#and even now they're supporting and protecting laudna and telling her what she needs to hear and remember right now
svartalfhild · 2 years
The fact that there is a SEVERE lack of Ashton x Laudna headcanons/support after this recent episode PAINS ME.
Come on!
The emotionally charged insistence to be willing to do ANYTHING to bring her back?
The clear reluctance of leaving her when others called for help?
The continual quietly bringing up seeking out the person who already “owns” him because of their debt because he’s perfectly happy to get even deeper if it means they can see Laudna as a living and happy person again?
I could go on, but there is SO MUCH breadcrumbs Talisen is feeding the critters that is going ignored!
It doesn’t help that last night Ihad a dream that Ashton is finally confessing to Laudna of their feelings and it’s so painfully sweet and romantic and heartfelt, only she gets a little distracted because she somehow can turn invisible now and she’s super excited about it, and while Ashton is jokingly wondering to himself why they are in love with this goofball, she surprises him with a little kiss on the lips and wanders off giggling to show everyone else her new trick, while Ashton is hilariously rooted to the spot staring after her, his lips curiously dyed a similar dark inky color to Laudna’s magic goop 😅
I feel you, Anon. I think a lot of people are too focused on Laudna's bond with Imogen to consider Ashton, who so obviously cares deeply about Laudna in ways he doesn't about any of the other Bells Hells, even FCG, whom he's known the longest. He goes out of his way to look out for her. He pays attention to her. He always notices when she's having a hard time and tries to help her. He tells her he likes her, all of her, and has made that clear repeatedly since day one.
All of that is remarkable enough, considering Ashton's attitudes towards attachment and most other people generally, but their reaction to Laudna's death is truly significant and revealing. This crotchety, abrasive punk, who went through so much to get free of Hexum, said they would be happy to be immediately plunged back into debt if it would save Laudna's life, without a moment's hesitation. They are desperate not to lose her. "We will fucking fix this." You could not have a clearer indication that Laudna means the world to them. God the "tell Hexum I will doing anything" fucking broke me.
I'm also kind of obsessed with how Ashton's behaviour runs parallel to Imogen's. Imogen is the recognized Closest Person To Laudna™, but so much of Ashton's behaviour shows he's just as devastated as her, though he processes it differently. I think the best moment that illustrates that is when he wants to put her in the hole to protect her body and Imogen snaps at him to carry her. He's thinking of the most practical way to keep Laudna's body from harm, because the more quickly and efficiently he can handle everything, then the faster Laudna can be saved, but Imogen's thinking of it as undignified, Laudna's body deserving more than to be thrown in a hole. And then Ashton sees Imogen's point immediately and carries Laudna without argument, because they both want Laudna to have everything she is due. And neither of them wanna leave her. And oh man the bit where Ashton asked Imogen to trust them, like they're asking her if she trusts that they'll do anything for Laudna and never do anything to intentionally hurt or disrespect her.
I super need to see Ashton contribute to Laudna getting resurrected, because I very much want to hear what he'd have to say to her to coax her soul back to her body.
Anyway! Thank you for popping in, Anon. That's a lovely dream and I severely hope we get to see some cute moments with them in the future.
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