#and assumes wuju's quirks are just normal human things
subtextsays · 8 months
Last line game, tagged by @wildelydawn
More like a last scene but close enough.
It is unbearable that Raon is still awake.
Alien animal sounds emanate from the woods outside, and beams overhead creak as the wind batters the old structure. The foreign bed is meager, and he can't settle. Still, he's so exhausted that he thinks none of that would matter if he wasn't also freezing.
The cold has taken up residence in his bones.
He resents Wuju's rhythmic breathing from across the room. The baker succumbed to sleep effortlessly, flaunting how unbothered he is by bare limbs exposed to the frigid air, by a single thin mattress separating him from the icy floorboards.
Raon turns again in his cocoon of blankets and stuffs a pillow over his head.
It's no good.
In desperation he leaves the bed, pads over to nudge Wuju with his foot. Again, harder, when there's no immediate response. This time he's meanly satisfied by the baker's yelp.
"Cold," Raon says. It's meant to be a demand but comes out a whined complaint.
Wuju sits up a little, slow to gather his wits. "Still? I... don't have any more blankets. Sorry."
Raon's extremities are starting to go numb. "Cold," he insists again through chattering teeth, and hauls Wuju upright.
Earth gravity does have its advantages.
He drags Wuju to the bed and pushes him down into it. The human is pliant, if questioning, and lets himself be arranged to Raon's liking. He helps right the covers over them, finally understanding his assignment.
Raon pulls Wuju atop him, a living blanket radiating blessed warmth. His sigh of relief stretches into a contented yawn.
Raon graciously decides to ignore the amusement in Wuju's voice. "Better," he admits, and grabs a fistful of sleep clothes, just in case his personal furnace gets ideas about wandering off before the sun can rise. "Stay."
"I guess we can share," Wuju says. Even his feet are deliciously warm, pressing Raon's frozen ones between them. His eyes flicker in the darkness, their golden glow reminiscent of candle flame.
Raon is lulled to sleep between that thought and the next.
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