#and dustin is a demon who totally got thrown out for questioning authority
drunktuesdays · 1 year
"#me about s2 of good omens" biggest it's like we're sharing the same heart moment of my life bc i wouldn't say i necessarily ENJOYED it but i sure did consume it! anyway between dustin and jim, who is the angel in love with the demon and who is the demon in love with the angel
i watched all of good omens in a fugue state yesterday, just one after another until i surfaced, blinking, horny and confused. hand to god i could not have explained the plot of this season if you paid me but yes i was incredibly aroused by the ending and will be visiting good omens dot ao3 dot org slash sort by bookmarks slash published summer 2023.
i feel like this season was one of those things where when you're writing a fic and you know you have a KILLER will-they-or-won't-they plot but you try to give your characters something to do in between thinking about kissing but you really don't care THAT much about what they're doing. so instead you invent a jon hamm to hang the whole plot on. no regrets, no notes. i really did not follow a lot of it but i'm RAGINGLY horny about the end, and who needs anything else?
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