#and everyone at the bar just gawks as they do it with competitive precision
thatmexisaurusrex · 3 years
heyy ☺️ i would love to see #31 for the sambucky fluff diary 💕 thank you
Thank you so much for the prompt, Anon! #31 is such a wide-reaching prompt that I think I'm going to make this a Five-Parter since I'm sure Sam and Bucky have gone on a lot of beautiful dates, and it wouldn't give the dates they're recreating justice if I just speed past them in one drabble. So rejoice! You've gotten five drabbles for the price of one prompt request! 🥰 I hope you enjoy them all! 🥰
Date 18 of 28: Recreate Their Best Previous Dates Part 1 of 5 - Ax-Throwing Bar
| - 17 - | - Prompt - | - 19 - |
"Our greatest hits?" said Sam, raising an eyebrow, still not sure why he was dressed like a lumberjack, why he agreed to dress like a lumberjack (Sam was pretty sure kissing was involved), why dressing like a lumberjack felt oddly familiar.
"Hell yeah, our greatest hits. I've planned five of these nostalgic dates," said Bucky, tossing a motorcycle helmet to Sam, "And for this first one I mean literally. Because we're going to the ax-throwing bar."
Sam grinned.
"Oh, right. We did that after the Trampoline Park, didn't we?" said Sam, remembering how he was going to set everything up for that, but Bucky, the asshole, beat him to the punch and surprised Sam with the date at the ax-throwing bar.
Bucky had reserved two hours for him and Sam to throw axes in one of the ten throwing pits at Stumpy's Hatchet House. Bucky had somehow convinced Sam to dress as a lumberjack that night too (with the same distraction tactics) and brought Sam all the way into town the same way.
"You know, this would be faster if you just picked me up and carried me there," said Sam, putting the helmet on, getting on behind Bucky, holding his waist tightly, "You're faster than most cars."
"I do not want to run in traffic Sam. Do you know what the news would say?" said Bucky, "Besides, taking your wings would be faster, but again, the media would probably ruin the fun of that and possibly some air traffic laws."
"All very good points. I concede," said Sam, and it wasn't as if Sam didn't love holding onto Bucky, "What are you waiting for? Let's ride."
Sam always loved this. The wind; the speed; the edge of danger; the way Sam could hold onto Bucky this tightly, this closely, in public and no one would say anything about it. It also helped that this was something Bucky truly enjoyed.
Bucky just liked motorcycles. Sam knew nothing about motorcycles, but he knew the one Bucky got was vintage, one he had to half-rebuild, got specific parts for and everything, was so excited when he made the announcement that he finally finished it, his excitement thrumming as Sam went with Bucky on his first ride on the bike.
Bucky loved it.
And Sam loved Bucky.
So, Sam loved the bike as well.
Lost in the feeling of just being with Bucky, snuggling up close to him, Sam hadn't even realized they were at Stumpy's before Bucky said, "Sam?" probably for the eighth, warm and low and knowing exactly how Sam felt, Sam was sure.
"Sorry," said Sam, not letting go of Bucky.
Bucky let this go on for another five minutes before he said, "We could go in hugging like this. You could throw your axes from behind me. Do the - Poltergeist thing?"
Sam cackled.
"Ghost," said Sam through tears, "Poltergeist is a very different film."
"Okay. So, we'll have to do a double feature at some point, got it," said Bucky, the both of them getting off the bike as Sam reluctantly let go of Bucky.
There was only so much weird Sam could put out into the world, and he wasn't sure if people were prepared for Sam Wilson, aka Captain America, just clinging onto his boyfriend from behind for two hours in public. Plus, he did actually want to throw some of those axes.
They signed in and headed straight to the bar first, like they did last time, convincing the bartender again to make them Lumberjack cocktails, Sam smiling at the taste of whiskey, lemon, and maple as they both headed towards their lane - Lane Five.
"You think we're going to beat our record?" mused Bucky, starting with the first hatched - bullseye!
The last time Sam and Bucky had been to the bar, they'd beat every single record the bar had for ax-throwing. Bucky and Sam were world-class marksmen, after all. And neither of them had missed a bullseye yet.
"Come on? You think we won't?" asked Sam, throwing another hatched and - bullseye!
"Thank you for suggesting this as a date idea in the first place," said Bucky, giving Sam a sweet peck on the lips before throwing and - bullseye!
"No, thank you for making it happen," said Sam, grinning at Bucky a little dopey, tossing and - bullseye!
Sam already could feel the eyes on them both, the lack of throwing from the other lanes. Sam didn't pay it any mind. Tonight was just about him, his man, and them beating their own series of records from the last time they were there.
This was going to be a fun night.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Want to choose a date for Sam and Bucky to go on during this special February Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary event? Check out the prompts here and send me an ask! I’ll write you a drabble as one of my Daily SamBucky Fluff Diaries!
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absoluteindulgence · 4 years
HC: Hot Girl Summer with the Boys
A/N: Hey y’all, I’m back... Let’s party. This is a magical world where the Rona has not taken over the world and summertime was filled with nothing but fun and bad choices ✌🏿. Sorry that it’s long, I had a lot of thoughts lmao. I hope you guys like this~ Characters are aged up⬆🆙
☀ 🌞Mirio🌞☀
Staying home reading a book... just fucking kidding
Mirio couldn't keep his ass still even if you told him to
This man is taking you all over the world, every amusement park to every ride.
Ever looked fear in the face? Well, being in front of every rollercoaster multiple times means you have.
His true daredevil nature comes out as you both try to see who will last longer going down the roller coaster
You've wanted to throw in the towel many times, but persevered, beating Mirio by a landslide. 
Due to all the crowded lines and the fact that you're heroes, everyone lets you skip. You try being modest, but it doesn't work as the other patrons say, "Not only are you my favorite heroes but my favorite couple. You deserve to have fun!"
The willingness of everyone approving of your vacation time is gratifying, to say the least.
After spending time doing all the extreme rides, You guys enjoy all the other stalls.
Ironic enough, Mirio comes across the win-a-prize games and swears to get you one.
You try to tell him not to worry, but that fires him up more. I guess in his blonde brain, he thinks you don't want one, so he wants to prove your cute ass wrong.
And oh boy, did he.
He had accurate precision: Throwing the ball in the cup, throwing the hoop onto the bottle, shooting the paper plate off entirely.
Mirio the Assassin confirmed
After managing to win 4 STUFFED ANIMALS, 3 are for you while 1 goes to Eri.
The feels right in the kokoro~
With enough wins under his belt, Mirio treats you to bubble tea and taiyaki. With no shame, you stuff your face happy to finally enjoy food that won't come up.
"Wow, this taiyaki sure is great! But nothing is as sweet as you, baby."
This goofball can't even let you enjoy your food in silence. But his honest smile compliments the moment as your flushed cheeks puff from drinking your favorite thirst quencher.
The day ends with you walking around the amusement park, arms full of toys, and finding a unique spot to watch the marvel of the sunset.
As you hold hands, a glance is shared as you two share a passionate kiss.
You guys are spending a lot of time reading manga and going to cafes.
Shouto lives to see you get dressed up as you let your hair flow in the wind (no matter how long or short, he knows you like the cool air on your scalp. The smile that spreads across your face is contagious as he stares at you with a similar grin)
Your beauty leaves all the other pedestrians gawking as Shouto, nonchalant but proud holds your hand.
Some fans come up to take selfies with you guys and damn do the photos look good. 
Going to various cafes through Japan has been a bucket list that you've shared since your first date. Rating each and creating a rating system. When all other plans fail, the top-rated are the ones you'll go back to.
The day is mellow, leaving you to stay inside because you feel like it. Cuddling with Shouto has proved to be an all-time favorite.
His light snores turn into light conversations. He has a hard time opening his eyes since he feels secure in having you by his side.
When you finally wake up, you cook together, his fave ofc, Cold-ass Soba. (One time you pranked him by boiling the noodles in strawberry milk, and he retaliated by putting pepper in your tea. On that day, you learned not to come between a man and his soba)
When yearning for a little excitement, you drag Shouto to a karaoke bar
He tries not to get too involved, but then you play one of his favorite angsty songs, and he's singing like one of the greats
You can't tell me that Shouto wouldn't vibe to Linkin Park, 3 Days Grace or The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (Especially when he hated Endeavor to his core)
Shouto would give an excellent performance to Breaking The Habit, Home, and Face Down. I FEEL IT IN MY SPIRIT!!!
The only way you feel like you'll win…. Is if you rap Monster (Nicki's Verse ofc) or sing My Heart Will Go On lmao
Shouto thinks you're cheating tho because those are your trump cards when all else fails lmaooo
After the scream-singing match is done, you guys go home and drink a bunch of tea, hoping your voices aren't gone by the morning
If you're going to an amusement park, y'all going straight to the "horror" houses.
You guys usually go in to laugh at the horrible attempts to make you scared. Until there's that one jump scare that makes your heart leap out your chest.
You're breathless with the mocking laugh caught in your throat as you grip close to Katsuki's side.
This fiery bastard laugh gets even louder seeing you cower in embarrassment. Once he's done making fun of you, he kisses your forehead.
"About damn time, you move in close."
Now say you're not at an amusement park? You guys are going to the spa.
Not because you're tense but because it's always funny seeing Katsuki tense up when they try to butter him with complimentary things (thanks to being top heroes).
He hates going to public spaces and getting stuff for free. He wants to pay for the experience so that no one can say he takes advantage of his status.
Although it creates funny scenarios, you respect how committed he is.
His reasoning is that he's a citizen paying another citizen for their service.
Granted, if the service is excellent, the worker is guaranteed a tip (depending on the country since he likes to follow customs).
The funniest thing is him coming from Massage therapy, he's a big ol’ softie.
The cuddles are intense, and his face never changes from the color pink, and his smile is curved too high.
Onlookers seeing him smile are terrified, and yet you are smushing his face between your hands kissing him all over.
"You look so relaxed, Boomer, let's take a bath together~."
Coming back to his senses, he'll grit his teeth a little and retort, "I'm not a damn Boomer!"
He's not mad that you called him that he's just mad you said it in public LMFAO
You guys are spending most of your time at the beach, soaking in the sun and enjoying his thick ass hands rubbing sunscreen all over your body
Don't let him see you enjoying it, he might have to pull you away from the public and give you that good ole sea cucumber
But when he can't get your sweetness right away, he'll have to push his energy into something else
And ofc, Kiri has an active personality, and when you mix that with demolishing opponents while playing volleyball, you too get into your competitive mode.
Anyone playing against you guys will catch HELL. Some cried from the impact of the ball, hitting them. Some deserving for the shit-talking...
Others getting sincere apologies and an autograph or picture lmao
Everyone on the beach knows you two as the power couple, and you win the nicknames, Otters of the Sand.
After kicking so much ass, you guys enter an eating contest as a team. Everyone's surprised to see how many bowls you've cleared. The appetite is already built up, so you guys are willing to stuff your faces until you're waddling back to the hotel.
And with the stamina you've gained at UA, you made it happen. In Second place to Kiri. He basks in his crown, winning first place, and you guys happily waddle back to your hotel room, taking a shower together then cuddling.
Imagine you guys decide to stay lax the whole summer, video, and card games are the vibe.
You try hard to kick his ass in Smash and end up losing... No matter who you main. You even try random (3 times) and still lose.
"Wow, Babe, you're doing well for a sore loser. You almost got a 3 stock victory!"
His laugh ticks you off even though he's just teasing you, and you wanna switch the game. Even in the back of your head, you deem it pointless, but he still obliges you.
No tlk angy frm l0sng😡💢
When you've played your last game, you accept your defeat only to tickle him into submission.
He apologizes and wraps you into a bear hug smothering you in kisses.
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