#and eteocles as a scab or mole rather than the murderer??
writeitbadly · 2 years
Aug 19: Know Your Limitations
Use a random number generator to select one thing from each list. Then write a 2-minute monologue (~200-250 words) incorporating each of the three elements. (See below readmore)
Here lies my brother, workhorse of the industrial world, Polynices of Cleveland.
Sorry bro, but I gotta joke or I’ll lose it, and I can’t exactly afford to lose it out here with only you for company. These arms and lungs are all I’ve got to row myself back to civilization after we’ve parted ways.
And is it really even a joke? I’d stand up right now and shout it to the sky if I wasn’t worried someone would stop me, prevent this makeshift — illegal — burial at sea.
I know, I know, it’s not the sea, but the river leads to the lake and that’s the best I can do. Is it what you’d have chosen? I had to guess. Would you have preferred a windy mountain burial, to feel the breeze in your hair eternal? Or cremation to soar among the skies forever? Regardless, I think this is all I can manage on my own.
And now I wonder – would you blame Eteocles? Or even Ismene? I don’t think I do. I want to, but I don’t. We’re all just clawing by in a world that’s trying to chew us up and spit us out. And it got you. And they’re terrified to be next.
But I’m not, brother. I’ll finish what you started, and the union will pass. For all of us.
Windy Mountain – Lonesome Pine Fiddlers
Cleveland, Ohio
Buttered Popcorn, US: “Corn – the workhorse of the industrial world – is best when its sweet variety is fried up with lashings of butter till it bursts and then snarfed in greasy fistfuls while watching Netflix late at night.“
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