#and anything that smells remotely like a love triangle makes me want to yeet myself into the sun
cloversdreams · 6 years
Scenario: Bakugou having a crush on Kirishima but Kiri is already bfs with Kaminari and then after Shinsou joins 1A and Kami drags him to the squad Bakugou starts getting interested and eventually falling in love with the sassy mind fucker
Alternate scenario: Katsuki doesn’t know what it means to have a crush. Never had one. Doesn’t want one. The very idea of such is idiotic to him. He thinks Kiri and Denki are absolutely ridiculous. Their attachment to one another is going to get them both in a lot of trouble one day. Not to mention they are highkey annoying with their flirty behavior when he’s around. Ugh, end him before he has to endure any more of it.
Katsuki can’t believe those two get so attached to that other ridiculous guy. He can’t even remember the sleepy-eyed kids name. The heck made him so special that they keep dragging him along with the group all the time?
At first Hitoshi doesn’t talk to him much. Katsuki doesn’t care. No, he actually prefers it. He already had this group that latched onto him and called them his friends he didn’t need another one. Everyone seems to get along pretty well so whatever. If those dorks are happy that was less they had to complain to him about. 
He ends up talking to the guy a bit when he’s partnered up with him in class and for some training exercises. Nothing to important. School stuff. He supposes that the one decent thing the guy has going for him is his refusal to back down when they butt heads. Lots of people would rather let him win but Katsuki preferred a bit of a challenge.
One afternoon after his team loses a training match, Katsuki is particularly heated. He won’t stop going on about how everyone else sucks blah, blah. It causes the others to have headaches when they’re just trying to enjoy lunch. While Kiri would try and say something nice about him calming down and everyone trying their best, Hitoshi wasn’t one to sugarcoat things.
“Are you sure your quirk isn’t just being obnoxiously loud?” Hitoshi groaned as he massaged his temples. His headache would never go away if he had to be subjected to the blond like this.
“You wanna die?” Katsuki spat.
“Sure, if you think you could actually hit me.” There was a challenging gleam in Hitoshi’s eyes. The rest of the group had gone silent, seemingly unable to decide if they should intervene or not.
“I’ll hit you so hard your-” Katsuki stopped mid-sentence and sat there with a blank look upon his face. The rest of his friends all laughed and asked where Hitoshi had been all their lives. He takes another bite of his food before he excuses himself from the table. He doesn’t release Katsuki from his hold until he’s on his way out of the cafeteria. The blond went off as one would expect but Hitoshi was already gone.
Fast forward a year or so…
Katsuki certainly never expected to consider Hitoshi his friend. He definitely never thought he’d end up sticking up for the guy and getting into an actual fistfight with some jack-off that was being a dick about his quirk. It had been while the group was out and off school grounds so there was no need to reprimanding on that front, thank goodness. 
Still, his face was sore enough for him to head to the nurses office. Naturally, she lectured him and refused to use her quirk. She sent him on his way with an ice pack and that was it. He didn’t think he’d find Hitoshi waiting outside of his room when he got back. 
Katsuki ignored him and simply unlocked the door then stepped inside. He sat on his bed and held the ice pack to his jaw as he watched the purple-haired guy that had followed him inside for a moment. He knew what was coming and he would’ve done anything for it not to happen.
Hitoshi had a serious expression on his face as he said, “I bet you think I’m here to thank you for what you did. Well, I’m not. That was really stupid.”
OK, maybe he didn’t know what was coming. This freaking guy. What nerve.
“I can handle that kind of crap myself. I don’t need anyone to protect me.” Hitoshi frowned to himself.
“Maybe it had nothing to do with you,” Katsuki grunted. Not that he thought the guy was weak. He hadn’t really thought anything at the time. He’d just acted.
Hitoshi had a blank expression on his face as he blinked at him. That was so ridiculous he couldn’t even begin to explain it. He sighed to himself then sat down on the bed next to the blond and took over holding the ice pack for him. He snickered softly to himself and muttered, “The surprise on the guy’s face was pretty hilarious.”
“He knows not to fuck with us ever again,” Katsuki agreed with an amused snort.
They spent the better part of the evening in Katsuki’s room talking about nothing in particular. It’s after that when he finally realizes that he sees Hitoshi differently than he does his other friends. He can’t put his finger on why exactly that is but…
[Insert montage of Baku falling harder and harder but waging a war within himself because he doesn’t do crushes. This is not what that is. He fights it every step of the way.]
By the time he finally gives in and admits to himself that he’s got feelings for the guy it’s beyond that level anyway. Now he’s extra screwed.
Should he confess his feelings? How would he do that? Was there a point in doing that? What were the odds that Hitoshi would think of him the same way? Why the heck were emotions such a pain in the ass?
It comes as a total shock when Hitoshi approaches him out of the blue a few days later and asks if he wants to hang out that weekend.
“Don’t we always do that? What idiotic plans have those other morons come up with this time?” Katsuki sighed. Every now and then they did something he’d consider fun. Most of the time it was just obnoxious.
“Actually, it would just be the two of us,” Hitoshi replied so softly that Katsuki had to strain to hear it. His eyes widened when it finally registered in his head. He didn’t know how to respond. Luckily for him Hitoshi had more to say, “I was thinking a movie might be fun. We could get food after or something.”
“Are you… asking me out?” The words tasted foreign on Katsuki’s tongue. He didn’t understand their meaning.
Hitoshi’s cheeks darkened and he nodded as he replied, “I guess I am, yeah.”
There was a long silence between them as Katsuki considered how to respond to that. There only seemed to be one way he could. He held his chin in the air and declared, “I’m picking the movie. No, wait, I’m picking the restaurant.”
“You can pick both,” Hitoshi chuckled.
That date ends up being more awkward and dare he even say fun that he’d thought possible. It seals the deal for him…
Katsuki might not have been one to do crushes, but he sure as shit could fall in love.
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