#and congrats for phd anon for getting your viva
tempenensis · 3 years
Everything that salty anon said was completely uncalled for. I’m sorry to see someone sending you an ask like that, you don’t deserve that at all. I really love your blog and reading what you post, and you seem like a great person! Sending love and positive vibes 💖✨
(2) That anon seems to be equating fandom toxicity with shipping, when fandom toxicity has nothing to do with shipping. There's plenty of toxic fans that ship absolutely nothing at all. That anon being quite a good example... I don't think I've seen anyone so triggered by shipping in a while. I mean, most people don't stop shipping their ships just bc they don't become canon. Some people even are well aware they won't become canon. We still get our enjoyment and aren't a-holes, lime anon. Meanwhile, what do people like anon get? What do they want? A medal? Sorry buddy, this ain't the olympics.
(3) Honestly, it started off as kinda funny and cringe but damn anon you found away to turn super creepy super fast. You cant go around dictating who a real fan is and pretty much emotionally abuse people who just dont ship the same thing as you. This is me trying to be as nice as possible, but please take a break from the fandom if you are going into people's inboxes to just be a menace.
(4) dude… you are so chill and you always mind your business. why do people leave you mean messages all the time?? I think it may be worthwhile to turn anonymous messages off for a while. people are getting too comfortable in your ask box lol :/
(5) omg what's wrong with that anon? shipping fictional characters doesn't hurt anybody, and even if the ship isn't confirmed as canon in the end of the story this doesn't invalidate people's right to ship them, for example, in the end of naruto, sasuke and sakura were confirmed as a couple but this didn't made everyone suddenly stop shipping them with other people, in evangelion no couple was formed in the end of the series but people still ship them together, and that's fine because as I said doesn't hurt anybody I'm sorry that you're receiving toxic asks, idk if you are aware but you can block anons directly when they send asks to you, you just need to click in the "..." bellow the ask
(6) People have been shipping pairings since the olden days. Gundam Wings for example has a multitude of pairings, all fanons of course, and you can still read old fanfics. Salty anon must be terribly young LOL. Btw, being a teacher has nothing to do with it. I'm a PhD scholar (just passed my viva!) and you bet I have some weird ass ships in some other fandoms. Grow up salty anon.
(7) Don't let that anon get you down because your always awesome to me!, personally speaking Fanon, Shipping and Headcanons is just our way of spicing things up and thinking of the what ifs when reading a piece of media. people should stop dictating how others enjoy things tbh. anyway I love your writing and I hope you have a good day!
I'm sorry to collect these, but thank you everyone for the positive vibes and kind words! I've been in jjk fandom before the anime and it has since getting bigger - and ofc getting worse too, sadly. And I've also been in numerous fandom over the course of the years, but this is the first time I saw someone so anti with shipping in general. Shipping is not even the main activity of this blog, as you all can see. itafushi is not even the weirdest ship in jjk fandom.
Everyone in fandom enjoys things in different ways, as long as you don't cause trouble for others, there's no "right" or "wrong". It's just a piece of media. It doesn't dictate your life. I don't and don't want to dictate others in what is right and wrong in this matter. But yes, as long as there is a fandom of it, shipping will most likely be a part of it. This applied to fandom everywhere, which use other language too. And harsh it may be, but we are here because we share the same interest on one stuff. And that interest will fade in time when we find new things to be interested in.
And also seems like one toxic anon attracts another and I'm turning off my anon ask for the time being. I've been considering doing that for a long time.
Please. I just want to be left alone doing my things. If you don't like me, don't like what I do, then please just block me. No one is forcing you to follow what you call "fandom-ruiner" here.
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