#and being like 'max was VERY upset about how over the top daniel's celebrations were 😤 he was acting like he won the fucking wdc 😤'
danthropologie · 2 years
I know we joke about Monaco being his first race back in that seat for the redemption day storyline’s but like there are other potential races storyline’s that compel me too like Baku, or having him do a Max on Max where he wins on debut in Barcelona, or his first win back echoing his first win so Canada, or the full circleness of 2011 being reserve driver and his first race being silverstone
wowowow all fantastic options!! a few more to add to the list
australia - i know it's early in the season, so it might have to push back to 2024, but the Narrative of being back in his home country with the team that was his home for so many years? MWAH chef's kiss! and then even better if he w*ns or gets a p*dium, because it would be his first and only since 2014 when he was disqualified for something that wasn't even his fault
austria, red bull ring - the team's home race, it would be a whole thing
cota - no real personal or narrative significance to this one other than he loves it there and it would be a fucking party
mexico - the only place he's gotten pole other than monaco, but he DNFed 10 laps from the finish...mexico redemption perhaps?
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likelylarks · 9 months
sleeping beauty au
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idk if i succeeded on the esp part, but i’ve thought about this every time i’ve watched this movie in the last three years
on ao3
“Once upon a time, there was a little prince named Daniel. His father, the king, had told him that one day he would be king and that one day he would get married to a beautiful prince. Prince Daniel wanted to run and play and didn’t care about getting married. One day, though, his father took him to meet another prince. This other prince was just a baby and Prince Daniel didn’t see what was so great about a baby.
What was the baby’s name?
Right, sorry. 
“Prince Daniel was introduced to the new baby, Prince Max. The king told Prince Daniel that one day, he would marry Prince Max. Prince Daniel didn’t really want to do that because he thought he wouldn’t get to go outside and play anymore once he got married. The king told him that they would only get married when Prince Daniel and Prince Max were older and didn’t play outside anymore, so Daniel thought it might be okay. Prince Daniel then watched with amazement when three fairies appeared to give magical gifts to the baby prince. 
“The first fairy gave Prince Max the gift of beauty and said that Prince Max would have the prettiest, bluest eyes in the whole world. The second fairy gave Prince Max the gift of song and said that Prince Max would grow up to sing the most lovely songs. But, before the third fairy could give her gift, a loud thunderous noise rang out through the room. 
“A fairy dressed all in black -
And with scary horns. 
“A fairy dressed all in black and with scary horns and a raven sitting on her shoulder appeared. The fairy was an evil fairy that didn’t like people being happy and she was mad that she hadn’t been invited to the celebration for Prince Max. She got so angry that she cursed Prince Max. When Prince Max was nineteen - 
Daddy, the movie says when Princess Aurora is sixteen. 
Yes, bug, but my story is going to be when the prince is nineteen, okay?
I guess so. 
Do you want me to keep going? 
Pim nodded and snuggled further into Daniel’s side. 
“When Prince Max was nineteen, he would prick his finger on a magical spinning wheel and die!”
Pim jumped in alarm before settling back down. He scowled at Daniel, little brow furrowed. 
Daniel kissed the top of his blond head in apology. 
“The evil fairy laughed when she saw how upset everyone was and then disappeared with another loud noise. Prince Daniel thought she was super scary and was glad that she was gone. He didn’t want Prince Max to die though - even if he didn’t really want to marry Prince Max. 
“Luckily, no one else wanted Prince Max to die either and the third fairy hadn’t given her gift yet. The evil fairy’s magic was really strong so the third fairy couldn’t get rid of the curse entirely but she could change it a little bit. The third fairy changed the curse so that when Prince Max pricked his finger on the magic spinning wheel, he would just fall asleep. The fairy said that Prince Max would wake up when someone gave him True Love’s Kiss. 
Pim, just real quick. Should you kiss people when they’re asleep?
No, because Papa says that you should always ask before you go into other people’s personal space. 
Pim said ‘personal space’ slowly, like he was trying to recall each syllable correctly. 
That’s right, but just for the story, we’re going to let it be okay. But just for the story. 
Just for the story!
“Even though Prince Max wasn’t going to die from the curse anymore, Prince Max’s parents and the three fairies were still worried about keeping Max safe from the evil fairy. The three fairies said they would take Prince Max and hide him away while he was growing up so that he would be safe from the evil fairy. Prince Daniel was glad that Prince Max would be safe. 
“Over the next nineteen years, both Prince Daniel and Prince Max grew up. Prince Daniel grew up into a very handsome prince that was good at sword fighting and liked to ride his horse very fast through the forest. 
“Prince Max had grown up in a small cottage in the middle of the woods with the three fairies. The three fairies had not used magic for nineteen years so that the evil fairy wouldn’t be able to find them. Max didn’t know that he was a prince. He thought he was just an ordinary boy. Max had grown up to be just as beautiful as the first fairy had promised and he sang so prettily that sometimes the birds would stop to listen to him sing.
Daddy, Papa can’t sing. 
Daniel stifled a laugh. 
Just for the story, Pim. 
“The day of Max’s nineteenth birthday arrived. The three fairies wanted to do something special for Max’s last birthday in the cottage so they decided to bake him a cake and a brand new fancy shirt. They sent Max out to pick some berries so he would be surprised when he got back to the cottage. 
“The fairies were not very good at baking or sewing without magic but they tried their best because they loved Max very much. Eventually, they gave up and used magic because they wanted everything to be perfect for Max. They used magic to make the cake and clean the cottage and make Max’s new shirt. Two of the fairies couldn’t decide on what color Max’s shirt should be so they kept using magic to change the color of it. They were making such a racket that one of the evil fairy’s spies saw the cottage and went to report back to the evil fairy that he had found the place where the fairies had been hiding. 
“Max didn’t know that any of that was happening. He was out in the woods, singing to himself and picking more berries. Max had not told the three fairies but he’d been having many lovely dreams where a handsome prince came and found him at the cottage and wanted to dance with him and kiss him and marry him. 
Daddy, why did Prince Max want to get married? I think I would like to just live in the forest and eat berries and play with animals. 
Well, Prince Max really liked living in the forest but he was a little bit lonely. He wanted a best friend, someone that would make him laugh and spend time with him. 
So, he just wanted a friend. Not a husband. 
Well, ideally the person that you marry is your best friend. Then you have a friend and someone that you can cuddle with all the time. 
Like how you always hug Papa whenever you can?
Yeah, just like that. 
Papa is your best friend? 
He is. 
“Prince Max was picking berries and telling the animals about his dreams. He started to dance around, pretending he was waltzing with a handsome prince. 
Daddy, what’s waltzing?
It’s like slow dancing. The kind of dancing that is in all of your princess movies. 
“Prince Daniel was riding through the forest when he heard the most beautiful singing ever. He immediately turned his horse toward the sound, to try and find the person that was singing so sweetly. He wanted to thank the person that was singing for making him feel better. Prince Daniel’s father had reminded him that he was to be married to Prince Max but Prince Daniel still didn’t want to get married. He especially didn’t want to get married to a stranger. He wanted to get married to his best friend. 
Just like Prince Max! 
Just like Prince Max. 
“Prince Daniel raced toward the singing and eventually came across a beautiful boy that had been singing. Daniel dismounted and he couldn’t help himself. He joined in the dance with the boy and started to sing along with him. Even though he’d never heard the song before, he felt like he knew the words. He felt like he’d seen the beautiful boy before. 
“They danced together for a little bit before Max realized that someone was dancing with him and he jumped away from the stranger. He told the man that he wasn’t supposed to be talking to strangers. 
“Prince Daniel knew that was smart but he also felt like he had met this beautiful boy before and so he couldn’t help joking that they had already met - once upon a dream, like the boy had been singing about. 
“Max thought the stranger was charming and handsome, so he let the stranger lead him into another dance. As they danced, they also started to talk. The stranger was very funny and made Max laugh a lot. He also asked questions about the things that Max liked and asked for his opinions on things. Max liked that the stranger listened intently to everything that Max said and gave thoughtful answers to Max’s own questions. 
“Daniel thought that Max was the most lovely person he had ever met. He thought Max’s laugh sounded even better than his singing. Daniel wanted to hear Max talk all day, so he kept asking Max questions so he could keep hearing his voice. Max had a lovely way of explaining everything. Max also had the most beautiful blue eyes in the whole world. 
“As the day got later, Max remembered that he’d originally been picking berries. The three fairies would probably be wondering where the berries they’d asked for were. So, even though he didn’t want to, he pulled away from the stranger - though it didn’t feel right to call him a stranger anymore - and told him that he had to go.
Yes, Pim?
How does Max know that they’re fairies when they haven’t used magic in front of him. 
Um, they told Max. He didn’t believe them at first but they were all very bad at doing things normally so Max thought they were probably telling the truth because they were used to doing all chores with magic. 
Oh. Am I a fairy actually? Because I am bad at picking up my toys. 
Daniel hummed thoughtfully. 
It’s a good idea, Pim. I’ll have to ask Papa.
Because Papa knows everything. 
Papa is very smart, yes. So, he’ll know. 
“Daniel felt very sad when the beautiful boy told him that he had to go. He asked if he could see him again. The boy told him that he could come to the cottage in the forest later tonight. Daniel promised that he would see the boy again and then watched him run off. He felt even more sad as he watched the boy leave. Daniel knew that he wanted to spend every day with the boy, so he got back on his horse and rode home to his castle to tell his father that he would get married. Not to Prince Max but to the beautiful boy he’d met in the forest. 
“Max ran home, filled with joy. He was so excited to see the other man later tonight. He called out before he got back to the cottage and when he burst in he saw the three fairies standing in a very clean cottage next to a magnificent cake and a new shirt that would fit Max very nicely. Max was so happy to see his birthday surprises and he couldn’t keep the man he’d met a secret anymore. He excitedly told the three fairies about the handsome stranger and how they’d danced together. He told them that he wanted to marry the man.
“The three fairies got very quiet. They didn’t want to disappoint Max but he had to know the truth. They told him that he couldn’t marry the man from the forest because he was engaged to Prince Daniel.
Daddy, what’s engaged? 
Like when you promise to marry someone but aren’t actually married yet. 
“Max couldn’t believe what the fairies were telling him. He couldn’t marry a prince because he was just an ordinary boy. The fairies told him the truth, that Max was actually Prince Max. They told him that they were taking Max back to his parents’ castle tonight so that he could reunite with them and start acting as the prince. Max felt like his heart was breaking. He didn’t understand why the fairies had lied to him for nineteen years. He was so upset by the lies and also because now he wouldn’t get to see the handsome stranger again - not even to say goodbye. 
“Max ran upstairs to try and calm down. He knew the fairies were just trying to protect him but it still really hurt his feelings. 
Daniel looked down at Pim, who let out another huff. 
What’s up, buddy?
I don’t like that Prince Max is upset. I want Prince Max to be happy all the time. 
Me too, but sometimes our feelings get hurt. How would you make Prince Max feel better if you could?
I would give him a big hug!
Because whenever my feelings are hurt, you and Papa give me big hugs and it makes me feel better. 
Daniel pulled Pim into a hug. Pim wrapped his little arms around Daniel, squeezing as tight as he could. 
Big hugs! Do you feel a little bit better, buddy? Do you want to hear more? Or be done for tonight?
Keep going! I want to hear about Prince Daniel making Prince Max feel not upset anymore. 
“The day was starting to get late and the three fairies told Max it was time to go to the castle. Max put on his brand new shirt and let the fairies give him a little slice of cake before they left the cottage. He still felt sad as they left. He hoped that he would run into the handsome stranger on the way to the castle but he didn’t. 
“The fairies led Prince Max upstairs to wait for the meeting with his parents. They left him to go prepare the king and queen. Max cried a little while he was waiting. Everything was changing so fast. 
Prince Max had big feelings! 
Yep, just like you sometimes. 
“Prince Max heard a strange noise coming from behind him. He turned and saw a bright light that made him feel a little dizzy and strange. The only thing he could think about was following the light. He followed the light up a secret set of stairs to a dark room. The only thing in the room was a spinning wheel. Prince Max felt like he had to touch the spinning wheel. He couldn’t stop himself and so he reached out and touched one finger to the point of the spinning wheel. He immediately collapsed and was asleep. 
“The three fairies had gone back to get Prince Max but he wasn’t in the room. They saw the secret stairs that Max had gone up and flew up the stairs to follow him. They were too late to stop Prince Max from pricking his finger and they watched in horror as Max collapsed, asleep. 
“A mean laugh started echoing around the room. The three fairies saw the evil fairy standing over Prince Max. The evil fairy thought that she had won. But, her spy had seen Prince Max dancing with the stranger and she wanted to capture the stranger, too. She knew that if the stranger found Prince Max, then he would wake up. She vanished to go try and find the stranger. 
Daddy, where is the stranger? Where is Prince Daniel?
I’m coming back to him buddy, hold your horses. 
I don’t have any horses, Daddy. 
“Prince Daniel had left his meeting with Max and raced back to his own castle to tell his father that he wanted to marry the beautiful stranger he’d met in the forest. His father had told him that he couldn’t because he had to marry Prince Max and reminded him that it was Prince Max’s birthday today, so he would be returning home. Prince Daniel didn’t want to hear it and didn’t want to get roped into going to the other castle to wait for Prince Max. So, he leapt back on his horse and went back into the forest to try and find the cottage. 
“Prince Daniel found the cottage but it looked cold and empty. He entered anyway but he felt that something was wrong. When he went inside, he found the evil fairy waiting for him. It had been many years since Prince Daniel had seen the evil fairy but he remembered how scared she had made him. Some of the evil fairy’s minions jumped on Prince Daniel and tied him up. He tried to fight them off but there were too many. 
“The evil fairy recognized Prince Daniel and laughed. She had expected a peasant instead. She transported Prince Daniel to her castle and threw him in the dungeon. She taunted him with a magical vision of the beautiful boy. She told him that the boy was Prince Max and that he’d pricked his finger and fallen under the sleeping curse. She told Prince Daniel that she would let him go, but only after he was very old. So, even if he could wake Prince Max up, they couldn’t be together. It made Prince Daniel feel very scared and sad. It also made him angry because he wanted to protect Prince Max. 
“The evil fairy got bored of being mean to Prince Daniel, so she eventually left him alone. The three fairies appeared in his cell. They had put the whole of Prince Max’s kingdom to sleep so that they wouldn’t know Prince Max had been cursed. They heard Prince Daniel’s father talking in his sleep about Prince Daniel finding a beautiful boy in the forest and they realized that Prince Daniel had been the stranger that Max had met. They had seen the evil fairy kidnap Prince Daniel and went to help rescue him. 
“They gave Prince Daniel a new, magical shield and sword to help him fight his way out of the evil fairy’s castle and then unlocked his cell. Prince Daniel fought his way past all of the evil fairy’s minions and spells. The three fairies had also brought Prince Daniel’s horse so he was able to ride his horse out of the castle, dodging the evil fairy’s attacks. 
“As Prince Daniel fought and rode towards Prince Max’s castle, he heard the evil fairy yelling out another curse. All the land between Prince Daniel and the castle suddenly grew over with sharp thorns. Prince Daniel was able to use his magic shield and sword to cut through the thorns. It was hard work and his clothes got stuck some, but the fairies helped him get free so he could keep going forward. 
“The evil fairy saw that Prince Daniel had gotten through the thorns and got even more angry. She teleported in front of him and then started to transform into a massive dragon. She breathed fire at Prince Daniel and he did his best to avoid getting burnt. He wasn’t sure how he could even get close enough to the dragon to kill it so he could rescue Prince Max. The fairies had an idea, though, and so enchanted his sword so that it would aim true. Prince Daniel thought about how lovely Prince Max had turned out to be and hoped that he could throw the sword far enough to reach the dragon. With all his strength, he threw the sword and it flew true and hit the dragon in the heart. 
“The dragon stumbled over and fell down into the castle’s moat. When Prince Daniel looked over the side, there was only a scrap of cloth and the sword. The evil fairy had been defeated. The thorns all went away with the death of the fairy but Prince Daniel knew that he still needed to get to Prince Max. 
“He rushed into the castle, noticing all the people sleeping. The three fairies led him up the stairs to where Prince Max was sleeping. Prince Daniel saw him lying there. His shirt was blue. Prince Daniel thought that Max’s eyes were a prettier blue than that. 
 “Prince Daniel was nervous. He didn’t know if True Love’s Kiss would work. He hoped it would because he really loved the person that he had gotten to know. So, Prince Daniel leaned down and kissed Prince Max. 
Did he wake up?
What do you think?
Pim’s smile was radiant. 
“Prince Max opened his eyes and the first thing he did was smile, when he saw Prince Daniel. It really had been True Love’s Kiss. Prince Daniel introduced himself properly and Prince Max did the same. Prince Daniel thought it was very lucky, that the person he wanted to marry turned out to be the person he was supposed to marry anyway. 
“Prince Daniel kissed Prince Max again and then they both went downstairs to see Prince Max’s parents. 
Pim yawned widely.
Finally, Daniel thought. 
“Prince Max greeted his parents, who were incredibly happy to see him again. Prince Daniel loved how happy they were. Prince Daniel’s father was confused because he thought Prince Daniel wanted to marry someone from the forest but Prince Daniel explained that they were the same person as Prince Max. 
“So, with the people of the land watching and the kings and queens of the two lands looking on, Prince Max danced with Prince Daniel. Prince Daniel had never wanted to get married before, but he thought it would be the most wonderful thing with Prince Max. 
“He was right. And they lived happily ever after.”
That was a good story, Daddy. 
Good, I’m glad you liked it. 
Daniel tucked Pim into bed, kissing him softly on his forehead. He stood up to see Max leaning against the doorframe. 
How much of that did you hear? 
Not all of it. Jules and I got back from his practice around the time Pim was saying that I could not sing. I still heard lots of you calling yourself handsome. 
I also called you beautiful a lot, if you’ll recall. 
The most beautiful blue eyes in the world, you said. 
Well, it’s true. 
Max rolled said beautiful blue eyes and tugged Daniel into a kiss. 
Daniel smiled against Max’s mouth. 
Definitely True Love. 
Max snorted at Daniel’s words but drew him into another kiss anyway. 
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