#and ffxivwrite 2022 Break a Leg prompt
winterdeepelegy · 2 years
Slipping the Snare
Part 1: FFXivwrite2021 Debonair Part 2: FFXivwrite2022 Break a Leg
The manor was silent now. All the guests had left, though not all was in order. There had been a murmuring among them of a horrible scene of sprayed blood in one of the halls, a thick trail of it as though a body - or rather two bodies - had been dragged, and then there was the fountain in the garden below the balcony which hadn't been running red before the performance.
Ciel was one of the last to leave, on account of waiting for her would-be partner. She sat at a now unattended bar and sipped from a flute of champagne, still chilled from the bottle sitting in a bucket of ice crystals. Platinum hair shifted with a susurration upon hearing the approach of remarkably calm footsteps. "There you are," she looked to Glace with dismay, "Was that necessary?" In return, the Duskwight grunted a terse "What?" Green eyes rolled upward. Not so much as an 'are you alright?' from the man or 'I'm glad you're unharmed'. Typical, she thought. "All the blood. I thought the objective was to detain them," she reminded him with a voice and poise still placid as she arose from the bar stool, the glass being placed back with its companions. "Seems you misunderstood," he shrugged. "The objective was to find them, yeah, and bring them to justice. If you'll recall, Plum, there was no conversation between us as to what shape that justice would take. You assumed that meant capturing them."
"And yet there was one confirmed body." She had long since kicked off the heeled shoes from her feet and padded lightly toward him on now bare soles, across the shallow, foreign-woven rug on the floor. "What of Artoire Boniface?" "Oh, he's gone." "Gone, in what way?" "Slipped away from me, I'm afraid, but it's fine." There was half of a smug grin on his face then, and this with his statement that their main target had gotten away from him finally caused the songstress' countenance to shift to one of incredulity. "'Slipped away', you say? After all that mess? How is that even possible? How is that fine?" "Now listen... there's a lot about him you don't know. For starters, he's not exactly mortal, not anymore. Pacts with Voidsent an' all that... ritual consumption of Voidsent blood. A few broken bones and enough bled pints to kill a chocobo aren't going to be enough to do him in," Glace explained. "Artoire Boniface isn't even his real name, not entirely. He's a member of the Winter Bones, used to work with my biological sire..." As the explanation rolled on, Ciel pressed two fingers to her temple and pinched her eyes shut in exasperation. "And you thought I might not benefit from knowing any of this?" "You didn't need to know. Knowing he's a slaver was good enough, as far as you told me. At least now, we have a trail to follow, he'll lead us right to his hive." "And you were supposed to wait for me," she added, but Glace loomed over her a full fulm and two ilms beyond her own height. "Plum," he huffed, "He had designs on you and would've had you in his chambers by midnight if he had his way. Be grateful." "So, what, you protected me? I never asked for, nor needed, your protection," she scoffed. "And allow me to remind you, the two of us working together was your idea. I should like to believe you didn't think me incapable of protecting myself, in that case!"
He stared, scowling down at her, but she returned the same look upward. He inched closer. "I'm fine, by the by, thanks for asking," he rumbled, and that in spite of the blood that stained his tuxedo, whether or not any of it belonged to him. "Miraculously, so am I." "Fine," he groused. "Fine!" she snapped. Silence awkwardly surrounded them now, she with her arms crossed, and Glace still hovering. Ciel turned her head slightly to one side but kept him in her field of vision. He seemed another ilm closer, somehow, making the air oddly stifling regardless of the perpetual chill that rolled off of him. "Are we done here?" she wondered aloud, and she was only too relieved when his answer came with a step backward and a glance in the other direction. "Yeah, let's get out of here."
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ofscorchedearth · 2 years
#FFXIVWrite 2022 Masterpost
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Prompt #1: Cross
Prompt #2: Bolt
Prompt #3: Temper
Prompt #5: Cutting Corners
Prompt #6: Onerous
Prompt #7: Pawn
Prompt #8: Tepid
Prompt #9: Yawn
Prompt #10: Channel
Prompt #12: Miss the Boat
Prompt #13: Confluence
Prompt #14: Attrition
Prompt #15: Row
Prompt #16: Deiform
Prompt #17: Novel
Prompt #19: Turn a Blind Eye
Prompt #20: Anon
Prompt #21: Solution
Prompt #22: Veracity
Prompt #23: Pitch
Prompt #24: Vicissitudes
Prompt #26: Break a Leg
Prompt #27: Hail
Prompt #28: Vainglory
Prompt #29: Fuse
Prompt #30: Sojourn
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theimperialnuisance · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 //ffxivwrite info//prompt list//character info//master post//
Prompt twenty-six: Break a leg | Theater slang: Good luck! | Word count: 665 Characters: Syren Ligeia, Bijou Myste (belonging to Tokki Yue) and Cailin Brume (belonging to circusredmage) Cw: None Notes: Adfskj I got so excited when I saw this one! You’re speaking my language now <3 I say this every day! Working in theater is my passion and quite literally what pays the bills XD this will loosely mention the ARR Hildabrand quest line but no major spoilers.
The Eorzea Players present:
The Warrior of Light and the battle for the Mythril Cup!
Come see the Warrior of Light challenge her greatest foe yet! There will be drama, action, adventure, and above all, romance!
Tonight’s show: 7pm on the stage!
“Her greatest challenge yet?” Syren raised an eyebrow as he re-read the flyer that was handed to him as he and the others entered the small outpost just outside of Ul’dah. He couldn’t help the snort of laughter escape as he handed the flyer back to Bijou and Cailin to look at.
“Oh! Do they not know that you’re the Warrior of Light?” Cailin asked curiously, her tail and ears twitching playfully. “I’ll go tell them they made a mistake!” She turned on her heel to go find the girl who gave them the flyer but Syren grabbed her arm lightly to hold her back.
“Let’s not.” He stated flatly. “If they want to believe Bijou over here is the Warrior of Light, let them.”
Bijou on the other hand was still staring at the flyer with wonder in her eyes, her smile growing wider by the second as her eyes flew over the words again. “That’s right!” She laughed, throwing her arms into the air enthusiastically. “I am the Warrior of Light! They made a play about me!”
Syren quickly lunged forward to cover her mouth with his hand. “Bijou! Not so loud!” He shot a glare at the few people who gave them looks as they passed, waving them away awkwardly.
“How accurate do you suppose it’ll be?” Cailin asked, finally released from her hold as Syren was too preoccupied keeping Bijou at bay. “Were any of these actors actually at the coliseum to witness it?”
“Who knows and who cares,” Syren said, finally removing his hand from Bijou’s mouth, who let out a dramatic breath of air. “We’re not sticking around to find out.”
“Aww, why not?” Bijou whined playfully. “It’ll be fun to see what they came up with and besides, I want to know who you’re supposed to be romancing.” She playfully bumped shoulders with the viera, her eyebrows wiggling suggestively. “And besides, we’ve got a day before we need to be anywhere so might as well relax and see the show tonight!” She leaned in closer to Syren, looking up with a pout. “Pleasseee?”
Syren scowled at her for several seconds before letting out a heavy sigh, knowing it was futile to even try to say no to her. “Fine.”
“Yay! I’ll go get us tickets!” And she was off. Syren rolled his eyes and made way for the Inn to secure them rooms for the night while Cailin followed behind, humming happily.
That evening, the three of them made their way down the path to the stage. Syren was surprised to see the audience was pretty much a full house and wondered just how good or how bad this play could be. As Cailin and Gimiq made their way to their seats, Bijou motioned for Syren to follow her to behind the stage.
Syren stared at her, raising a skeptic eyebrow. “What are we doing back here?”
Bijou smiled innocently at him. “So I overheard them saying they needed someone to fill the role of the Phantom thief cause their actor got sick at the last minute. So I thought since you didn’t want to see the play, you’d be in the play!”
Syren stared at her for several seconds of silence. “…Come again?” He finally managed to ask.
Bijou clapped her hands excitedly. “You’ll be the notorious phatom theif for tonight’s performance!”
Silence. And then…
“WHAT?!” Syren groaned but didn’t have much of a chance to react as Bijou pushed him toward the people who had been waiting patiently to put him in a costume and makeup. “I refuse! Absolutely not!”
“Too late!” Bijou giggled as she waved him away. “I already said you happily accepted! Break a leg, O Warrior of Light!”
Syren groaned.
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cadrenebula · 2 years
FFxivWrite Masterlist 2022
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Prompt 1: Cross (Lancefer) Prompt 2: Bolt (Keaira) Prompt 3: Temper (Alfarinn) Prompt 4: Extra Credit (Aryn) Prompt 5: Cutting Corners (Aryn/Stefan/Ronove) Prompt 6: Onerous (Ronove) Prompt 7: Pawn (Nebula) Prompt 8: Tepid (Alfarinn) Prompt 9: Yawn (Ronove) Prompt 10: Channel (Valen) Prompt 11: Extra Credit (Destiney/Stefan/Lance/Alex/Aryn/Alfa) Prompt 12: Miss the Boat (Stefan) Prompt 13: Confluence (Stefan) Prompt 14: Attrition (Nebula) Prompt 15: Row (Nebula) Prompt 16: Deiform (The Elder) Prompt 17: Novel (Stefan) Prompt 18: Extra Credit (Keaira/Valen/Mari/Asher/Adel/Nebula) Prompt 19: Turn a Blind Eye (Asher) Prompt 20: Anon (Aryn) Prompt 21: Solution (Destiney/Stefan) Prompt 22: Veracity (Lothaire) Prompt 23: Pitch (Alexois) Prompt 24: Vicissitudes (Nebula) Prompt 25: Extra Credit (House Aurifore) Prompt 26: Break a Leg (Stefan) Prompt 27: Hail (Adelena) Prompt 28: Vainglory (Valentin) Prompt 29: Fuse (Alexois) Prompt 30: Sojourn (Aryn)
Character Roster // Carrd // Previous Years FFxivWrite Masterlist
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sweetcedar · 2 years
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hello! i'm griff. i remade a tumblr to store writing, art, and inspiration for my ffxiv rp characters and to participate in ffxivwrite 2022. i'm more active on twitter here.
------------------ Characters ------------------
I'm planning to write for Camille Descatoire, Ianthe pyr Visellia, Elspeth Fairburn, Vedis of Fjall, and maybe more.
-------------------- Entries --------------------
No Prompt
(skipped for now)
(skipped for now)
No Prompt
Miss the Boat
No Prompt
Turn a Blind Eye
(skipped for now)
No Prompt
Break a Leg
(skipped for now)
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