#and b) bc they did serve a very immediate practical purpose when they first appeared
amazingspider-z · 8 months
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potentially partially inspired by @wazzappp 's Mantis Blade au in terms of Khaji Da giving Jaime funky little extras (that make him suffer so much) i present the wing portion of the Reachling au!
Inspired by that time he fell from orbit without Khaji Da in issue #36 of the 2006 run.
Basically, my current working theory is that Khaji Da was prepping a bunch of. Ahem. extras that just needed to be triggered to cause the musculoskeletal change just in case, and while it was initializing the reboot they activated the wings along with the forcefield, which. Doing it all at once as they were shutting down definitely hurt like hell, but Jaime did get out of orbit without breaking (almost) every bone in his body so. A win is a win (until he decompresses enough for everything to sink in, anyway).
Like actual beetle wings, they fold up, although Jaime doesn't have elytra unless he is actually suited up, and if Khaji Da lends a hand they can even fold up beneath the skin. They're also the wings he has from this point on as the Blue Beetle, although like the rest of him they end up armored, and have that extra technological oomph.
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