy.”
- man hates these solicitors 🙄 (as do I- I had to tell one off today 🗿)
- the poor marketer sprinted as fast as he could 😭
- if someone interrupts his one piece watching time, especially if you’re on screen..
- hell nah they’re dead in literal seconds
- He will literally- yeah Idek what atrocious ways he’ll use to kill them
- moral: don’t solicit at kid’s house. Don’t interrupt y/n one piece screen time. do not simp for y/n only Kid’s allowed to 🙄
- man. kid you’re high maintenance ngl
- he loves you tho 💜
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a/n - pls. why did that stupid solar panel guy have to stay and talk to me for 20 minutes 💀
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