#and aspiringwarlockpatron
duskoscrawl · 2 years
i know you can't see who is subscribed to you on ao3 but i see the names of my regulars and i know them. you may have never said a word to me but i know your usernames and i greet them in the mornings in my emails. its good to see you, all of you
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dana-sculllys · 2 years
OK a while ago i read this ao3 shadowgast fic where they had a kid and there was a specific scene where essek is holding the child (like a young baby) and monologuing about how he didn't understand how his mom couldn't love him like he loves his kid and it was really emotional. it was a one shot but possibly couldve been in a series. gen/t rating. does ANYONE know what fic this is
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rainwolfheart · 3 years
I'm making Wildemount NPCs! You're welcome to use them in your own games—please let me know if you do!
And feel free to send me more prompts :)
@aspiringwarlockpatron prompted: "Ditzy half-elven shopkeep whose wares are definitely not what they advertised."
Haly Alendar
Lawful neutral, female half-sea elf
STR 10 (+0) | DEX 11 (+0) | CON 9 (-1) | INT 12 (+1) | WIS 10 (+0) | CHA 16 (+3) Proficiencies: Deception (+5), Insight (+2), Persuasion (+5) Languages: Common, Elvish
Haly Alendar runs a small apothecary in the Opal Archways of Nicodranas called The Lucky Drop. It's a brightly-lit, sparsely-decorated establishment that sells all manner of handmade potions, oils, and cosmetics. It's popular with many of the elite of the city—Haly knows how to charm her way into their coin purses with free samples and a classy persona. She seems endearingly forgetful and absent-minded if pressed about her ingredients, methods, or the claims on some of her products, though discerning characters can tell she's being evasive. Adventurers will likely be disappointed to discover that her pricier-than-average (25% markup) potions, and indeed all of her wares, are homeopathic. It's written in very small print on the back of each bottle. No returns or exchanges on opened bottles.
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