#and gifts her rubies for his flames but cas thinks she personally gets them for his syphons
rosesncarnations · 9 months
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A little neris sketch
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witch-chester · 5 years
Where Mischief Lies Pt. 4
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Dean glanced at Mariah out of the corner of his eye. After explaining everything to Cas she had touched up her face and changed clothes. Then they spent a good ten minutes arguing on what car to take and who was driving. Sam had wanted to check out some things in town and retrace Kit’s movements from earlier to see if he could find any clues. Dean had made the suggestion that Sam take the girls car while he and Mariah were out getting food. Mariah had instantly rejected that idea saying that Kit would murder her if she let one of them take her car. When that wasn’t enough she batted her pretty brown eyes and told him that driving would help keep her clam and her mind at easy.
Begrudgingly, Dean had caved and was now seated in the passages seat of the cherry red corvette. He knew he had been manipulated by the witch but she did seem much calmer than before so he wasn’t going to sulk about it.
She pulled into the parking lot of a run down dinner and turned off the car. “I’m really not hungry, Dean,” she told him again.
“Humor me, sweetheart.” He got out and waited for her to walk in.
The dinner wasn’t that full. Dean picked out a booth towards the back and pushed her in. She seemed to curl into herself, pulling her jean jacket tighter around her and hunching over the table. Dean watch as she kept pulling and worrying her necklace. “That’s pretty,” he said, hoping to distract her.
“Mmh? Oh,thanks. It was a gift from Kit.” She heldup the long chain and steadied the almost smooth silver disk at the end. It was almost as long as his thumb and what looked like some type of celtic knot etched into it. She flipped a tiny latched and it open to show words in a language Dean didn’t understand. “It says sister of my heart. She gave it to me almost five years ago.”
“How long have you known Kit?”
Mariah raised an eyebrow in thought then answered, “Since we were about ten. Our families kinda pushed us on each other so it was either get along or be miserable. Lucky, we really became like sisters.”
“Why did they force you two together?”
She shook her head. “I don’t like talking about my pass.”
“I want to get to know you better.”
Dean gave a heavy sigh. “You asked for my trust. You asked for our help. You have both. Care to extend the same curtesy?”
Mariah big her bottom lip and looked down. “I’m sorry. It’s just that, for four years we have only had each other. I guess I need to refresh my people skills.” She pushed away the hair that had fallen over her eyes and looked at him. “We were raised in the same coven.”
“We both showed early signs of being very talented and powerful witches, so our families put us bother through strict training.” Dean said nothing. She straightened up and began playing with the ends of her hair while she spoke. “The stronger you are the more influential you become in the coven.”
“So you family used you to gain influence?”
She shook her head. “Not mine. My parents were strict but never unkind. They just wanted what was best for me. “
Dean waited for her to continue but she didn’t. A dullness had taken over her eyes. Talking about her family seemed to hurt her more than she cared to admit. “But they still kicked you out?”
She shrugged. “We knew what we wanted. It was better to have our freedom.”
She turned and began scanning the restaurant. Dean felt like he had hit a nerve with her by making her talk about her family and old life. He reached across the table and took her hand. “Mariah, I’m sorry if I brought up painful memories.”
She shushed him and narrowed her eyes. “Dean, there are five other people here.”
Confused, he looked passed her and took in his surroundings. “Um, yeah. Wonder why it’s taking so long to take our order then,” he said, thinking that was what had her upset. Not that either one of them had looked at a menu.
“No. Dean,” she looked back at him and said, “There are five people in here and I can’t hear a single person’s thoughts.”
That had him instantly on guard. He didn’t know much about her ability but if this was something she seemed concerned about he wouldn’t question it. He let go of her hand and reached for the gun behind his back. Mariah practically mirrored his movements, grabbing her own weapon.
Dean scanned the room more closely, taking in each face. One of the men that had been sitting at the counter stared, smiled, then shifted his eyes to black. “Demons.”
Mariah hissed. “Dean, I’m warning you. I’m not much in a physical fight.”
“Awesome.” Forming a plan in his head, he locked eyes with Mariah. “When I say, duck down.”
Mariah nodded.
Mariah dropped into the seat of the booth just as Dean jumped out, bullets flying. They wouldn’t hurt them to much but it would slow them down. It had been a smart call to bring the knife Ruby had given them.
Two demons dropped from head shots and another two were coming. Dean jumped up and plowed his fist into the first one’s face. Before he could pulled the knife, he was tackled to the ground. They grappled, exchanging blows with now way to reach his weapon. Suddenly, the demons stiffened. Dean punched one in the face and shoved the other off him. It was then he heard the familiar words of an exorcism.
Mariah had gotten up from the booth and was now trying to send every demon back to hell. Not good in a fight my ass. Dean smiled and grabbed one of the demons that was trying to crawl to her. Neither of them saw it. The demon came up behind Mariah and kicked her behind the knee, sending her to the ground. Before Mariah could continue the exorcism, she was back handed across the face.
“Mariah!” Dean became a blur as he cut through the demons, trying to get to her. Taking hit after hit and not feeling a thing. He could see Mariah struggling to regain her feet while dodging the knife wielding demon.
Mariah flashed her leg out and swept the demon off its feet. Different Latin words left her lips and flames burst from her fingertips. It’s caught the demon’s shirt and was just the distraction Dean needed to plunge his knife through its spine. It flashed then dropped.
“You alright?” Dean pulled her up. The corner of her mouth was bleeding and her lip was split. Fury was like a flash burn over his body.
“I’m ok Dean,” she reassured him.
He wiped away the blood with his thumb. She blushed then looked around. “Are they dead?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.”
Her brows knitted together. “How?”
Dean held up the knife. “This kills them. Since all sending them back does is delay the fight for a while.”
“Well that’s handy.” She seemed so calm. Like she hadn’t just been in a fight with five demons. That made his anger increase for some unexplainable reason.
“How do you plan on hunting if you can’t fight?” he snapped.
Mariah recoiled. “Excuse me?”
“If you can’t hold your own in a fight, what are you doing hunting monsters?”
She slapped his hand away from her face. “Fuck off Winchester! I’ve been doing just fine without your condescending attitude for the past four years.”
“No, you’ve just been lucky. One day that is gonna run out.” He knew he was being to harsh. His anger was mostly directed at himself for not protecting her. But even as they argued a bruise was forming on her face and it added fuel to the fire.
“Mariah shoved passed him. “If and when that does happen, it will be no concern of yours Dean Winchester.”
“Like hell it won’t,” he growled but Mariah was already out the door. He chased after her and got to her in just enough time to snatch the keys from her hand. “I’m driving.”
“No you’re not. Give me the keys.”
“I’m not gonna argue with you. Get in the car.”
“You don’t tell me what to do. Give me the keys Dean.”
“Get in the car, Mariah.” His voice was low and dangerous. Mariah glared at him. She wanted to stand there and argue some more an would have if it wasn’t for the fact Dean had just dropped five bodies and they need to get the hell out of dodge.
With a huff she got in the passenger seat and ignored the smug look on Dean’s face. They drove in silence for a bit till Dean’s cell went off. Mariah turned to look out the window while Dean barked a greeting to his brother.
“Really? Ha! Ok we are on our way back. Make sure all the girl’s stuff is packed. We are leaving as soon as we can.” He hung up and said to her, “Kit is back.”
“Sam said she just appeared in the room.”
Mariah felt light headed. Kit was safe. Then something else he had said clicked. “What do you mean we are leaving.”
“Mariah, we just killed five people. All of us need to leave town.”
He was right, but the way he said it had her eyes narrowing. “We aren’t going anywhere with you.”
He laughed. “Sure thing sweetheart.”
Mariah went back to ignoring him. They pulled into the parking lot of the motel and Mariah jumped out before the car was in park. Sam was sitting on the ground in front of her room door and looked relieved to see her.
“Thank god! Mariah, make her stop.”
“What do you mean?”
Sam sighed and pushed his hair back. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her but please just make her stop.”
Before she could ask him to explain further, the sound of crashing and a loud thump of something hitting the door followed by Kit cursing reached them. Mariah sighed. “I’ll handle this.”
She walked in and saw the room had been trashed. Kit was in the middle of the room, ranting so fast Mariah could barely make out words. “Kit!”
Her friend turned to her. “I swear that I’m gonna kill him. The very next time I lay eyes on that asshole he is dead.”
“Ok. I’m fine with that.” Mariah walked over and wrapped her arms around her sister. “You aren’t hurt are you?”
“No. Just pissed the fuck off.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Dean said smoothly. “But we need to leave. So can you start.” He didn’t get a chance to finish before Kit flung a chair in his direction with her power. He almost didn’t close the door in time.
Kit glared at the door. “If you didn’t have that stupid crush I would have thrown my dagger at his head.”
“Actually, I really wish you had.”
Kit looked at her friend and raised an eyebrow. “That was genuine. You ok?”
Mariah gave a huff. “Men are stupid.”
Kit chuckled. “Hell yeah to that!”
“I know why I’m made at men. Why are you?”
Kit was trying to think of something to tell her when she noticed the bruise and cut on her sister’s lip. With out a word, Kit stormed out. Mariah followed and made it through the doorway in enough time to see Kit punch Dean in the gut.
“What happened to her face Winchester?”
Gasping, Dean said, “You think I hit her or something?”
“Of corse not. But why did she come back from being with you, bleeding?”
Mariah tried to reason with Kit. “It’s not his fault.”
Dean straightened up. “We were attacked by some demons. One got her.”
“And where the hell were you?”
Dean glared at the short dark skinned witch. “Trying to keep the other four away from her.”
Kit shoved him. “I’ve been with her for years and have made sure that she doesn’t get so much as a knick. What kind hunter are you?”
Mariah grabbed Kit’s arm. “That’s enough Kit. Come on, we have to pack and leave before the cops show up.”
Kit glared at Dean then let Mariah pull her away. Sam whistled. “You sure know how to piss those two off.”
“Shut up, Sammy!” Dean stared after them. Kit’s words had hit harder than her fist. He hadn’t been able to protect Mariah. Then, had taken that frustration out on Mariah herself.
Dean sat in the Impala while the girls packed up their car. It had been Sam that had finally convinced them to come with them, at least till Cas had figured out who or what the guy that had kidnapped Kit was. Kit also wanted to make it up to his brother for terrorizing him. Mariah wouldn’t look at him. She kept her eyes down with her hair covering her face.
Dean felt like throwing up once Sam finally got in the car. “Ok. We are gonna head to Boddy’s, see if he knows anything.”
Dean started the car. “Awesome.”
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