#and for rivals they only had til gen 8
rockman-x · 2 years
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Pokémon Protag and Rival tier lists
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cutekaiju · 8 years
Pokemon Moon Namelocke Episode 8: I Hate Hariyama
Current Party:
DOGE the lv. 27 Furfrou
Bean the lv. 31 Vaporeon
Capricorn the lv. 30 shiny Skiddo
Kyuubi the lv. 34 Vulpix
Misgender ? the lv. 31 Illumise
Kitten the lv. 30 Alonan Persian
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Time to continue the adventure by talking to some classy peeps at the classy Hano Resort hotel, but first let’s take a walk over to the beach resort to start the episode off with an encounter.
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Get it...... U is Star instead of a Star is Born?  Yeah well......poor thing isn’t really a star cause that is a horrible nature for Staryu, but might not be a horrible nature for some of thing things in this box.
The closest thing in level I could exchange it for is:
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It does indeed look Delectable, and I know Adamant is a good nature for Bounsweet, but I’m a bit OVERGROWN with grass types at the moment.  Ha I am hilarious.
Anyway on with the plot.
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I just want to say that I knew this man was trouble when he walked in.  Like really being a prissy pretty boy with the name Faba?  Are you a Dragonball Z movie minion?
Time to get in this strange man’s boat and go to an artificial island where a Mewtwo is totally not waiting to clone all my Pokemon before killing off the human race.
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I should consider this sad and dark, but that’s what you get for being an irrelevant gen 2 Pokemon that is stuck in the PU tier.  I do like it’s shiny though.
Can’t get too caught up on sight seeing however, as I got to channel my inner Spongebob and go Jelly Fishing!
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Spoiler Alert I love this Pokemon’s design, but was super disappointed when I found out it’s typing and it kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  Wasn’t really a threat to Misgender and Kyuubi combo.
Yes an Illumise is still here and being a pretty good tank that will thunder wave you while setting up a wish for the next pokemon to switch in.  I know healing moves aren’t ideal for a Nuzelocke cause you can do better using a potion instead of wasting a turn to heal, but wish is pretty handy when you have to switch in and take a hit.
Off to Malie I go, where a battle between me and my friend Hiau awaits me.
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Ahhhhh how cute not only is your starter weak to my starter (both the game given and what I consider my real starter) but so is your eeveeloution.  Wow I really am the rival of this game.
I am excited to be in Malie, because there is one thing I know I can do in this town that I’ve been wanting to do for the last two episodes now, but I got to go to the garden and talk to the professor, and I might as well get an encounter capture to.
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Just what I need in this game..... yet another Meowth.  Oh well Fancy Feast time to visit the Bashful box again where we are one still one level too low to get that lv 26 Diggersby in a Masterball so it’s time to RNG again since I don’t want Agumon the Archen at the moment.  
(Note: about two more boxes of Pokemon were added to the game between last episode and this one because these boxes still need love though the Calm box is almost full)  
Once again I am crossing my fingers because I really want that Noibat, and the number I get is 8 meaning:
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Nany the Rockruff..... not going to complain because I was hoping I would eventually get a Rockruff sometime in this game.  Would probably be a good replacement for DOGE since a normal type with a weak electric attack really isn’t helping me that much, but me and DOGE have an established relationship so Nany is just going to have to be on stand by.
After doing this and chatting up the professor I went to clear some of the trainers out at the garden and it was time to get hype.
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My starter evolved into it’s true form.  Now that Capricorn is a man full grown I was hoping the astrological talk would be toned down, but now he is more into it than ever.  Told me his evolution was because his horoscope said he’d undergo a huge change today.  Silly fool doesn’t know it’s because he is to evolve at a certain level.
Now that the garden is cleared out I can do that very important thing I’ve been wanting to do in this town.  Capricorn isn’t the only one undergoing a huge change this day.
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DOGE got a make over and is now stylin.  It just needs a monocole and a cane to be a proper gentlemen now.  I’m now feeling super ready for whatever comes my way.  Though I should be reading to route 10 I want to go above and below the city for some captures and fight Janitors and all the other trainers wanting a piece of me.  My team is perfect nothing can go wrong!
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Kyuubi are you okay?  Is this real?  Kyuubi the one who had great egg moves great promise and put a lot of work into getting me this far has fallen?  I can’t-
HARIYAMA YOU THICK FAT TRUCK HITTING LITTLE HOE I AM SO OVER YOU.  STOP HURTING MY POKEMON!  Not only does this fat fingered fat shit always hit me like a truck but it got a Belly Drum in.... meaning half of it’s HP was gone.  I got greedy and went for the extrasensory thinking that would take it out, but of course it survived with like 1 HP and then killed poor Kyuubi in one shot.
Kyuubi please forgive me......... you deserved better than me as trainer :’( I hate myself even more cause I’m use to the old school way of dealing with Vulpix where you wait til it learns flamethrower before popping a fire stone.  In my sun version I evolved a lv. 1 Vulpix with a fire stone and it learned flamethrower through evolution.  Maybe if I’d evolved it and gave it more love it could possibly still be alive :(((((
Time to do some exchanges and then my party might have to be rebuilt a little cause this is a huge loss.
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We got Adulthood the lonely Trubbish caught above the City where the Janitors and pose guy hang out.  There were two possible exchanges I had to RNG for and none I was excited about.
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I got a 1 meaning I’m stuck with a Salandit that will never evolve.  At least the Magikarp could have served as a water replacement if something befalls Bean..... oh Nintendo I really love your gimmick evolutions...... it’s so fun having a pokemon that can never reach it’s full potential in a world where no one ever wants to have a Little Cup battle :(
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There is also the brave Quantum Beak that was captured on the lower route where poor Kyuubi is now buried.  Brave nature and the closest thing I can get to it’s level is:
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A Fyrdoge..... another Growlithe to add to the roster, which is goo cause I need a fire type replaced though Floofmeister the Growlithe I got earlier might be a better solution since it has the egg move Close Combat, but I don’t know how I have some serious thinking to do with my options.
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I decided to go with FILIS the Fletchling, which I knew I had to level up to 30 before continuing on my journey.  It became a Fletchinder.... and I am still unsure if I made the right decision.  Had I gone with Litten I could double up on fire and dark and replace Kitten with something else, and there is an electric trial coming up on me.
I decided on FILIS, because jolly nature on a Talonflame is nothing to sneeze at where Litten’s nature wasn’t anything to brag about.  I have Growlithe’s but I think it’s best to go with as many dual types as I can even though this fire type won’t help me much against Ice Types.  
Also I never really have used Talonflame in game before.... always dismissing Fletchling during my play through of X not knowing the hero it would become so this is a chance to use one.  Fly is pretty powerful in gen 7, got steel wing to use against fairies, and flame charge will have to do since it’s special attack is horrible.  It doesn’t have Galewings, but Flame Body will serve my purposes just fine.
Kitten hasn’t had much time out to play, but it gives a powerful fake out and bite attack so I’m not ready to part with it.
On to Route 11 to catch a bus..... I would have quietly waited with the Team Skull members as we got on the bus, but they keep wanting to fight me.  Why you are all adorable.
My Route 11 Capture:
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Got me a Fearow, which will be exchanged in the Naughty box for:
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Spotty the Ledian.  Too bad Ledian is horrible, because I really do like it’s design.  It is just missing a scarf to pull the look together.
I took the bus, but went back down the mountain for another encounter and to clear out some trainers when FILIS reached it’s potential.
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Oh boy an OU try hard on the time.  Too bad I am super nervous for the next trial..... obviously Talonflame won’t be showing up because it’s electricity, but it’s not even the electricity that’s the problem.  The problem is all the Pokemon I’ll be facing are also bug types, meaning Capricorn can’t really help neither can Kitten.  I do have a Rockruff that would put some resistance in, but it’s not night time in my game so I can’t evolve it.
Perhaps my mountain capture can help me with this issue.
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Another Fearow with an on point nickname and a good nature for it.  Back to the Adamant box where the closest thing in level is that Staryu I just caught at the beginning of the episode.  I really don’t thing an adamant Staryu is going to be really helpful so I will RNG for what Pokemon I will be adding to the squad.
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This is still the one I am really hoping for, and not because it’s a shiny but because it’s a rock type and I don’t have a dragon in my reserves at all.  It would be a great addition to the team..... but sadly I didn’t get it.  Instead I got:
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Scissor the Scyther.... who isn’t a bad draw.  It’s the right nature and has egg moves.  I don’t have a use for him now, but he is high on the list.  Especially if I can find a metal coat to evolve him.
On to the trial so I can get this possible team wipe over with cause we just aren’t equipped to deal with electric bug types.  The steel Pokmon using lanky guy wasn’t really much of a problem...... though Skarmory is pretty bulky and resisted FILIS’ flamecharges pretty well.  With him out of the way it’s time to YOLO.
During the trial I tried to use Misgender for some set ups..... really wished I had taught him or her or whatever reflect since the electric types are physical so I couldn’t count on Struggle Bug to lower their electric attacks.  I almost lost this little bug..... and honestly would have been fine using it for death fodder because should an Illumise be surviving this long in a Nuzelocke?
There was really only one option to deal with VIkavolt and that was DOGE, because DOGE might not have the strongest special or regular attack, but it takes hits pretty well.  I even used an X defense cause why not as this little guy fought through the paralysis to get a work up in before spamming a Silk Scarf assisted Headbutt.
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DOGE CAME THROUGH!  It took a little while with a few heals, but it’s Headbutt attack did the job.  DOGE earned a Rainbow Bean for that display.  ALSO NOBODY DIED!!!!! Everything is fine when there isn’t a Hariyama on the field.  Kyuubi would be proud of DOGE for finishing this fight in style.
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