#and berto looks like a cartoon character. which he is ofc but you know what i mean.
roguestorm · 2 years
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The Dragon Prince Tag
I wasn’t tagged...but I saw this and I had to fill it out. I am obligated by my own laws about quiz taking to do so. Sorry. (I read from the one I got this from that it was made by @ true-neutral-earth-elf)
Rules: Answer all 25 questions to the best of your ability, then tag 5 other blogs.
#1. Which Primal Source Do you identify most with? Why?
The official quiz said Ocean, and I agree. At least for now.
Moon is a good second guess though.
#2. Elves or Humans?
Dragons. *shot* Uh...I can’t really choose right now. We’ve only seen the human side of the conflict so far. I want to see the elf side of things before I choose a side.
#3. If you had to choose, would you rather free Runaan from the coin or Aaravos from the mirror?
...I know I’m basically an Aarahoe...and it’s very obvious by the era title “Return of Aaravos” he’s going to break free...but I still don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
But Runaan...I’ll get into my opinion on him later. I’ll just say the one reason I’d have for freeing him right now is because of Rayla. If she asked, I’d try.
#4. Best animal companion?
Oh don’t make me choose! Um, Bait is the obvious choice because he’s got the most personality. Ava’s also a good girl though...and Phoe-Phoe is a beautiful Moon Phoenix! Oh and then there’s the Aarapod/Wormavos...but if I had to choose, I guess Bait.
EDIT: Actually Berto the parrot! Best animal companion! XD
#5. Best humanoid companion?
To have as your own? Also a tough choice...since they’re all good choices. Except Fen. *shot*
#6. You can revive one character, who is it and why them?
That’s also a tough one...Sarai seems like a good choice, based on what we saw of her...but almost every death in this show is for a reason that leads to major story choices. So...probably no one.
#7. Otp?
Please note this is my opinion. Not yours. If you disagree, that’s fine, but none of my choices are meant to be controversial.
Rayllum. I don’t care if they end up canon, not to the extent I’ll meme or throw a fit or something if it does or doesn’t, but they have the best chemistry I’ve seen in a cartoon in a while.
Other pairings I like:
Amaya x Gren-This is very unlikely given the age gap...I know they’re just close friends as we’ve seen, but it seems nice as a background ship to me.
Harrow x Sarai-Do I need to explain?
Harrow x Viren-Again, I know they were just friends but...it’s also a nice thought. What if they were? You know? (Alternatively: Harrow, Sarai, and Viren could be interesting to think about in an AU too)
Viren x Aaravos-Not super into this one...because this is a Toxic relationship with a capital T if you only look at canon footage. But the fandom has made some interesting “What if it was like this” content...and I love both Viren and Aaravos as characters. Just not their dynamic so far.
Aaravos x Reader/Self-Insert/OC-Aaravos x Anyone really, but I love the self-inserts and “x Reader” stories and headcanons. I’m a part of the problem of course...but that’s beside the point.
Viren x Reader/Self-Insert/OC-I see less of him than any of the main cast in this area, for good reason, but what I have seen...I support you and wish there was more out there. He wasn’t always who he is now.
#8. Unpopular opinion?
1.) Ok, probably the most unpopular...I’m not a huge Runaan fan. I don’t dislike him, don’t get me wrong. I’m just kind of indifferent. I like that he’s an uncle figure to Rayla and that’s really sweet...but I’m just not as interested in him or Tinker as what looks to be a lot of the fandom. Again, I don’t dislike them at all, but I don’t have strong feelings yet either. (That is a bit hypocritical since I know just as much, if not less, about Aaravos...but he intrigues me. There are so many mysteries surrounding him and he’s being built up big time...starting with his role as narrator. I’m not seeing that with Runaan. Sorry.)
2.) Viren is my favorite character, hands down. He’s the most interesting and such a refreshing take on an old idea. I don’t love to hate him for this either, like I do a lot of my favorite villains in the media I consume. I genuinely like him as a character, and that adds to my conflict on how to feel about Aaravos...
3.) I really hope Harrow isn’t Pip (the bird.) I think Pip escaped, but it’s not Harrow. It’s just Pip...whom Ezran can still communicate with if they go that route.
I also hope Callum isn’t half-elf. I don’t know if that’s unpopular, but it just feels like an easy way out. The show doesn’t feel like they’d do that when they’re trying to say Dark Magic is an easy way out, a short cut instead of spending years learning runes and the philosophy of the magic you study.
#9. Favorite headcanon?
More of a theory...but the one that Crowmaster is an Earthblood elf in disguise. I really like that.
Also all the Aaravos headcanons. Some are super cute, others are fuel for my angsty, sadistic writer’s heart.
#10. Best siblings pair?
Both the Broyals and the One Brain Cell Siblings. I won’t choose between them, they’re both great.
#11. Who’s your Queen?
...We haven’t seen the Dragon Queen yet...so I won’t say her in case she’s insane from grief or something... Uh...man, I don’t know. I’ll stay undecided for now.
#12. Lujanne offers you ice cream, how do you respond?
Is it Bubblegum flavored?
#13. Be honest, do you have the guts to use dark magic?
The guts? Maybe. The drive? Not really. My only reason to use it would be to test my theory if everyone goes through what Callum did when he used it. That weird dream where he had to choose. But that’s coming from someone that knows the consequences of Dark Magic and all the comparisons being made about it.
It’s like smoking, it’s like cancer, and for me it’s like killing household pests. When I started out, I was very hesitant about how hard to swat when killing flies that got in the house. Now, I use full force from so much time doing so. It got easier and easier and now it’s almost second nature.
That’s how I would describe the use of Dark Magic. Why it’s so easy for Viren to kill with it, why it gets easier for Claudia to as well...just my thoughts.
#14. Who’s best elf? Why?
I’m not sure yet. Rayla’s the only one that hasn’t insulted humanity in some way so far...but because I’m biased and thirsty: Aaravos (XD)
#15. Hot brown morning potion or leaf flavored water?
Hot brown morning potion WITH chocolate mixed in. Otherwise, I’ll take your flavored water.
#16. Best use for magic?
It depends what type. I’ll go with illusions for...personal reasons. Related to a certain starry elf in a mirror...
#17. Who wins the best hair award?
Does Thunder count? I mean look at that beard! *shot* I dunno...I like them all. But Harrow, Viren, and Aaravos (ofc) stand out most when I think about hairstyles.
#18. Viren; misguided, evil, or actually the good guy?
It’s hard to say right now...everyone raises some good points...but it’s too early to say. Is he just power-hungry? Seeking control? Wants to take control of the East side, the magical side of Xadia, for a selfish reason? Or was he being honest when he claimed to love the kingdom? That war is coming and they need to take action?
What we know from the creators is Viren’s main goal or dream is to “get his name in the history books” though I could have worded that wrong. Basically I’ll just say...he’s clearly the villain. Maybe he didn’t start out that way, but by now he’s definitely willing to do whatever it takes to get his way. Is it a good cause? I don’t know yet...but I can’t say he’s a good guy or the Good Guy at this point.
#19. Would you rather fly with Phoe-Phoe, hike with Corvus, sail with Villads, or stay home with Opeli?
I would love to fly, but Villads is just the best...and I like Corvus but I hate hiking...Phoe-Phoe or Villads.
#20. Who’s your crush?
Isn’t it obvious? Viren, of course. *shot* I mean like I said...I like him...but it’s obviously Aaravos.
#21. You’re being chased by a cotton candy hippo; reaction?
Confusion. And I run.
#22. Choose a champion.
I don’t get this one...
#23. Favorite scene? Why?
It’s hard to choose just one... All Viren and Aaravos’ scenes are great...but I’ll go with the scene where Callum is reading King Harrow’s letter. That is my favorite moment.
A more humorous answer: Anything with Villads, but I love his introduction.
#24. Should Soren be a poet?
I mean who am I to judge? I think people that complain about “bad poetry” need to lighten up about it.
#25. Soggy Socks. (No more context)
...I think that’s the metaphor. Villads is the only reason this is ok to me.
Tags: I only have one friend I know in the TDP fandom who won’t mind being tagged...so: @allykatsart and anyone else that wants to fill it out.
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