#and baek likes apples and bananas
sooibian · 4 years
Stranger Things (2)
Pairing: Baekhyun x fem!Reader ft. Kyungsoo, Mark Lee, Jongdae (if you squint)
Description: You met an obnoxious lawyer at the airport and fell stupidly in “love” but little did you know, his heart belonged to someone else.
Themes: Fluff, crack, stupid OC, Mark Lee’s debut with a law firm, organic cucumbers, cowsheds, corgis, farmer!Soo, lawyer!Baek
A/N: This was not supposed to happen but four people asked for it and that’s really all it takes to get me to do something. I was SO tempted to title this - Of Cowsheds and Corgis!! This fic is ridiculous and very predictable but I gave up on the angst I was writing for this because ridiculous is just what I need right now. I truly hope you’re all safe and healthy!
Word Count: ~ 1.6k
Chapters:  One | Two | Three | Four (Final)
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Groaning, you put down your second ‘fruit platter’ with a deliberate clang on Kyungsoo’s bedside table. Nothing. “Yah! Did you catch narcolepsy in that ridiculously mind numbing hamlet?” The skinny end of your chopstick slowly made its way to the sole of his left foot. Still nothing. Panic swelled within you and you crawled over to his side to check his breathing. He was breathing, alright.
“Eomma!” You bellowed. Maybe it was time for the third medley of diced apples and bananas.
Still nothing.
“Sloth.” You took a jibe at a barely awake Kyungsoo.
“You were watching me sleep!”
“I was waiting for you to wake up! There’s a difference, Snorlax.”
“Patience - -”, his mouth fell open in a huge yawn.
“Isn’t my greatest virtue. Yeah, I know. You’ve said it a million times. It’s etched in my heart. I’ll get it tattooed across my forehead. Now spill.”
For a moment Kyungsoo looked confused before diving into his fruit platter with a half-suppressed snicker. 
“What?” You attacked his stupid bespectacled face with a pillow. When was the last time he got a change of glasses? He’s worn this thick-rimmed atrocity forever. Although the man was optically challenged, his hearing was more than just fine. He was quick to spot the hint of defensiveness in your tone and his heart shaped smile had a reputation of showing up only when you were in deep trouble. “Ahhhhh….my case? The bank is entitled to a lien on the adjoining cowshed - ”
You cut in with a long impatient sigh. “Kyungsoo, sweetie, can we talk about corgis for now?”
“Chubs”, you undid your messy bun at the sound of that horrendous nickname, “you’ve got a bad case of --- honestly whatever this is. You spent two hours with him. Two.”
“Squishy, I’m not three anymore. I am a woman now.” His face contorted into an expression of disgust. “Stop. Calling me. Chubs.” Interjecting every word by striking his shoulder with your feeble wrist, you noticed how ‘un-Squishy’ he’d gotten over the past one year. “And I know all there is to know...about your 174 cm tall friend who struts around like he’s no less than 185. But that’s not him...that’s Handsome Mr. Park, his partner.”
“Stalker!” Kyungsoo’s eyes grew wide in horror and he flicked your forehead very, very hard.
Swallowing your cry of pain, you pinched his ear with all your might, making him wince. “It’s called content curation. If you ever happen to meet a lovelorn village belle ….let me know, yeah? I’m willing to put up my skills to offer. For a fee, of course.”
“YAH!” He freed himself from your grasp. “Behave! You’re not three anymore, right? Tell me...how much do you know about Baekhyun?” He was curious. Slightly panic-struck, even. But you couldn’t tell why.
“I will tell you but I need to know something before that. Has he - Doh Kyungsoo I swear to God I will bury you alive if you so much as smile - has he mentioned me at all?” You felt your face flame and a part of you really did not want to know the answer to that.
Kyungsoo sucked the insides of his cheeks in and said, “He thinks you’re interesting.”
You knew 'interesting', almost always, was nothing but a euphemism for weird. Ignoring the tender ache in your chest you said, "Well, I think he looks a lot like his corgi Mongryong. Mum has invited you to dinner tomorrow. Later, Squish." You pulled him in a bear hug, picked up the two, now polished, plates and walked out of Kyungsoo's room, slowly closing the door behind you.
"Eomma, Kyungsoo will be joining us for dinner -"  
"Chubs, wait!" He hurried out of his room and handed you a rather heavy C4 size envelope. "My dentist appointment has been moved to today and I had to drop these documents off at Byun Park's", after a small pause he hesitantly continued, "he won't be there."
"Who won't be there?" Kyungsoo’s mother eyed the both of you suspiciously.
You couldn’t say no to the illustrious prince of a family who fed you a whole carton of organic fruits a while ago. At least not in front of the matriarch.
"It's nothing Eomma… it's Kyungsoo's friend Byun Baekhyun. Yah! Doh Kyungsoo! Stop acting like he's my ex boyfriend."
Your heart raced as you stepped into the elevator of the swanky commercial building. Pushing the button for the 27th floor, you turned around to examine yourself in the mirror feeling frumpy and underdressed in your faded yellow sweater and mom-jeans. The ding of the elevator jolted your heart and your mouth went dry as you lay your eyes on the blond haired man standing in front of you. You wanted nothing more than to snake your arm around Doh Kyungsoo’s neck and put him in a tight chokehold until he begged for mercy -- at this point you weren’t very keen on letting go of the imaginary, gasping for breath, blue in the face, Doh Kyungsoo. He won’t be there??
“Hi”, you said stepping out of the elevator but what you really wanted to say was ‘I want to delete myself’.
“Airport Girl!” He jested. You didn’t feel very apologetic anymore or even underdressed for that matter since the partner of a snooty law firm thought that a long sleeved jersey with bib shorts were an acceptable choice of clothing. Nevertheless, you properly introduced yourself and did what was long overdue.
“I am sorry about the other day and -- ” You briefly waited for him to cut you off with a ‘Don’t worry about it’ or even dismiss it with loud ‘hahaha’ but instead his little eyebrow raise insisted you complete your apology. “And I shouldn’t have - -”
“Airport Girl, I notice you have a problem completing your sentences.” Resting his hands on his hips he cocked his head to the side. That vaguely familiar annoying smirk made your skin crawl.
“Byun Baekhyun-ssi, I am here to see Lee Min Hyung. I am supposed to hand over Kyungsoo’s documents to him. I hope you’re working hard on my friend’s case. He really needs that cowshed back, he’s paid the broker’s fee in full for it. I hope this was coherent enough for you.” His smirk stretched into a genuine smile as he inched closer to you. Uncomfortable as you were standing in an enclosed space and conversing with a man in bib shorts, the diminished distance from his two small strides made you squirm. You could practically smell his cologne.
“I’ll forgive you if you agree to come cycling with me. Right now.”
“Absolutely not. Can I go see Lee Min Hyung now?”
“MARK LEE!” Baekhyun bellowed. The unsparing luminous smile on his face wasn’t doing any favours to the health of your heart. Within seconds, a bespectacled young lad who looked like he hadn’t slept a wink for days came rushing to his side. So Byun Baekhyun worked his employees to the bone while he himself took hiking trips in absurd outfits.
He put an arm around the frail boy and introduced the fresh law graduate to you, “This is my main man Mark Lee from Canada.” Violently thumping Mark’s back he continued, “Madam’s here with Doh Kyungsoo’s documents. Take her inside and go over the file. Check if anything’s missing and most importantly, offer her something cold to drink.” Letting go of Mark, he said to you with a wink, “I’ll be waiting in the lobby, Airport Girl. Or you’re never losing the nickname.”
Mark Lee’s involuntary metamorphosis from scaredy cat to ferocious lion cub in the conference room took you by surprise. While going over Kyungsoo’s documents like a hawk focused on its prey, he dutifully put a glass of ice water in front of you just as instructed by Byun Baekhyun. It was nothing more than a courtesy call. “Doh Kyungso-ssi’s personal documents all look okay -- ID card, bank statements, transaction information, realtors invoice, property possession documents.” You lost him at ‘realtor’s invoice’. “Seems to me, the realtor tricked him - - why did he not get due diligence done before investing in property? How could he not notice that the title deed does not extend to the cowshed?” Mark Lee was furious….at you.
“He’s just a simple man with simple dreams who wanted to trade his city existence for a quiet rural homestead and grow organic cucumbers, I guess? Why don’t you give him a call and --”
Mark Lee’s paw met the desk in a loud smack, startling you. “A simple due diligence would’ve saved him the hassle - -”
You weren’t exactly sure of the reason Byun Baekhyun thought you’d need a cold drink but he was so right, everything else seemed wrong. You took a rather large gulp of water, snatched Mark Lee’s notepad from his firm grasp and scribbled Kyungsoo’s number in it. “Here’s Doh Kyungsoo’s number. Call him if you need anything further.” You rose from your chair and eyed him sympathetically. ��Take care, Mark Lee and please don’t skip meals.”
He waited for you, just as he’d promised. He somehow managed to look just as stunning in that funny costume as he did when you saw him at the airport. “Let’s go. Half an hour with that enthu cutlet Mark Lee and I need to feel the wind in my hair. How do you manage?”
“Yah! Airport Girl. He’s my best and brightest.” Sounding like a proud parent he guided you to the parking lot. The guilt weighing your heart down compelled you to ask, “What about Yoona?”
“She’ll be joining us.” Baekhyun quipped nonchalantly, opening the door to his Audi for you.
It was at that exact moment you said a silent prayer to a certain 3rd generation male idol to strike you with lightning and put you out of your misery.
Tagging: @hirumixoxo @majesticsnow @dreamingofdreamydream @juncottonluvbot
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drink-n-watch · 4 years
Look I know there where no apples but it’s just that a banana a day doesn’t have the same ring to it… it has en entirely different ring… You know what, that’s enough fruit talk for one day!
I’ve been too busy to get on social media much this week so I have no clue how people are enjoying this week’s episode of the God of Highschool. Maybe once I’ll be with popular opinion! Let’s find out.
I liked it! Thanks for stopping by!
I jest.. Well no I actually did like the episode. Once again the backstories of the main characters got flesh out some more by weaving flashbacks through the main fights. The episode was essentially split between Mira’s fight and Dae’ fight with Dea’s backstory in the middle and a bit of mysterious Jin fun at the end.
The God of Highschool is generally a very conventional anime but it does have little touches sprinkled in tat  appreciate. For instance we briefly see Jin’s entrance form and it’s full of doodles along with the text which is a very nice way to enforce just how carefree he is. Mira’s opponent actually got a personality, a fairly fun one and a very reasonale motivation.
I do have to say though, there was once again some really fun camerawork which is good cause the images themselves are a little dull. Looking over my screencaps this is not images that would normally grab my attention but when you see them in movement, they becomes a lot more interesting.
One thing I noticed though is that the single elimination tournament structure right off the bat s a little anticlimactic. What I mean is that in most shonen, main characters can and often do lose a few fights, especially when they are just starting out. here’s always a possibility that the protagonist will not prevail this time, have to cut their losses go back to do some more training and try again. However, this is much less likely with a tournament because if the characters are disqualified, it ruins the whole structure of the series. Especially as the three aren’t so close that they would conceivably all stick together if one had to leave.
I’m not saying it’s impossible that one of them loses a match and has to maybe find a way back into the tournament, in fact that might very well happen, just not at the very beginning of the season. The problem is that if the audience has to see disqualification as a very viable stake, it has to stick. You can’t have people getting beaten without long term consequences right off the bat. So when I saw that two of the 3 main characters were fighting, it never even crossed my mind that they could lose, no matter how the fight was going.
Also, I’m throwing this here because it goes with the screencaps above, is it possible to write an interesting bully character? My mind tells me that it should be and there are probably dozens f really well written and complex bullies but it seems that all I can think of are guys just like Dea’s tormentors. And I mean exactly like that.
I already knew Dae was going to win because he’s a main character but if I had had any doubts, I would have been set when Baek(glasses?) mentioned that he entered the tournament to prove his theory. Man, Deak is fighting to buy meds for his dying friend and you’re doing homework? Of course you can’t win, heart always trumps head in shonen. I should have been tis id’s manager, I would have gotten him a super emotional motivation!
For all of this though, Jin’s plot was what interested me the most, and by far. Jin’s not quite normal, we already know that, but it seems the administrator figured it out as well and was happy to do a bit of attempted homicide to prove his thinking. Bureaucrats, am I right? And all this talk of magical fruit and double dealing was interesting enough for me but the fight with Green hair man got even more interesting.
Ok, one aspect f the fight. When he turned into the giant monster clown thing (Hisoka has ruined monster clowns for me), that thing had the same four point yellow star pattern in it’s sees as jin. It kind of looked like it may have been wearing a visor or something but the visual call back is just way too obvious to be a random design choice. Whatever Jin is, it’s similar to what the holders of the tournament are. I don’t know why but this little mystery got me invested.
So yeah, I liked this episode. Considerably more than the last. I guess we’ll see where this goes.
The God of Highschool ep. 3 – An Apple a Day Look I know there where no apples but it's just that a banana a day doesn't have the same ring to it...
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honeygoms · 8 years
**20 Questions**
Tagged by @babyminseok ♡✌
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to know better!
Name: Caprice
Nickname(s): Purse, Pursey, Purseus, Pegasus, Capurse
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′2
Orientation: I identify as biromantic aegosexual but I actually have no idea
Ethnicity: um... I’m american and I have german descent on both sides of my family
Favorite fruit: ???? probably bananas
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite book: SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson or TFIOS by John Green
Favorite flower: Roses
Favorite scent: Apple Pumpkin candles are pretty nice.
Favorite color: pastels and black
Favorite animal(s): Cats and rabbits
Favorite beverage: Water
Average sleep hours: 7-8 on a good day
Favorite fictional character: uuuhhh I don’t think I have one lol
Number of blankets you sleep with: One
Dream trip: Literally anyways out of state
Blog created: July 2012
Number of followers: only 4 1,986
Tagging: @dyodorant + @behkhoon + @chanyeolcide + @stunningsoo + @blowchanyeolsflute + @whatiskanye + @smhsehun + @chanyeollipop + @rosybbh + @flawlessohsehun + @baek-a-licious + @strongastitanium + @sehunnified
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