#and for the most part hes being treated as a whole character by veiwers
Also another thing with Ed and autism. He falls into the unstable genius trope. He's like Sherlock, man, his brain vibrates at a different frequency to everyone else. Like, that's an autistic trope, girl. As a savant myself I understand that these low needs overachievers are overrepresented when compared to other more common types of autism, but for years I've had to watch these one dementional white cishet savants who come off like huge douchebags trot across my screen and have all their problems written off as not being that important because they're very good at crime solving or being a doctor or making some very cool invention or whatever. And now I finally get one who's not a white cishet, I finally get one who experiences loneliness because no one understands him, I finally get one who experiences problems that he can't easily solve by being very good at the thing that he's good at, not only that but he experiences problems relating to the fact that he operates on a certain level of honesty and he sort of expects other people to do the same. And I'm not supposed to take the W here? And he's the lead in a ROM COM??? A character trope that usually gets treated as being an island and not needing anyone to the detriment of real people like them is getting applied to the lead in a ROMANTIC COMEDY??? Where he gets to FALL IN LOVE??? Where he gets to be DESIRED??? Where it's not all about how very good at the thing he is and instead it gets to be about his EMOTIONS???
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