#and anger driven by pettiness or mistakes that can be fixed or yourself with no purpose behind it
loving-jack-kelly · 2 years
once again thinking about how jack kelly would not be the person he was without the anger that drives him but at the same time has not yet recognized that anger can be a good emotion. thinking about how jack gets so, so angry on behalf of himself and the people he loves and when it's over feels like he has to apologize for it. thinking about how jack has anger burning under his skin and he hates it even as he learns to use it and control it and keep it in check. thinking about jack learning to understand his anger, learning to know the difference between selfish, unhelpful anger and the anger that can be used to motivate, the anger that deserves to be anger and the anger that would be better expressed as hurt or sadness or disappointment. thinking about jack who is a fundamentally angry person learning to lean into the hope that comes with being angry for the right reasons instead of the bitterness that comes with the anger of despair.
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