#and billy is like 'yeah sure deuces' and lowers his aviators and fucks mike's mom (again)
kitwilsonsass · 2 years
Omg can you imagine if that was part of the universe? The fact that Parkers actor and Billys mom are the same? I feel like I need a story where Billy teaches Max how to pickpocket because his mother taught him. Omg. The possibilities. Or even like “That watch is a beautiful piece, fake, but beautiful” and some woman getting offended because billy can spot a fake a mile away. Now I have a mighty need to want to write this. Omg. or like him being chaos in the mall because he's stating off the reason price of jewelry pieces and which ones are lab made. I could see him making a game of it with Max to teach her new things because it's how he sees ensuring her survival for the future. "Never let anyone give you their grandmothers ring if I haven't looked at it first. Costume pieces can get real fancy"
It’s the normal thing some writers too ‘lets introduce this character and then kill them because we need our main characters to suffer’ its stupid.
There’s so much tangled up in billy’s past, bless him. I feel like he’d need so much therapy to even begin to unpack everything.
And it’s all good if you’re upset, emotions are our minds way of processing, sometimes that processing isn’t pretty and that’s okay
the fact that max can pick locks has always made me wonder where the hell she got that from. like either he taught her that shit, or he locked her in her room so many times she had to learn that shit. and given she has to answer the door for his shit ass, that seems unlikely. unless her dad was doin some shady shit. we don't know anything about that dude other than he apparently doesn't pay fuckin' child support if s4 is any indication.
oh it's totally normal but the fact that this show in particular you literally know as soon as someone pops up that they're dead is like. come the fuck on. like they literally do the same exact fake death + redemption death every season. like JUST FUCKING KILL SOMEONE. IT'S A HORROR FRANCHISE. NO BALLS.
his therapy is punch punch.
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