#and bo and scotty’s feelings abt the whole sitch
am-artist · 2 years
the wilds recap review s2 e6
making me look at gretchen playing candy crush is a war crime i do not care about her loss of control plot everyone involved in her operation is a moron & the inevitable splintering is not interesting
yay ivan content. glad he has someone back home. i hope he has a storyline beyond this tho. esp w the social media addiction thing.
leah & rachel always fun. glad they’re having real talks even briefly.
ivan is a great talker bc he always sounds like hes delivering theatre lines. ‘smite’. love that.
i feel for him bc he always has to decide whether to shut his mouth at the expense of his principles or speak up and be labeled the woke buzzkill, but his integrity even in the dire situation they’re all in is admirable.
smh kirin your nun joke was not good enough to justify cutting henry’s climate change tirade off fuck you
ivan and kirin have ironically similar flaws in assuming they know whats best for people / that their big picture is more impt than other people’s discomfort. thinking abt this re josh’s situation. but also apparently re ivans boyfriend & the social media stuff. altho naturally ivans big picture is one of fighting intolerance on many exhausting fronts and kirins is more thoughtless big man masculinity.
kirin is doing carly rae jepsen covers im sorry ik this is meant to be a homoerotic vaguely homophobic mess this man is clearly on gay twitter somewhere.
the guys just blindly hunting seth down… in character. kirin and ivan both being intensely stubborn about this… also in character. the way they handle it… bad
oh josh… fucking great role model kirin thanks for that. not that i dont support kicking the shit out of the guy who assaulted you but i would have really liked for josh not to take the lesson of masculine dominance bullshit from this bc it is just going to eat him up further in the long run.
rachel is so fucking cute!!
fatin and leah have such inherent friction. fun.
i like the divisions in the boy group ig. for all the posturing most of them are very uncomfortable w the violence kirin is selling as the one answer. and ivan knowing very clearly that things are unravelling but not sure in what direction to move is very understandable.
kirins obv going to have some deep backstory w the blackface coach which is an annoying way for things to go.
i somehow forgot/missed it had been ten days since the exile! def recontextualises the whole thing.
seth’s reaction makes this whole thing so much worse. if he could just be wracked with guilt instead of faking innocence or idk it wouldnt be so gratingly unpleasant to deal with. but hes so caught up in his perception of himself as nice guy that hes in denial and wants to reaffirm this false reality rather than own up to it.
toni and martha <3 glad toni gets her non-shelby gf plotlines too.
the guy camp splitting it up is such a mess. josh is entitled to feel whatever he wants but kirin domineering over the group w his black and white posturing mindset means they cant even have a proper convo about the implications of the constant exiling. does any of them actually want to condemn seth to die? even if they do, what about raf? if they just managed to talk about it they would be able to find some compromise but instead the group will keep fissuring forever.
ivan and kirin’s pre island storyline is interesting but (similar qualms as in season 1) i dont love the optics of the gay black kid being framed as the ‘bullying’ force in this situation etc etc idk just the way it’s done feels weird to me. i know they have luc as the contrast guy but i just think they could have set things up with some more grace... i wonder what the writer’s room looked like.
henry </33. i love that he talks to ivan about it tho.
i do enjoy kirin and ivan talking always. i just wish they could put their little heads together and make things work bc theyd run a pretty decent ship if they did.
martha <///3. i do love that they show her finally having some breakthrough conflict with the constant hunting. & i love that toni just holds her when they find her, despite the brutal rabbit murdering.
sidenote: leah’s turmoils are so hard to watch bc she is in fact right in her suspicions but she feels insane.
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