#and game changer is my favorite especially when my favorite comedians are in a room making each other laugh
adainesfroggieboggy · 5 months
just in general i love coming up with random game changer ideas that will never happen but i will share these below the cut because i’m thoroughly pleased with them and i think they’re so fun to come up with. sam reich hire me
game changer episode with siobhan emily and brennan where he just fully joins the chaos because he loves it too and siobhan and emily fuck the whole game. rules? no. emily axford and siobhan thompson will absolutely make sam eat the rules and just go along for the ride. when they’re allowed to be gremlins together they fucking kill. absolute beautiful chaos. it does not matter what game you give them so long as they don’t know the rules because the second you tell them no they fight it. i know they follow order when they feel like it but just sow the seed and emily will carry a bit through the whole game. just let the three of them have a good ass time. you can lock them in a room and they’ll be entertaining without the escape room. but siobhan will never come back bc she agreed to game changer twice and was locked in a room both times.
oh or they have aabria brennan and murph and make them roll initiative for their podium spots and they have to roll for things and slowly reveal their character sheets that sam has hidden. brennan has negative scores on half his shit and aabria and murph just have well-balanced characters. brennan is gilear and murph and aabria are full characters with abilities.
“okay, brennan roll your attack.”
“you have a minus three to that, so a twelve does not hit. aabria, would you like to attack?”
“add three to that, and a thirteen hits! murph!”
“you have a plus ten! you hit!”
just murph needs a stacked character because his dice are cursed sometimes
i just think “oops! all dms” is so funny. for game changer, for a campaign, for anything. oops! all people who are professionally familiar with dnd play dnd together!
especially when that’s gamified and taken in a way that gives these people who are extremely talented at what they do an element of mystery around the game they play literally for their jobs.
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