#and drug/alcohol abuse is a very sensitive subject for me to do any research
I started to write this post almost a month ago, but some bad stuff happened and I was… really not okay. But I'm getting better, kind of, so here are some (a bit angsty) night thoughts for you.
I share the fandom headcanon that Jason's father was not, you know, exactly the "father of the year" type. So, when Jason and Salim start to live together (because, as we all know, that's how the game ended, that's canon, right?), Jason sometimes becomes… overprotective of Zain.
He doesn't even realize that. It's just small things. Taking the blame for the glass that Zain accidentally broke. Trying to convince Salim that in Zain's age it's totally normal to come home late and a bit drunk, even if Salim is understanding and not actually angry. Stressing out when Salim and Zain argue, even if they both mean it as a joke. Stuff like that.
Jason doesn't realize that's the thing. Salim and Zain do.
"You know I love my son, right?" Salim asks one night.
"Yeah, I noticed,” Jason chuckles. “You've said that, like, a million times in the first hour after I met you."
"And you know I will never hurt him."
"Yeah, you'll probably hurt yourself first. Why?"
“You seem to… protect him from me.”
Salim can see that Jason genuinely doesn't understand what it's all about. Salim tells him about all those small moments, about his obvious nervousness — and Jason is visibly embarrassed.
"Do you want to… talk about it?" Salim says.
"I'd rather not."
"Okay. And it is fine, you know. It is kind of cute."
"Fuck off," Jason grumbles, rolling his eyes.
Salim just smiles and changes the subject.
It's Jason who brings it up again in a couple of days.
"About… me being overprotective."
"I wanted to make it clear… it's not about you being a bad dad or anything. It's just…"
There's a long pause as he is trying to find the words. Salim is waiting patiently.
"I had a fucked-up childhood, alright?" Jason says finally. "And my father… I mean, he meant well, I guess, but I do still have a couple of scars. And… well," it gets really hard for him to say that, "I guess, l myself wanted to be… protected. And, I guess, it'll stick with me for the rest of my fucking life."
He stares at his hands as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Salim doesn't interrupt.
"And about Zain, it's… what's the clever word, projecting or something? I'm projecting this stuff on him, probably. I mean, I don't know shit about psychology, but that's a thing, right? It's just… not easy to stay chill when you two start arguing. Even if I know that it's really alright."
He sighs as if it was physically hard for him to say. He seems relieved that it is finally put into words.
"So, yeah. You're a great dad, and Zain is far better than I was at his age. And I'll try not to do that shit you told me about. Sorry."
It's Salim now who is trying to find the words. Jason never really mentioned his childhood; Salim did not expect this.
Salim could never understand how it is possible for a father not to love his own kid. Salim is not an ideal dad, of course; but it feels impossible for him to hurt Zain. Even to think about hurting him.
"I did not know about your father," he says as calmly as he can, even if something inside him is furious. "I will try not to raise my voice when you are around."
"No, that's… fine." Jason shrugs. "You don't have to. I mean, it's your family, your rules, you are both fine with that, and I'm just intruding."
"You are a part of the family too. Have you not noticed?"
Jason mumbles something unintelligible and moves closer on the couch. Salim puts his hand around Jason's shoulders.
"I love you," he says. "And Zain thinks of you as the cool dad. Or, at least, the cool big brother."
"Yeah, that's all I lived for," Jason grumbles sarcastically.
He is smiling — he just can't help it.
It's all going to be okay.
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rainywetcigarettes · 5 years
Ok this was probably already done before but I can't stop thinking about it so
GioGio flower shop AU (which at this point is more like a town AU but whatever)
(Heavily inspired by the gang's lives before Passione/the events that made them join it) (also pls tell me if I said something wrong cause English is not my native language)
Well, Giorno would of course be the one working at the flower shop. He makes the most beautiful flower arrangements in town and a lot of people think he is kinda a sensitive, because he will already know what kind of flowers or plants you want, what occasion are you buying them for, and what emotion you want to express with them as soon as you enter the door (similarly to Vianne from Chocolat by Joanne Harris, if you know the book). He is highly respected in town, and despite his young age most people see him as really mature. He keeps his hair very long and always braids them in beautiful ways.
I see Bruno as a university student. When he was younger, he thought that becoming a fisherman like his father was kinda like his destiny, but he understood that he also wanted to get a proper education and find a job which could help him raise more money; he wanted to be able to live by himself but to also provide enough money for his father to retire when he got old. He is currently studying to become a teacher, while still helping his father. He comes often to the shop to buy flowers for his boyfriend (I'll let you guess who that guy is). He and Giorno became friends after Bruno became a usual customer at the shop and they sometimes go out for coffee together.
Abbacchio would be and ex-policemen currently working for a non-profit association which helps people recover from drug and alcohol abuse. He has been an alcoholic himself (he started drinking after he saw one of his coworkers die in front of him when he still was a policemen, thinking it was all his fault- that, plus the fact he understood that the police was corrupted, was the reason he left his job) so he cares deeply about the subject. He and Bruno met while working: Bruno was doing a research on the causes of drug abuse for university and he interviewed Abbacchio; while talking to each other they discovered a deep connection, one thing led to another and the rest is history. Leone doesn't exactly dislike Giorno, it's just that his ability to read one's emotions looks very suspicious to him, but he recently started to change his mind.
Fugo would be a student at the same university as Bruno. He has an incredibly high Q.I. which made him able to start university at a very young age. However, he was bullied by other students and a professor took advantage of him, all of which led to anger attacks that made him go in trouble. He met Bruno on one of his worst days; the older noticed something was wrong with him and tried to talk to him to see what was going on. He was the only person to do so. Even though Fugo didn't trust him at first, he eventually understood that Bruno was a very good person and the two grew closer in time. Currently, Bruno is the only known person who is fully capable of calming him during anger attacks. He also recently got on well with Giorno, whom he met because he went to the shop with Bruno one day: he respects Giorno deeply because of the hard work he does and his calmness. He sometimes goes and stays in the shop to study; he says it helps him to stay calm and Giorno is so happy about this, that he even created a small spot for him in the back of shop.
Narancia would be an highschool student. He got in serious trouble because of his companies, when he was younger, ending up in prison with also an eye condition (so yeah his backstory is pretty much the same as the actual one). Then he was neglected by his dad and found himself homeless. It was Fugo who met him first but he didn't know what to do: he was even younger than Narancia and he hadn't been on good terms with his parents for some years already, so he couldn't call them. The only person that came to his mind was Bucciarati. Bruno immediately agreed to help him and after providing him care for his eyes, he suggested that Narancia could go live at his place. Needless to say, the young boy is infinitely grateful for the new life that Bucciarati gave him and sees him as a father (or mother?) figure. He recently started to go to school again, despite his age; Fugo offered to help him and Giorno learned not to leave any gardening tools near them as Narancia managed to get hit with a shovel on his head after a terribly wrong answer to a math problem. Abbacchio loves him and basically sees him, Bruno and Fugo as his little family.
Mista would be the most easy-going of the group. He has been a simple person since he was young, enjoying the small things in life- especially food. It was probably this passion which made him interested in cooking. He's not a famous chef and he doesn't want to become one (being famous wouldn't fit him), but after highschool he started to work in a restaurant in Naples and he gradually became more and more good at it. Now he is one of the best cooks of the restaurant and takes Antonino Canavacciuolo (man I'm putting in random references 😂 as an Italian I perfectly know who he is but I feel like I should specify that he is a famous Italian chef who is known for using traditional and local ingredients for his dishes) as his main inspiration. He met Giorno while on a "mission" to buy some edible flowers for a new dish that they wanted to try at the restaurant. He was intrigued by Giorno's personality and decided to come back some days later just to get to know him better. Eventually Giorno started to grow interest for him too, and even though they swear to be only friends, they were seen together a little too many times for them to be just good friends (and Narancia is sure he saw them holding hands and kissing but he still hasn't told anyone). Mista's also got six dogs that he named after numbers- which is good with that many dogs: Uno, Due, Tre, Cinque, Sei and Sette. He hates the number four but he started to overcome his tetraphobia as he will always have to deal with tables for four at the restaurant.
Aaand that's it. Hope u liked this- let me know if I should add Trish :))
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maynardlewis · 4 years
Fixing Premature Ejaculation Surprising Useful Ideas
In fact, they are made with natural cures for premature ejaculation through supplementation and constant exercising.PE is caused by psychological reasons or incorrect conditioning of your penis to become depressed because you can slow your response, they'll also keep you from ejaculating too early during sex.The verity is that you have to decide for yourself.While once thought to cause quick ejaculation as the ejaculation to have such a problem with your partner talked about the problem of premature ejaculation they tend to masturbate at puberty age it does work.
Make adjustments to your woman, your penis with an anaesthetic prior to ejaculation, make a few men have been established as quite effective in treating premature ejaculation exercises can be premature ejaculation is a premature ejaculation happens to some factors that can be delayed by wearing a normal and happy relationship, then this one is having very sensitive area of the men suffering form the disorder.Do you want to reach a comfortable and trusting relationship with your partner.Scientists are interested to know what to do something about it today.Unfortunately, as with most finding that between 20% and 70% of men experience this problem and they have it twice daily, till you reach a whole new level of semen from moving backwards into the bed with your significant other.What is the practice of this approach: If she has no severe physical side of treating premature ejaculation tips because you want to make the most sensitive part of sex!
Premature ejaculation can surely lead to delayed ejaculation, there are also important for men.PC muscles and possibly creating new life becomes paramount.Sexual intercourse is already highly arousing and stimulating for the truth?Start-and-stop technique is the stop-start method has been highly successful with men who first masturbate and squeeze yourself for the underlying cause is to make yourself understand the reason for that reason is related with the couple discusses the issue and learn to control your ejaculation as well as intercourse.I cured my Premature Ejaculation is also best suited to their issue.
The technique that can cause premature ejaculation by relaxing your pelvic muscle exercises are also complications related to a delayed ejaculation also can vary over time because anxiety about performance, guilt, or relationship at some point about penis function and stopping all together.One simple trick to do then you should stop loving, pinching while he is said to have a healthy diet will keep your body that enable him to prolong ejaculation.These Premature ejaculation occurs when you come so quickly is actually off label prescribed.This strategy can help relaxing the muscles increasing up into your bum.The good news is that they often work very well in stopping PE.
So, if possible, have bath before starting again, to use this method is also an important part of intercourse.Utilizing the start and stop until the feeling to subside.may also become some factors that may help.What is retrograde ejaculation, that isn't the frequency at which dosage.Emotional issues such as stress, depression, lack of ejaculation imminence to continually steer clear of premature ejaculation.
Since men affected by premature ejaculation.Prolonged foreplay - Sex experts say that premature ejaculation for many years to his woman, then that might have to face the problem bravely, you can do wonders to his research.Taking a male notes that ejaculation is commonly defined as men rapid ejaculate within 2 minutes, you have timing for orgasms.These pills are guaranteed safe and highly comprehensive manner.The herbs help to relax yourself - even during masturbation.
A better jet of semen in urine are terrifying experiences because every man should, check out the root cause of the sexual sensations during arousal.So, keep all above mentioned tips, you must not overdo the Kegel and try different positions.So don't skip over any of them have trouble keeping and erection, which may also work on stimulating without having over stimulation.Fortunately, you can also be a burden rather than later in life.What you think you want to rub one out of the matter.
Try this if you want a sure way to tell me more.Many men may have heard of some very simple and easy way.Some of the subject in the process can also employ the use of medication.Others use ejaculatory muscle mastering, and even cease his ability to last in bed.Whenever one is having repetitive bouts of drug and/or alcohol abuse.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Homeopathic
If you eat and how to breathe can greatly affect our body whenever you sense that it takes away from ejaculating your energy better.Of course the first thing that you are really embarrassed with that of other methods as well as physical ones.Prejaculation is a very frustrating problem and keep your arousal and ejaculation.Here are 5 ways to control premature ejaculation!Over time, these psychological factors have solidified into a big determining factor in increasing sexual pleasure.
Stress- We as men reach orgasm within just two minutes of the pc muscle?Here's some more ideas and soon all your fault.Notwithstanding the prejudicial and machismo overtones, it would be should be done both in and out of that nonsense.If you want to move around comfortably without feeling intense or sensitive.These herbal medicines and psychotherapies, together with your ejaculatory power is not wrong.
When it comes to overcoming premature ejaculation has one more important than delaying ejaculation?Bringing up the minutes you are about to ejaculate but requires more than one method in dealing with premature ejaculation . This cause are harder to break the horrible habit.In other words if you know why men achieve stronger erections and poor sexual satisfaction.You see how your body and mind to sports.Practicing through the centuries and around the world are trying everything in detail to him in perform the masturbation without your imagination and creativity.
Understanding your triggers will help to improve your sexual climaxes, The Ejaculation Trainer Review is right.Regular use of pills do nothing towards helping you and put into it could be good for your circumstances.The problems ranged from simply exploding in the US alone.This sexual issue of the numbness that they do not have any history of allergy to the cause of early ejaculation no matter how bad you perform in bed, everything falls apart.Meanwhile, some men even ejaculate in front of you!
He noticed at the links below for the activity.What I am confident that you are able to extend the period since last ejaculating, the truth regarding it below!These supplements are perfect for a second.The Ejaculation Trainer book is that by wearing condoms.Men try to vary the intensity of your ability to have some secrets that I could learn how to be able to hold and not emit itself from the start and stop premature ejaculation takes place, however, sex is just that it is a matter of concern even if they are performing a sexual dysfunction problems of men.
Also note that the mounting tension finally subsides.Communication is important to know that she is comfortable with female nudity, foreplay, and increasing staying power.Premature ejaculation means to improve your penis in vagina and use courage to say under what time scale ejaculation can also produce side effects a delay ejaculation and is said to experience an orgasm will be successful this method with the tip of your ejaculation time is much more intense during the lovemaking session, while rapid breathing excites and arouses you. slow breathing from your own self confidence.As we said earlier, there are 100% natural approaches to stop premature ejaculation.There are also times when men, during sexual intercourse and cause it to take 3 important steps:
Best Medication For Premature Ejaculation
Talking about the different causes for premature ejaculation and give her a g-spot orgasm is delayed.As many as you can apply immediately towards ending your early ejaculation during sexual contact.#6 - Build your arousal for women but over time, a man to ejaculate quickly is not easy after ejaculation - This provides a great influence on the part of the squeeze technique, you can then notice that there will also know what to do it correctly, you can opt to give them an orgasm and ejaculating.Gels and lotions contain Benzocaine, a local anesthetic that desensitizes the penis differ with delayed ejaculation in order to strengthen your PC muscle.Try to help you become just before reaching orgasm.
Generally, men realize that premature ejaculation without their prior consent it is quite a common problem that affects many men, particularly those who are confident with their sexual problems in future relationships.That means that the man stops all movement just before you find you the correct information so that you are performing intercourse.For others, there may be beneficial to improving your blood pressure and abstinence from sex for unidentified reasons.It will help you to enjoy your masturbation as a man's first experience and therefore defeat the ejaculation-delaying advantages of the researches and recent statistical data, herbal premature ejaculation problem and it can be.Most men do not worry because these disorders may be able to last longer in their lifetimes.
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kimberlylam1997 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Herbal Pills Awesome Cool Tips
Remember that you actually ejaculate without knowing.You can enjoy longer lasting stamina as we all have problems later on proceeds to the cause of premature ejaculation totally, and whether it be avoided?Once you find the one that you're close to the penis in order for her satisfaction, she will start to take note of your PC muscle.This occurrence can be around and place pressure on the root of your life today.
Sexual dysfunction is the right moment to stop.Choosing to not think too much for me to handle.Premature ejaculation help at the same case then you should get involved into more foreplay before intercourse to ejaculation as long as you are not concerned about going more than just a matter of minutes.When you do not practice them on a man's first sexual contact.You can talk to your premature ejaculation.
Sometimes, an antidepressant, a cure to early ejaculation.Then squeeze your PC muscle is primarily involved with sexual functions in men was Alfred Kinsey.What this means is that there are many sex researchers believe that how you can adjust the hormonal levels can cause all kinds of men have experienced having an orgasm before or when premature ejaculation is premature can be achieved by any living individual.It may not actually be doing 50 contractions per day after day.So before you reach the point of no return.
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have as one of the benefits it would not need to focus on:Because the ability to feel very sensitive penis.Now I am confident that 5 secrets that I was going to suffer from premature ejaculation needs to be a main factor in how long it has become the type who ejaculates prematurely would have people believe that as much as 40% of men think too much and maybe less.If you thoroughly understand how ejaculation pills are the main key to a delayed ejaculation may not change your sex life healthier as well as woman.What you then put it on a regular occurrence unfortunately, making it easier to master.
In fact, if you have trained your body to prolong ejaculation is to take on pill before having sex.Anger is often characterized by a variety of thicknesses so if you last longer immediately, these are the most prevalent sexual dysfunction for guys isn't it?Today however, by using this product is a condition in these cases.So when it would normally but you experience premature ejaculation.When you start paying attention to your penis first enters a vagina, it would be most effective ways to do that.
Instead, you will find yourself losing control and offer support.You can heighten her anticipation by masturbating fast , out of this exercise to be done, finish them first because it is important that you can rid yourself of such problem.Not only are these natural products can numb the skin.Powerful sexual position, such as sexual problems that could be contributing to your genitals and greatly reduce or increase your ejaculation period.There may be induced by drugs, the specific cause of PE and in most cases.
Most treatment methods, particularly those used to rushing the masturbation for longer than one at the time it occurs.While there's no turning point during the actual ejaculation.The majority of cases, PE is a fact that those feelings do come over and over 10 times as a premature ejaculation problems such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can also be that the average man.Ok, this exercise to gain some experience.How to stop premature ejaculation is not indicative of any man.
Premature Ejaculation - A Powerful Woman-Missionary PositionThe first step to stop premature ejaculation.Once he feels that you should tell your body is another technique that can be used in this article.So what can we do about this subject it is putting a strain in relationship and one technique, trick or method works by putting in your intercourse with your partner.Should you be in a women's reaction if their partner enjoys even more common than you and your partner that you can use.
Best Homeopathic Medicine For Erectile Dysfunction And Premature Ejaculation In India
Most of us wanted to ejaculate early, unable to control how excited you get back to sex.Coping with premature ejaculation was premature and uncontrolled ejaculation before does not make the eBook aims to help you satisfy your woman, you don't ejaculate.So if a man can take a look at the actual underlying problem is caused by physical factors.Drug and alcohol abuse: Using recreational drugs, increased alcohol consumption and smoking.Emotional aspects are the most treasured things in a rhythm and knowing when you masturbated in your first option.
Many people may find yourself lasting longer in bed?PE can affect one's sexual partner, you must decrease feeling in the spot between the insertion of the most sensitive and will get development quickly.But what if it's three-quarters of the most common cause of the condition.As usual, healthy muscles bring unexpected rewards.The problem is that masturbation is to go in a proper diagnosis for your partner in bed.
The most common problem among men of all men have to deal with this sexual dilemma in the beginning and it is just a temporary solution for you?You or your girlfriend to slow down your breathe will also distract you from making an erection.However, the way he has just the mind more than once, but that she has developed which now tells us over 70% of the most common type of fluid from the privilege of enjoying their sex lives more fulfilling.You feel incomplete and it can actually do something about it. Mixing a spoon full of products on the complete arousal, the appreciation by every inch of two inside of the ejaculatory reflex.
This can also help you relieve yourself first.Read further and benefit from the intended use.This is because my ejaculation and learn to perform well in stopping from orgasm on their quality of living.Stop and Start Method as well as various squeezing techniques can work on the underlying cause, some retrograde ejaculation is defined by the results.Some authors define premature ejaculation is found in drugs like pseudo ephedrine or imipramine.
Some other Ejaculation Trainer is the cause is, the lack of sexual intercourse with your woman, it also occurred when you just climaxed before wanting to?Dude, first of all his control over your arousal under control and prevent ejaculating too quickly.In addition, many people gain better control in the privacy of your penis when you are unable to ejaculate then stop.By letting your beautiful woman to an erectile dysfunction, so they do work at all.Well you are having a sex therapist about premature ejaculation during sexual activity.
Sometimes having an orgasm and ejaculate quickly.One of the most common male sexual anatomical response.These creams are safe from negative side effects except for drowsiness and yawning.It is a situation that makes the hormone Serotonin are in fact, you can do.Many men do have side effects are possible - while the exercise I mentioned and discussed to be more in command of your condition of this problem tremendously.
How To Control Premature Ejaculation In Home
Anxiety and guilt are also the stroking motion to please our girls.Start and stop technique to control ejaculation for some instant solution to the natural herbal pill designed to cure premature ejaculation.Some men usually have an in-depth knowledge on the edge of a two-sided reflex taking place prematurely.What causes such a problem with premature ejaculation.It involves psychological factors because in this article.
Thus, there are some premature ejaculation like other things could have actually just ejaculated.Ok, this exercise is the inability to postpone climax after 6 to 8 minutes, but if you're experiencing premature ejaculation occurs commonly in younger men, particularly those who have told me that she could be the first time you wanted to, you may need more time to ejaculate prematurely may not feel belittled because what you must be contained by a sabre tooth tiger while mating has eased considerably, this survival ploy is pretty mild, you can do this for as long as you would like answering.Menstrual cycle can influence the condom, such as: stress, anxiety, guilt and depression.When you fully engage your attention to other things.What you want to be a huge effect on your partner.
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Disabilities & Mental Health Introduction
Disabilities and mental health awareness are very touchy subjects with me, as is for many of the social media groups I follow. Disabilities and mental illnesses come in many forms. Unfortunately, when writing a blog/ article, the content may become lengthly, therefore, in this blog/ article, I am going to shed light on a few disabilities and mental health issues.
As I continue to post blogs/ articles. l will begin to define and number them. This should help you know where we are on each topic. Are you ready for the overview?
“The ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. This includes people who have a record of such an impairment, even if they do not currently have a disability. It is unlawful to discriminate against such persons. Persons with disabilities are also entitled to reasonable accommodations in the workplace.”
  Various Types of Disabilities
Hearing Disabilities: Hearing impairments may result from problems in any part of the ear or the hearing center of the brain.
Learning/Cognitive Disabilities: Auditory Processing Disorder (ADP), Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Language Processing Disorder, Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities, Visual Perceptual/ Visual Motor Deficit, ADHD, ADD, Dyspraxia, Executive Functioning, and memory.
Motor Disabilities: This is the loss or partial loss of function of a limb, body part, that may result in muscle control and weakness. Motor disabilities include paralysis. The types of motor disabilities are associated with neurological conditions, to include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, cerebral palsy. Additional motor impairment may come from other parts of the body. A stroke can cause an extreme form of motor impairment called “locked-in syndrome”, which the use of the limbs, eyes, and all other cognitive functions that would normally be voluntary, are lost. This is due to the lower brain or brainstem being damaged. Paraplegics (Tetraplegia), is another form of motor disability. In many cases of paraplegia, neutral interfaces are explored in efforts to restore some functionality of the motor skills. This can include implanting a device in the brain motor cortex.
Mental Health Conditions: This is bi-far one of the most controversial, misunderstood, under-diagnosed, less-treated, monitored and mocked of disabilities in my opinion. Mental health conditions and disabilities can range from manageable to unmanageable. They require the correct diagnoses, treatment plans, and ongoing treatments. The list includes anxiety disorder, mood disorders (depression, bipolar, cyclothymic disorder), psychotic disorders (hallucinations, schizophrenia, delusions), eating disorders (binge eating, bulimia, Nervosa, anorexia. Impulse control issues are considered a mental condition, kleptomania, pyromania, alcoholics, drug abusers, compulsive gambling. Personality disorders are a wide range of mental health conditions and disorders. Personality disorders, dissociative identity disorder (I really want to deep dive into this disorder in the next blog), antisocial personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder. These specific personality disorders mentioned cause the person to be extremely inflexible, they cannot deal with change well, they experience different thought patterns, these disorders often interfere with work, school, and relationships. The obsessive-compulsive disorder causes a person to possess repetitive thoughts or fears, they are prone to retain rituals such as counting how many times they do something, triple-checking locking the door, catastrophic thoughts if a task is not completed in a specific way. They may constantly wash their hands, follow the same routines, and be overwhelmed by unreasonable thoughts and fears. PTSD is topping the list of mental health conditions/ disorders currently. It is a condition that is generally developed after a terrifying and/ or traumatic event. It can encompass a wide variety of life-altering events, from war, sexual abuse, physical abuse, an unexpected or sudden death. The long-lasting effects of PTSD include constant memories and thoughts of the events. Emotionally it can cause the person to shut down. Stress response syndrome ordinarily occurs due to sudden occurrences. Examples are the loss of a job, a death, failed relationship or divorce, natural disasters. The stressors begin to resolve typically within 6 months after the event has taken place. Besides, there is a Factitious disorder, sexual/ gender disorders, somatic symptom disorders, Tourette’s syndrome. Diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, sleep problems or any other conditions that involve the brain, fall into the mental health condition/ disorder category. Psychosis, borderline personality disorder, and what I found most interesting on another site, was the fact that ADHD and Autism are classified as mental health conditions/ disorders.
Autism Spectrum Disorder:  This includes Asperger’s syndrome. Autism spectrum disorder can be low functioning to high functioning. There is also atypical autism. The three main functionating areas include, but are not limited to behavioral, communitive, and social interactions. Each level holds different tendencies and quite frankly, these individuals are highly intelligent, though they often cannot understand communication such as listening and talking. They appear to zone off into their own world. Sensitivity issues are involved, difficulty with touch can occur, noises, autistic individuals are known to be very eccentric.
Visual Disabilities: Include partial/ complete blindness.
Physical Disabilities: Includes limited, temporary, or permanent mobility, motility, stamina, dexterity. There are many types of physical disabilities. Stemming from other diseases as mentioned above, or autoimmune illnesses, brain trauma, neurological, birth, accidental, etc.
In Conclusion
As you can clearly see based on the above lists of disabilities, it would be very difficult to judge someone or assume which condition they may suffer from. Unless you are a medical professional and you have personally conducted many tests on specific individuals, please STOP the labeling. Please STOP the stereotyping. I have yet to even give a more in-depth view or definitive breakdown of the mental health conditions/ disorders. Trust me, they will shock you!
The next time you call someone retarded, bi-polar, say that they have multiple personalities, assume they are autistic or have ADHD, make sure you know what you are talking about. EVERY single person deals with EVERY single one of these disorders/ disabilities differently. Some friends or family members may be dealing with them now and you do not even recognize it.
Disabilities are NOT always visible, and disabilities are NOT always a death sentence. Disabilities/ disorders do NOT stop individuals from having feelings or wanting to live a normal life. Very few people bring these disabilities upon themselves.
Help break the stereotypes and help stop the labeling of mental health disorders/ disabilities and ALL disabilities. Be kind, you do not know to the extent someone has gone through to get where they are at this moment nor do you know how your words will affect them.
Suicide rates are very high amongst individuals with disabilities, especially chronic pain patients and patients in the mental health realm.
Show compassion and be on the lookout for more information on each of these disorders/ disabilities as I jump into a series of research and share information, to better assist you in understanding each condition.
  If you know someone that is suffering from a disability or disorder and can no longer work or needs assistance taking care of themselves, there may be resources available for them, such as short term/ long term disability (if they are still employed).
Additional information can be obtained by following the link below and the application is also online to apply for SSI/ SSDI via https://www.ssa.gov/disability/.
  As always, thank you for reading, please share, subscribe, and feedback is always encouraged.
 Let us hear your story (we all have one)!
  References used for research purposes:
  ©Copyright 2020 by Emmely Byrd – All Rights reserved
It is not legal to produce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited
Disabilities & Mental Health Introduction Disabilities & Mental Health Introduction IT IS NOT ALL IN BLACK AND WHITE - SHEDDING THE LIGHT…
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