#and funnily enough i have bridal mao
kyaruun · 11 months
i'm starting to despise the natsume minigame but i'm too invested and put like 800 dias into it, only 150k left ><
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tytangfei · 2 years
Jina's dramas awards 2021!
Late by 1 day but here it is!! I got to start many dramas this year but only some kept my attention for the entire time. Here are my favorites of 2021! (Check out my favs from 2020!)
As usual, these are mostly Chinese dramas and they're typically historical or period costume, non-modern dramas (although I do have a category for modern dramas).
best overall drama:
the long ballad (I literally finished this in 3 days and every episode had me in a rollercoaster of emotions and even dramatic entrances made me cackle!! Everything was solid from soundtrack to cinematography to acting.)
most delightful/fun drama:
queen of attack (just. This little mini, low budget series that was supposed to generate little buzz and make tiny money really went and did more. Full of classic tropes, the fresh couple made it work so good that it even received a 2nd season!!)
most impactful drama:
killer and healer (it came to me when I needed it the most back in March; I literally even re-learned Adobe Premiere so that I could create FOUR videos for it. Definitely not perfect but grabbed my heart and soul completely.)
most unexpected drama (aka the dark horse):
the imperial coroner (full of fairly new actors and seemingly typical characters, this drama took the world with its strong political plot and refreshing likeable and logical characters; the romance isn't overdone--some may say it's even a bit underdone--but when it happens, it's so so good.)
Miss the dragon (I saw all the bad reviews and first reactions, I know. But damn it, I still enjoyed every second of it. It's melodramatic and tragic and I loved it.)
drama with the best soundtrack:
ancient love poetry (literally has some of the top OST singers in the business like Mao Buyi. It's great. My fav is "Perseverance" where I can still recall that scene of her father's death; so beautifully well done and tragic.)
best costume/design/set drama:
song of youth (no matter how the ending was, this drama had great costumes. Even saw a post about how everything was pretty accurate to the times.)
favorite modern drama:
once we get married & unforgettable love (the chemistry just worked!! Also funnily enough...both are contract marriage dramas lmaooo I guess I have a type!)
favorite drama aired from any year & watched in 2021:
go princess go (2015) (what an iconic drama; no other drama could ever.)
let's shake it (2017) (my beloved zheng yecheng's drama that was a bit wacky but full of comedy and heart. Love it so much.)
drama with a soft spot in my heart:
not a chinese drama but Cherry Kiss (Japanese drama, BL) is everything and my heart believes in love & good because of it.
favorite currently-watching drama:
none this year sadly, I've been a bit busy.
favorite scene from a drama: (I couldn’t choose....)
ancient love poetry episode 41: gu jun’s death/sacrifice for his daughter. the swelling music, the tearful tragic goodbye. If I want to cry, I watch this scene.
also, if i want my heart to ache above love, I watch song of youth episode 37 about two minor characters’ separation due to their different social classes--with her being carried away in the bridal carriage while he watches and walks along tearfully--and she sees him!!!!!!!
the imperial coroner episode 1: chu chu unknowingly doing a test on xiao jinyu and jing yi laughing and choking on his tea. this whole scene makes me laugh every damn time, especially jing yi enjoying every second of it.
That's all for me! What were your favorites of 2021 and why? feel free to hit me up and let me know!
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