#and elain not being a shy meek little thing is also something I stan
hellas-himself · 6 years
Where There Are Shadows pt 32
so. two things. 
I am absolute Elriel trash. But I am also here for Elucien, but since this is Feyrhycien, we’re going with Elriel. 
I’m on and off with Nessian. I eat it up when I read fics on here, but when I read the books I remember how she treats everyone and it irks my soul. But I love her in my own way. 
So with that being said, happy hump day. 
 Elain was a giggling mess as I buttoned up the back of her dress. It was perhaps as Night Court as I would ever see my sister. It was similar to the dress I’d worn the night Rhys and I had invited Lucien to dinner at the House all those months ago, except hers was not backless and wherever there was skin exposed, she’d had it altered to at least a sheer panel of fabric which somehow made it that more alluring.
“You might just give Azriel a heart attack,” I said when I finished and we stared at her reflection in the mirror.
“If he didn’t pass out yesterday, I think he’ll be fine,” she said as she began to fret over her hair. “You’d think they’d announce themselves when they arrive.”
I snorted. Elain and I had been up on the patio sunbathing yesterday morning and when I realized all three males had finally come back from the Steppes, we’d run inside in our towels. Rhys could not have been happier, but Az…
“I can’t believe you walked right up to him and said hello before disappearing into your room.”
“It’s not like he was going to!”
I helped her pin some of her hair back.
“Elain Archeron, where is your modesty!”
She laughed.
“I must have lost it outside in the garden.”
“Maybe Az found it and has it in his pocket.”
“I’ll have to ask him for it, then.”
Gods, this ease in which Elain and I could talk to one another… We had never had this. I hated that Nesta was missing out on it. On seeing Elain break free of her shell and doing things solely because they made her happy, not because they were expected of her. And my goal was to give Elain a night she would never forget.  
All eyes were on Elain when we made it downstairs, Cassian whistling as she walked by. Amren was quick to come admire the gold bracelet inlaid with pink stones while Rhys showered us both with compliments. Varian raised his glass at her from where he sat.
When we sat down, Cassian was kind enough to bring us some wine.
“Shame Az isn’t here for dinner,” Cas said with a sigh, making Rhys roll his eyes.
“Feyre and I are going out today,” Elain declared. I noticed that she searched the room but did not find who she was looking for. If she was disappointed she didn’t say anything.
“You’re all dressed up like that and you’re not even having dinner with us?” Cassian asked, genuinely surprised. Elain blushed.
“No,” I said. Cassian looked disappointed.
“But you and Rhys could walk us to where we’re going,” Elain kindly offered to which Cassian happily accepted. 
“Have you ever been here before?” Rhys asked, looking at Elain as she shook her head.
Cas had his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.
“I’ve never been here before either,” he whispered.
“Mor suggested it,” I replied and he sighed.
“That explains it.”
I poked his side as we approached the two fae standing before a set of double doors. Arm in arm, Rhys led Elain inside, Cas and I following. The owner of the venue greeted us personally before guiding us upstairs to the private area I had requested.
“Feyre!” Elain exclaimed, letting go of Rhys to pull me away from Cas. She led me to a painting that hung on the wall.
“So that’s where Mor put it,” I muttered, feeling my face get warm. It was a painting of Velaris from my point of view up at the House of Wind.  
“It is an honor to have your work here, my Lady,” the owner said.
“Thank you,” was all I could manage to say. Elain laughed at me for it.
Rhysand went to speak with the owner and soon, we were left to our own devices. We walked its gilded halls hand in hand, admiring the paintings and the chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. We’d had this once, even if I did not remember much of it. But what little good I’d had as a child, Elain was there.
“What are you smiling about?” she asked as I held out my hand to continue on.
“I like seeing you happy.”
The sound of music grew louder the closer we got to the doors at the end of the hall.
“It sounds like a ball,” Elain mused, her eyes sparkling with delight.
Cassian and Rhys did us the honors of opening the doors for us.
And it was better than I had imagined.
Standing beneath a canopy of flowers and fae light was Azriel, who looked as if he had just finished decorating the room. My sister gasped, eyes wide. There were two long tables covered in trays of food, and a table solely for drinks. The quartet played from the dais on the far end of the room which was as large as a ball room. It was just as grand as the rest of the building, boasting a large chandelier and floor to ceiling windows that gave us a beautiful view of Velaris.
“Feyre… What did you do?”
“I may have let slip that tonight was very important.”
Her eyes widened.
“Just go to him,” I whispered, giving her a gentle nudge. As she made her way over, a smile blossomed on Azriel’s face that was so devastatingly beautiful I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to capture it perfectly.
“What is all this?” she asked Azriel, bringing her hands to his chest as she admired the detail on his waist coat. He took her hands in his and kissed them.  
“Happy birthday,” he said softly.
Her laughter was melodious.  
“Azriel… It’s beautiful.”
Whatever he said to her was lost on me as everyone walked in, complimenting the room and how both Elain and Azriel were dressed.
“Am I the only one who didn’t know about this?”
Cassian wrapped an arm around me.
“Elain didn’t know.”
“I resent that.”
I leaned into him.
“You’ll forgive me.”
I nodded, watching Elain admire the flowers with Az. Mor looked in awe of the room and was chatting away with Amren while Varian approached them with drinks. Guests from all over arrived, those who had come to know Elain and wanted to share this night with us.
“I’ll be right back,” I said to Cas. “Rhys is looking a little lonely.”
Cassian laughed as I walked off to where Rhysand was standing, taking everything in.
“You pulled it off,” he said with a smile.
“With a lot of help.”
“You look exquisite, Feyre.”
I blushed. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
His laughter warmed my heart. The way he looked at me never ceased to give me butterflies, to make me feel altogether vulnerable and safe. 
Elain danced with nearly everyone, even Rhysand. Those two did nothing but laugh the entire time, especially when they saw me watching. When Azriel swept her off her feet, quite literally, we all tried to pretend we weren’t watching them dance. But I had the feeling they saw no one else but each other.
As the party began to wind down, we found Cassian handing Elain a small glass. She eyed him with a determination that reminded me of Nesta, of me. And she drank the whole thing and held the glass out for more.
And so began their game.
They tried racing one another back to the townhouse, but that ended with Cassian slipping and Elain stopping to laugh at him. Cassian goaded the rest of us into his little game, until we were all drunk. When Elain beat Cas in finishing her drink, we all applauded. Az was watching her with a little smile on his face, not as drunk as the rest of us, but enough to not care that we saw him smiling as he looked at her.
When the time came for presents, she thanked us all individually as we passed them to her. A pair of earrings from Rhys, a set of gardening tools from Cas. Amren and Varian had given her flowers from the Summer Court to be sent to the greenhouse, which left her beaming.
The room went still as Elain opened Azriel’s gift.
“Azriel, this is too much.” She held up the little gold necklace by the blue stone that hung from it. Her eyes met his and then she was smiling as she rose to her feet. “Put it on for me.”
Azriel went to stand behind her, and the way his fingers brushed across her skin reminded me of how Rhys used to be with me, in the beginning. I wasn’t sure why I remembered the first time he’d helped me into fighting leathers but when I looked at Rhys, he was grinning like the insufferable prick that he was. I rolled my eyes, before looking away to find the Elain hugging Az, leaving him blushing.
And then came my gift.
“Just once, Elain. If you hate it, I’ll give you the back up present.”
“A back up present?” she asked, lifting the little top I’d had made for her. It was like every other Night Court outfit Rhys had ever given me, but hers was a deep blue, almost black. Little silver beads hung from the hem of the top. The pants had a silver chain that hung loose on the hips, both pant legs made of the sheer fabric I’d come to cherish in this summer heat. With a giggle, she took Cassian’s drink from his hand and finished it, excusing herself from the room.
When she walked back, I think we all held our breath. These clothes, they were made for a figure like hers. She was blushing as she went to sit between Cassian and Mor again. She’d never shown this much skin before, but I suppose after our little incident yesterday, this was nothing.
And then, Mor passed her a little pink bag, a bag I knew far too well thanks to Rhysand and Lucien. My sister peeked inside and turned red in the face.  
“I think I sent Az the matching set when we got here, but honestly, any of these three might have it on their dresser,” Mor said with a hiccup, pointing to Cassian and Rhys. “Whoever has it, make sure it makes its way to Azriel.”
But Az didn’t even seem bothered, even as we all laughed. If anything, there was a light in his eyes that I had never seen before.
“Az,” Elain said as she held up the scraps of lace long enough that I knew he was able to discern what they were, before she returned them to their bag. “I think I dropped my modesty outside in the garden. Feyre said you may have found it.”
The room went quiet as their eyes met and if this was how Rhys and I made everyone else feel, I almost felt bad.
“You left it on the desk in my office. I’d been waiting for you to come back so that I might return it,” he said so seriously that we all stared at him until he and Elain burst into laughter.
By the end of the night, Az was passed out on the sofa, Elain curled up beside him. Mor was snoring and Rhys was stuck beneath his cousin who had rested her head on his lap.
“I have to do one more thing, then I’ll come save you,” I whispered to him. He smiled, waving me off. He alone had helped me with this last part of the night. But he had felt his brother would not have accepted it from anyone else.
I had expected to find Cassian passed out on the bed, but he was wide awake, eyeing me from where he stood, tying up his hair.
“You finally get the room to yourself,” I said softly. He chuckled.
“He’ll wake up and come push me off.”
I walked in the room and made my way towards him. I knew I looked suspicious, especially with my hands behind my back.
“I doubt it.”
He raised a brow. “What are you up to?”
“Well, I discovered something I felt that the Lord Commander needed to know.”
His sudden seriousness nearly made me laugh.
“I need you to know, Cassian, that you are by far one of the greatest friends I’ve ever had. And I need you to know that I love you.”
I held out the little box to him. He looked too stunned for words.
“I can’t go back in time and grace your life with my presence every year,” I said, which finally made him laugh. “But I’m here now. And no one gets away with hiding their birthday from me. Ever.”
“I know it was a few days ago, but I hadn’t found anything that screamed your name at me.”
“It’s usually a female doing that,” he said as he took the box from my hand.
“Now you know why I never visit your house.”
We both laughed. He undid the ribbon and set the lid aside.
“What’s this?”
“I’m not sure if it fits, but we can fix that if it doesn’t.”
He held up the gold band, the obsidian stone glimmering in the fae light. It was simple, but there was something about it that told me he needed to have it.
“No one’s ever given me anything like this.” His voice was nearly a whisper. Was he going to cry?
“Try it on.”
He let me slide the ring on his finger. It fit perfectly.
“Thank you, Feyre. I don’t really know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I just want you to know that it matters. That you matter. That every year that we get to have you in our lives, is something worth celebrating.”
I wasn’t expecting to see tears in his eyes. But there they were. I pulled him into a hug which made him laugh.
“I love you, Feyre.”
“I know,” I said with a laugh. “I love you, too.”
“I forgive you, by the way.”
I giggled. “Told you.”
By the time I went downstairs to get Rhys, he was already asleep. He didn’t stir until I’d managed to move Mor to the other side.
His eyes fell on me, red and glassy.
“There you are,” he said. “My salvation.”
Rhys got to his feet and chuckled when he almost lost his footing. Once he was ready to walk, I led him up the stairs, but he missed a step and pulled me down with him. We tried not to laugh, but then when I tried to stand up, Rhys pulled me to his lap. His kiss was greedy, and his wandering hands were going to get us in trouble.
“Rhys,” I whispered. “We can’t have sex on the stairs.”
“Why?” he asked as he kissed my neck.
“Everyone is here.” He stopped, and I felt this sudden panic down the bond.
“Not everyone,” he said quietly, looking at me with such sadness, I would have winnowed us right to the Day Court if I knew we’d make it there in one piece. “Lucien isn’t here.”
I kissed Rhysand with as much fervor as he’d kissed me.
“Lucien wouldn’t fuck you on the stairs in front of everyone. He’d wait till everyone was in their room.”
“He would,” Rhys said with a big smile as I pulled him to his feet.
“When he comes back home, we’ll have plenty of new stairwells you two can make use of. For now, we have the bed. Now walk.”
Being hungover was never enjoyable. It was even less so, walking into a small bar in the early hours of morning, wishing that I hadn’t made this arrangement. But I’d already walked out here and I had to get it over with.
Nesta was sitting in the back, as she always did. She looked as bad as I felt. And yet, her eyes still held nothing but resentment when she saw me approach. I knew I probably still had Rhys’ scent all over me, but Lucien’s too, as I was wearing his shirt that I’d found at the bottom of the drawer. And when she sniffed at me when I neared the table, I almost saw red. I would never judge her for the males I knew left her apartment, the one I could scent on her now. It was none of my business, as long as no one hurt her, just like who I slept with was none of her business. Even if her gaze told me exactly what she thought of that.
“I was beginning to think you’d make me walk to your house.”
I sat down, reaching into my pocket to hand her the folded note for the rent. There might have been surprise in her eyes as she took it.
“For this, you could have sent it with the courier.”
“For what? So you could send it back without even bothering to read it?”
I saw the anger in her eyes but I was too tired to let it unsettle me. I was hungry. And I wanted to go back home to be there when Elain woke up to find herself in Azriel’s arms on the sofa beneath the blanket Cassian had so kindly draped over them.
“I don’t see how that was any of your concern.”
“You missed her birthday.”
“I had no reason to be there.”
“You could have gone to the townhouse to see her.” I knew my voice was harsher than I had meant it to be. “You could have written a note. She misses you, Nesta.”
“Your little party was all anyone talked about last night, I’m sure that her evening was perfect without me.”
“You could not be more wrong.”
She glared at me for a time.
“Are we done?”
“No,” I said. “The house is almost finished. We’re inviting everyone over once we’re settled in. I want you to be there.”
“Because you’re my sister. What other reason do I need to want you around?”
She rose to her feet. She was wearing someone else’s shirt and a pair of pants that might have been mine once but it was stained with wine and Mother knew what else.
“Forgive me for not wanting to be subject to the judgement of your family.”
“You are my family, Nesta.”
“Yes. The way mother was.”
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