#and dont worry joel feels much better when joonas walks up to him with some freshly-baked buns and hot tea like the good housewife he is
theflyingfeeling Β· 5 months
it's freezing and I'm bored and making it everyone's problem, so here's a bullet point summary of 'BC stuck in a cottage in Lapland in extreme cold weather AU'
Joel is going crazy with boredom and whining about not being able to go snowmobiling every day like he planned, instead he's now stuck inside with five other losers πŸ˜’ (you are now imagining him sulking under a blanket browsing his phone for plane tickets to somewhere warm)
Joonas tries to keep everyone's spirits up by baking buns and bread and making tea for everyone 🍡 (you are now imagining him wearing an appron (like in this drawing by @marmeladenhexchen!) and whistling as he works)
Tommi defies the weather and chops them enough firewood for the fireplace and the sauna πŸ’ͺ (you are now imagining him grunting as he does this 😳 his nose and cheeks are all rosy from the cold btw, if you even care πŸ₯Ί)
He is also too easily persuaded by Niko to go snow bathing or skinny ice swimming with him from the sauna πŸ₯Ά (...you are now imagining this πŸ‘€)
Niko keeps sneaking out to watch the Northern Lights. He can't actually spot any, but he enjoys the solitude 🌠 (you are now imagining him closing his eyes as he sits on the porch all bundled up, the moonlight glowing on his face)
Olli manages to drag Aleksi out for a quick walk with him (Aleksi only says yes because he thinks Olli looks super pretty when his eyelashes frost up). In return, Aleksi asks Olli to spend the rest of the day cuddled up in bed with him πŸ₯Ή (you are now imagining them giggling and snuggling under the covers (and maybe making out a little, but shhhhh... 😏))
Thoughts? πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
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